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What if she's pregnant? - Every10GivesMeA10 - 02-28-2015

I met this slutty Bulgarian cutie on Tinder 2 weeks ago. Didn't fuck her until a week later because she was on her period. I fucked her 5x in the week following her period. 3x on one day and 2x on separate days.

I fucked her raw and used the pull out method. Thing is I am paranoid that I didn't pull out in time.

She's a poor Bulgarian girl living and studying here in Western Europe. This girl is too affectionate for my liking. Contacts me 24/7, brings me presents each time, she lives 500m from my home and tells me all her roommates are moving out so her rent will increase. I have enough money and an own place. Obvious signs she is looking to move in.

Dumb as fuck to not use a condom but as a man, I don't think straight at all during sex. I have the urge to cum inside her, just because it's dangerous and risky. Know what I mean? I think most guys have this, lol.

We used condoms the first time we had sex and for some reason I asked her why she wouldn't fuck without. Told me she doesn't want kids.

Well I don't want kids either and the laws here in this country are severely stacked against men. Biological father automatically has to pay child support. Judge can request a DNA test, but if you refuse, he'll draw his own conclusion; which likely would not be a positive one for me.

If this girl turns out to be pregnant, I will tell her that I want to continue the 'relationship' with her, but that I am not ready for a child at this point in life. And if she keeps the baby, I will not be in the baby's life.

Other option is to flee the country, but most countries signed some child support treaty. So that's the worst option.

What if she's pregnant? - Alpha_Romeo - 02-28-2015

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Europe there are some countries where child support payments are set according to the lifestyle the child-mother are accustomed to, and in others a percentage of the male's income.

I knew a guy that had his own successful business and got divorced. He had to pay child support according to the lifestyle the child was accustomed to pre-frivorce. Then the business failed and he became a normal salaried employee. The court refused to change his child support payments, so he moved to a different country (still in EU) where child support is determined based on percentage of income, which in his case is now pretty low. He had to go to court in the new country to make this happen, though.

What if she's pregnant? - kinjutsu - 02-28-2015

The girl is only fertile for the week before her period.
Still don't bust inside her though.

You should only be worrying about these issues if she is "late".
From the sounds of it you are worrying about a problem you don't currently have, and if you're so worried about knocking her up use a condom and pull out as well.

What if she's pregnant? - Rutting Elephant - 02-28-2015

Damn, newest Vasalgel update says its planned launch has been pushed back another year, to 2018.

What if she's pregnant? - Rawmeo - 02-28-2015

Most Child Support laws are against men in most countries. Some put the burden on the taxpayers, others put the burden on a single man.

Pull out is effective in the short term, but don't consider it 100% accurate.

What if she's pregnant? - Nascimento - 02-28-2015

I think all of us have had our fair share of worry to varied degrees about pregnancy.

As previously mentioned, you do not yet have a problem you need to worry about. Save worrying to when her period is late, if that even occurs. And even in that case its not entirely conclusive.

Its a shitty situation when paranoia gets the best of you though know that even though what you may be fearing is a possibility, its likely your emotional processes are making the situation seem a lot worse than reality.

What if she's pregnant? - Fortis - 02-28-2015

Oooooh baby I like it rawwwww!

You fucked this girl a TON. Holy shit. I would have been freaking out after taking her raw 3 times. [Image: banana.gif]

What if she's pregnant? - LINUX - 02-28-2015


The girl is only fertile for the week before her period.

It's actually usually 12 to 16 days before her period that she ovulates given the usual 28 day cycle, not the week of her period. But that is not set in stone. It is different for every woman.

Trust me, I've been in the situation over 50 times. Which is why I got a vasectomy

You have to grunt it out. It's a wait and see game.

What if she's pregnant? - Cr33pin - 02-28-2015

What if she's pregnant?
[Image: tumblr_m0u4w1O6K41qmb7u4o10_500.gif]

Come on guy.... stop raw dogging strangers from Tinder and save yourself a lot of future problems be it by having some kids or having your dick fall off.
[Image: Family-guy-the-more-you-know.jpg]

What if she's pregnant? - Roosh - 02-28-2015

You're having a classic panic attack. You're posting this with the hope of receiving "Don't worry your odds are low" responses, which will make you feel better for a short time before it comes back. The fact that she isn't even late with her current period shows that your anxiety level is unreasonably high.

