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Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Brian Shima - 10-16-2014

At least a handful of pregnant Russian women board every flight from Moscow to Miami, according to Miami real estate agent Alexander Kronfeld. Kronfeld knows this because his realty company helps the expecting Eastern Europeans find three-to-five month leases in South Florida so they can give birth in warm weather.

Expecting mothers from Russia and other former Soviet-bloc countries are crowding the shores of North Miami and Sunny Isles Beach—also known as the “Russian Riviera”—and hiring bilingual companies, like Status-Med and BabyMiami, to find them short-term leases and high-quality medical care before they jet back to Putin’s paradise.

The Russian embassy in the United States reportedly doesn’t have an exact number of women who do this. Some women travel to New York or Los Angeles, where similar communities exist, but most head south to enjoy Florida’s palm trees, sleek cars, and cosmopolitan beaches.
“When I visited Miami a year ago, I met all these happy, pregnant Russian women,” Lillia, a 36-year-old Kazakhstani woman, told me in a condo lobby. When Lillia became pregnant this year, she returned to Miami, with her husband and two daughters, and found an agency that will help her give birth to her new son in the United States. She arrived just four days before we talked, and in three months she’ll return home flat-stomached and holding her newborn dual citizen.

“I just want my son to have more opportunities in the future,” she said.

Kronfeld says Russian women choose to give birth in the United States for several reasons besides Florida’s superior health care. Their children automatically become US citizens, which allows them to avoid Russian military service and, when they turn 21, file a motion for reunification to get their parents green cards. Plus, the mothers go into labor in a city whose temperature isn’t minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit.

The cost of birth tourism limits the practice to wealthy Russians, but the growing demand has allowed business owners to offer more variations on the service packages. At Status-Med, prices range from a few thousand dollars to $50,000, depending on the new mother’s English proficiency and the level of treatment she seeks.

“I have an agent who helps me with whatever I need,” Lillia said.

“They want a Rolls-Royce to bring them to the doctor every day,” Kronfeld told me. “They want the private driver to take them shopping.”

Calling these agencies led me to answering machines and disconnected numbers. Maybe they’re just busy, I thought, so I drove to their offices. When I arrived at the addresses listed online, I found clustered strip malls absent of any Russian medical consultants or birth services.

Eventually, I located one agency’s physical office, unmarked, on the tenth floor of a large business building. Miami-Mama’s young secretary greeted me and asked if I needed prenatal help. I told her I was writing a story for a magazine about birth tourism. Her response was quiet but curt: “We don’t comment.” Status-Med and MomsNBabes, another agency, also declined to answer my questions.

Russians have logical reasons to question Americans’ motives, considering many conservatives have criticized birth tourism.

“Never paid a single dollar of tax in the United States or worked a day here? We will confer citizenship on your child nevertheless,” conservative commentator A. J. Delgado wrote for the National Review in May. Delgado believes the mothers abuse the 14th Amendment, which enables the dual citizenships of these babies based on jus soli rights—to be a US citizen, the only requirement is that you be born on our soil.

The arrangement wasn’t financially benefitial for 28-year-old Yulia Voronovich, who said she paid almost $3,000 for medical services here. In Russia the birth would have been free, but Voronovich said she prefers Western medical conditions.

“In Russia, they keep you; they ask a thousand questions,” she said. “Here, if you’re healthy, you’re healthy. They let you go.”

Miami’s residents disagree on the motives behind the booming industry. As I ate pickled watermelon and Russian “salads” (a.k.a. vegetables soaked in vinegar) at the Matryoshka Deli in Sunny Isles, I asked locals what they thought about birth tourism.

“It’s a big fuckin’ business,” said the silver-haired man across from me as he sipped his midday beer. The Russian man sitting next to me had a different explanation: “They see palms. In Russia, we don’t have palms,” he said.

But in a way, Florida’s climate does legitimize the mothers’ trips. Miami remains warm, if not hot, year-round, and expecting women can live in luxurious condominiums overlooking the ocean and swim in fancy hotel pools.

I’d do it too if I had the money.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Brian Shima - 10-16-2014

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Dr. Howard - 10-16-2014

A good idea in theory but not the greatest idea for rich families. Remember US citizens get taxed on worldwide income so they are establishing a tax liability for their children and their family wealth even if they never come back tot he US.

