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Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - jariel - 03-17-2015

[Image: realtalknew.jpg]

Before we begin this edition of Real Talk Sessions, let me issue a friendly reminder about this series.

This is Real Talk Sessions, not Simp Sessions, Non-Pimpin' Sessions, Chump Sessions, Tell You What You Want To Hear So You Can Feel Better About Yourself Sessions, Validate Your Insecurities and Non-Gaming Practices Sessions, this is just Real Talk Sessions.

In these posts, I'm only going to give you the real because the only way you can learn and get better in the game with women and the game of life overall is to soak in the real.

So with that being said, let's get to it.

At this point in the game, it's become fashionable for a man to say he's a player. The classification of "player" has a positive connotation to it, unlike simp, white knight, mangina, etc. so it stands to reason that one would rather be viewed as a player than not.

Most players self-classify because they come up on pussy from time to time, but that alone does not make one a player.

The truth is that there are actually very few true players. Some may even say there are good players and bad players, I said so to an extent in a previous session, but for all intents and purposes the players are the only ones who are actually good at the game. This isn't a sport where you can have guys in the league who are good and guys who aren't, but everyone's still in the league.

Men who aren't even in the game are called non-players.

I make a conscious effort to call out non-players.

You can't learn anything from these guys, and they have no business trying to teach or encourage you to do anything. They'd do better to come forward, confess to being chumps, and sit the fuck down somewhere and take in real game, eschewing anything they previously thought or believed in the process.

Gamblers: Ready To Bet, Ready To Lose
Men who take L's with women are called gamblers.

Again, these guys consider themselves players simply because they come up on pussy, so the fact that they actually have women in their lives gives them some sort of standing to talk about game and how it pertains to women.

You can actually learn something from these guys. You can learn from them by not repeating their mistakes, but because they make costly mistakes, they can't offer you any advice.

The root of the gamblers' problems is that they pedastalize pussy.

They get caught up with how attractive it is to them which blinds their ability to think the game and be rational and objective in that process. They see what they want to see so they're willing to pursue something that's not really there.

Recently, a ROK writer shared his story, in which he claims he "forgot" his game, but given the story he shared, it is my contention that he never had game to begin with.

When you let how a woman looks or how good her sex game is cloud your judgment, you don't have game, you're just a slave to her pussy.

No man can go on the type of ride the man above went on, and yet claim to have had game.

Game helps men win and thus avoid L's.

Let's do another case study, take a look at this woman:

[Image: Alexandria-Martinez-Davis.jpg]

If you met her at a club and she was willing to go home with you, you would take her home, and then after she broke you off, you probably wouldn't kick her out of bed. Let's keep it 100, most men would find her attractive.

The problem is she has been to many clubs around the country, gone home with many men, fucked them, and then robbed them while they were asleep.

She recently was arrested in Miami for committing this crime. She's robbed at least two men, likely more, in this manner here in the past six months. Her game was to meet men at the infamous Club LIV, go home with them, and then rob them while they were asleep.

Now do you think she would have been able to do that, if she walked into LIV looking like this?

[Image: 7056892_G.jpg]

I've been to LIV so many times, I can't tell you how many, if she showed up looking like that, they wouldn't even let her in.

She is the type of woman who preys on gamblers. In her case, the gamblers were men with money who use the fact that they have money to attract poor women like her with the hopes of fucking them. They put on high-end, name-brand clothes, rock expensive watches, and drive their luxury whips up to valet at expensive, "exclusive" clubs like LIV.

What they don't realize they're doing is, they're making themselves marks, especially in a city full of hustlers like Miami.

Once a woman identifies you as a mark, whether it be because you have money, you're nice, whatever quality it is that you have that she can use for her own gain, you become viewed as someone who she can extract something from, and she will use the fact that you want sex from her, to get it.

In the end, she will have gotten more out of the deal than you, and you'll be left angry, frustrated, etc. You saw what you wanted to see, which made you willing to gamble in the game, and unsurprisingly, you lost.

Players: Ready To Play, Ready To Win
Players don't make the mistakes that gamblers make because they don't get blinded by the pussy. The pussy is the destination, but there's still this journey one has to take before he gets there. During that journey, a player thinks the game. He may like what he sees, but he has to figure out what exactly the end game is, what it's going to take to get there, and if it's worth it or not to take that journey.

