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I hate everything - VincentVinturi - 02-01-2015

Ok, not everything.

But I have what could probably be considered an unhealthy antagonism towards a million things that I have absolutely zero power to change.

I'm sure some of you reading this right now are thinking "yep, I'm the same way"....

Example #1: I'm sitting in a cafe right now writing this and they're playing unbearable whiny chick music that sounds like vocal fry set to the same 4 chords with electronic foghorn interludes "EH EH EH EH EH - *wicky* - EH EH EEEEEH".

I know I could get up and leave and find another cafe. And I won't be back here tomorrow, so I'm not complaining without positive action behind it.

But another part of me thinks "God I hate this stupid world with its disgusting, grating music. The people who create this noise and find it enjoyable are complete morons. It should be illegal to fill the air with this aural refuse. It makes us all stupider"

Now, I'm not necessarily unhappy with being this way.

You can call it neurotic but it has a great positive side.

It drives you to engineer your life to incorporate the things that make you smile and banish the things that make you dour.

I hated working for a boss and made a terrible employee, so I said fuck this and started my own business without a penny to my name and through sheer refusal to ever go back to that situation built it up into a lifestyle business.

The hard part is finding a balance between hating everything to the point that it ruins your general mood and raises your stress level VS. dispassionately recognizing the things that piss you off and taking immediate action to change them without letting them shit all over your disposition.

I hate everything - CactusCat589 - 02-01-2015

Oh man, the music. I've taken to bringing my Ipod classic with me wherever I go. In my non-engineering classes, I would actually go so far as to slip in an earbud (discretely) in because I noticed how much I disliked listening to some people's voices. A TF caught me once and I lied saying I had a hearing disability. Some of the girls with those unbearable voices. And even some of the guys had this sniveling kind of voice that actually demoralized me, listening to them.

Even the "good", well-produced songs that dominate the Billboard Top 100 or 40 or whatever, that are supposed to be the best this country's music industry has to offer, are just too sleek and clean due to the autotune.

But it's not without the upside. I find distinct pleasure in discovering music like the Hotline Miami soundtrack, Hard Wired by Perturbator, or something chillwave like Slow Magic - Moon, or what have you. It's like I'm on this continuous journey through life raking my fingers through the dunes of white sand, and finding diamonds every now and then.

I hate everything - Alpharius - 02-02-2015

Oh, man, that's hateful.

Pretty sure we have the Haters Lounge for this in EE.

I hate everything - DirectDanger - 02-02-2015

I think it is better to have both a conciseness acknowledgement about the situation and to take actions to remedy that, like you not working for a boss and going on your own. But at the same time having an overall positive disposition about life.

I have a simple suggestion that will hopefully change your mindset and perspective on things.

In a journal, or in a notepad on your smart phone, where ever - once a week write down 3 to 5 things you are genuinely grateful for.

Examples for you...

- I am so grateful that I get to choose to live in Thailand.
- I am so grateful that I have a job I can work on while sitting in the cafe and not have to answer to a boss
- I am so grateful that last night I smashed the cutest 19 year old who woke up and cooked me breakfast

When you do that actually take 20 to 30 seconds to think about and appreciate each those things. When you are bummed you can go back a read some of them or write down more.

If there is a relationship or person you are grateful for it works even better to write that down.

It has worked like a charm for me. And it is interesting to look back over the weeks and read about what I was grateful for at the time.

I hate everything - Cr33pin - 02-02-2015

[Image: 76035d1407656289t-hes-right-you-know.jpg]

I hate everything - monster - 02-02-2015

This is when you practice mindfulness and realize that your hate is part of all the absurdity [Image: wink.gif]

I hate everything - eclipse - 02-02-2015

I had a similar feeling, the best example yesterday was when I went to an old childhood park with a flying fox. I rememebred it being really high and it was scary and fun.

They put another platform 2/3 of the way up and jammed the top wire(attaching a block of wood around it) so it couldnt go to the top platform. I got so mad, that not only was the ride much worse than before, but they purposely put effort and money in to do so. I mean, they couldve easily put the platform and not jammed the wire. There were so many other flatter flying foxes that they didnt have to ruin this one.

