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The fall of the FSU: Estonia legalizes same sex "partnerships" - Printable Version

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The fall of the FSU: Estonia legalizes same sex "partnerships" - durangotang - 10-09-2014

Estonia became the first ex-Soviet country to legalize same-sex partnerships

From the Article:

October 9, Tallinn – Estonia made history today when the country’s parliament passed the gender-neutral Civil Partnership Act on a close vote of 40 to 38. The new law acknowledges civil unions for all couples, regardless of the gender of the partners, and grants same-sex couples rights and responsibilities similar to a marriage between a heterosexual couple.

Of course this wouldn't be possible without agitprop and funding from the Anglo-sphere:

From the Article:

Peeter Rebane, a London-based film director and advocate for the Act is satisfied with the result: "It was a long fight for us to achieve something so basic and obvious. This act will guarantee the same-sex couples their fundamental rights that so-called traditional couples take for granted – a right to establish a family with the loved one, raise children, and enjoy financial benefits equal to married couples.'”


The language is even eerily the same as here; the Gender-neutral Civil Partnerships Act. The culturally marxist western virus is spreading, and now in the FSU the first domino falls.

The fall of the FSU: Estonia legalizes same sex "partnerships" - perverted sage - 10-09-2014

And so it begins

The fall of the FSU: Estonia legalizes same sex "partnerships" - Cheetah - 10-09-2014

[Image: putin_2993191b.jpg]

It could be a strategy. "Let's start the decadence of Estonia with that Western gay promotion shit and Putin will never have an interest to invade us." It's like putting your own car on fire in order to make sure that no one steals it.