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Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Legendver2 - 06-03-2015

In a world where yes means no, consent can be taken away retroactively, life on a college campus is not just walking on eggshells for male students, but also for teachers now as well. Article is fairly long, so I'll just highlight choice quotes and thoughts.


In early 2009, I was an adjunct, teaching a freshman-level writing course at a community college. Discussing infographics and data visualization, we watched a flash animation describing how Wall Street's recklessness had destroyed the economy.
The video stopped, and I asked whether the students thought it was effective. An older student raised his hand.
"What about Fannie and Freddie?" he asked. "Government kept giving homes to black people, to help out black people, white people didn't get anything, and then they couldn't pay for them. What about that?"
I gave a quick response about how most experts would disagree with that assumption, that it was actually an oversimplification, and pretty dishonest, and isn't it good that someone made the video we just watched to try to clear things up? And, hey, let's talk about whether that was effective, okay? If you don't think it was, how could it have been?
The rest of the discussion went on as usual.

The next week, I got called into my director's office. I was shown an email, sender name redacted, alleging that I "possessed communistical [sic] sympathies and refused to tell more than one side of the story." The story in question wasn't described, but I suspect it had do to with whether or not the economic collapse was caused by poor black people.
My director rolled her eyes. She knew the complaint was silly bullshit. I wrote up a short description of the past week's class work, noting that we had looked at several examples of effective writing in various media and that I always made a good faith effort to include conservative narratives along with the liberal ones.

Along with a carbon-copy form, my description was placed into a file that may or may not have existed. Then ... nothing. It disappeared forever; no one cared about it beyond their contractual duties to document student concerns. I never heard another word of it again.

That was the first, and so far only, formal complaint a student has ever filed against me.

So back in the day, just a short 5 years before, a student complaint is like a mosquito that can be swatted away.


In 2015, such a complaint would not be delivered in such a fashion. Instead of focusing on the rightness or wrongness (or even acceptability) of the materials we reviewed in class, the complaint would center solely on how my teaching affected the student's emotional state.

But now in 2015, it's like a swarm of mosquitoes covering your entire body sucking your blood simultaneous. The emergence of "safe spaces" for students happened because emotionally immature students needed to "hide" from emotionally distressing ideas from public speakers that are invited to the school. But what happens when the speaker is part of the school itself? Namely your own teacher? Well, you remove the "danger" (i.e. the teacher) from the space you're in to make it safe.


This shift in student-teacher dynamic placed many of the traditional goals of higher education — such as having students challenge their beliefs — off limits. While I used to pride myself on getting students to question themselves and engage with difficult concepts and texts, I now hesitate. What if this hurts my evaluations and I don't get tenure? How many complaints will it take before chairs and administrators begin to worry that I'm not giving our customers — er, students, pardon me — the positive experience they're paying for? Ten? Half a dozen? Two or three?

I've often spoke with my friends about how the newer generation nowadays lack any sort of critical thinking, because nobody wants to challenge themselves. Nobody wants to use researched facts to argue their own ideas to challenge opposing ideas and solutions to problems. It's all about the emotional state now. As soon as a student hears something that "triggers" them, they'll take you out. Because everybody is butt hurt about everything.


This phenomenon has been widely discussed as of late, mostly as a means of deriding political, economic, or cultural forces writers don't much care for. Commentators on the left and right have recently criticized the sensitivity and paranoia of today's college students. They worry about the stifling of free speech, the implementation of unenforceable conduct codes, and a general hostility against opinions and viewpoints that could cause students so much as a hint of discomfort.

It makes a lot of sense that schools will now cater to a student's emotional needs, since the dynamic is no longer student-teacher, but more along the lines of customers and a business. I would certainly like to see how a change in this dynamic from being "customers" to being "employees" of a company will result in.

All the old, enlightened means of discussion and analysis —from due process to scientific method — are dismissed as being blind to emotional concerns and therefore unfairly skewed toward the interest of straight white males. All that matters is that people are allowed to speak, that their narratives are accepted without question, and that the bad feelings go away.


As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

But these cancellations and disinvitations are framed in terms of feelings, not issues. The abortion debate was canceled because it would have imperiled the "welfare and safety of our students." The Afrofunk band's presence would not have been "safe and healthy." No one can rebut feelings, and so the only thing left to do is shut down the things that cause distress — no argument, no discussion, just hit the mute button and pretend eliminating discomfort is the same as effecting actual change.