I know, they are russian, and the likelyhood that they will be chased down in the US is low, but if they come to the US and try to sponsor their parents they will need to get current on all of those years of tax returns like the 'path to citizenship' proposal for illegal immigrants.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - presidentcarter - 10-16-2014

I know a Russian girl that apparently has lots of contacts to make this happen. She even told me to tell all my friends her contact info if they're interested. It costs less than $10,000 and closer to $5,000 in many hospitals in the US now, so it's no longer a "rich family" thing. Also, there are lots of people from other countries doing this. I didn't even know this kind of thing happened until this girl started telling me about it, but it seems that it's big business. Just google it and see all the forums and sites dedicated to it.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Simeon_Strangelight - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 11:07 AM)presidentcarter Wrote:  

I know a Russian girl that apparently has lots of contacts to make this happen. She even told me to tell all my friends her contact info if they're interested. It costs less than $10,000 and closer to $5,000 in many hospitals in the US now, so it's no longer a "rich family" thing. Also, there are lots of people from other countries doing this. I didn't even know this kind of thing happened until this girl started telling me about it, but it seems that it's big business. Just google it and see all the forums and sites dedicated to it.

Heh - if the woman were insured in the US the hospital would bill the HMO 40.000$.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - jimukr104 - 10-16-2014

I don't get all. Unless you are a rich oligarch on Putin's hit list it makes little sense. The us will tax them where ever they live at a much higher rate than RU taxes. If IRS decides to they can get billions from these rich guys.

Much cheaper to just buy property and make a min investment to get residency.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Cattle Rustler - 10-16-2014

Ugh, the last thing we need.

Anchor baby gopniks. And more Russians.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Sidney Crosby - 10-16-2014

The US just needs to get rid of birthright citizenship, from what I understand in Canada the rules have changed/are changing and the parents need to be residents of Canada for the baby to get Canadian citizenship.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Sonsowey - 10-16-2014

Russians seem like the perfect immigrants for Florida.

A little sexy, a little trashy, they love to drink and smoke, this is perfect Florida stuff.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Foolsgo1d - 10-16-2014

If I were a rich Russian I too would fly off to places with Palm tree's and better weather. Outside of Hurricane season that is, because fuck Hurricanes.

I don't see an issue.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Chaos - 10-16-2014

They've been coming to Finland for a long time to give birth.
And now also to US.

These Russkies are earning some decent dough these days.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - thirty-six - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:34 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

The US just needs to get rid of birthright citizenship...

Absolutely. The odds of that happening, though?

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - jimukr104 - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:37 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

If I were a rich Russian I too would fly off to places with Palm tree's and better weather. Outside of Hurricane season that is, because fuck Hurricanes.

I don't see an issue.
Sochi has palm trees but rooms with bad toilets lol.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - TigerMandingo - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:28 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Ugh, the last thing we need.

Anchor baby gopniks. And more Russians.

Pure trolling right here.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Akula - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:50 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:28 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Ugh, the last thing we need.

Anchor baby gopniks. And more Russians.

Pure trolling right here.

yep, especially from a Mexican-American! [Image: smile.gif] Not sure why Rustler is so against it given how hot the women are.

I can't see this happening all that often though....Russians are sort of in their own world at this point and a good looking girl can find a minigarch to support her many times. But then again the average Russian girl is a damn near 7 back home so they would do well.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Cattle Rustler - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:52 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:50 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:28 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Ugh, the last thing we need.

Anchor baby gopniks. And more Russians.

Pure trolling right here.

yep, especially from a Mexican-American! [Image: smile.gif] Not sure why Rustler is so against it given how hot the women are.

I can't see this happening all that often though....Russians are sort of in their own world at this point and a good looking girl can find a minigarch to support her many times. But then again the average Russian girl is a damn near 7 back home so they would do well.

Not trolling bros.

People love Mexican food, but Russian food? Never heard someone say such thing.

Colombianas have tasty food, dancing, and hot bitches. Young Russians only offer the last part.

I support legal migration, not people coming over and dropping anchor babies. My parents came here legally. [Image: banana.gif]

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Dr. Howard - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:34 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

The US just needs to get rid of birthright citizenship, from what I understand in Canada the rules have changed/are changing and the parents need to be residents of Canada for the baby to get Canadian citizenship.