If a player meets the aforementioned club rat, he will notice that she's paying close attention to his gear. "Is that a Rolex?" "Are those Gucci loafers?" A player may have bought her a drink, but he would have noticed what she was drinking. For a girl to be on her hustle game, the way this chick was, she can't get drunk. So a player would have noticed that she was drinking light shit and/or nursing her drinks so she could keep her wits about her.

These are red flags.

If her game was really tight, maybe she could have hid some of those markers, but in the end, even if the player might have taken the club rat home, he would have kicked her out shortly after the sex ended. He wouldn't have put himself in a vulnerable position of falling asleep while having a complete stranger in his crib that is full of valuables.

Players don't gamble.

This is why most players only have short relationships with women. Guys like to have fuck buddies -- who are really girls who'd like to be their girlfriend, but accept that all they can get is sex -- but with each fuck buddy they are gambling on these women being able to keep their emotions in check. Their hope is that these women can accept just being side pussy while being conscious of the fact that he continues to chase better pussy and better relationships because he doesn't really want her.

In the long run, that is a bet most guys will lose. Women may give off the appearance that they can do it for a little while, but after a short time -- and a few fuck sessions -- their emotions get the best of them, and they start having feelings.

Players choose to see women for who they are and they use who a woman actually is to define the relationship they are willing to have with her, if any at all. They also must be realistic about how ultimately these relationships are going to turn out. They don't have time to lie themselves about toxic women, and using the fact that have available pussy as justification for dealing with them.

En Resumen
Men should be dealing with women who have their shit together. When a guy is telling you a story about some chick and all he can do is go on and on about "how hot she is", that should let you know that the chick has nothing else to bring to the table. We allow ourselves to be a part of this hypocritical game in which you as the man have to be damn near perfect to pull a 6, but a woman who lives with her mother and the three kids she's had from two different guys in a two-bedroom apartment in Hialeah can get whatever she needs out of a man just because she has a fat ass is a fucking joke.

Men have demonstrated throughout history that they are willing to risk it all over some pussy, the most overrated "accomplishment" on Earth.

You can gamble if you want, but I'm only playing to win.

The Next Real Talk Sessions
Thinking The Game and Female Losers = DOA Relationships

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - MY DETROIT PLAYAS - 03-17-2015

Tip of the cat Jariel, enjoying the series

The Gambler is the same guy who is attempting to live this lavish lifestyle in able to attract this type of woman. Sadly, they have resigned themselves to thinking that the ONLY way they can compete or have success with top shelf women is to floss. Placing that target on his back from not only thieving ass women, but jealous ass dudes. Remember that scene in American Gangster when the feds, still unaware of Frank Lucas' identity, were tipped off by his peacocking. He went from anonymous shot caller to a marked man with everybody gunning for him.

Since these guys aren't able or willing to separate a woman's sexuality from the other variables that should factor in, they end up winning the battle but losing the war

As you stated - this is a thinking man's game. Meaning sometimes it's best to walk away from a banging 8, if that situation is not an optimal one. Some lays aren't worth the trouble even to a player.

Reminds me of what my mom used to say "Everything that's good TO you, ain't always good FOR you"

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Apollo21 - 03-17-2015

I think a better way of saying this is Skill vs Luck.

Most men depend on blind luck to meet a girl...and that "luck"
is often hit or miss.

Putting up with less than you deserve is a tragedy...
however if you don't develop your skills (or work ethic)...the reality
is that you won't have that many options to choose from and you'll be forced
to survive on what "luck" or circumstance gives you.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - WestIndianArchie - 03-17-2015

Rolls up to spot in rented car, airbnb, Gucccci loafers, Rolllex Watch, couple bags of Mexican oregano and a duct taped bag of Gold Medal Flour.

She "robbed" me.


Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - kaotic - 03-17-2015

Quote: (03-17-2015 02:57 PM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Tip of the cat Jariel, enjoying the series

The Gambler is the same guy who is attempting to live this lavish lifestyle in able to attract this type of woman. Sadly, they have resigned themselves to thinking that the ONLY way they can compete or have success with top shelf women is to floss.

