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Post Red Pill Recovery Time - Printable Version

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Post Red Pill Recovery Time - minuteman12 - 12-19-2014

Hello having recently swallowed the red pill i would like to know the recovery time it takes to understand and accept how society is organized today and the real truth about girls.

I didn't swallow red pill at first and always tried to revert back to blue pill.
But now you can say red pill is not going to be regurgitated again.

I feel like withdrawing from society and being a loner type. Except there is huge cultural pressure to get married etc. I just wanna play around in Europe and do my own things.

Any tips and advice to aid recovery. Thanks

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - TheWastelander - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:31 PM)minuteman12 Wrote:  

Hello having recently swallowed the red pill i would like to know the recovery time it takes to understand and accept how society is organized today and the real truth about girls.

I didn't swallow red pill at first and always tried to revert back to blue pill.
But now you can say red pill is not going to be regurgitated again.

Wait a minute, how many of those things did you take? Did you read the back of the bottle?


I feel like withdrawing from society and being a loner type. Except there is huge cultural pressure to get married etc. I just wanna play around in Europe and do my own things.

Why? Western society's a hilarious, absurd spectacle that takes itself way too seriously.


Any tips and advice to aid recovery. Thanks

Read Roosh, learn game, read Dalrock, read Jack Donovan, read Mike Cernovich, read, read everything you can get your hands on. Do what you want to do and be who you want to be. Fuck the haters.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - turkishcandy - 12-19-2014

%90 chance you are a [Image: troll.gif] trying to make fun of what you think our beliefs are.
%10 chance you are a social weirdo, equating the red pill to, what is it, being a loner and playing around in EE?

Anyway, if you are for real, keep reading ROK and stop saying you swallowed the red pill because obviously you didn't swallow shit yet. You just saw it on the horizon.

Edit: Related-->
Quote:turkishcandy Wrote:

When I first joined this forum I immediately realized there is a well preserved culture here and a lot of DONTs. I waited for months to observe, learn and let this culture soak in before starting posts and threads. What I didn't do was to start a thread about whatever came to my mind that might have had some relevance to some manosphere issues, or worse, just my daily train of thoughts. Because I knew I would otherwise get banned or get disregarded as some outsider failing to fit in. Therefore I don't understand how someone can just join this forum and start threads the same day that starts with
a) I need your help with this girl who...
b) Guess what happened to me today...
c) What do you guys thinkg about...
d) Hey, check out this...

I appreciate the fact that some of the newbies who we disregard as ''trolls'' might have perfectly well intentions and just have problems adapting to the tone of the forum. But it is still a reasonable precautionary measure if male feminists just avoid starting threads that are not about recent news. Although we have exceptions like Kamikaze, when a newbie starts a thread that is not breaking news, the chances are it's just a poor thread that will be perceived as trolling attempt.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - minuteman12 - 12-19-2014

Can you expand more on your comment^^^^?

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - minuteman12 - 12-19-2014

Ok can i ask how people felt when they switched from blue pill to red pill

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - Blunt - 12-19-2014

This analogy has gone way too far...

There is no specific point at which you will have achieved "enlightenment".

There are many points where you will feel like you've figured it out, only to fail horribly immediately after.

Even if you can claim to see through "the pretty lies" it will only make you cynical unless you act on the information.

This whole red pill analogy is getting as bad as the alpha vs beta thing was a year or two ago.

Just read and learn some and then stop reading and act on that information to improve yourself and then repeat.

Be a loner if you want but if you're doing it just to "reject society" and be "red pill" you're missing the forest for the trees.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - minuteman12 - 12-19-2014

Ok thanks. So we are continually learning. I dont want to reject society i would just like to keep a fair distance from mainstream

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - Redwood - 12-19-2014

This is kind of equivalent to a consumer buying a product without reading the nutrition facts/ingredients and then gorging themselves nonstop.

Oh and this is relevant:

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - tawm - 12-19-2014

I can't decide if I'm on stage 4 or 6. Many of these red pill notions came to me of my own accord both before and after you brief marriage/divorce some 3 years ago. My renaissance struck around 2012 and I "discovered" that a community of fellas like this existed a year into that. Now feels like a slump period since being finished with Tinder/night gaming.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - TravelerKai - 12-19-2014

Sounds like you went through the exact same stages most of us did. You are on the right track. Take what wastelander said to heart. He was spot fucking on. Keep studying and reading. Don't turn into a mgtow. That's unnecessary.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - Pontifex Maximus - 12-19-2014

Took me about a month to digest. Just be open and tolerant to everything you see and talk to everyone, but don't tolerate bullshit. Ignorance is bliss.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - SteveMcMahon - 12-19-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 07:33 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Don't turn into a mgtow.


The world is a fairground.

A crazy, fucked-up fairground run by shady characters, and half the rides are dangerous and most of the games are rigged - sure. But it's a funfair nonetheless.

So, have fun.

[Image: a3jfi9.jpg]
Try not to accidentally wish you were Tom Hanks though

Sounds like you've learned some insights and that's great - keep learning. We all should. But have fun with it. Improve yourself. Make money. See the world. Have red-hot monkey sex with pouty, skinny bitches with perky tits.

A lot of people think too much, watch the news too much, worry about politics or relationships or whatever-the-fuck-it-is too much, and it makes them bitter. You probably can't fix the world, but you can live your life to the full. Make your life the sort of adventure you want it to be. Make memories. Be the sort of interesting cool guy you'd want to be if they were making a movie about you.

[Image: vcxoj8.jpg]
Just don't Hollywood them rip you off like they did my life story

I read your earlier comments about that Polish girl you weren't sure how to talk to. I think pretty much everyone on this forum has been there at some point. Game is a wonderful, amazing tool to improve your success with women - and to improve the rest of your life too.

And "game" is a great word for it - because it's fun. Flirting with girls, teasing them, improving your approach skills along the way. It's great stuff.

[Image: 5e8oz7.jpg]
They love it.

Don't be a loner, unless you're sure you really, really want to - that's a sad, hard, rocky road. Make friends. Make girlfriends. Yes, some of them will let you down, but fuck it - life is a contact sport. You're going to get hurt from time to time, it's part of being in the game.

You want to do your own things - that's good! Be selfish. I mean that - live your life for yourself, and plan to get the things you want. Lots of people don't live the way they really want to do, for fear of losing their parents' approval or whatever.

But you're a man. You don't need anybody else's approval to live your life. Be confident in yourself, walk tall, and surround yourself with awesome people. They're out there. They'll help you.

Post Red Pill Recovery Time - Suits - 12-21-2014

Quote: (12-19-2014 05:44 PM)minuteman12 Wrote:  

Ok can i ask how people felt when they switched from blue pill to red pill

Suspicious lack of punctuation.