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Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - jariel - 10-15-2014


In theory, the advent of internet dating should have been a big win for gender equality. A free and transparent marketplace where women can seek out any sort of connection they fancy, from casual sex to death-do-us-part, and exercise all the same rights and powers as men — it’s a vision Gloria Steinem might have authored.

If the perfectly level sexual playing field of, Tinder and their ilk hasn’t noticeably improved the lot of womankind, there’s a simple reason for it. And Steve Harvey, the comedian and talk show host, thinks he’s got it pegged.

“Women are wired differently,” he says.

Internet dating is great for people interested in going on a lot of dates — which means, says Harvey, that it’s great for men. “The one thing I know about women is women don’t really want to just date,” he says. “They want to date with the hope that it leads to a relationship.”

Men are more interested in playing the field, he believes. “A man doesn’t have any problem at all dating several or a wide variety of people until he finds the right one,” he says. But women, as a rule, don’t want to do that, and the reason is scientific: “A lot of women have that biological clock that ticks in them.”

These hypotheses are not, it must be acknowledged, terribly original ones. Yet any woman who buys into them is bound to be disappointed by the online dating offerings out there — which is why Harvey is launching his own dating site. Called Delightful, it’s a joint venture with IAC, the company that owns, OkCupid, Tinder and a slew of niche-oriented matchmaking services. In addition to providing the animating philosophy, Harvey will supply articles and videos for subscribers hoping to “find love and keep it,” as the tagline has it.

Delightful grew out of a preexisting relationship Harvey had with IAC, as a spokesman for its site BlackPeopleMeet. Looking to negotiate a new personal service agreement with the company, he met with Match CEO Sam Yagan. “As I heard him talk about relationships, he had a real passion around love and how to develop love after the first date,” Yagan recalls.

As it happened, Yagan had been thinking of ways to build out IAC’s suite of dating products to include something that might keep users around after a successful introduction. “There’s no dating brand out there that puts the L-word front and center,” he says. “I thought Match should have a love-oriented product.”

Per Harvey’s Mars-versus-Venus reading of gender politics, Delightful will cater primarily to women, but also to men with a womanly interest in settling down. For women, there will be advice columns on topics such as “how to become more dateable”; for men, instructionals on being the kind of man who knows how to treat a woman.

Women, he says, are apt to wax poetic about finding a soulmate but undermine themselves by being too picky in the parameters they use to screen candidates. “Your soulmate, the man of your dreams, may not live an hour away,” he says. Men, meanwhile, need tutoring in the fine points of chivalry, like always walking in between one’s date and the street to protect her from traffic. “It’s sad to say, but the divorce rate in this country is so high, there are a lot of young men out there, quality men, who’ve never been told, ‘Hey man, this is the proper way to treat a lady,’” he says.

Both sexes ought to understand that, if they’re looking for a spouse, they shouldn’t waste their time on Tinder or other high-volume, low-investment dating apps. “Now, you can hit it, just like you can go to Vegas and hit the triple sevens on the Super Lotto, but you’re going to have to put a lot of coins in it,” he says.

If some of this sounds like the conventional wisdom of 50 years ago — or even strikes you as retrograde gender-determinist claptrap — that doesn’t necessarily mean Delightful’s not for you, says Harvey. “We’re not looking for one specific person, per se,” he says. “If you’re in a period of your life where you don’t feel like you need a protector, we can probably find you a guy who doesn’t want to be a protector.”

“It’s not like we’re standing behind everything he’s ever said,” says Yagan.

And it’s not like Harvey is setting himself up as a sage, just as a guy who’s been around the block a few times and written a massively popular advice book about what he’s learned. Asked about the source of his wisdom, he says, “The majority of mine came from failure, to be honest with you. I’ve come to learn in my life that failure’s a wonderful teacher. I’ve scooped a lot of the dog poop off the sidewalk so you wouldn’t have to step in it.”

If this website doesn't come with at a minimum personal trainers, private dietitians, and etiquette courses, I'm callin' bust.

[Image: 6r6wptG.gif]

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Private Man - 10-15-2014

Online dating is good for men?! Yeah, for good looking guys, regardless of age.