Reminds of 30K milionaires who front their lifestyle, always designer clothes, a luxury car, pop bottles every weekend, yet broke in every other aspect of life.

They're absolutely a mark in the club, yet they call what they do "pea cocking".

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - TravelerKai - 03-17-2015

Fire post. Loved it.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - lavidaloca - 03-17-2015

Quote: (03-17-2015 04:02 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2015 02:57 PM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Tip of the cat Jariel, enjoying the series

The Gambler is the same guy who is attempting to live this lavish lifestyle in able to attract this type of woman. Sadly, they have resigned themselves to thinking that the ONLY way they can compete or have success with top shelf women is to floss.

Reminds of 30K milionaires who front their lifestyle, always designer clothes, a luxury car, pop bottles every weekend, yet broke in every other aspect of life.

They're absolutely a mark in the club, yet they call what they do "pea cocking".

I see a ton of Cuban people I know from Cuba who go to Miami and they suddenly drive Mercedes, Maseratis, BMWs have huge gold chains, $1,000 shoes. Whats the deal? How are these guys actually able to afford all this stuff.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Fortis - 03-17-2015

^ Cocaine money is a helluva drug.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - kaotic - 03-17-2015

Quote: (03-17-2015 06:16 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

^ Cocaine money is a helluva drug.

Hell yeah it is, that's a grind right there.

I know a dude who has a weed grow up, moves blow, and lots of pills. Been in and out of jail, every time I see him, dude's got the freshest gear. (Not suited stuff, classic bro clothing).

Or....they live at home with their parents.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Merenguero - 03-17-2015

Quote: (03-17-2015 05:58 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2015 04:02 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2015 02:57 PM)MY DETROIT PLAYAS Wrote:  

Tip of the cat Jariel, enjoying the series

The Gambler is the same guy who is attempting to live this lavish lifestyle in able to attract this type of woman. Sadly, they have resigned themselves to thinking that the ONLY way they can compete or have success with top shelf women is to floss.

Reminds of 30K milionaires who front their lifestyle, always designer clothes, a luxury car, pop bottles every weekend, yet broke in every other aspect of life.

They're absolutely a mark in the club, yet they call what they do "pea cocking".

I see a ton of Cuban people I know from Cuba who go to Miami and they suddenly drive Mercedes, Maseratis, BMWs have huge gold chains, $1,000 shoes. Whats the deal? How are these guys actually able to afford all this stuff.

I've posted about this a lot. Most of them are living beyond their means. When you understand that, you understand a little more about Miami.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - lavidaloca - 03-17-2015

I've always assumed that Merenguero but it does make me scratch my head frequently. I think the fact that there seems to be really cheap housing in some parts of Miami helps a lot. I can't imagine credit card companies giving these guys very high limits fresh on arrival.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - jariel - 03-17-2015

Quote: (03-17-2015 05:58 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

I see a ton of Cuban people I know from Cuba who go to Miami and they suddenly drive Mercedes, Maseratis, BMWs have huge gold chains, $1,000 shoes. Whats the deal? How are these guys actually able to afford all this stuff.

Quote: (03-17-2015 08:21 PM)lavidaloca Wrote:  

I've always assumed that Merenguero but it does make me scratch my head frequently. I think the fact that there seems to be really cheap housing in some parts of Miami helps a lot. I can't imagine credit card companies giving these guys very high limits fresh on arrival.

Those people don't get their cars from Brickell Motors, Braman, South Motors, etc. where you have to have a real income, good credit, etc.

They go to places that are "Compre Aquí, Pague Aquí" which are independent dealers who work with people on financing, all they have to do is show up with two/three of their last few paystubs, no credit history is needed.

Since Cubans will put everyone under the same roof, well you don't have a lot of people paying rent, mortgage, whatever, on a individual level, so they can afford to spend more money per month on their car since they don't have to worry about that giant living expense.

I've talked about that before, you go to the suburbs and you'll see four, five new cars in the driveways and lawns of the houses.

Drug money is real here.

Insurance fraud money is real here.

Miami is a city full of illusions propagated by hustlers.

Cubans come from nothing, so they're desperate to show people they have something. I saw a Cuban chick last week at the DMV who had on a Gucci hat, with a Michael Kors purse on her arm and Coach shoes on her feet. Three different logos all over her person.

