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Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-16-2014

I thought it would be best to start a new thread for all the hate mail that isn't directed at 5 Reasons Girls with Tattoos and Piercings are Damaged. Here's what I got today. I can't figure out how to post a screencap on this. A girl sent an email titled "Please".

Girl: Choke on a dick.
Me: Choke on a dick? I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

No Response

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-20-2014

[img][Image: hate_mail.png]
upload imagem[/img]

Hate Mail - TheWastelander - 10-20-2014

"Ya'll need to get a life" as she sends you an e-mail complaining about your article on a "hilarious" site.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-21-2014

This delightful chap decided to write an email to all the ROK contributors. Fittingly, it went to my Spam folder, but I decided to fish it out.

[Image: Untitled.png]

[Image: Untitled_2.png]
free upload

Notice that he never actually answered my question about his sex life. Most men would at least lie that they get laid all the time.

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-23-2014

From my own "blog", since it wouldn't fit into a picture.


I only set this blog up as a repository for all my writing, but I wrote an email today I thought was worth sharing, and it’s too long to put into an image. I don’t know whether I will write here normally.


Gmail Blair Naso <[email protected]>
thank you!!!
3 messages

Emma S— Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 7:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Hi, I’m Erica and I wanted to thank you for your articles! <3
I read them all the time and they’ve really helped me a lot in realizing who i am and who i am destined to be. I now know my place as a woman, and the importance of serving men above myself. I could not agree with your views more, and it gives me hope that all young girls like me will realize their true purpose in life, solely: for men’s sexual pleasure, cooking, and taking care of children. I used to want to study science, but I realized that girls just aren’t smart enough to understand deeper concepts like that. Now that I’ve come to terms with my inferiority, I feel true to myself.
Thank you so much, please reply! [Image: biggrin.gif]
-Erica, 12

Blair Naso <[email protected]> Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 7:51 PM
To: Emma S—

First off, if you’re going to troll, you’ve got to be subtle. Your enemy may be vile, but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid. Lying is a skill, and you’re terrible at it.

Second, constant sarcasm is unattractive in a woman. This is America, and you have every right to be unattractive, but I would advise toning it down.

Third, my article last week was hyperbole. A woman’s purpose in life is not for sex, domestic chores, and child-rearing. A woman’s purpose in life is to love and to be happy, and at ROK we believe that that purpose is best achieved as it has been for all time in nearly all mammals.

Society today–for both men and women–is completely miserable. The therapy industry–basically unheard of 100 years ago–is flourishing, wages are low, rock n’ roll is dead, and in general there is more hatred than love. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? If you base your life on the pattern of miserable people, then you will likely become miserable yourself.

Every social movement has a mythology. As children we were taught that for all of history, men enjoyed so much privilege and women were discarded as non-human. While there have been many and constant abuses and misuses of natural gender roles, things were not and are not magically always better for men than for women. Women didn’t die of gangrene in the Civil War, and women didn’t work in the coal mines. In the 1920s, George Orwell wrote that in the month he was homeless, he only met one homeless woman out of at least hundreds of men–something much true today.

The reality is that life is and always has been difficult for both men and women. The question of who had it worse is irrelevant because both suffered greatly. Men have to endure meaningless jobs, and women have to endure screaming children. However, the important thing is to remember the concept of “role”. We all have our place in society, and the adult thing to do is to accept what you should instead of what you merely want. People have always found ways to love and to be happy despite their circumstances, but in today’s culture of comfort and opportunity, both love and happiness have become rare commodities.

I realize that you probably didn’t read all that, but it summarizes what the red pill movement is about despite its broadness and (believe it or not) diversity. I also realize that it failed to convince you, but I wanted to give you the opportunity anyway.


Blair publishes on Return or Kings every Thursday. Follow him on Twitter and read his articles.

Emma S— Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:07 PM

To: [email protected]
exactly what i wanted thanks bae
love ya <3

Hate Mail - aphelion - 10-23-2014

Advice: try less hard.

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-23-2014

I pretty much anticipated her response, but I thought it wouldn't take as long to write.

Every once in a while, I feel compelled to help knowing it's in vain instead of ignore or insult. Yesterday, there was a girl on POF with the worst profile. I sent her a long list of every five-minute change she should make. No response. Probably sulking and demanding boys change.

Hate Mail - SteveMcMahon - 10-23-2014


She sent you a troll email saying "Hi I'm Erica", from her Emma S. account?