This guy's delusional and knows shit about what men experience online. I've got over a decade's experience with online dating.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - TigerMandingo - 10-15-2014

Steve Harvey is a pussy worshipper. An excerpt from his book Act like a Lady, Think like a Man:


Nothing on this planet can compare with a woman’s love—it is kind and compassionate, patient and nurturing, generous and sweet and unconditional. Pure. If you are her man, she will walk on water and through a mountain for you, too, no matter how you’ve acted out, no matter what crazy thing you’ve done, no matter the time or demand.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Private Man - 10-15-2014

He knows his target market, single dames. These women will spend the money to meet their relationship goals.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Enigma - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:04 PM)Cunnilinguist Wrote:  

Steve Harvey is a pussy worshipper. An excerpt from his book Act like a Lady, Think like a Man:


Nothing on this planet can compare with a woman’s love—it is kind and compassionate, patient and nurturing, generous and sweet and unconditional. Pure. If you are her man, she will walk on water and through a mountain for you, too, no matter how you’ve acted out, no matter what crazy thing you’ve done, no matter the time or demand.

I don't see anything wrong with that comment from a 57-year-old man.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - CRR - 10-15-2014

Women should just follow my three simple steps:

1) Be cute in a feminine way
2) Don't be fat
3) Don't be a cunt

I guess I could add "Don't be a flake", but that falls under "Don't be a cunt".

Why women choose to make it complicated is a mystery. I honestly think it is because they have been taught from a young age that they are all special, beautiful and perfect. This creates such a sense of entitlement that they are unable to cope when reality hits them in the face. They constantly throw around phrases such as "I deserve the best" and this is reinforced by other women (the women's union…I love that phrase).

As discussed in the hamster thread and other threads, there were articles on XOJane by two women who were complaining about dating or some shit, and all the women told them how perfect they are. The simple obvious truth was 1) One was dumpy and annoying 2) The other was very fat, borderline obese.

I've seen other articles talking about fat women with fit men (Lena Dunham w Patrick Wilson on Girls, and some fit guy on Homeland banging some whale). Call them on their hypocrisy, and they respond "what, it's not ok for a fat girl to like a hot guy?", yet if you point out the hilarious contradiction, they go nuts.

Either way, no amount of complaining can change the following fact: Women can decide what they find attractive, MEN will decide what men find attractive. And saying that we are shaming, sexist, misogynist won't stop us. Judge us all they want, we accept the challenge, because we sure as shit will judge them.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Enigma - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 12:26 PM)CRR Wrote:  

1) Be cute in a feminine way
2) Don't be fat
3) Don't be a cunt

Even if they did that, they'd still be getting blown out of the water by foreign women.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - slats7 - 10-15-2014

OMG! He thinks that women want relationships more than casual sex! That's insane!!

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - MidWest - 10-15-2014

Yeah a lot of these "Dating guides" for women are a bunch of bs guides. Women do want good relationships but they aren't attracted to the nice relationship guys. It is what they want, but not what they are attracted to.

Steve Harvey knows his audience and he knows it well. He is basically going to give women what they want to hear not necessarily the truth which is being feminine and to drop the whole "I'm independent" thing, and not be fat, etc...

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Pride male - 10-15-2014

I think women seeking help from Steve Harvey are looking for relationships (marriage, kids) with super alphas, real high profile men. God help them, they will need more than just being cute. Sort of like us guys wanting hard 9s and solid 10s.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Private Man - 10-15-2014

Steve Harvey is not getting paid for results like a business-based dating coach who must dispense successful advice that actually yields positive results.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Sturmgeist - 10-15-2014

Steve Harvey giving dating advice? Isn't this the same guy that cheated on every single one of his wives and said that non-Christians don't have a "moral barometer"?

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - heavy - 10-15-2014

I didn't read the he proposing the following?
1. Women can't vote
2. Eliminate no-fault divorce
3. Eliminate civil rights laws. These have driven the lawsuit fears, red-tape bull shit companies are burdened by.
4. Eliminate unemployment and welfare handouts
5. Eliminate corporate tax write-offs for providing health insurance

I'm not saying I'd rather live in that world necessarily, but that'd probably cause more good girls to get good guys.