Screw facts, everything's all about the feels now. As I said before in another thread, I feel like society is about to, or already has jumped the shark. It's just getting too wacky for me. I can already imagine people rejecting solutions to worldwide problems, and cures to horrible diseases, because "it doesn't FEEL right", and entire projects will be scrapped because some asshole SJW don't feel right about it because of *reasons*. This is already happening to some degree, if a guy's shirt is causing more of a ruckus than celebration of his achievements in landing a probe on a distant planet. Only a matter of time before they can't even attempt to land a probe because of some offensive tweet posted by one of the scientists on the team.


Feminists and anti-racists recognize that identity does matter. This is indisputable. If we subscribe to the belief that ideas can be judged within a vacuum, uninfluenced by the social weight of their proponents, we perpetuate a system in which arbitrary markers like race and gender influence the perceived correctness of ideas.
Feminists and SJW knows this, so it's their preferred weapon to focus on the feels.

But we also destroy ourselves when identity becomes our sole focus. Consider that tweet I linked to earlier, from critic and artist Zahira Kelly, in which she implies that the whole of scientific inquiry is somehow invalid because it has been conducted mostly by white males.

O wait, I guess that's already happening


Debate and discussion would ideally temper this identity-based discourse, make it more usable and less scary to outsiders. Teachers and academics are the best candidates to foster this discussion, but most of us are too scared and economically disempowered to say anything. Right now, there's nothing much to do other than sit on our hands and wait for the ascension of conservative political backlash —hop into the echo chamber, pile invective upon the next person or company who says something vaguely insensitive, insulate ourselves further and further from any concerns that might resonate outside of our own little corner of Twitter.

Throughout the article the author says this affects mostly liberal professors, yet he implies he's going to depend on conservatives to to fix the problem when they eventually cause a backlash. How convenient.

All in all, debate and discussion on "fixing" this problem doesn't seem to be the solution. The entire narrative is concocted in a way to protect this sort of thinking from students, and because of SJW shaming, even the higher ups in a college now lack the power to protect teachers like the writer's director did earlier in the article. If you're a target, they wouldn't touch you with a 10ft pole in fear of your reputation affecting their own livelihood.

As said before by many others on here, this is just a feminizing of society, turning everyone into immature little girls who throw tantrums if they don't get their way or get butthurt. Problem now is we don't even have capable *adults* to lay down the discipline because the entire narrative would send the equivalent of child protective services their way and wreck their sh*t.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - TheWastelander - 06-03-2015

I've got news for the honest liberal professors: SJWs know about the few politically conservative professors around and largely avoid taking them because they don't want to be triggered or have their ideas challenged. Yeah, they hate them but they want their echo chamber.

So they'll assume the liberals are a safe choice and take them. Once they find out one's not on board with their agenda (an agenda that's taken over the mainstream American left), they will either assimilate or destroy them.

Liberal academia sowed the winds of moral relativism and political correctness and are now reaping the whirlwind.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Kid Strangelove - 06-03-2015

This has been passed around by several people I know today, so its great to see it get exposure.

And you know what's the best part of all this? It's Vox

The same Vox whose owner said he wants men to feel a cold shiver every time they try to have sex.

The same Vox that, in the related articles section to this very article - suggests an anti free speech "stop whining about political correctness" article

The same Vox that got called out by ROK some time ago.

These are the biggest privilege checking patriarchy inspectors out there - and even they're worried that shit has gotten too far.

You reap what you sow son

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Days of Broken Arrows - 06-03-2015

Quote: (06-03-2015 04:37 PM)Kid Strangelove Wrote:  

This has been passed around by several people I know today, so its great to see it get exposure.

And you know what's the best part of all this? It's Vox

The same Vox whose owner said he wants men to feel a cold shiver every time they try to have sex.

The same Vox that, in the related articles section to this very article - suggests an anti free speech "stop whining about political correctness" article

The same Vox that got called out by ROK some time ago.

These are the biggest privilege checking patriarchy inspectors out there - and even they're worried that shit has gotten too far.

You reap what you sow son

Even better: the Vox writers got their ideas professors.

All of the wacky ideas we complain about, from gender feminism to identity politics to safe spaces were dreamed up in colleges by professors. Journalists only report on these or bring them to the real world after they've learned them in college.

So it's actually pretty amusing college professors are now having to deal with blowback from their own stupid ideas. They assumed these ideas would be wielded against conservatives, but found they could just as easily be the target.

