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no response to texts - vagabond - 05-19-2011

Hi, I'm sure this has been posted before, but what do you guys do when a girl doesn't respond to a text? This is after you've slept with her but you've only gone out with her a couple times. Sent a text asking her out and no response. My gut says to do nothing, though I'd like to see her again. Thanks

no response to texts - Moma - 05-19-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 12:15 PM)vagabond Wrote:  

Hi, I'm sure this has been posted before, but what do you guys do when a girl doesn't respond to a text? This is after you've slept with her but you've only gone out with her a couple times. Sent a text asking her out and no response. My gut says to do nothing, though I'd like to see her again. Thanks

Call her and leave a voicemail. Follow up with a final text and then if no reply, cast her away like Tom Hanks.

no response to texts - txbeachbum - 05-19-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 12:15 PM)vagabond Wrote:  

Hi, I'm sure this has been posted before, but what do you guys do when a girl doesn't respond to a text? This is after you've slept with her but you've only gone out with her a couple times. Sent a text asking her out and no response. My gut says to do nothing, though I'd like to see her again. Thanks

Don't send her anything else and def do not call, if she wants to see you she will find a way.

Charge that B$*ch to the game, and keep it moving!!!

no response to texts - Moma - 05-19-2011

In terms of rules of responding, the key is not to seem like a simp. You call her as if nothing happened and if she doesn't respond, merely move on. I don't like to put a number on things but I won't keep on calling and calling.
However, I don't feel the need to play the game of waiting to send text and blah blah. If I have already fcuked her, the battle is already won..

no response to texts - vinman - 05-19-2011

If this happens to me I won't delete the number, I'll usually change the contact info to something like "Do not call" fill in the blank fill in the blank for the name. That way I know who it is when she eventually contacts me. Or change her name to "Beta Chump", because that's what you'll be if you dial. Good luck.

no response to texts - Duke Castile - 05-19-2011

I've txted "I'm just taking ur silence as meaning Fisto, u handsome devil, I can't wait to see u"

This get's a laugh and sometimes you can get things going again.

no response to texts - thegmanifesto - 05-19-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 12:15 PM)vagabond Wrote:  

Hi, I'm sure this has been posted before, but what do you guys do when a girl doesn't respond to a text? This is after you've slept with her but you've only gone out with her a couple times. Sent a text asking her out and no response. My gut says to do nothing, though I'd like to see her again. Thanks

Depends on how fly she is.

I am not as big a fan as a lot of people on here are about clipping girls so quick. I like to keep a strong "bankroll" of girls on tilt.

You never know what could have happened ie old boyfriend, had a boyfriend, car accident etc.

Circle back in a while, especially after coming back fresh and rejuvenated from a trip aboard.

And of course, act like nothing happened.

And call. Don't text.

If you are really feeling it, bust out with a: "I am sure you have been trying to reach me, but I just got back from a month in Medellin..."

no response to texts - vagabond - 05-19-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 01:45 PM)Fisto Wrote:  

I've txted "I'm just taking ur silence as meaning Fisto, u handsome devil, I can't wait to see u"

This get's a laugh and sometimes you can get things going again.

Thanks guys. She did wind up responding and apologizing (had school work etc excuse). However, she's busy this weekend, so I'll just have to mover her to the backburner.

no response to texts - Moma - 05-19-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 01:55 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

I am not as big a fan as a lot of people on here are about clipping girls so quick. I like to keep a strong "bankroll" of girls on tilt.

You never know what could have happened ie old boyfriend, had a boyfriend, car accident etc.

Circle back in a while, especially after coming back fresh and rejuvenated from a trip aboard.

And of course, act like nothing happened.

And call. Don't text.

If you are really feeling it, bust out with a: "I am sure you have been trying to reach me, but I just got back from a month in Medellin..."

Do you ever leave a voicemail message if she doesn't pick up? Do you have a hard and fast rule (i.e 2 no answers) before you kick her reptilian ass to the kerb?

no response to texts - thegmanifesto - 05-19-2011

Moma -

"Do you ever leave a voicemail message if she doesn't pick up?"

For sure.

I would use "I am sure you have been trying to reach me, but I just got back from a month in Medellin..." on a "live call" or voicemail.

"Do you have a hard and fast rule (i.e 2 no answers) before you kick her reptilian ass to the kerb?"

Not really, it is 100% case by case.

But yeah, two tries and I am usually out.

Plus, I usually have tons of others cooking by then, so I typically have forgotten about her.

no response to texts - el mechanico - 05-19-2011

I see this question regarding the "hail mary pass" arise here often and don't think its been addressed enough.Call? don't call? wait?text?I have a scenario going on with a girl I went on a date with from pof.I told her "I want to go out soon so when do you want me to come pick you up?"She reponded with 'Well I dont know" I left the text game alone with her leaving me the last text 10 days ago.I know shes busy and has to be at work by 6am and is a little nervous so I left it that way.But you know what?I want to fuck this girl and im going to.I have a date on saturday with another "lizard" that lives a few blocks away from her and plan to hit her neighborhood bars.Its not even that shes so hot or anything even the other girl blows her away but, she has something about her that drives me to this point now.I think about how to pull this off all the time and consider it a personal challenge.Failure is not an option for me at this point!

no response to texts - MiXX - 05-19-2011

It never fails to amaze me how young cats today place their entire hopes on text messages. I do not text message girls, and I tell them that shit up front. Unless it's to give them an address or meetup spot or something trivial I dot not require a response to.

