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Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Going strong - 11-14-2014

There are more and more red-pill men traveling abroad, to "poosy paradises" especially, and gaming. More and more beautiful women have had an exposure to them... and as a result, they've often become wary [Image: dodgy.gif].

Sure, they'd like to give pussy to a bona fide businessman or expatriate (who could provide them a bright future)... but, many are now reluctant to give pussy to what they might consider as "sex tourists"... [Image: undecided.gif]

So it is of the utmost importance to make them believe that you are a well-off man traveling to their country for "legitimate" business purposes...

Problem is, it's not that simple to create a convincing cover story! Because they've heard lots of them, and can often tell the truth from the bullshit in that matter...

So, what are your strategies? How do you make them believe that you are indeed a business traveler? Without showing them an actual office in the city... how to convince them? I used to say that I was a National Geographic photographer or even OSCE observer [Image: tard.gif], but they've become more and more suspicious, cause so many foreign men lie to them... What are your foolproof cover stories??

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - edtf - 11-14-2014

I took a language course at the local university and just said I was here as an exchange student.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Going strong - 11-14-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 01:40 AM)edtf Wrote:  

I took a language course at the local university and just said I was here as an exchange student.

Yes, it works if you are under 25 years old... If you are 28 or 30, no way you're still a student or can pretend to be...[Image: wink.gif]

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - TheBulldozer - 11-14-2014

Don't stay in a hotel.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Phoenix - 11-14-2014

I haven't had to lie so far. At most I've 'bent the truth', to exagerate certain aspects of my being in that country. Yes I've had a girl or two, who grilled my reasons for being there, who then snubbed me because I wasn't there permanently, but it was a small percentage.

I think its just better to screen well. A girl will sleep with you if you are sexually attractive to her and she is sexually available most of the time if you push it. Not every girl wants you to marry her, some just want a fling or to enjoy the experience.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Adrenaline - 11-14-2014

Just say you're there for job interviews. No office required for that. Then you can even stay in hotels with no questions asked.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - HighSpeed_LowDrag - 11-14-2014

I have government ID from back home so I just say I work at the local consulate. It seems to do me okay so long as I stay in a city that's big enough to have consulates.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Onto - 11-14-2014

After spending two months in the Philippines I can relate to this. One of the very first questions you're asked is "What are you doing here?"

I've tried many different answers and in the end I was saying something like, "I'm exploring the world for good places to invest and live."

Her: "Oh, what do you do?"
Me: "I'm sorry but I don't tell people I don't know well about my business interests."

If she's a cool girl and is genuinely into you, she will understand and apologize. And then you smile and change the subject.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Unique - 11-14-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 05:34 AM)Adrenaline Wrote:  

Just say you're there for job interviews. No office required for that. Then you can even stay in hotels with no questions asked.

This is the one I'm using mostly. If I am staying longer than a few days I rent an apartment and create a story that I've just moved there for work [Image: smile.gif]

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Kissinger2014 - 11-14-2014

I've said that I'm thinking of having my company transfer for me here (wherever it is), and I wanted to spend a few days/weeks checking it out before making the decision. In my case, it's been true. It not only is believable, it sows the idea that you'll be back (if she and her country's hospitality can convince you to stay).

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - YossariansRight - 11-14-2014

The "scouting out business location(s)" line seems to have universal appeal. It gives you instant credibility that you have brains and bucks.

I've been "looking for a location to tutor/teach English" for years; works great. Also, having a business card (I print them myself using free online templates on good card stock) is a real deal-sealer.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Sailor - 11-14-2014

Start to speak about being a software developer,it is very unlikely anyone will understand what it is about [Image: biggrin.gif]

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Espresso - 11-14-2014

Good idea for a thread OP.

I've had to address the topic recently as I'm now in the Czech Republic and not sure how to play it in terms of using a cover story. Ideally like Phoenix said I'd rather not have to invent anything except maybe bend the truth a little with false ambiguity. Not sure if that's a solid strategy though, necessarily.