You really do reap what you sow.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - DickDastardly - 06-03-2015


Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Simeon_Strangelight - 06-04-2015

Most academia will become uniform with only useless phrases repeated that must not challenge thinking at all.

But since new SJW crazies can become triggered by pretty much anything, there is no end to this.

As with all cultural marxists - in the end they get their heads on the spikes as the first in line (figuratively I hope this time).

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Bill Brasky - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-03-2015 03:34 PM)Legendver2 Wrote:

In a world where yes means no, consent can be taken away retroactively, life on a college campus is not just walking on eggshells for male students, but also for teachers now as well. Article is fairly long, so I'll just highlight choice quotes and thoughts.


In early 2009, I was an adjunct, teaching a freshman-level writing course at a community college. Discussing infographics and data visualization, we watched a flash animation describing how Wall Street's recklessness had destroyed the economy.
The video stopped, and I asked whether the students thought it was effective. An older student raised his hand.
"What about Fannie and Freddie?" he asked. "Government kept giving homes to black people, to help out black people, white people didn't get anything, and then they couldn't pay for them. What about that?"
I gave a quick response about how most experts would disagree with that assumption, that it was actually an oversimplification, and pretty dishonest, and isn't it good that someone made the video we just watched to try to clear things up? And, hey, let's talk about whether that was effective, okay? If you don't think it was, how could it have been?
The rest of the discussion went on as usual.

The next week, I got called into my director's office. I was shown an email, sender name redacted, alleging that I "possessed communistical [sic] sympathies and refused to tell more than one side of the story." The story in question wasn't described, but I suspect it had do to with whether or not the economic collapse was caused by poor black people.
My director rolled her eyes. She knew the complaint was silly bullshit. I wrote up a short description of the past week's class work, noting that we had looked at several examples of effective writing in various media and that I always made a good faith effort to include conservative narratives along with the liberal ones.

Along with a carbon-copy form, my description was placed into a file that may or may not have existed. Then ... nothing. It disappeared forever; no one cared about it beyond their contractual duties to document student concerns. I never heard another word of it again.

That was the first, and so far only, formal complaint a student has ever filed against me.

So back in the day, just a short 5 years before, a student complaint is like a mosquito that can be swatted away.


In 2015, such a complaint would not be delivered in such a fashion. Instead of focusing on the rightness or wrongness (or even acceptability) of the materials we reviewed in class, the complaint would center solely on how my teaching affected the student's emotional state.

But now in 2015, it's like a swarm of mosquitoes covering your entire body sucking your blood simultaneous. The emergence of "safe spaces" for students happened because emotionally immature students needed to "hide" from emotionally distressing ideas from public speakers that are invited to the school. But what happens when the speaker is part of the school itself? Namely your own teacher? Well, you remove the "danger" (i.e. the teacher) from the space you're in to make it safe.


This shift in student-teacher dynamic placed many of the traditional goals of higher education — such as having students challenge their beliefs — off limits. While I used to pride myself on getting students to question themselves and engage with difficult concepts and texts, I now hesitate. What if this hurts my evaluations and I don't get tenure? How many complaints will it take before chairs and administrators begin to worry that I'm not giving our customers — er, students, pardon me — the positive experience they're paying for? Ten? Half a dozen? Two or three?

I've often spoke with my friends about how the newer generation nowadays lack any sort of critical thinking, because nobody wants to challenge themselves. Nobody wants to use researched facts to argue their own ideas to challenge opposing ideas and solutions to problems. It's all about the emotional state now. As soon as a student hears something that "triggers" them, they'll take you out. Because everybody is butt hurt about everything.


This phenomenon has been widely discussed as of late, mostly as a means of deriding political, economic, or cultural forces writers don't much care for. Commentators on the left and right have recently criticized the sensitivity and paranoia of today's college students. They worry about the stifling of free speech, the implementation of unenforceable conduct codes, and a general hostility against opinions and viewpoints that could cause students so much as a hint of discomfort.

It makes a lot of sense that schools will now cater to a student's emotional needs, since the dynamic is no longer student-teacher, but more along the lines of customers and a business. I would certainly like to see how a change in this dynamic from being "customers" to being "employees" of a company will result in.

All the old, enlightened means of discussion and analysis —from due process to scientific method — are dismissed as being blind to emotional concerns and therefore unfairly skewed toward the interest of straight white males. All that matters is that people are allowed to speak, that their narratives are accepted without question, and that the bad feelings go away.