I think I spent another 10-20 minutes in my head comparing it to bitches who put effort into uglifying themselves(tats, piercings, cutting hair). Im not really annoyed by girls not dressing up and all if its the easier thing to do, as long as they remain skinny, but why purposely make yourself uglier? Thats how I felt when I was at the flying fox.

Edit: 2/3 of the way up, not down

I hate everything - MrBig - 02-02-2015

Start a log/journal and each day jot down two to three positive things that occurred/you accomplished that day and next to it, write how it made you feel. For example:

Journal 2/2/2015
Worked out- Feel strong
Ex-girl called me today to tell me she made a mistake- Feel vindicated
Flirted with the Barista at Sbucks- Feel hot

Just keep doing little shit like that, and you'll notice that you have a whole bunch of things to be positive about. Just make sure to do it everyday.

I hate everything - BlurredSevens - 02-02-2015

Best advice I've received was:

"Gratitude will save you from despair."

So, with that, I agree with the other posters suggesting you keep a journal of positivity in your life.

Being annoyed and hating the world is fun for a little bit, and it's fun to joke with other guys about it, but it doesn't make you a better man in the long term.

I hate everything - RexImperator - 02-02-2015

True prosperity is being grateful for what you do have. It can all be taken away at any moment.

I hate everything - godfather dust - 02-02-2015

I'm an angry motherfucker myself, I don't like the feeling. To cope I work out every day and have my hobbies (mainly making music.) Let that shit build up and eventually you'll snap. I'm not talking about killing spree shit, but maybe saying something nasty at work that puts your job on the line or whatever.

It's vital to learn to regulate your emotions.

It's hard not to be angry when there's almost nothing good going on in the world. I usually just try to accept it as being what it is and not worry about it, cuz what the hell can you do? Start shooting? Sorry but I like my freedom and life more than that.

I hate everything - jamaicabound - 05-05-2015

I can definately relate to this. I used to be very carefree, happy go lucky, etc. Over the years however I have gotten to be very pessimistic, not alot makes me happy, etc.

I'm finally really taking steps to turn this around. I've started working out, I feel that helps big time, you just feel better, feel accomplished, better confidence from a better body, releases endorphins, etc.

I also started a new busines. I'm havin a lot of success right now and that makes me feel good.

The other thing I find that helps is just fake it til you make it. Act happy, smile, and eventually you'll start feeling that way, believe me it really works.

A few weeks back I watched some videos on happiness and found two things which sound corny but are good to do. Every night write down or at least think about one thing you are excited about the next day. Even if its something as stupid or simple as my morning cigarette with my coffee or grabbing a sandwhich at lunch at my fav place find something you are excited about for the next day. I also like to think of or write down something I'm grateful for everyday as well.

I hate everything - Veloce - 05-05-2015

Use the hate to produce something good.

Open up your own cafe that plays Beethoven and Miles Davis (or whatever it is you consider good music)

Some big cushy chairs, leather couch, good quality coffee, some Bukowski and James Joyce on the walls.

I've always wondered if such a place could be profitable. It's worth a shot.

I hate everything - godfather dust - 05-05-2015

Since my last post in this thread I stopped feeling hateful. I was working the worst job in my life, my job now is the shit. I just move heavy shit around all day and make a lot more money.

So maybe hatefulness can be caused by life sucking. It was for me anyway.

I hate everything - TooFineAPoint - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 10:46 AM)Veloce Wrote:  

Use the hate to produce something good.

Open up your own cafe that plays Beethoven and Miles Davis (or whatever it is you consider good music)

Some big cushy chairs, leather couch, good quality coffee, some Bukowski and James Joyce on the walls.

I've always wondered if such a place could be profitable. It's worth a shot.

You just described my dream cafe.
[Image: thumb.gif]

I hate everything - RawGod - 05-06-2015

Quote: (05-05-2015 11:04 PM)godfather dust Wrote:  

So maybe hatefulness can be caused by life sucking. It was for me anyway.

Wisdom here. Horrible people (including the SJWs we love to complain about)? They are that way because they are unhappy.

You are getting bitchy? You are unhappy. And need to make changes.