No point in sending a text just to come here, and drown in self-doubt as to why she did not respond. [Image: dodgy.gif]

When will you young cats learn to stop playing this chic game of death?


no response to texts - thegmanifesto - 05-19-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 02:25 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

It never fails to amaze me how young cats today place their entire hopes on text messages. I do not text message girls, and I tell them that shit up front. Unless it's to give them an address or meetup spot or something trivial I dot not require a response to.

No point in sending a text just to come here, and drown in self-doubt as to why she did not respond. [Image: dodgy.gif]

When will you young cats learn to stop playing this chic game of death?


Agreed 100% with Mixx.

With texting you have zero control of a situation.

Young players take note when two veterans in the Game think exactly the same way.

no response to texts - el mechanico - 05-19-2011

Mixx, when you have a high turnover rate texting is alot easier.I started contact with three girls yesterday from pof and in all cases we exchanged cell numbers.All three are texting me and I kinda enjoy texting too so I keep the ball rolling.Sometimes it works and sometimes i screw it up by texting drunk late at night but thats ok.Girls like the comfort of being able to feel you out a bit before they commit to a meeting.I call,we talk then ten minutes later they start with the text again.As far as vagabonds problem goes he is in a post bang situation and should have the upper hand at this point so he should not be texting in my opinion unless its reciprocated.

no response to texts - Dash Global - 05-19-2011

@ Mixx & G

Young grls & guys ie 18-22 simply are a diff bread, by time demographics and culture. Hell im almost 25 and even at my age its almost been all txt with the exception of close friends and girlfriends. So I can imagine younger ppl simply having no experience or desire to talk on the phone with ppl outside of their inner circle. It is def a cultural thing imo. We are in the txt / social media age. Real shit is slowly being pushed out. Not saying this is a good thing but it is the reality.

If you call a yng grl to soon you run a high chance of making her feel uncomfortable.

So fellas u need to work for the actual phone calls as that is a sign of higher meaning/worth. But dont worry to much if she doesnt pickup ur phone calls at first and only txts u. Nothing personal im sure as of what I explained above. Just keep laying the foundation and you will break through.

no response to texts - babelfish669 - 05-19-2011

#1 - Txts do not always go through. Especially a problem with certain providers, big cities, etc.

#2 - Girls lose their phones. Probably half of the girls I know have lost their phones at one point? Girls aren't as sharp as guys in this regards. If they have a pre-paid phone this can mean you'll never see or hear from them again. I have had girls track me down when this happened to them.

#3 - Some phones its difficult to read/see all the texts. If the girl gets and sends a lot of texts and misses yours for whatever reason, it gets buried. Imagine my surprise a few weeks back when I noticed I got a text from a Playboy Playmate days earlier and blew a chance to meet up with her.

If I like the girl, and I've slept with her, I aim to text her something about once every two weeks. "Hey I never heard back from you, are you ok?" That generally gets their response fast. For other girls I try to shoot them a text once every few months. Seeing who response to a "happy new year" text is really useful for testing the waters for hotties you never got a chance to sleep with for whatever reason.

I really wonder if the guys who are asking this question over and over again are 16 years old and just got their first phone.

no response to texts - Moma - 05-19-2011

I agree with the overall Mixx and G mentality. One should not rely on the text game heavily.

However, the new era of females rely VERY heavily on texting and you cannot force a woman to do what she doesn't want to do. You have to use what she gives you and bend it to her will.

The Somalian that I lured into my chambers hardly ever responded to my phone calls. I think she was either married or living with a man and trying to hedge her bets by fcuking with another cat (me) outside of her relationship.

I would always call her and she would speak real fast (think John F Kennedy speech) and then conclude the call. Our text game would go back and forth.
I got her to come to my place and even through asking for directions, she never even picked up the phone. It was all text.
So I got her to my place entirely on text game. What if I insisted on phone calls and did not build up comfort via text? Then that would have been a missed op.

I take what the defense gives me to a certain degree. Give me lemons, I make lemonade.

Be flexible but try to keep your dignity. I'll tolerate a certain amount but if its too simpish then fcuk dat, I'm off home to sleep.

Anyway, the game is more spontaneous in Miami and LA (warm, action cities) so you can nex a lizard's text game with a direct phone call but here in the great white North (especially in Canuckville), shyt can move Reaaal slow and they like to waste time with texts and all that bullshyt.