Curious to hear what other members think. I suppose it depends significantly on the country in question too.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Going strong - 11-14-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 06:54 AM)Onto Wrote:  

After spending two months in the Philippines I can relate to this. One of the very first questions you're asked is "What are you doing here?"

I've tried many different answers and in the end I was saying something like, "I'm exploring the world for good places to invest and live."

Her: "Oh, what do you do?"
Me: "I'm sorry but I don't tell people I don't know well about my business interests."

If she's a cool girl and is genuinely into you, she will understand and apologize. And then you smile and change the subject.

This line, unfortunately : "I'm exploring the world for good places to invest and live", has been used, too much, by too many players (yours truly included [Image: blush.gif]). Chicks don't believe in it anymore I think...

Also, if you pronounce the word : "invest, investment", then you will have to act accordingly: and spend a lot of money on the date [Image: dodgy.gif], because you've just said that you are so full of money that you actually plan on investments... so it means you've got tens of thousands of dollars to your name, or more, and can't be "cheap" with your dates.....

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Americas - 11-14-2014

I just say my entire life is a vacation and that I go/live where ever I feel like. I don't really lie about it, nor have I ever run into this problem.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Going strong - 11-14-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 10:20 AM)Espresso Wrote:  

Good idea for a thread OP.

I've had to address the topic recently as I'm now in the Czech Republic and not sure how to play it in terms of using a cover story. Ideally like Phoenix said I'd rather not have to invent anything except maybe bend the truth a little with false ambiguity. Not sure if that's a solid strategy though, necessarily.

And with 7+ clever foreign women, you'll need a solid strategy. I do advise to spend time creating your cover story, and to back it up with stuff (business cards, internet site looking "professional" and where your name appears, etc...).

Other posters here have given good ideas (job interviews, scouting), but ideas usable only for a short period of time. If you stay 3 months in a city, you can't be scouting for months, can you? Any idea for long-term use??

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - TheBulldozer - 11-14-2014

I'm really unsure where this conversation is going. I don't see why anything beyond staying in an apartment as opposed to a hotel is necessary.

Control the conversation. Why would you be giving out business cards and full names to these girls?

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Tiguere - 11-14-2014

This sounds like a frame issue especially for someone staying in a city for 3 or so months. 3 months is a full blown mini-relationship and most girls who are open to dating foreigners would be thrilled with a 2-3 month mini-relationship in my opinion.

As for countries where men are starting to travel to regularly or are "gringo'd out" so to speak, look no further than Costa Rica. Americans have been coming here for at least 2 decades and the women know the deal.

If if a country is starting to get infested with male tourist and travelers I have a feeling it will turn out like Costa Rica down the road, completely Americanized with prices similar to American big cities. Oh, and we all know what happens when somewhere gets Americanized...women add 5-15 pounds. Her face is an 8, but her body leaves something to be desired...However, even with the minute weight gain Ticas have managed to keep a solid hip-to-waist ratio ensuing strong errections [Image: banana.gif]

P.S: Sorry for the slight derail, needed to vent...

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Going strong - 11-14-2014

Quote: (11-14-2014 03:15 PM)MasculineProfiles Wrote:  

This sounds like a frame issue especially for someone staying in a city for 3 or so months. 3 months is a full blown mini-relationship and most girls who are open to dating foreigners would be thrilled with a 2-3 month mini-relationship in my opinion.

As for countries where men are starting to travel to regularly or are "gringo'd out" so to speak, look no further than Costa Rica. Americans have been coming here for at least 2 decades and the women know the deal.

If if a country is starting to get infested with male tourist and travelers I have a feeling it will turn out like Costa Rica down the road, completely Americanized with prices similar to American big cities
. Oh, and we all know what happens when somewhere gets Americanized...women add 5-15 pounds [Image: undecided.gif]. Her face is an 8, but her body leaves something to be desired...However, even with the minute weight gain Ticas have managed to keep a solid hip-to-waist ratio ensuing strong errections [Image: banana.gif]

P.S: Sorry for the slight derail, needed to vent...

