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Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - iknowexactly - 05-28-2011

I have two cute, friendly sisters/ twins (?) in my building, and it's raised the issue of other times this has happened to me.

You open one, then see one of them later and don't know which one she is!!

Add to this I have trouble remembering names ( I'm too busy looking at them) and I'm really floundering.

One or both are nurses, which is A+ as far as I'm concerned-- kind, and pleasure oriented 'cause they know we all end up as shriveled 80 year olds in diapers ( if we're lucky.) Also, they're used to TOUCHING people so they're not freaked out by it.

I thought of just hitting on the next one I meet. I learned so far from seeing them together one is more moody and horny looking, and they other one is softer and more young-acting, but when I meet them separately I can't tell which is which.

Of course, once you try to #close one you're probably cooked with the other, but right now I'm going nowhere.

Ideally, I'd like to hang out with both and see which one is more into me as that is a big factor in my decisions, but I imagine that's weird for them.


Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - thegameoflife - 05-29-2011

I would embrace the situation. The next time you see one of them start asking about the other one just to throw a curveball. Create an competitive atmosphere where they both want to be with you.

Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - CupCake - 05-29-2011

I have no idea what to do in this situation, but I think bagging a pair of sisters would be the ultimate display of game. I couldn't think of something harder to pull off. Mom/daughter maybe?

Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - Excelsior - 05-29-2011

Ah yes, twins. I've been here. I was sort of dating (more like courting, but whatever) a twin back in fall. She was about a 7.5 to 8 out of 10, which makes her about a 9.5 at my school. It didn't work out for several reasons (my old-fashioned betatude mostly, she also flaked a lot). Nearly EVERY GUY on campus has made a pass at her, so there was lots of competition and she had a ton of options (another reason why it didn't work).

However, I think part of the reason I got so far with her was because I could easily tell her and her sister apart, and I very quickly found that I preferred HER and HER alone, making that pretty clear once I decided to make a move. This gave me points in an environment where not only were they getting hit on every day, but none of the guys cared which one they got to or could tell anyway. I'm almost certain that they appreciated that (even if I did mix them up twice).

You ought to take things slowly. Hang out with them and get to know them. You must, and I mean absolutely MUST be able to tell them apart at the drop of a hat, and only through association with them will you be able to do this. Once you reach the point where you can easily tell them apart, you'll also have a good idea which one you'll want to get serious with.
And you need to be sure which one you're going for too, because you WILL be cooked with the other. Don't let dreams of wild threesomes get into your head-pick one and stick with her.

The sister is extremely important, and can make you or break you. Twin girls are naturally very close, and they cover for each other. If the other girl has any reason to doubt your motives or dislike you, then she'll guarantee you have no shot.

I knew I had some currency with the twin I saw in fall because her sister(who was the more extroverted and assertive one, or sort of the "boss twin", per se-more on that term later) made it easy for me in many little ways.

Example: walking away from class. Normally, twins tend to stick together at the hip and walk side by side, even if they were talking to a group of other people. When I was there, however, her sister relinquished this tie, and moved off, either finding someone else to walk with nearby or just moving by herself for a bit. I essentially had "permission" to talk to her sister, and she'd give me space to do so whenever I was around.

I only got that far because I was not only somewhat attractive to them, but also not another horny guy who couldn't tell or didn't care which one he saw. In showing that degree of respect and actually getting to know them together for a bit, I'd built enough "comfort" to move forward. The two "mix ups" I did make didn't matter much because I made it so obvious that I knew who was who.
I highly recommend you do the same, because if you fail to do this and fall into the "I'll take either one of you, I don't care" trap, you're completely cooked. There's no way she'll be able to rationalize giving herself to a guy who doesn't even care to specify her identity and understand it.

Also, I mentioned earlier that the twin I pursued was more passive/reserved, and her sister was kind of the "boss twin". They're probably not the only twins with this type of dynamic, so while you're hanging out and building comfort with your particular twins, its important to identify which twin occupies the sort of "authoritative" role. Spend some time with them and it'll become clear. If that's not the twin that you want to pursue, then you absolutely must win her approval-she will not hesitate to halt you and protect her sister if she doesn't approve of you. If you decide that she is the twin you want, just make sure you can earn her respect by doing what I stated above and actually knowing a little about the two and how they differ. The more passive twin could still be capable of cockblocking you, but if you've got some respect from the "boss twin", the other should naturally give you your space.

That's what I know. Good luck, twins can be tough to approach.

Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - rozayINTL - 05-29-2011

yeah man you have to get to know them both first (friend zone their asses, by any means necessary) then build the credibility which will be crucial since it's basically gaming 2 girls at once. then choose and go from there (break the friend barrier and whip the dick out)

my advice from personal experience, if they are BOTH hot, but one is slightly less hot ------ go for the slightly lesser one. you will enter bro.

Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - K-man - 05-30-2011

After each passing at the hall with only a "hello" (or not even that) you lose more and more of your chances. They will start looking at you as "the guy who lives down the hall and is always gathering up the courage to meet me".
So get your act together and just hit on the first one you meet next time. There should be plenty of situational openers if you live in the same building. And I agree, you have to make an effort and remember which is which - if there is any difference between them. If there really isn't, then they should have a lifetime's experience of being mixed up so it should not be a problem.

Gaming Sisters (Twins?) - CJ - 05-30-2011

K-Man is right, this is a golden opportunity and you need to be friendly/flirty with them right away. You can definitely use the twin thing to your advantage, cuz if they reply awkwardly say something along the lines of, "Oh shit, sorry Jenny, I'm an idiot I thought you were Becky!" Once you know them though, you'll be able to tell their personalities apart.