You also have places that rent out jewels, watches, and other things for Cubans to borrow for trips to Cuba so they can show off to the relatives they've left behind to deal with tyranny.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - rudebwoy - 03-17-2015

Jariel - this is great stuff man.

You need a blog.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - RougeNoir - 03-17-2015

If being a player takes a thorough understanding of the game, then a thorough understanding of the game takes years to master as well as years of maintenance, then the time it takes to become a true player for one to become a true player takes time away from other pursuits. Doesn't that mean "players" are still pedastalizing pussy?? I guess I am a "bad" player that I'd like to call a part-time player.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Travesty - 03-17-2015

^ If learning all the intricacies of how to spot all the subtle rotten apple women that can wreck your life is pedistalizing count me in.

By knowing how to avoid gambling a player walks into any woman situation with open eyes and a low tolerance for bullshit.

Is learning how to train a tiger so it won't eat you pedistalizing the tiger?

That aside I am astounded at the increasing respect I get from other men and the leniency they treat me with - this includes my male superiors at work due to my reputation.

Being a helpful player opens doors in many networking situations with men. Most men envy and relate to players, especially successful red pill guys that can get you places.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Moma - 03-17-2015

Jariel spits that real. He should be a playa tour guide to Miami. He speaks Spanish and has been there long enough to see through the smoke and the mirrors there and still seems to be on top of the animals there.

I think Miami is one of the best places to learn how to deal with gold diggers and fronters in the Western hemisphere. I dare someone to tell me which place has a higher percentage.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - WestIndianArchie - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-17-2015 11:32 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Jariel spits that real. He should be a playa tour guide to Miami. He speaks Spanish and has been there long enough to see through the smoke and the mirrors there and still seems to be on top of the animals there.

I think Miami is one of the best places to learn how to deal with gold diggers and fronters in the Western hemisphere. I dare someone to tell me which place has a higher percentage.

Sounds like hell on earth.

Maybe i've been lucky, but I haven't dealt with a gold digger, much less a chick who'd rob my place.


Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - General Stalin - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 12:42 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2015 11:32 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Jariel spits that real. He should be a playa tour guide to Miami. He speaks Spanish and has been there long enough to see through the smoke and the mirrors there and still seems to be on top of the animals there.

I think Miami is one of the best places to learn how to deal with gold diggers and fronters in the Western hemisphere. I dare someone to tell me which place has a higher percentage.

Sounds like hell on earth.

Maybe i've been lucky, but I haven't dealt with a gold digger, much less a chick who'd rob my place.


Yeah, I'm in this camp as well. While there is a lot of solid perspective in this piece, I think the whole "watch out for gold diggers, hustlers, and thieves" thing is pretty far removed from the majority of men. 99% of us really just need to watch out for women who waste our time.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Pride male - 03-18-2015

One of the Poon Commandments is Ignore her beauty. Once a man is desensitized to a woman's looks his game transends. Pimps flip the script and are no longer concerned with getting pussy. Money over bitches.
Even Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony were conquered by plain Jane Cleopatra.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Pride male - 03-18-2015

One of the Poon Commandments is Ignore her beauty. Once a man is desensitized to a woman's looks his game transends. Pimps flip the script and are no longer concerned with getting pussy. Money over bitches.
Even Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony were conquered by plain Jane Cleopatra.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Merenguero - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 09:26 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Quote: (03-18-2015 12:42 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-17-2015 11:32 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Jariel spits that real. He should be a playa tour guide to Miami. He speaks Spanish and has been there long enough to see through the smoke and the mirrors there and still seems to be on top of the animals there.

I think Miami is one of the best places to learn how to deal with gold diggers and fronters in the Western hemisphere. I dare someone to tell me which place has a higher percentage.

Sounds like hell on earth.

Maybe i've been lucky, but I haven't dealt with a gold digger, much less a chick who'd rob my place.


Yeah, I'm in this camp as well. While there is a lot of solid perspective in this piece, I think the whole "watch out for gold diggers, hustlers, and thieves" thing is pretty far removed from the majority of men. 99% of us really just need to watch out for women who waste our time.