Individually, you can't make high value men (attractive) settle down with hotties, but you can improve a woman's likelihood to get a bf:
1. Treadmill
2. Stop eating
3. Stop taking meds
4. Be feminine

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Samseau - 10-15-2014

A total conman; I'm sure he'll make lots of money scamming blue-pillers.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Native Baltimoron - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 02:14 PM)heavy Wrote:  

I didn't read the he proposing the following?
1. Women can't vote
2. Eliminate no-fault divorce
3. Eliminate civil rights laws. These have driven the lawsuit fears, red-tape bull shit companies are burdened by.
4. Eliminate unemployment and welfare handouts
5. Eliminate corporate tax write-offs for providing health insurance

I'm not saying I'd rather live in that world necessarily, but that'd probably cause more good girls to get good guys.

Individually, you can't make high value men (attractive) settle down with hotties, but you can improve a woman's likelihood to get a bf:
1. Treadmill
2. Stop eating
3. Stop taking meds
4. Be feminine

You left out default father custody. [Image: cool.gif]

Anecdotally, women don't care as much about self-improvement, because they can string along their many orbiters for attention and help moving heavy objects, while cock-hopping their way through the local cads until their looks fade.

Again anecdotally, high-value men, c.f. George Clooney, do tend settle down eventually, but the plethora of options they have in their youth means they delay longer-term commitments, especially marriage. It's questionable whether this actually helps them avoid nuking their finances in a divorce.

That said, women who want to bag and keep movie stars, rockers, and rich dudes need to be physically attractive, decently feminine, and moving in the right social circles. The last one is the biggest stumbling block, because even though women have been lowering the bar on femininity and physical attractiveness for decades, c.f. Lindy West, not everyone lives in Hollywood, hangs out with musicians, or went to an elite school.

Also, the idea that women are more into relationships and commitment than men is contradicted by several social surveys (including the one). The usual caveats about self-reporting apply, of course, but this dovetails with Rollo's assertion that men are the romantics, not women.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - WestIndianArchie - 10-15-2014

He's telling these broads what they're grandmothers and grandfathers already told em? And getting paid off of all of that?

[Image: tumblr_mljaa2P27N1rrz630o1_500.jpg]

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - TravelerKai - 10-15-2014

Steve means well towards his female followers, but at some point he needs to start dropping real talk on them otherwise it's going to look like a cash grabbing hustle, like some rebranded blackpeoplemeet website.

He has the opportunity to set a precedent in the black community. He is moving slowly on it though and he has non black fans as well, which is where most of his tiptoeing around the issues comes from. I think he risks losing them long term unless he drops the bomb at some point. The 800 pound gorilla is still in the room. If he adopts of the Manosphere style systems based on solutions and not much criticism, he might improve these women somewhat but will it be too late or not enough? Men are still improving and date foreign women more now, and it's increasing. Jariel was right on his speculation. He better bring in all kinds of help in the form of experts, dieticians, etc. And hope their hamsters don't reject the help.

Otherwise he will find out just how many losers just want to complain, whine, and clown around like the many losers in the Manosphere that get banned for trolling and other nonserious behavior. He may find that, women don't want his fucking help like the thousands we see in our sphere like that.

If I were him I would focus on black women only. When you try to address all races or sound neutral, white women will pounce extremely hard and shriek at the fact you told them what to do. Black women can't get too offended by stuff their pastor at church might say. Stephen A Smith found out this year. Will this Steve learn from that?

If he was really smart he would take some black guys and try to improve them too to increase the amount of quality of suitors.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Pride male - 10-15-2014

@ NativeBaltimoron. You are so right about men being more romantic. Hard pill to swallow. I spend my time daydreaming about holding hands and counting stars with my soulmate. So women daydream about getting jack hammered by the milkman?