As Judith Shulevitz wrote in the New York Times, these refusals can shut down discussion in genuinely contentious areas, such as when Oxford canceled an abortion debate. More often, they affect surprisingly minor matters, as when Hamsphire College disinvited an Afrobeat band because their lineup had too many white people in it.

But these cancellations and disinvitations are framed in terms of feelings, not issues. The abortion debate was canceled because it would have imperiled the "welfare and safety of our students." The Afrofunk band's presence would not have been "safe and healthy." No one can rebut feelings, and so the only thing left to do is shut down the things that cause distress — no argument, no discussion, just hit the mute button and pretend eliminating discomfort is the same as effecting actual change.

Screw facts, everything's all about the feels now. As I said before in another thread, I feel like society is about to, or already has jumped the shark. It's just getting too wacky for me. I can already imagine people rejecting solutions to worldwide problems, and cures to horrible diseases, because "it doesn't FEEL right", and entire projects will be scrapped because some asshole SJW don't feel right about it because of *reasons*. This is already happening to some degree, if a guy's shirt is causing more of a ruckus than celebration of his achievements in landing a probe on a distant planet. Only a matter of time before they can't even attempt to land a probe because of some offensive tweet posted by one of the scientists on the team.


Feminists and anti-racists recognize that identity does matter. This is indisputable. If we subscribe to the belief that ideas can be judged within a vacuum, uninfluenced by the social weight of their proponents, we perpetuate a system in which arbitrary markers like race and gender influence the perceived correctness of ideas.
Feminists and SJW knows this, so it's their preferred weapon to focus on the feels.

But we also destroy ourselves when identity becomes our sole focus. Consider that tweet I linked to earlier, from critic and artist Zahira Kelly, in which she implies that the whole of scientific inquiry is somehow invalid because it has been conducted mostly by white males.

O wait, I guess that's already happening


Debate and discussion would ideally temper this identity-based discourse, make it more usable and less scary to outsiders. Teachers and academics are the best candidates to foster this discussion, but most of us are too scared and economically disempowered to say anything. Right now, there's nothing much to do other than sit on our hands and wait for the ascension of conservative political backlash —hop into the echo chamber, pile invective upon the next person or company who says something vaguely insensitive, insulate ourselves further and further from any concerns that might resonate outside of our own little corner of Twitter.

Throughout the article the author says this affects mostly liberal professors, yet he implies he's going to depend on conservatives to to fix the problem when they eventually cause a backlash. How convenient.

All in all, debate and discussion on "fixing" this problem doesn't seem to be the solution. The entire narrative is concocted in a way to protect this sort of thinking from students, and because of SJW shaming, even the higher ups in a college now lack the power to protect teachers like the writer's director did earlier in the article. If you're a target, they wouldn't touch you with a 10ft pole in fear of your reputation affecting their own livelihood.

As said before by many others on here, this is just a feminizing of society, turning everyone into immature little girls who throw tantrums if they don't get their way or get butthurt. Problem now is we don't even have capable *adults* to lay down the discipline because the entire narrative would send the equivalent of child protective services their way and wreck their sh*t.

Regarding Zahira Kelly, she indicates that she's a "sociocultural critic" and artist. Wasn't sociocultural critique the product of European and Jewish radicals? Based on her logic, sociocultural critique should also be invalid in that it wasn't created by blacks or "latinanegras" as she refers to herself.

This new self-appointed intelligentsia of social critics constantly critisizes and always demands "radical change" but they can never give any legible or concrete idea as to what that would possibly look like. They give abstract concepts as communism of justice but in the process just break, destroy, criticize, repeat.

I believe that reality will eventually set into these people, they won't like it, they will attempt to engage in some sort of armed conflict (which of course they would lose), and nature would run its course. Just a theory but I don't beleive its unprecedented.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Bill Brasky - 06-04-2015

From her site:

Zahira Kelly is a sociocultural critic and artist whose focus is analyzing and dismantling dominant power structure from a Latinegra feminist perspective. She likes machetes and gold sequins.

What is it about these leftist social critics/SJWs/typists always having the "likes" of random shit like they are actually unique. She probably thought of the most random shit for several weeks before she actually wrote her likes in her profile. Feigned spontaneity and irony.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - MidWest - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-03-2015 03:48 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

I've got news for the honest liberal professors: SJWs know about the few politically conservative professors around and largely avoid taking them because they don't want to be triggered or have their ideas challenged. Yeah, they hate them but they want their echo chamber.

