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The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Conscious Pirate - 04-11-2015

[Image: 51zePmiqJ5L.jpg]

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine

Just finished this today & it is the follow up to The Rational Male we've all been waiting for.

Thank god for Rollo Tomassi. It's not even like 'he's hit it out the park', more like 'he won the race by 2 pool lengths'.

I'm hoping this is not a dupe (I have done my searches) but thought a thread based on the information in this future classic would be worthwhile. I'm still processing a lot of it & will probably go back & do a refresher on the first book as its been about a year since I read that.

My only complaint?

The kindle version makes for difficult reading at times due to formatting(I'm assuming). It gets kinda frustrating & therefore distracting to the message so diligently constructed when you see hyphenated words like "Femi-nine" or "per-son's" (pp 207 of 221 Rollo as an example, if your reading) that shouldn't be hyphenated. At first I thought I was missing some manosphere lingo appreciation, then I thought that Rollo had purposefully done it to enable a better understanding of the text, but after awhile you realise its the formatting & it gets a bit stumbly to read.

Also, there are obviously subtitles & referenced text emphasis by the author, that are not emphasised in the kindle version. This isn't a biggie for me however, just my perfectionist ideal.

That aside, as The Rational Male is the most useful, informative & straight up honest book in my burgeoning collection, I have no doubt that Preventative Medicine is the accompanying text that only serves to reinforce the lessons learned.

How did you guys find it & what parts spoke loudest to you?

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - N°6 - 04-12-2015

I've just ordered both books.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Pinocchio - 04-12-2015

Half way through. Excellent book so far, Rollo Tomassi nails it again.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - OGNorCal707 - 04-12-2015

Whats the main difference between this one and the Rational Male, can we get some background on what he talks about in the book. The Rational Male should be required reading for any man getting into game and the "red pill", I'd say it's more of a "red pill" book that traditional game guide, although I'd rank up with Bang as the top two I'd recommend to guys getting into this shit.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - N°6 - 04-12-2015

Quote: (04-12-2015 03:45 AM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Whats the main difference between this one and the Rational Male, can we get some background on what he talks about in the book. The Rational Male should be required reading for any man getting into game and the "red pill", I'd say it's more of a "red pill" book that traditional game guide, although I'd rank up with Bang as the top two I'd recommend to guys getting into this shit.

I'd suggest a visit to both UK and US Amazon sites to read the reviews.

Apparently the first book is Red Pill basics and the second is supposed to be even more informative.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Conscious Pirate - 04-12-2015

Quote: (04-12-2015 03:45 AM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

Whats the main difference between this one and the Rational Male, can we get some background on what he talks about in the book. The Rational Male should be required reading for any man getting into game and the "red pill", I'd say it's more of a "red pill" book that traditional game guide, although I'd rank up with Bang as the top two I'd recommend to guys getting into this shit.

While The Rational Male was the basis, Preventative Medicine takes it a bit further. The first half of the book (Book I) is basically a breakdown of how the Feminine Imperative by age group (according to Rollo's SMV graph) presents accompanied by the social conventions created to support/defend its primacy in Pussy Town today.

The second half (Book II) provides commentary & digs a little deeper into the useful timeline explanation of the first half.

If your interested you would get a good understanding of what to expect just by reading the Preventative Medicine series on The Rational Male blog. I'm sold on Rollo's work already so when I saw it on Amazon while cruising for new reads the other day it was a no brainer. I want to support that man in his endeavours & even if it was just a cut & paste of the website (which it isn't) I would have bought it to have it concisely on hand.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Pinocchio - 04-12-2015

In the second book he breaks down the different stages women go through in their life and what the implications are for men.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Rollo Tomassi - 04-12-2015

Thanks for the props. Formatting is really fiddly for me since I usually write with the printed book as my priority. Then I hire a guy to convert it to digital and re-edit it. I've only had a couple of people say the formatting is hyphenating in odd places so I'm wondering if it's not the e-reader doing this.

On my iPad it reads perfect. I don't have a Kindle, but Amazon's proofing app looked good to me.