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Native Baltimoron - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 03:48 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

@ NativeBaltimoron. You are so right about men being more romantic. Hard pill to swallow. I spend my time daydreaming about holding hands and counting stars with my soulmate. So women daydream about getting jack hammered by the milkman?

You could ask them, but they wouldn't admit it if they did. I don't think it really works like that, though. I would guess a lot of their idealizations of relationships are pretty similar to men's, albeit more feminine-centric, if that makes sense.

The issue is that women aren't intrinsically aware of their attraction triggers, they haven't been socialized to be aware of them, and they are encouraged to "follow their hearts" towards feral self-actualization. Back in the day, there were real costs to getting caught cuckolding someone, or sleeping around as an unmarried woman. That tended to put a damper on what women allowed other women to get away with, but it doesn't change the underlying nature of what women were attracted to.

Somewhat OT, but the fact that society's men have lapsed into limpwristed effeminacy certainly also contributes to women's bad behavior. Every dude that clicks "like" on some fat chick's inane Facebook status is part of the problem. Every dude that follows a woman around waiting for her to trip and fall onto his dick is part of the problem. And every guy that white-knights for female college students who regret their indiscretions the next morning is part of the problem.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Quintus Curtius - 10-15-2014

They can smear as much lipstick they want on the pig, but the pig is still a pig. No amount of sleight-of-hand, sugar-coating, or hocus-pocus can cover up that fact.

Shit is shit is shit.

The problem with Anglosphere women is not a lack of good marketing. The problem is that they are not good women, period.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Sourcecode - 10-15-2014

Steve Harvey is pretty much a preacher.
Look at any of his views towards the church... he thinks anyone that isnt christian is the devil and only christians matter.

Clearly this is market at black church going women... who look towards the church for a man
Does the black church keep black women single?

One of biggest reasons black women are single, Cooper says, is because of a lack of black men in the church. According to the PEW study, "African-American men are significantly more likely than women to be unaffiliated with any religion (16 percent vs. 9 percent). Nearly one-in-five men say they have no formal religious affiliation."

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Moma - 10-15-2014

If you can't beat them, fleece them.

2 number one pimps of black lizards in America:

1) Tyler Perry

2) Steve Harvey.

Everything these guys put out is just entertainment.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Kingsley Davis - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 04:53 PM)Moma Wrote:  

If you can't beat them, fleece them.

2 number one pimps of black lizards in America:

1) Tyler Perry

2) Steve Harvey.

Everything these guys put out is just entertainment.

Don't forget Big O.

Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - Seth_Rose - 10-15-2014


Steve Harvey Launches Website to Help Women Become More Dateable - CRR - 10-15-2014

Quote: (10-15-2014 03:46 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Steve means well towards his female followers, but at some point he needs to start dropping real talk on them otherwise it's going to look like a cash grabbing hustle, like some rebranded blackpeoplemeet website.

He has the opportunity to set a precedent in the black community. He is moving slowly on it though and he has non black fans as well, which is where most of his tiptoeing around the issues comes from. I think he risks losing them long term unless he drops the bomb at some point. The 800 pound gorilla is still in the room. If he adopts of the Manosphere style systems based on solutions and not much criticism, he might improve these women somewhat but will it be too late or not enough? Men are still improving and date foreign women more now, and it's increasing. Jariel was right on his speculation. He better bring in all kinds of help in the form of experts, dieticians, etc. And hope their hamsters don't reject the help.

Otherwise he will find out just how many losers just want to complain, whine, and clown around like the many losers in the Manosphere that get banned for trolling and other nonserious behavior. He may find that, women don't want his fucking help like the thousands we see in our sphere like that.

Speaking of, the first thing a woman should do (white, black or otherwise) is not look like an 800 pound gorilla.


If I were him I would focus on black women only. When you try to address all races or sound neutral, white women will pounce extremely hard and shriek at the fact you told them what to do. Black women can't get too offended by stuff their pastor at church might say. Stephen A Smith found out this year. Will this Steve learn from that?

If he was really smart he would take some black guys and try to improve them too to increase the amount of quality of suitors.

Also true and also ironic, considering a main purpose of feminism is to tell men what they should find attractive.