You are forgiven, actually it is interesting what you said about Costa Rica... according to most forum threads here, the situation there is not as bad as you describe, but, I do believe you, because it just makes sense : with 2 decades of heavy gringo men presence, I'm not surprised the country is "gringo'd out"... same could be said of Medellin I guess, but not of other parts of Colombia, fortunately...

Anyway, during this "3 months full blown mini-relationship(s)", you'll need to explain your prolonged stay, preferably with professional bullshit. If not, you fall back to sex-tourist stigma... yeah, unless the girls are so much into you that they (supposedly) don't care... but most of them care, if they are good quality...

So I guess I'll be using my routine "OSCE observer" shit, because nobody gave me a better idea [Image: confused.gif]

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Tiguere - 11-14-2014

Costa Rica isn't bad per se, the women are still attracted to gringos and such, but I find Panama much more pleasant in terms of women and vibe. You will get cute chicks in Costa Rica no doubt, but I imagine in the 90's the place was much better.

I think Medellin may be on it's first decade or so of over-Gringo and I doubt it gets the numbers Costa Rica gets. It seems to me anyone from the States (male or female) who wants to go on an "adventure" goes to Costa Rica for a month or two.

However, do not let this be too negative endorsement of Costa Rica or the women. The Americanized prices and some "hype" may have led to my overall negative impression. Some have hyped Ticas up and I simply do not see it, comparatively. And I went on a mini-hot streak here for a week or so...

Anyway, for your original question: an apartment plus talk of working online and scouting locations you would like to live long term should work just fine. I tell women I work online (true) and enjoy traveling. I haven't gotten a negative response yet.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - El_gato - 11-14-2014

When i am in cuba I tell the girls I am there with the Canadian diplomatic service - tourist relations and that I am meeting the cuban minister of tourism on Tuesday. Seems to reduce the number of scams that girls try to pull. If I have a wing - I get him to ask for her carnet (ID) for security reasons

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - TripleG - 11-15-2014

I work for a large UN organization which has offices in around 85% of the world and in almost all countries of EE and FSU. When traveling I just memorize the location of the country (capital) office and say that I am there for a conference. 98% of the girls that I meet will know of my organization and what it does in their country. Since I tend to have marathon dates involving tours of the city, walks to all the famous sightseeing points, museum,s castles, etc. and plenty of stops in popular bars/cafes I enjoy long conversations. The topic of what I am doing in their country and work comes up in 100% of my date's. So after mentioning the above there is rarely anymore shit-tests and we can change to more interesting topics like what type of wine she likes [Image: banana.gif]

By the way, for those who don't work for an international organization that is still not a problem. Just come up with a name of a fortune 500 company that has offices in the country where you are traveling to, memorize the location of the office in the capital city (just in case of a shit-test), learn a thing or two about products/services they offer in that country, and then you are golden!

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - chochemonger1 - 11-15-2014

Saying that you have a job offer from Citibank works pretty well. Just keep up with the Paul Krugman columns, in the New York Times, in case you meet some girl who works in finance, banking or a corporate job, especially in Eastern Europe. Some are very curious.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - Mentavious - 11-15-2014

Yeh I use my company or some other random engineering firm. 99% of the time they don't understand what I'm talking about so the shit test always ends there.

Travel with a good Cover Story or fail - El Chinito loco - 11-15-2014

Things i've told girls depending on the type:

Import/export related business. This is true but it has nothing to do with most of the countries i'm in. I only tell long term girls this but I always keep my business details vague.

Copper and minerals industry. This worked in China pretty well and explains travel. You can rattle off mining stocks and make them stop shit testing.

Oil platform engineer. Lots of expats are legit oil men and work rotations so this is an easy one.

Scuba Pro or marine biologist. If you go with the scuba pro story just tell them you are a partner in a large scuba business or an instructor. I know enough about ocean life to fake marine biologist for the more academic or environment orientated women.. Easy story when i'm traveling with a full set of gear. Plus I have a shitload of cool underwater videos to show my room and on my bed of course.

Developer/Real estate analyst. Easy to explain travel.

I'm visiting multiple relatives long term in whatever country i'm in and have a business. Easy one for me in Asia. This can be the go to excuse for any occasion.