So they'll assume the liberals are a safe choice and take them. Once they find out one's not on board with their agenda (an agenda that's taken over the mainstream American left), they will either assimilate or destroy them.

Liberal academia sowed the winds of moral relativism and political correctness and are now reaping the whirlwind.

I remember a while back during my sophomore year in college, I took an American Government course to meet a Gen Ed requirement. The professor teaching the course was a hardcore conservative Republican. You name it, he had an old van with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers, Reagan bumper stickers. He was actually a politician and a Republican who ran for many offices locally. He didn't hide the fact that he was conservative and this is in Chicago, which is one of the most Liberal cities in the country.

I recall many students dropping the class just because he was conservative. Many students were terrified of him because he was extremely strict and a no nonsense type of guy, and his exams were brutal. Many students did not like the fact that he was teaching government from a conservative viewpoint and I recall people having heated debates with him on certain issues.

I really liked that professor because the whole school was terrified of him, not even the school president have the balls to challenge him or fire him. He was arrogant about it as well. He was never terrified of his mostly Liberal students but the opposite, everyone was afraid of him. I stuck with it an I'm glad I took him for that course and he was actually one of my favorite professors in college.

This topic just got me thinking from that time. How crazy, I was taught American Government by a conservative professor in Liberal Chicago. Fucking Epic!

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Samseau - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 05:02 AM)MidWest Wrote:  

Quote: (06-03-2015 03:48 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

I've got news for the honest liberal professors: SJWs know about the few politically conservative professors around and largely avoid taking them because they don't want to be triggered or have their ideas challenged. Yeah, they hate them but they want their echo chamber.

So they'll assume the liberals are a safe choice and take them. Once they find out one's not on board with their agenda (an agenda that's taken over the mainstream American left), they will either assimilate or destroy them.

Liberal academia sowed the winds of moral relativism and political correctness and are now reaping the whirlwind.

I remember a while back during my sophomore year in college, I took an American Government course to meet a Gen Ed requirement. The professor teaching the course was a hardcore conservative Republican. You name it, he had an old van with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers, Reagan bumper stickers. He was actually a politician and a Republican who ran for many offices locally. He didn't hide the fact that he was conservative and this is in Chicago, which is one of the most Liberal cities in the country.

I recall many students dropping the class just because he was conservative. Many students were terrified of him because he was extremely strict and a no nonsense type of guy, and his exams were brutal. Many students did not like the fact that he was teaching government from a conservative viewpoint and I recall people having heated debates with him on certain issues.

I really liked that professor because the whole school was terrified of him, not even the school president have the balls to challenge him or fire him. He was arrogant about it as well. He was never terrified of his mostly Liberal students but the opposite, everyone was afraid of him. I stuck with it an I'm glad I took him for that course and he was actually one of my favorite professors in college.

This topic just got me thinking from that time. How crazy, I was taught American Government by a conservative professor in Liberal Chicago. Fucking Epic!

You liked him because he was alpha. Alpha males instinctively stick together regardless of silly things like political differences. Politics, ideas, and music tastes, etc. are just flavors and dressings when it comes to alpha males, but birds of a feather always flock together.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - El Chinito loco - 06-04-2015

[Image: ri2Wd7S.jpg]

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - General Stalin - 06-04-2015

I think its important to realize that with he exponential growth of college attendance - it's safe to say it is no longer seen as a place to go and challenge your beliefs and open your mind to knowledge and truth seeking. This guy had it right with this line:


How many complaints will it take before chairs and administrators begin to worry that I'm not giving our customers — er, students, pardon me — the positive experience they're paying for?

By and large, college students are not there to be enlightened. They are there to get a degree and have an "experience." They are also there because they are told they are supposed to be. Being intellectually stimulated is one of the lowest things on the totem pole of reasons why kids pursue higher education.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Easy_C - 06-04-2015

I still think that the best defense against all this is to stay off the internet. Have a token Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter, and don't use them. Use burner accounts without your real name attached and without a picture. That's typically how they go after you and how they find dirt to use on you.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Easy_C - 06-04-2015

I still think that the best defense against all this is to stay off the internet. Have a token Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter, and don't use them. Use burner accounts without your real name attached and without a picture. That's typically how they go after you and how they find dirt to use on you.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - TheWastelander - 06-04-2015

The best defense against SJW students, if you're a liberal college professor, is to get off the internet? What?

