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Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Printable Version

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Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - MidWest - 10-05-2014

Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson was condemned on the view for making comments against women. I think this news was a year ago because Elizabeth Hasselback is not on the show no more.

He basically said that America's greatest mistake was to allow women to vote and that they are going to destroy America. The women on the view had a field day over this. Here is the video:

This is him again on Fox News debating a feminist:

^^^^^ hahaha this guy just doesn't care. Talk about really speaking your mind.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Old Fritz - 10-05-2014

He's right.

I recall those women on the view laughing at a man who was castrated for wanting a divorce. Screw their anger. Dumb bitches.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - infowarrior1 - 10-05-2014

I consider him one of the red pill radio hosts that one should consider listening to.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - vinman - 10-05-2014

He's right. That's where the Nanny State comes from.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Felix88 - 10-05-2014

What? Does America really have a show which you watch smug old hags screeching?

Learn something new everyday.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Saga - 10-05-2014

Man claims women act emotionally.

Women respond with emotional outrage, oblivious to the irony.

You could set your watch to it.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - The Lizard of Oz - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 10:42 PM)Felix88 Wrote:  

What? Does America really have a show which you watch smug old hags screeching?

Jeez man, your ability to express yourself in perfect descriptive English is growing by the millisecond, it's almost scary. I'll chalk it up to the wagon. [Image: wink.gif]

It is impossible to describe that show any better!! LOL!

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - assman - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 10:37 PM)vinman Wrote:  

He's right. That's where the Nanny State comes from.
In all it's forms, including the police state.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin

As the proportion of unmarried women rises, it will be very easy for politicians to convince women to trade ever more liberty for perceived security.

[Image: Police-state-courtesy-usactionnews.com_.jpg]

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - SteveMcMahon - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 10:42 PM)Saga Wrote:  

Man claims women act emotionally.

Women respond with emotional outrage, oblivious to the irony.

You could set your watch to it.


Ever noticed how, when a woman makes a negative comment about men to a man, 9 times out of 10 the man just laughs it off or agrees and amplifies? ("You're right sweetheart, all men are bastards.")

But when a man makes a negative observation about women within earshot of a woman, she's virtually guaranteed to get angry and ride to the defence of the sisterhood.

[Image: 2vnl2yt.jpg]
"What is this website... 'Return of Kings'? What the fucking fuck?!?! RAAAARRRGGHHH!"

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - TravelerKai - 10-06-2014

He handled that female commentator like a boss. All she could state was her anger of what she perceived from him to be a bad pastor or false prophet. She did not even cite one scripture to support her claims that he was wrong. Not once. If you are going to argue with a religious person, you better know your Bible otherwise they will crush you.

That is like going line for line with a Jehovah's Witness. You better not be some Easter Christian, that goes to one of these New Age Churches where your pastor flies a private plane or helicopter to the church, trying to make a point. Almost all these kinds of churches are full of feminists and female controlled churches that have perverted scripture and refuse to acknowledge 1 Timothy. First they say the Old Testament is irrelevant, then if you bring up 1 Timothy, they dismiss that one as well.

I gotta subscribe to this guy. He is almost like a black version of Dalrock and Henry Makow mixed up. I need to find an unedited version of that first video of his sermon. I wanna hear what else he had to say. This guy may need a bigger platform to reach more black men. Jesse Jackson's camp hates him and they even attacked him physically.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - MidWest - 10-06-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 08:37 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

He handled that female commentator like a boss. All she could state was her anger of what she perceived from him to be a bad pastor or false prophet. She did not even cite one scripture to support her claims that he was wrong. Not once. If you are going to argue with a religious person, you better know your Bible otherwise they will crush you.

This guy may need a bigger platform to reach more black men. Jesse Jackson's camp hates him and they even attacked him physically.

Yeah notice the irony when the feminist acts emotionally and tries to appeal to another man to help her out (Hannity) as in to say "are you going to let this guy get away with this?." Hannity just looks at her like "Bitch please you brought this onto yourself." That was just awesome.

To be fair to Al Sharpton though, Jesse Lee Peterson is known around the Black community to look down on Black people and have what many consider a deep rooted self-hatred over his race. Although I like some of his stuff on feminism, I completely disagree with his stuff when it comes to Black people. I recall him saying that Blacks should go back on the slavery plantation so they can get some "work ethic."

Here's some videos on that:

Jesse Lee Peterson saying that if he was president he would send all Black people to a slave plantation.

He goes on BET saying that 96% of Blacks are racist:

He talks in front of an almost white audience and says that both Obama and Michelle are racists.

What I do like about him though is that he doesn't care what people think and could care less about being politically correct.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - TravelerKai - 10-06-2014

He is an interesting cat for sure. Some of that stuff is a bit strange in a way. I read some other stuff about him as well.