[Image: Stupid_a6ce43_2481053.jpg]

Hate Mail - alexdagr81 - 10-23-2014

YEah I think you gave her much more than she could swallow

Hate Mail - Redwood - 10-23-2014

So angry, yet amusing. Are their lives that boring to the point where they have to insult and project their feelings onto you just for that dopamine fix?

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-23-2014

Quote: (10-23-2014 09:44 AM)alexdagr81 Wrote:  

YEah I think you gave her much more than she could swallow

I always girls more than they can swallow.

Hate Mail - Frank Rook - 10-24-2014

Quote: (10-23-2014 07:30 AM)blairnaso Wrote:  

From my own "blog", since it wouldn't fit into a picture.


I only set this blog up as a repository for all my writing, but I wrote an email today I thought was worth sharing, and it’s too long to put into an image. I don’t know whether I will write here normally.


Gmail Blair Naso <[email protected]>
thank you!!!
3 messages

Emma S— Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 7:21 PM
To: [email protected]
Hi, I’m Erica and I wanted to thank you for your articles! <3
I read them all the time and they’ve really helped me a lot in realizing who i am and who i am destined to be. I now know my place as a woman, and the importance of serving men above myself. I could not agree with your views more, and it gives me hope that all young girls like me will realize their true purpose in life, solely: for men’s sexual pleasure, cooking, and taking care of children. I used to want to study science, but I realized that girls just aren’t smart enough to understand deeper concepts like that. Now that I’ve come to terms with my inferiority, I feel true to myself.
Thank you so much, please reply! [Image: biggrin.gif]
-Erica, 12

Blair Naso <[email protected]> Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 7:51 PM
To: Emma S—

First off, if you’re going to troll, you’ve got to be subtle. Your enemy may be vile, but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid. Lying is a skill, and you’re terrible at it.

Second, constant sarcasm is unattractive in a woman. This is America, and you have every right to be unattractive, but I would advise toning it down.

Third, my article last week was hyperbole. A woman’s purpose in life is not for sex, domestic chores, and child-rearing. A woman’s purpose in life is to love and to be happy, and at ROK we believe that that purpose is best achieved as it has been for all time in nearly all mammals.

Society today–for both men and women–is completely miserable. The therapy industry–basically unheard of 100 years ago–is flourishing, wages are low, rock n’ roll is dead, and in general there is more hatred than love. Is that the kind of world you want to live in? If you base your life on the pattern of miserable people, then you will likely become miserable yourself.

Every social movement has a mythology. As children we were taught that for all of history, men enjoyed so much privilege and women were discarded as non-human. While there have been many and constant abuses and misuses of natural gender roles, things were not and are not magically always better for men than for women. Women didn’t die of gangrene in the Civil War, and women didn’t work in the coal mines. In the 1920s, George Orwell wrote that in the month he was homeless, he only met one homeless woman out of at least hundreds of men–something much true today.

The reality is that life is and always has been difficult for both men and women. The question of who had it worse is irrelevant because both suffered greatly. Men have to endure meaningless jobs, and women have to endure screaming children. However, the important thing is to remember the concept of “role”. We all have our place in society, and the adult thing to do is to accept what you should instead of what you merely want. People have always found ways to love and to be happy despite their circumstances, but in today’s culture of comfort and opportunity, both love and happiness have become rare commodities.

I realize that you probably didn’t read all that, but it summarizes what the red pill movement is about despite its broadness and (believe it or not) diversity. I also realize that it failed to convince you, but I wanted to give you the opportunity anyway.


Blair publishes on Return or Kings every Thursday. Follow him on Twitter and read his articles.

Emma S— Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 8:07 PM

To: [email protected]
exactly what i wanted thanks bae
love ya <3

That's a classy & educated reply.
I'm afraid you may have overloaded the poor troll's faulty intellectual wiring though. [Image: tongue.gif]

Hate Mail - Hades - 10-24-2014

Yeah I wouldn't even bother feeding the haters. They're way past the point of being worth anything but entertainment. You are getting better with the "twelve year old girl" one, I liked that you called her out and still played it straight.

That "classy rhetoric Lyel" one, dude he spelled "ingorance" wrong. I would ride his ass until he slapped the keyboard in rage about that one. He says that he doesn't care about his grammar but he's lying, everyone is.