Again, to quote Mixx, don't waste too MUCH time cupcaking on texts. These city lizards are scandalous. Hit em up with a phone call to avoid stall tactics. KEEP YOUR ACTIVITIES HIGH.


Buy a rubber band or an electric dog collar and everytime you fail to holla at an shawty, snap that shyt back to sting your wrists or hit the voltage button to zap your ass.

After a while, opening on a shawty will be as automatic as wiping your Bee-hind after taking a diddy.

no response to texts - Screwston - 05-19-2011

Some girls refuse to talk on the phone while others love it because 99% of guys don't ever call.

no response to texts - tjuan - 05-19-2011

2/3rds rule.. if she's not responding, let it go.. You're breaking the 2/3rds rule if you keep messaging her trying to get a response, if every guy followed this we wouldn't have chicks throwing out their numbers just to have their phones lit up... girls & texting is a reality, though it means nothing unless you're texting to meet... if you haven't heard from her for a couple days you can throw one restart text, don't do any more... I used to get caught up when a girl was flaking until I had several #s, that cures so much and boosts your confidence.. flake? Next! Go down the list.

no response to texts - CJ - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 02:00 PM)vagabond Wrote:  

Thanks guys. She did wind up responding and apologizing (had school work etc excuse). However, she's busy this weekend, so I'll just have to mover her to the backburner.

If she's already making excuses it's because she's not really that interested. You got the notch already, so what do you care? You've won, focus on the next adventure.

Now, if she was a good lay, I'd still shoot her a random text from time to time, just to see if she's DTF. Send 'em later at night, and don't even bother with weekends with a "busy chick."

Remember you're an option B for her, so don't make girls like this a priority.

no response to texts - Easy E - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-19-2011 02:59 PM)Dash Global Wrote:  

@ Mixx & G

Young grls & guys ie 18-22 simply are a diff bread, by time demographics and culture. Hell im almost 25 and even at my age its almost been all txt with the exception of close friends and girlfriends. So I can imagine younger ppl simply having no experience or desire to talk on the phone with ppl outside of their inner circle. It is def a cultural thing imo. We are in the txt / social media age. Real shit is slowly being pushed out. Not saying this is a good thing but it is the reality.

If you call a yng grl to soon you run a high chance of making her feel uncomfortable.

So fellas u need to work for the actual phone calls as that is a sign of higher meaning/worth. But dont worry to much if she doesnt pickup ur phone calls at first and only txts u. Nothing personal im sure as of what I explained above. Just keep laying the foundation and you will break through.

Quoted for the truth.

Young chicks (18-22) will find it weird if you call them a lot. Texting is great since you can send the same message to several chicks all at once (blind cc). The key is double booking dates b/c young chicks are flaky as fuck.

no response to texts - MiXX - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 06:52 AM)Easy E Wrote:  

Young chicks (18-22) will find it weird if you call them a lot.

Unless I am in Colombia or Canada, I do not deal with girls in this age bracket. Too fucking immature and act stupid 90% of the time. They simply annoy me, and are more a burden to deal with.

BY my age (36), you choose what female groups have the privilege to roll with you, not the other way around. Unfortunately, young girls between 18-22 in America have not made Mixx's roster.

Exceptions will be had of course. I just banged a 20 year old Dominican girl in NJ last month.....but she was chasing me more than I her.


no response to texts - Vicious - 05-20-2011

The major problem with text messages is the fact that it is far too easy and acceptable to not answer them, it's only a step above e-mail.

If you have her number - call.

no response to texts - thegmanifesto - 05-20-2011

Agreed with Mixx again.

I don't roll with 18-22 year olds unless its outside of America.

Although, my latest girl I met on her 22nd birthday!

I have never bought into that garbage that some people spew on here about "18 is the peak of a girls beauty and it is all down hill from the second she blows out those 18 candles" nonsense. It might have been true in the past, but, no offense and all, this new generation is the most annoying yet.

Like Jay - Z said, "Only twenty-one and older let another n*gga mold her"

Listen to Jay, there is a lot of wisdom there.

I have the ability, position of strength and privilege to wait until they get a little less annoying. (in this case, being re-tarted technological text message monkeys)

no response to texts - vagabond - 05-20-2011

Quote: (05-20-2011 04:32 AM)CJ Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2011 02:00 PM)vagabond Wrote:  

Thanks guys. She did wind up responding and apologizing (had school work etc excuse). However, she's busy this weekend, so I'll just have to mover her to the backburner.

If she's already making excuses it's because she's not really that interested. You got the notch already, so what do you care? You've won, focus on the next adventure.

Now, if she was a good lay, I'd still shoot her a random text from time to time, just to see if she's DTF. Send 'em later at night, and don't even bother with weekends with a "busy chick."

Remember you're an option B for her, so don't make girls like this a priority.

Yea, I will probably give her a call sunday or monday to set up something early next week, and if that doesn't work then I'll write her down to a random late night text. I maybe too nice but I don't like to write them off that quick. Also, she was a slump buster which is probably why I'm so focused on her.