I recommend this book:

What if she's pregnant? - Foolsgo1d - 02-28-2015

Wait, I could swear this thread was started by someone with the exact same avatar.

You blasting away in random girls (like I do) is like setting an IED for your wallet. One day you might blow it up.

What if she's pregnant? - Hannibal - 02-28-2015

Whatever happens, happens.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]

I know at least a dozen guys who pay child support. You'll be strapped for cash, sure, but most of the dozen guys I know are still banging bitches. The ones that aren't are either married to other women and have families of their own, or they're all "woe is me, fuck my life".

That captain sparrow gif captures everything so well.

What if she's pregnant? - Snowplow - 02-28-2015

The pull out method;

They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.

You always win being a fearless rawdoggin bastard! [Image: banana.gif]

What if she's pregnant? - JohnKreese - 02-28-2015

This is going to happen again, I assure you, As such, I suggest the following for peace of mind.

1. Bank some kids
2. Get the vasectomy
3. Be like me ("ain't worried 'bout nuttin'")

What if she's pregnant? - aSimpNamedBrokeback - 02-28-2015

Like was said before the egg drops around two weeks after the period, but your swimmers can hang up to 5 days so you're probably fucked.

What if she's pregnant? - SpiderKing - 02-28-2015

[Image: wire-hanger-de-96752663.jpg]

What if she's pregnant? - Merenguero - 02-28-2015

If I'm reading your post correctly, it looks like the thing that leads you to believe that she might be pregnant is that you are "paranoid that you didn't pull out in time." If that is correct, then the odds very strong that she is not pregnant.

On a related note, has anyone here ever heard of a girl getting pregnant, not telling you anything about it, then you find out months or years after she has the kid when you get served with child support papers? The closest thing I have ever heard was a story that Boris Becker had sex with some lady for like five seconds, then eight months later received a fax from her saying that she was eight months pregnant. I think he is still paying her child support.

Edit: It looks like he paid her 2.8 million in a lump sum about fifteen years ago.

What if she's pregnant? - rpg - 02-28-2015

I brought 2 kids into this world trusting a woman to keep up with birth control. I brought one into this world by pulling out too late and letting one shot hit the bull's eye. I brought one into the world on purpose fucking every day for a month. Guess which one became a girl.
Pulling out works great as long as you dont screw it up and let off a stray bullet.

What if she's pregnant? - Daedmo - 02-28-2015

If you're desperate for peace of mind you could slip her the morning after pill in her coffee just to be sure. That will flush out the contents of her womb whether there is a fetus in there or not.

Not sure of the legality of that though, I'm sure typical leftist double standards makes it perfectly OK for a woman to terminate her pregnancy but only on her terms.

The usual feminist argument goes "It's just a clump of cells it's not even a human, who cares if I get it sucked out and tossed in a bin".

OK sure. So how could you possibly care if someone removed that non-human clump of cells without your knowledge?

What if she's pregnant? - LINUX - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:16 PM)Daedmo Wrote:  

If you're desperate for peace of mind you could slip her the morning after pill in her coffee just to be sure. That will flush out the contents of her womb whether there is a fetus in there or not.

That is absolutely not what the morning after pill does.

Come on man.

What if she's pregnant? - Merenguero - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:40 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:16 PM)Daedmo Wrote:  

If you're desperate for peace of mind you could slip her the morning after pill in her coffee just to be sure. That will flush out the contents of her womb whether there is a fetus in there or not.

That is absolutely not what the morning after pill does.

Come on man.

Also, I think she will know something's up when she starts to feel really sick after drinking the coffee with the pill you slipped into it.

What if she's pregnant? - Daedmo - 02-28-2015

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:40 PM)LINUX Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2015 11:16 PM)Daedmo Wrote:  

If you're desperate for peace of mind you could slip her the morning after pill in her coffee just to be sure. That will flush out the contents of her womb whether there is a fetus in there or not.

That is absolutely not what the morning after pill does.

Come on man.

Really? I was told it works by resetting the menstrual cycle from day 1 again. Maybe I'm thinking of some other drug.