All you have to do is equate bad spelling with being stupid, you know he thinks of himself as a smart guy. Throw in a splash of malignant narcissist for fun and keep it short and sweet ->

Quote: trash talking rage troll email respons Wrote:

Jesus Christ, Lyel, how am I supposed to respond to your constructive criticism if you can't even fucking spell ignorance right? I literally got to the fourth line and stopped. If you're too stupid to spell a different word for stupid, you must be one dumb fuck. Keep on keeping it real in the back of the short bus, buddy.

Hate Mail - Redwood - 10-24-2014

Yeah, trolling the trolls is the best option. Giving them a taste of their own medicine is quite potent.

Hate Mail - Virtus - 10-24-2014

Quote: (10-23-2014 07:44 PM)blairnaso Wrote:  

I always girls more than they can swallow.

Always girls?
What always girls??

I want to girls too..

Teach me. teach me

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 10-24-2014

Quote: (10-24-2014 09:45 AM)calihunter Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2014 07:44 PM)blairnaso Wrote:  

I always girls more than they can swallow.

Always girls?
What always girls??

I want to girls too..

Teach me. teach me

Well played.

*I always GIVE girls...

Hate Mail - Alpha - 10-24-2014

I jumped in when Matt Forney's article went big and started trolling on twitter. I figured I'd give the wimminz a false target to go after, so on all my social media channels I changed my employment to publicly say I worked an an Arby's a town over.

Mostly for the lulz of people calling up this Arby's and shit talking a non-existent employee, but partly because I didn't want them harassing my actual clients.

So I just had a chick friend request me today on facebook so I would see this week old message:

Hate Mail - TheWastelander - 10-24-2014

Quote: (10-24-2014 10:24 AM)Alpha Wrote:  

I jumped in when Matt Forney's article went big and started trolling on twitter. I figured I'd give the wimminz a false target to go after, so on all my social media channels I changed my employment to publicly say I worked an an Arby's a town over.

Mostly for the lulz of people calling up this Arby's and shit talking a non-existent employee, but partly because I didn't want them harassing my actual clients.

So I just had a chick friend request me today on facebook so I would see this week old message:

That poor Arby's!

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 12-07-2014

[Image: 2dj7es.png]

Hate Mail - Dr. Howard - 12-07-2014

Quote: (10-24-2014 10:24 AM)Alpha Wrote:  

I jumped in when Matt Forney's article went big and started trolling on twitter. I figured I'd give the wimminz a false target to go after, so on all my social media channels I changed my employment to publicly say I worked an an Arby's a town over.

Mostly for the lulz of people calling up this Arby's and shit talking a non-existent employee, but partly because I didn't want them harassing my actual clients.

So I just had a chick friend request me today on facebook so I would see this week old message:

bitch designs kitchens but will never likely utilize one as a matriarch base of operations like our grandmothers did...there is something very "Confucius says" about that.

Hate Mail - Veloce - 12-07-2014

I'm gonna give you my honest $.02 man, so take it at face value.

I think what you're doing, as a writer for ROK, is a disservice to the website.

What you wrote above to that guy George "...and never get laid again, just like you." isn't something that a writer for an online publication should be saying.

Forget what he said to you. As I'm sure you're aware, you're going to get plenty of hate. By reacting to that hate with insults, you're just perpetuating the game and you're not helping anyone. On top of it, insulting a man by his inability to get laid is the classic move coming from offended cunts. You should be better than that.

If you want to respond to hate mail, do so as an adult. Point out their grammatical errors. Write a quick line exposing the fallacy in their statements. And then go radio silence on them.

Really, the best response is no response.

Hate Mail - blairnaso - 12-07-2014

Quote: (12-07-2014 12:43 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

I'm gonna give you my honest $.02 man, so take it at face value.

I think what you're doing, as a writer for ROK, is a disservice to the website.

What you wrote above to that guy George "...and never get laid again, just like you." isn't something that a writer for an online publication should be saying.

Forget what he said to you. As I'm sure you're aware, you're going to get plenty of hate. By reacting to that hate with insults, you're just perpetuating the game and you're not helping anyone. On top of it, insulting a man by his inability to get laid is the classic move coming from offended cunts. You should be better than that.

If you want to respond to hate mail, do so as an adult. Point out their grammatical errors. Write a quick line exposing the fallacy in their statements. And then go radio silence on them.

Really, the best response is no response.

I appreciate your response. I think you're right.