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - DannyAlberta - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 08:16 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

[Image: ri2Wd7S.jpg]

Seems there are quite a few threads about SJWs turning on themselves lately. I love it. We are going to need to add an ouroboros gif to the gif bank.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Quintus Curtius - 06-04-2015

These professors deserve what they get, because they lack the courage to stand up for their beliefs. People might not like your beliefs, but deep down they'll respect someone who isn't afraid to put it out there in a sincere and muscular way.

Put it all out there. Then it becomes the other guy's problem.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Glaucon - 06-04-2015

If this next generation will leave reason and logic in this alarming rate, a new dark age is upon us.

I do not see difference between SJW and superstition believes.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Legendver2 - 06-04-2015

Is it also possible that another reason for this is the degradation of the student-teacher dynamic? In a similar fashion, most parents nowadays don't want to be parents, but be a friend to their kids, which results in their inability to command any respect of able to discipline their kids, because they gave up their authority as parents when they want to be "cool" parents and not ACTUAL parents. In the same way, teachers want to be "cool" nowadays, acting more like friends instead of the mentor and authority figure they should be in order to pass their experience on to students and teach.

As someone posted above, the conservative teacher not only drew a sense of fear from the students not because he was conservative, but because he was alpha and knew what type of relationship he should command from his students, and that is the respect a student should have for a teacher, while most liberals would prefer to be the "cool" teacher who's more friend than authority figure. I guess in the end, it's all about setting the right frame.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Easy_C - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 09:10 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

The best defense against SJW students, if you're a liberal college professor, is to get off the internet? What?

In general. The phrase "if youre a liberal college professor" was nowhere to be found in my original post.

Obviously that advice doesn't apply to people who willfully put themselves at ground zero for SJW insanity.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - TheWastelander - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 11:31 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2015 09:10 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

The best defense against SJW students, if you're a liberal college professor, is to get off the internet? What?

In general. The phrase "if youre a liberal college professor" was nowhere to be found in my original post.

Obviously that advice doesn't apply to people who willfully put themselves at ground zero for SJW insanity.

Oh, okay. I was wondering since this thread is about liberals in academia having to deal with SJW students.

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - kaotic - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 04:40 AM)mrbiggs Wrote:  

From her site:

Zahira Kelly is a sociocultural critic and artist whose focus is analyzing and dismantling dominant power structure from a Latinegra feminist perspective. She likes machetes and gold sequins.

What is it about these leftist social critics/SJWs/typists always having the "likes" of random shit like they are actually unique. She probably thought of the most random shit for several weeks before she actually wrote her likes in her profile. Feigned spontaneity and irony.

That's SJW's attempting humor - but failing at it.

"I'm violent but totally a girly girl"

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - WestIndianArchie - 06-04-2015

You guys realize this is the same issue between the Tea Party and the other conservatives.


And I'm betting half of you guys are red pill, and you see the same thing between pua, MGTOW, mra, etc.

The problem is not one of underlying ideology or philosophy.


Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - TheWastelander - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-04-2015 12:17 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

You guys realize this is the same issue between the Tea Party and the other conservatives.


And I'm betting half of you guys are red pill, and you see the same thing between pua, MGTOW, mra, etc.

The problem is not one of underlying ideology or philosophy.


Political and religious schisms are not new, but it is interesting to read about a liberal from academia fearing for his job because of these radical little snowflakes the system he's part of helped create. Usually their schisms are handled in private or they adopt a "no enemies to the left" mindset, unlike the right-wingers who make a spectacle out of their disagreements.

In conclusion,

[Image: 6a00d83420523653ef0168ebd716e6970c-pi]

Liberal Professor now afraid of his Liberal (Entitled) Students - Eskhander - 06-04-2015

Quote: (06-03-2015 03:48 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

I've got news for the honest liberal professors: SJWs know about the few politically conservative professors around and largely avoid taking them because they don't want to be triggered or have their ideas challenged. Yeah, they hate them but they want their echo chamber.

So they'll assume the liberals are a safe choice and take them. Once they find out one's not on board with their agenda (an agenda that's taken over the mainstream American left), they will either assimilate or destroy them.

Liberal academia sowed the winds of moral relativism and political correctness and are now reaping the whirlwind.

Rebellions are more often a response to weak governance than not enough conciliation.
Same principle.