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Completely demoralized - Bey - 05-09-2015

Does anyone else feel completely demoralized by the current societal climate?

I was invited out to a graduation party of about 10-12 people last week. All any of them could talk about was their drug and alcohol use, sexual promiscuity, and degenerate beliefs. It felt like I was the only person there with any kind of moral compass.

This civilization is fucked. The old values that we used to hold dear such as self-reliance, personal and moral responsibility, and the traditional family unit have been replaced by "virtues" such as fat acceptance, transgender rights, and single motherhood. My God, I can't believe what's become of the West. I sometimes lay wake awake at night wondering what the fuck went wrong.

I hope it all burns to the grounds, and the feminists, faggots, and white knights burn with it. They don't deserve salvation, only misery and suffering for the ruin they've imposed upon us.

Completely demoralized - Ambact - 05-09-2015

Quote: (05-09-2015 04:50 PM)123 Wrote:  

Does anyone else feel completely demoralized by the current societal climate?

I was invited out to a graduation party of about 10-12 people last week. All any of them could talk about was their drug and alcohol use, sexual promiscuity, and degenerate beliefs. It felt like I was the only person there with any kind of moral compass.

This civilization is fucked. The old values that we used to hold dear such as self-reliance, personal and moral responsibility, and the traditional family unit have been replaced by "virtues" such as fat acceptance, transgender rights, and single motherhood. My God, I can't believe what's become of the West. I sometimes lay wake awake at night wondering what the fuck went wrong.

Did you speak up, at this graduation party? Or did you just sit quiet, listening, not protesting or offering good, conservative advices? I mean, if this civilization is to be saved, we good people have to say: Fuck that shit, and speak up in public. This being an example :

Completely demoralized - Comte De St. Germain - 05-09-2015

Enjoy the decline. Rebuild after it has fallen. The rot is too inherent.

Completely demoralized - Luvianka - 05-09-2015

Easy, man!
Let me recommend you to do the following:
1. Give a shit.
2. Grow yourself (spiritualy, phisically, financially).
3. Enjoy the decline (also when it comes to sexual matters). Man, wished I want to play the field in the Netherlands?
4. Be ready for the collapse. A major shift is coming in History, and if you are in the right place at the right time and have the right tools you are going to thrive big deal.
5. Be happy.

Completely demoralized - germanico - 05-09-2015

Quote: (05-09-2015 04:50 PM)123 Wrote:  

I hope it all burns to the grounds, and the feminists, faggots, and white knights burn with it. They don't deserve salvation, only misery and suffering for the ruin they've imposed upon us.

Is it the first of the month already?

Completely demoralized - h3ltrsk3ltr - 05-09-2015

This is the worst kind of arrogance. The sky is fallling! We're all doomed!

Stuff those moralistic panties in your vaginas and plug the leak. If you're too good to for the people around you go find better friends. Bitching about "The Decline" is just something to blame, it's simple negativity and helps no one, especially yourself.

If you don't like the world, create one for yourself. Even in apocalyptic books and movies you see characters who find a way to thrive. Look at the world now, this feministic mentality that's so pervasive sucks giant camel dicks but I find a way to live a fulfilling life and so do many other guys. Those are the people I look to associate with.

The whining accomplishes fucking nothing.

Completely demoralized - WanderingSoul - 05-09-2015

Drugs, booze and sluts?

Tell them to invite me next time.

Completely demoralized - Phoenix - 05-09-2015

One thing to consider is that there have been severe social problems far worse than this in the past. Whilst it can be tempting to think 'there is no future, the West is heading for catastrophe', and to give up hope generally, this isn't a reasonable response.

Can you imagine having lived under Mao? How about having lived in the USSR? Or living in modern Venezuela? Can you imagine what it would have been like living in Germany as the Nazis took power? How about living under Tzar Nickolas as he sent you into Europe as cannon fodder? Or being on the receiving end of the Mongols? Or living in North Korea? Or having been born into some impoverished village in Africa? Compared to all of that, living in the leftist West looks like a relative paradise.

I think perhaps this attitude comes from a delayed 'rude awakening' as to the true nature of the world, and parents are to blame. Just factor it in, and carry on.

Completely demoralized - Lizard King - 05-09-2015

Did you get any numbers or dates lined up from this social gathering?

Completely demoralized - dads - 05-10-2015

Quote: (05-09-2015 04:50 PM)123 Wrote:  

I hope it all burns to the grounds, and the feminists, faggots, and white knights burn with it. They don't deserve salvation, only misery and suffering for the ruin they've imposed upon us.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Completely demoralized - Hardy Daytona - 05-10-2015

Completely demoralized - Grodin - 05-10-2015

I felt this way when I was in college (10+ years ago). I was an unusual case because I married young and had kids, at age 20, but still went to college. So at least I had regular sex going for me.