That said, thanks for the review. I'll stick around on this thread to answer any questions, but Pirate answered the first one.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Nascimento - 04-12-2015

I enjoyed the first book more. Perhaps because Rollo outlines more of the fundamentals there. The second book though seems to go deeper and has some hard hitting truths and revelations, and for that alone it's worth it.

I've come across formatting issues on both versions for kindle, although the second book was better put together. I'd order it on paperback if you can. In any case I recommend both books, solid writing from Rollo.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Alpone - 04-12-2015

Awesome. Will check this one out. The genius of Rollo is doing a mass distributed physical book. I give the manosphere/red pill sites 5 more years before they're shut down by Year Zero SJWs in powerful positions. It will take much more effort for them to burn every copy of this book though.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Nascimento - 04-12-2015

^^ On that note, is there anyway to have a Kindle book as a PDF on the PC? I'd love to have some Kindle books backed up somewhere, in non-Kindle format.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Conscious Pirate - 04-12-2015

Woke up this morning & over my first coffee of the day, Preventative Medicine gave me something rich.

A new found sense of calm over the current situation we as men find ourselves in in respect to the opposite sex.

Why? Because what Rollo spells out in this book makes sense.

Anytime I have a blockage of thought in my life that causes me distress I have found researching to understand the truth of a situation will assuage that anger morphing it into an acceptance of the facts that allows for logic & reasoning to do their jobs & provide me with a battle plan. Turning the confusion & anger into a position of strength.

Rollo talks a lot about the now current state of Open Hypergamy we find ourselves in where women who were previously (under the old order & much of the last 60 years of increasing feminine-centric conditioning) covert about their fickle nature of sexual selection now no longer feel the need to hide it. He refers to a quote from Sheryl Sandberg made in her stupid book 'Lean In'. The arrogance & solipsism will be their ultimate downfall & the start of a masculine counter sexual revolution.

The rise of Feminism was inevitable given the technological advances of the 20th century & into this one. That rise has allowed the situation to become what it is today & now we are able to accurately see just what damage it is doing to society & both sexes. If Feminism had never occurred we men might still not know about women's pluralistic & duplicitous sexual strategy - we wouldn't have needed enough to work it out.

I, for one, am grateful that the current situation has exposed this nasty little side of the so-called 'fairer' sex. It now gives me the upper hand. And precisely what they didn't want us to know is what they have shown us through their actions & words. The irony is delicious. Hence the increasing calm.

I look forward to a time when what we in the sphere now know becomes common knowledge & bitches be cornered yet again. It won't happen overnight but it will happen. Just hope I'm around to see it.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - MMX2010 - 04-12-2015

Quote: (04-12-2015 04:56 PM)Conscious Pirate Wrote:  

I, for one, am grateful that the current situation has exposed this nasty little side of the so-called 'fairer' sex. It now gives me the upper hand. And precisely what they didn't want us to know is what they have shown us through their actions & words. The irony is delicious. Hence the increasing calm.

Whenever I get depressed or rageful, I need to remember what you posted here. Thanks. [Image: smile.gif]

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Conscious Pirate - 04-12-2015

Quote: (04-12-2015 01:27 PM)Rollo Tomassi Wrote:  

I've only had a couple of people say the formatting is hyphenating in odd places so I'm wondering if it's not the e-reader doing this.

On my iPad it reads perfect. I don't have a Kindle, but Amazon's proofing app looked good to me.

I'm reading on the Kindle app for iPad also.

But Rollo my appreciation for the service you have done men (& by default women) in 'connecting the dots' by far supersedes my formatting issues.

Thanks again brother.

As an aside, your work in the manosphere is something I am basing my future on. I'm currently using this year to set myself up in a position where as a mature age student I can head off to do some tertiary study for the next few years to help the growing legions of men in this country who will no doubt need it in the years to come. Not least my brother & brother-in-law who have committed themselves already to a Blue Pill arrangement & can't yet see the forest for the trees.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Rollo Tomassi - 04-13-2015

Thanks guys, much appreciated.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - MMX2010 - 04-13-2015

Rollo, as I'm reading through Preventative Medicine, I'm noticing small grammar and punctuation errors. Would you like me to take note of them, and then PM them to you?

