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Delete - RandomGuy1 - 12-13-2014

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Delete - tallandblonde - 12-13-2014

I wouldn't say she's not interested, just she might make you jump through some hoops before the bang. If she's worth it, then go ahead.

Saying "want to go to my room" screams thirst and she knows right there that you're gonna go for the bang. Find a way to get her back to her place by asking her to watch a movie with you. That way you can escalate in private, and she doesn't need to immediately put up her bitch shield and say no right off the bat.

Delete - Simeon_Strangelight - 12-13-2014

Well - for some girls it takes some dates even if you are on top of your Game.

Whether you are friendzoned or not depends on one question:
Did you make out - give her a deep kiss?

If not, then after 2 dates that may mean friendzone. You might give her a last chance and go for the kiss next time at the right moment. If she rejects you again - NEXT.

Also open other leads as well.