Hey Crosby, get off the forums and strap on the blades and practice! You're riding on gretzky's coat tails especially with those head injuries buddy.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - TigerMandingo - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 02:27 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Young Russians only offer the last part.

What do you care? Your target demographic is 35-50 yo women. Hit up Brighton Beach bruh. [Image: smile.gif]

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - jimukr104 - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 02:27 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:52 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:50 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:28 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:  

Ugh, the last thing we need.

Anchor baby gopniks. And more Russians.

Pure trolling right here.

yep, especially from a Mexican-American! [Image: smile.gif] Not sure why Rustler is so against it given how hot the women are.

I can't see this happening all that often though....Russians are sort of in their own world at this point and a good looking girl can find a minigarch to support her many times. But then again the average Russian girl is a damn near 7 back home so they would do well.

Not trolling bros.

People love Mexican food, but Russian food? Never heard someone say such thing.

Colombianas have tasty food, dancing, and hot bitches. Young Russians only offer the last part.

I support legal migration, not people coming over and dropping anchor babies. My parents came here legally. [Image: banana.gif]
I would agree with you..I hate so called Russian /slavic food. But then when I looked at it realistically I realized Americans love shish kabob right?
Shasleek is the same thing and is as Russian ashot dogs, hamburgers, Pizzeria is American.

Being an empire Russia has MANY types of ethnic food that today is considered part of Russian cuisine. Georgian and Uzbiskistani food for example is delicious. Go to any Russian restaurant in NYC and you can pick food from any USSR country. Russian cuisine is a combination of food from over a dozen countries.

Borscht is also delicious when made right and so are the multitudes of Russian salads that one can choose from.

Lets not forget Russian sweets(cakes and cookies) and Ice cream...St Petersburg Ice cream for example.

A lot of Jewish food like perogies and deli meats are also basic staples of Russian cuisine.

But yeah Americans do love their cheap green Taco's that give diarrhea and cheap rice and fart producing beans.

To say that it is great food because a lot of people eat it is like saying Mc Donalds is great food because a lot of people eat it.[Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif][Image: banana.gif]

I always ate that shit because it was CHEAP and filling.


Hit up Brighton Beach bruh.

He doesn't want us in new Mexico..we don't want him here lol.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Quintus Curtius - 10-16-2014

America has this terrible citizenship rule where as long as you were born here, you automatically get to be a citizen. It shouldn't be automatic. Because it invites these types of abuses: where people just some here on holiday to give birth.

The Chinese are also adept at pulling off this scam. I saw a news story about it a while back. There's a whole industry over there that enables this behavior.

Again, our leaders here have sold us all out. Instead of stopping this, they look the other way.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - TravelerKai - 10-16-2014

QC beat me to it. Chinese women are doing this in droves to get their kids to go to a US University without needing to test out of China and be lucky to be permitted out. It's ridiculous.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Phoenix - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:34 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

The US just needs to get rid of birthright citizenship

Repealing the 14th amendment, or even touching it, is simply never going to happen this century, or probably ever. It was a pretty blunt instrument at the time to deal with the issues of the day, and is now excessive, but the Left gets too much power from judicial 'interpretation' of the 'equal protection' clause for it to ever be challenged.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Samseau - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 05:07 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:34 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

The US just needs to get rid of birthright citizenship

Repealing the 14th amendment, or even touching it, is simply never going to happen this century, or probably ever. It was a pretty blunt instrument at the time to deal with the issues of the day, and is now excessive, but the Left gets too much power from judicial 'interpretation' of the 'equal protection' clause for it to ever be challenged.

Yep. The parallels to dying Rome is also striking; as their population declined, Rome decided to extend citizenship to anyone in their territory, instead of the old way of passing citizenship through bloodlines. Obviously, extending citizenship did very little to stop the collapse.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - Saweeep - 10-16-2014

Hey at least they pay.

Half the third world comes here to give birth or have illnesses seen to by our free for all NHS.

Pregnant Russians are going to Florida to give birth - TheWastelander - 10-16-2014

Quote: (10-16-2014 01:34 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

The US just needs to get rid of birthright citizenship, from what I understand in Canada the rules have changed/are changing and the parents need to be residents of Canada for the baby to get Canadian citizenship.

Amending the 14th amendment would go over like a lead balloon in this country. The race hustlers would go bananas.