When I was in college I'd look around and lament how it was fashionable for guys to basically be clowns. Most of my female classmates took their studies more seriously, were more focused on themselves and self improvement, what was good for them etc. The young men were obsessed with entertaining women and hedonism. Speaking in generalities, there were other serious young men but not a lot.

My advice to you though is to not worry about what others are doing so much, and find what works for yourself. Don't take life too seriously either, that is a whole other mind trap.

Completely demoralized - Cattle Rustler - 05-10-2015

What kinds of pussies are OP and his supporters that they dislike poosy, drugs, and booze..... Yet they come to a game/traveling forum?

I'm down for bitches and whisky any time!

Completely demoralized - Samseau - 05-10-2015

Too bad he got banned. Dude was obviously just having trouble unplugging. Maybe we could have helped him find his way? I didn't get the impression he was out to troll.

Completely demoralized - Ziltoid - 05-10-2015

Quote: (05-10-2015 04:25 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Too bad he got banned. Dude was obviously just having trouble unplugging. Maybe we could have helped him find his way? I didn't get the impression he was out to troll.
Consensus around here at times seems to be that you're a weakling if "learn game, fuck loose women" isn't enough to wholly supplant the desire for a traditional wife/kids/house existence, or even just for a reasonably healthy society. Granted, this IS a game forum...

This guy did seem defeatist and bitter, but isn't the whole point of red pill basically "Yeah, who could blame you? But here's another way to look at it..."

Didn't seem like a lost cause.

Completely demoralized - Onto - 05-10-2015

I can certainly understand how he feels, but "laying awake at night wondering what the fuck went wrong?"

I don't lose sleep over the mess, that's for sure. Realize the world you live in, then take action to arrange your life in such a way where you can be in a different world. One that you want to be a part of.

If this guy just graduated he's either 18 or 21. There aren't many modern day American men that age who are pinning for the good 'ol days. They don't even know what they were. Maybe it's different in the Netherlands though.

Maybe this guy is using the IP address of a previously banned troll? Who knows really.

Either way, the whole burning of the others is a bit much. I have no respect for feminists, gays, and white knights, but I do respect they are self-interested people who are trying to have it their way in the world. I am no different in that regard. The difference is I acknowledge my self-interest and accept it, like a man. They don't.

Completely demoralized - Lizard King - 05-10-2015

Quote: (05-10-2015 04:39 PM)Ziltoid Wrote:  

Consensus around here at times seems to be that you're a weakling if "learn game, fuck loose women" isn't enough to wholly supplant the desire for a traditional wife/kids/house existence, or even just for a reasonably healthy society. Granted, this IS a game forum...

This guy did seem defeatist and bitter, but isn't the whole point of red pill basically "Yeah, who could blame you? But here's another way to look at it..."

Didn't seem like a lost cause.
Family men need game too.

To think otherwise will lead to difficulties, possibly severe ones.

Completely demoralized - The Lizard of Oz - 05-10-2015

[Image: alana-selfie-vet.jpg]

Completely demoralized - Ice - 05-11-2015

Yeah man this guy sounds exactly like that type of repressed nerd who is just unbearable to be around. Wanting to hold up a "moral compass" at what like 21 years old? If you're not into booze & promiscuity at that age something is wrong with you. And lying awake at night because the world so baaaad - c'mon please. Good he got banned.

It doesn't make any sense trying to save the world bro, just try to get the most out of your life.

Completely demoralized - iknowexactly - 05-11-2015

Quote: (05-09-2015 04:50 PM)123 Wrote:  

Does anyone else feel completely demoralized by the current societal climate?

This civilization is fucked.
I hope it all burns to the grounds, and the feminists, faggots, and white knights burn with it. They don't deserve salvation, only misery and suffering for the ruin they've imposed upon us.

Yer gettin' a little negative there yourself aren't you?

Nietzsche said something like if you do battle with monsters don't become a monster yourself.

One of the things I've done to battle depression is to learn to do something that helps other people.

Instead of focusing on how rotten everything is, you could go cure cancer or something (not easy of course.)

I recently got an infection and was in significant pain from it, I went to a doc here in Phils, he gave me a RX for the right antibiotic and in a day I felt 1000% better. It wasn't any more expensive than a couple restaurant meals.

Some (group of) guy/gal whoever sat in science and chemistry classes for years, studied his ass off, was shut up in a lab and came up with something that was of vast help to me and I am really, really thankful. Even if I feel my own life sucks and is meaningless, if I can make someone else's life better and reduce suffering I have SOME purpose.