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UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Wutang - 01-14-2015

She felt the need to attention whore by posting this rant along with a nude pic of herself, but whatever

"I am not oppressed.. the only people that oppress me are the feminists & white knights that judge me & want me to conform to their agenda...
I believe in human rights FOR ALL. My boys are not monsters, I am not a bad mother because I don't like pants, I am not being objectified... because I AM NOT WEAK, I make my own choices & I do what i want because I am freeeeee!!
Rowdy Bec Rawlings
Women Against Feminism
‪#‎WomenAgainstFeminism‬ ‪#‎IAmRowdyHearMeRaaaawr‬"

Of course white knights on her FB and also on sites like Bloody Elbow to immediately take to the field to defend the honor of their feminist princesses. Good for her for actually taking them all on.

Also, Lui Marco video about this

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Sonsowey - 01-14-2015

From the comments:

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - DannyAlberta - 01-14-2015

leaving aside the politics for the moment, we must ask the eternal question: wyb?

for me, wb

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - TheWastelander - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 05:10 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

leaving aside the politics for the moment, we must ask the eternal question: wyb?

for me, wb

[Image: CKBSvr9.jpg]

Short neon-colored hair, skrillex cut, tattoos all over the place, competitor in a violent sport, crazy eyes, is muscular = WNB

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Game_Started - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 05:10 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

leaving aside the politics for the moment, we must ask the eternal question: wyb?

for me, wb

Not a big fan of the skrillex cut and excessive tats on women. WNB

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - DannyAlberta - 01-14-2015

^ on the other hand, not obese or overweight and hates feminism. a bit cut but not overly so.

i remain in the wb category.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - weambulance - 01-14-2015

Ehhhh I'm on the fence because it really depends what she's like in person. It's not like I'd put a ring on it (or let her know where I live), but if she's not an obnoxious cunt, sure, I would bang.

It's funny completely physically dominating girls who think they're strong. Plus she's probably not ovulating, so I'd go raw without fear.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - JoyStick - 01-14-2015

^ she's an loud, obnoxious cunt with an Aussie accent and cusses like a sailor.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - kaotic - 01-14-2015

Nope WNB, too many manly features, attention whore.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Bacchus - 01-14-2015

This bitch makes Brigitte Nielsen look like Audrey Hepburn.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Quintus Curtius - 01-14-2015

In the above photo, I can see camel toe.


UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Paracelsus - 01-14-2015

Quintus, I'd scrolled past that image, and now you made me go back and look. That's not nice.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Darius - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 06:29 PM)JoyStick Wrote:  

^ she's an loud, obnoxious cunt with an Aussie accent and cusses like a sailor.
Pretty much this.

Bitch is crazy and damaged goods. Would not touch with a 10 foot pole.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Goldin Boy - 01-14-2015

[Image: CKBSvr9.jpg]

To each his own but I think DannyAlbert is in the minority on this one...WNB.

If she didn't have a camel toe in that pic I wouldn't be able to tell that that's a female. Edit: Ironically, she 's against feminism but with that tats, piercings, skrillex cut, masculine attitude, she looks just like them.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - TigerMandingo - 01-14-2015

She's nasty and looks like Keith Flint circa 1996. Just because she voiced some redpill opinion doesn't make her more attractive. WB the blonde behind her.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - White Trash King - 01-14-2015

gawd damnit!!!! When will that fucking skrillex cut go away?!?!

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - JCIZZLE - 01-14-2015


UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Coldfire - 01-14-2015

My favorite comment on FB
"As if women don't have equal rights already. There's no law that states men can do this but women can't. So, the rights are there. And about making choices without being judged, women will get judged and so will men. That's just how people are. The problem I have is that feminist keep playing the victim card when they should just take responsibility and accept the consequences for the choices they make. If you want to be a slut, go ahead. Men have no problems with them, we like them. But just don't complain when people call you one when you are. If you want to be fat, be fat. Just don't complain when people call you fat, because you are. Equality is having to do the same work, getting the same judgment and being treated the same way as men are. Not about deserving to be handled with silk gloves because you were born with a vagina"

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Yatagan - 01-14-2015

Quote: (01-14-2015 05:23 PM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (01-14-2015 05:10 PM)DannyAlberta Wrote:  

leaving aside the politics for the moment, we must ask the eternal question: wyb?