Here's the deal. I don't wear any jewelery. If I'm staying in a hotel, all my cash and passport or whatever are locked in a hotel safe. I wear pretty nice clothes, but I generally get them at a pretty high discount. Same with my shoes. What would a girl really be able to steal from me? In the past two decades, I've probably brought back over a hundred girls to my room when I have been traveling. As far as I know, I've never had anything stolen from me.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - WestIndianArchie - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 11:55 AM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Here's the deal. I don't wear any jewelery. If I'm staying in a hotel, all my cash and passport or whatever are locked in a hotel safe. I wear pretty nice clothes, but I generally get them at a pretty high discount. Same with my shoes. What would a girl really be able to steal from me? In the past two decades, I've probably brought back over a hundred girls to my room when I have been traveling. As far as I know, I've never had anything stolen from me.

Trying to keep everything in perspective, If I were to run into a thieving broad like this one, I doubt i'd be able to detect it. It's so out of my reality that it would never occur to me.

Which begs the question, what other subtle red flags are out there?

The last chick I seriously dated had some serious anger management issues that I didn't detect until it was too late.

A lot of game requires
- knowledge of women's potential behavior
- a keen eye for detail
- steering and managing her energy

What are steps that can be taken to "summon" her bad qualities?

Dude I used to run with liked to push the 1st dinner date check to the chick to see what she would do. He had a 3 digit notch count.

I never saw the point of that, cause a chick wanting dollars from me is like a fat broad going to the salad bar.

I dunno though.

I'm wondering about my last situation, and I don't know what I could have done on purpose to unleash her dragon, thus alerting me to her mental instability.


Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - Pride male - 03-18-2015

I once banged some chick and then the next morning she asked me for cash 'to fix her hair'. Does it count as a notch?

The problem with banging gold diggers is hoping they give it up after you give her the 'gift'.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - General Stalin - 03-18-2015

Another aspect of it too that makes this concept so foreign to me is that we live in a place and time where the vast majority of all young women are "independent" and pride themselves on being educated, having careers, making their own money, and being completely self-reliant. Its commonplace for girls to pay their way when you go out with them, and, from my personal experience, more often than not girls will pay for my dinner.

Unless you're Moneybags McGee and flaunting it like it wasn't a thing then I don't see your average broad trying to get your loot. I would say it's more common that girls like to try and "impress" men nowadays by showing that they have their own money and pay for their own shit.

Then again... I'm talking about your 99%'ers here. White middle class educated Caucasian gals. Ghetto girls and whatnot may be a different story but I don't have any personal experience with them and they are a minority.

Real Talk Sessions: Players Vs. Gamblers - jariel - 03-18-2015

Quote: (03-18-2015 12:33 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Trying to keep everything in perspective, If I were to run into a thieving broad like this one, I doubt i'd be able to detect it. It's so out of my reality that it would never occur to me.

Which begs the question, what other subtle red flags are out there?


I'll go into your question in more detail in another edition, but generally, for a place like Miami, you shouldn't trust anybody.

I don't trust anyone here, male or female.

This is a place where if you hire the wrong maid, she'll give her cousin Juan Carlos the key so that he and his goons can pull a no-forced entry robbery on your ass, hopefully you don't wake up while they're in the house, because if you do, it's a wrap.

That's one reason I'll never own a single-family here, likelihood of getting jacked is just too damn high.

I moved into a high-rise that has security and cameras everywhere -- one reason the club rat got caught is because she was stupid enough to pull the robbery at the Fontainebleau which has cameras everywhere -- and you can only go up to the floors if you get buzzed up/have a key because I had too many bitches who used to just randomly drop by my place in the past.

Also, I once had a Cuban dude suspect me of banging his wife, and I caught him asleep outside in his truck in the parking lot with a nina resting next to him on the passenger side.

Fuck that noise. That's why I don't fuck with these married bitches, although I probably have and just didn't know it, but with them, you gotta hit and quit immediately, fuck around too long, shit gets deeper than necessary, and I'm Black, so there won't be any talking it out, they'll shoot first, ask questions later, then get one of their aseres on the force to help sort out the mess.

This is a crazy place with crazy motherfuckers, right now I'm young and I can deal, but at some point I might end up like Danny Glover from Lethal Weapon and just be too old for this shit.