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Aggression in a club - Printable Version

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Aggression in a club - Bogart - 10-13-2014

Just want to get some opinions on a recent experience I had in a club in Sydney. I was out at one of my favourites on sat night, a hot bed for the younger crowd. I'd just been to a twenty first so was dressed sharp with a sports jacket. Normally I have mixed success at clubs but tend to be more reliant on conversation than physicality (i.e. bar game) when i'm on the hunt. I'm going on exchange to Montreal next year so in preparation I want to diversify my game so i'm ready for a new scene and so I can improve generally.

So down to business. I was on the dancefloor with my wman, we'd had success as two sharp older looking dudes (though we're both 20 we look like we're in our 30's) and as the night entered its final phase I decided instead of going for that energetic I'm the life of the party AMOG look i'd try emulate some dark triad. So (with images of the rough sex i'd had with a regular the other night) flowing through my mind I toned down the dancing and gave of this motherfucking evil look of scorn at the girls who tried to grab my attention, the result was pretty sensational, way way more attention than before (I had 5's that usually orbit and stare start dancing into our area and thrust themselves at me like sacraficial offerings) and a 7 walked straight up to me and opened. I didn't convert but this girl first asked me why i looked so unhappy, i responded with a denial and a neg and turned my back on her to talk to my mate and she stood behind me while I talked for about 45 seconds tapping me on the shoulder till I turned back to her to continue the conversation.

So my question is this. Is that level of negative energy too much? I kind of feel like the inherent masochism of most women means that it can only be a good thing but I was just surprised it worked in a 18 - 22 yo environment given that most of these girls wouldn't know how satisfying a caveman can be....

Aggression in a club - RUIN - 10-13-2014

its a tough one mate - because you walk a fine line based on a womans interpretation and all it takes is for her to take offense and suddenly you could have another guy she sweet talked looking to be the white knight or a bouncer with his colleagues asking you to leave (translation; start walking or all of us will throw you out hard).

as far as the evil look of scorn sounds like you played it just right, personally I would go more on your mannerisms than the face because people will read your face first if something happens. as for me I keep a poker face and work more on my mannerisms so I look grim-ish, but can cut a girl down to size with words if I choose (bearing in mind I make that choice).