That slave plantation thing was silly. Kinda tongue in cheek humor. Who knows if he was really being serious about that. He just wants black people to appreciate what they have by knowing what true hard work really is. That is no different than the stuff many whites here say when they attack decadence and entitlement here. Samseau has said plenty things about this. Black people cannot pretend that we are immune to that kind of talk either just because 4 generations ago+ our people were slaves. That was a long time ago. We are just as vulnerable to entitlement and decadence as the other groups here.

I don't know about that 96% bit, but there is definitely a large group of blacks that cannot stand white people. That's kind of an open secret sort-of. It really does not mean much because there might be just as many if not more whites that hate black people for various reasons as well. What I think he was trying to do is attack the hamster and PC fairytale that all black people are loving people that do not hate anyone because we are the ones hated on. That's bullshit indeed, but there is probably a better way to say this, without the 96% bit. That's too much.

As for that last video....ugh. They did go to a racist church that many black people magically forgot about after the first election was won. As for if his policies are racist against white people? I don't think so. I think his policies are evil enough to begin with, without the race parts. I also am not convinced he acted alone on any of it either. Liberals are terrible just by themselves collectively. It's also possible that the liberals and conservatives are all just a bunch of corporatist-like neocons and it really does not matter which ones are in office. This country has a real Plutocracy now. Looking at Obama and the presidency in terms of black vs. white is missing the forest for the trees. In many ways it comes off as a Rufus from Boondocks talking. Eric Holder is racist or a race troll. No arguments from many of us on that part.

At least he is brave enough to stand by what he says, right or wrong. That is indeed rare these days because the repercussions are so dangerous to your own livelihood now.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - TonySandos - 10-06-2014

Kai- if more people were self aware like you, a successfully multicultural nation could be believable. Unfortunately, the fear economy is strong across the color spectrum.

I'd like to see a think tank of individuals like Thomas Sowell, MLK 3rd, Ron Paul, Steve Cohen, Colin Powell and the likes to truly debate the poverty/race issue

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - speakeasy - 10-06-2014

I wanted to watch this video but I can't possibly sit through 4 minutes of The View.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Jackreacher - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 01:12 PM)MidWest Wrote:  

He talks in front of an almost white audience and says that both Obama and Michelle are racists.

What I do like about him though is that he doesn't care what people think and could care less about being politically correct.

"We have an angry black female in control"

[Image: mindblown2.png]

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - debeguiled - 01-19-2018

I thought Jesse Lee Peterson had a more recent thread than this. Oh well.

I found this. Haven't watched yet. There is no way this will not be fascinating.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Dragan - 01-19-2018

Sometimes TV is on in the background in the morning... And the View comes on... Absolute garbage. They all berate Trump, including RNC-approved controlled-opposition Meghan McCain.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Huey - 01-19-2018

Quote: (01-19-2018 03:28 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

I thought Jesse Lee Peterson had a more recent thread than this. Oh well.

I found this. Haven't watched yet. There is no way this will not be fascinating.

I'm 10 minutes in and I don't think I can continue. This "debate" is insufferable.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - debeguiled - 01-20-2018

Yeah, not as much fun as I thought it would be. Their styles are not well matched, and there was no debate really as Huey points out, it was like each was giving a speech to his own audience using the other man as a prop.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Pancho - 01-20-2018

They actually had another debate about 2 years ago. Which was far more interesting and funnier than the one above.

Its the first time they met. Jessee was like "Is it possible to love all the coons?" [Image: lol.gif]

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - SiverFox - 05-19-2018

Jesse Lee absolutely destroys feminism. Every man should watch this to learn how to how to talk to a woman. Intelligent, relentless, stuck to his convictions and the right amount of humor.

As always it is the kid that will suffer. Poor guy is fucked right off the Go square.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - ProGambler - 05-19-2018

This is too good.

Also Tariq Nasheed vs Jared Taylor is one of the funniest things on the internet. Tears.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - BlueResolute - 05-20-2018

Quote: (05-19-2018 11:32 AM)SiverFox Wrote:  

Jesse Lee absolutely destroys feminism. Every man should watch this to learn how to how to talk to a woman. Intelligent, relentless, stuck to his convictions and the right amount of humor.

As always it is the kid that will suffer. Poor guy is fucked right off the Go square.
Amber Rose: "I feel like you're trolling me right now."
Jesse: "What does that mean?"

Had me dying. You can tell she's just speaking social media speak and Jesse just keeps this straight, subtle expression for the entire thing.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - nola - 05-21-2018

This girl is about as sharp as a beach ball. Kids idolizing former strippers, the world is going to shit fast.

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson says women shouldn't vote angering the women on "The View" - Psygnosis89 - 05-21-2018

Love how she uses arm/hand motions so much when she talks to try and make her babbling seem more coherent somehow. Whenever I see a woman from afar on the phone using a lot of hand motions I chuckle to myself and think "boy, must be a really deep conversation going on there."