I'm not bothered by them, but I know some sniveling men may be.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Voltaic - 04-14-2015

Would you guys think that Preventine Medicine would make a good birthday gift for a younger brother? Not having read it yet, I'm wondering if it's too overt about sex and thus might come off a little awkward.

If not, suggest an alternative (not a pick up manual, but a book on masculinity... I'm trying to ease him in before handing him "Bang" lol). Thanks.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Conscious Pirate - 04-15-2015

Quote: (04-14-2015 03:11 PM)Voltaic Wrote:  

Would you guys think that Preventine Medicine would make a good birthday gift for a younger brother? Not having read it yet, I'm wondering if it's too overt about sex and thus might come off a little awkward.

If not, suggest an alternative (not a pick up manual, but a book on masculinity... I'm trying to ease him in before handing him "Bang" lol). Thanks.

Voltaic, it's definitely a book he should read but I would suggest him reading the first book The Rational Male beforehand. There's a lot he won't get (or get enough out of) in the second without understanding the work that preceded it in the first book.

That said, if it's straight up masculinity you want to impress on him I would suggest Jack Donovan's The Way Of Men as a primer. This was raw & primal & a fantastic place to start.

Also, have a look on Roosh's blog for a post he made a while back: 10 Books Every Man Should Read. Can't go wrong with any of these really.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Simeon_Strangelight - 04-15-2015

It is a standard bible of the 'sphere. I think I need to order them in bulk for friends and family.

All young men of my family - cousins and brothers of friends are getting both books around age 15.

Whenever I meet with some old buddies I could give the book out like bread to the starving masses. It is truly invaluable. I might just as well start carrying those around with me.

Any homestudy program designed by one of us should incorporate the books together with the Mystery Method and other seduction techniques. In reality it is even more important than pure seduction & Game, because it gives you the proper mindset and allows you to purge yourself from the fem-centric mindset.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Saweeep - 04-15-2015

Quote: (04-15-2015 03:23 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

It is a standard bible of the 'sphere. I think I need to order them in bulk for friends and family.

All young men of my family - cousins and brothers of friends are getting both books around age 15.

Whenever I meet with some old buddies I could give the book out like bread to the starving masses. It is truly invaluable. I might just as well start carrying those around with me.

Any homestudy program designed by one of us should incorporate the books together with the Mystery Method and other seduction techniques. In reality it is even more important than pure seduction & Game, because it gives you the proper mindset and allows you to purge yourself from the fem-centric mindset.

The beautiful thing about TRM is that it isn't a game book.

It's a book about life and one can persuade guys to read it without their anti-player shields rising.

The seduction elements of the manosphere can scare timid guys very easily.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - rottenapple - 04-21-2015

Would love to buy this, but in E-pub format, rather than Kindle format. Is this something that is being worked on? I know I can convert it with programs but that could fuck up the layout of text etc no?

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - N°6 - 05-06-2015

I've read both books. Yes they are potentially life changing.

Is there not a discussion thread on these two books?

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Simeon_Strangelight - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-06-2015 11:56 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

I've read both books. Yes they are potentially life changing.

Is there not a discussion thread on these two books?

The reason is mainly because Rollo's knowledge is Game / relationship psychology 101 - everyone should know it. It's as if you haven't heard of the bible as a Christian or the Koran as a Muslim. That's why there is no discussion I guess.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - redbeard - 05-06-2015

There's no discussion thread because most of us on the forum know these truths and are more concerned about applying them, instead of running "armchair game."

There's plenty of discussion going on Why? Because these guys are, for the most part, still wrestling with the intrinsic nature of women. They need to understand the reasoning so that they can accept it. Here? That shit is day 1. Seeing is believing. There's no need to discuss "hypergamy" and "how women treat alphas."

Yes I read Rational Male over a year ago. Yes it was eye opening. But there's no reason to discuss it while I'm busy stacking paper and enjoying the fruits of my labor.

The Rational Male: Preventative Medicine - Conscious Pirate - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-06-2015 11:56 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

I've read both books. Yes they are potentially life changing.

Is there not a discussion thread on these two books?

Nice one N°6. You didn't waste any time [Image: smile.gif]

Well there's this thread for Preventative Medicine & there is also an existing thread for The Rational Male.

What did you get out of it?