for me, wb

[Image: CKBSvr9.jpg]

Short neon-colored hair, skrillex cut, tattoos all over the place, competitor in a violent sport, crazy eyes, is muscular = WNB

I don't mind the muscular part but the rest needs to go. If she fixes those issues, she becomes a WB in my book.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Carlos100 - 01-14-2015

It's really funny whenever a minor or major celebrity says something pejorative about feminism, because the feminists immediately pile in and try to bully them. I don't think they realize how badly it hurts their cause.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Ingocnito - 01-14-2015

The only way to remove the hamster from this one is a physical fight. She's playing both sides in her craftiest available method.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - samsamsam - 01-14-2015

[Image: CKBSvr9.jpg]
[Image: ivan_drago_tif_big.jpg]

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - DJ-Matt - 01-14-2015

I don't really see any tits on that "woman". Would bang but would rather hit the blonde on the left.

EDIT: After looking at more pictures of her, ewwwwwww. WNB.

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Checkmat - 01-14-2015

From what I read, she has really checkered past filled with attention-whoring drama and domestic abuse claims.


Dan Hyatt responds to Bec Rawlings recent allegations

MessageGood morning, I am contacting you in regards to a story your website, Facebook page and Twitter account may have carried in the past about me in relation to claims of domestic violence and abuse suffered by my estranged wife, TUF 20’s Bec Rawlings, or as she is still legally known, Bec Hyatt. Given her appearance on last weeks episode of The Ultimate Fighter – Season 20, my hand has once again been forced to detail my side of events, a side of events which have never been afforded the chance to be read by the MMA community. This is despite the fact that my estranged wife’s allegations and claims, all of which are unfounded, are continually reported on and shared throughout MMA media circles, and now featured on TUF, as if they are fact, and while not only my fight career and personal life suffers, not one media outlet has ever approached me to afford an opportunity to defend myself, or a chance to share my side of the story. My name is Dan Enson Hyatt, and for introductory sake, I have a storied near decade long history within the Australian MMA scene, a career which has seen me compete as a professional thirteen times, run a successful fight academy, and position myself as a promoter of one of Australia’s most respected and prominent fight organisations. I was the very first trainer of Bec Rawlings (Hyatt), her career manager, and her social media director for 7 of her 8 professional fights. While I do not expect you to share, or believe my side of events, especially given that domestic violence and the bullying of men doesn’t tug at the same heart strings as females, my estranged wife’s continued public charade as a victim, and a role model, is not only a slap in the face to myself, someone who was bullied, physically attacked and mentally abused throughout a near four year relationship, but to every single one of her bullying victims over the years. Is this all so hard to believe given her transparent bully tendencies on TUF 20 at present? My estranged wife’s story of domestic violence and abuse is grossly fabricated to serve an agenda and to damage the reputation of myself. It is a story in which the majority of its allegations are completely unfounded and untrue! Six hours ago I once again responded to her frivolous claims and allegations, and at the time of sending this email, my Facebook page status has amassed hundreds of likes, and almost one hundred shares. If you have any interest in being an un-bias media outlet and giving my side of events a chance of public light, especially when you consider the damage my career is once again suffering, it can be found at the top of the below link; Dan ‘Enson’ Hyatt (Facebook Page)

UFC fighter Bec Rawling going off on feminism - Huxley Badkin - 01-15-2015


I am not oppressed.. the only people that oppress me are the feminists & white knights that judge me & want me to conform to their agenda...
I believe in human rights FOR ALL. My boys are not monsters, I am not a bad mother because I don't like pants, I am not being objectified... because I AM NOT WEAK, I make my own choices & I do what i want because I am freeeeee!!

I don't know anything about this woman, but assuming the bolded part above means that she's got sons, there's your explanation.

Amazing how many former feminists - even if they're just your typical grrl-power, tacit supporters of teh sisterhood and not full-on vocal feminazis - suddenly experience a 'Road to Damascus' moment once they have male children and it sinks in that feminists are looking to disenfranchise their kids. Of course, like most women, they didn't have a shred of empathy for men before dropping [male] sprogs, but better late than never, I suppose.

Also, WNB. Hideous tats and haircut aside, look at the hip-to-shoulders ratio. Jesus...