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Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Printable Version

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Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Aenema - 10-05-2014

Perhaps not unattractive but of lower quality than you normally attain. This has notably happened to me twice, where a woman I am not attracted to somehow manipulates me into being interested in her. In your experience, have you encountered such women and how can we identify their tricks before they take effect?

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Anthony A. King - 10-05-2014

Why are you interested in women you find unattractive?[Image: icon_question.gif]

No I haven't been "seduced" by one though I do see unattractive girls show interest in me, but that's expected.

I always follow the "boner test"-if she gives you a boner approach.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Mage - 10-05-2014

Thare have been quite a few women below my treshold who have tried to seduce me by being extreamly nice to me and throwing very obvious hints. But they all failed. My will is too strong and my mind is too clear and sharp. If I don't like what I see then I will not waste my time on that. My superpower of being able to be rude when most people would give in to appear polite has saved me many many times.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Quintus Curtius - 10-05-2014

Attraction is a metric that can be difficult to measure. It's not all about physical attraction...well, mostly it is, but there is also this "X" factor that some women have that can make an otherwise average chick stand out from the crowd.

So, run with it.

And to answer your question, yes. It's a good thing to have women pursue you.

Just as long as they're not snaggle-toothed uglies, fat, or freaks.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Mentavious - 10-05-2014

Some strong willed men out there.

I'm not one of therm as I have slept with a few. Some bigger girls I've porked offered anything goes in the bed and even cooked for it. This was back in college though.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - L M McCoy - 10-05-2014

The way I see it is, yes but only if she is going to pleasure me without me pleasuring her I.E. Bj, Hj, or fetishes

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Basil Ransom - 10-05-2014

Not exactly.

I recall two encounters with women who made me very aroused, wildly beyond what their looks would usually incite. Both times occurred while we were in college. They weren't trying to seduce me, it was just natural, engaging conversation. I think it was just that both were engaging conversationalists, they would look me in the eye and listen to what I was saying, they were present and invested in the interaction, and fairly intelligent to boot. I had a date with one I believe but didn't bang either.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Tuthmosis - 10-05-2014


[Image: tv-comedy-seinfeld-jerry-seinfeld-shudder.gif]

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - rpg - 10-05-2014

I fucked a woman who I normally would never fuck but her personality was hilarious. She was even laughing while sucking my dick! I have a special place in my heart for woman with great personalities. Rare I know.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - WestIndianArchie - 10-05-2014

Quote: (10-05-2014 08:25 AM)Aenema Wrote:  

Perhaps not unattractive but of lower quality than you normally attain. This has notably happened to me twice, where a woman I am not attracted to somehow manipulates me into being interested in her. In your experience, have you encountered such women and how can we identify their tricks before they take effect?

Of course.

Her first trick was being very available, and me not being able to say no to my hormones.

Her second trick was being fantastic in the sack.

She/They were undone by being horrible human beings personality wise.

Which leads me to the unscientific conclusion that a woman is alone because she either wants to be or deserves to be.


Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Bear Z - 10-05-2014

Yup. Alcohol is a hell of a thing

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Atlantic - 10-05-2014

I wouldn't exactly call it 'seduce' but back when I partied hard I have had a few girls absolutely fill me full of drink and go for the kiss/bang.

I can remember quite a few times of girls helping me walk to a taxi to get me back to theirs or taking my pants off for me cause I was nearly passing out. I can just about remember one redhead in particular taking photos of me half passed out naked on her bed while her flatmates watched.

In Ireland this is kind of common and a lot of my friends have similar and sometimes hilarious stories about girls doing this.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - DJ-Matt - 10-06-2014

I married one. Oops.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Spectrumwalker - 10-06-2014

There are some things I wish to take with me to the grave. Though this girl's unique name alone made for a funny memory.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - firstofthemonth - 10-07-2014

Sometimes they get mean when their approach fails.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Mage - 10-07-2014

Quote: (10-06-2014 07:22 PM)Spectrumwalker Wrote:  

There are some things I wish to take with me to the grave. Though this girl's unique name alone made for a funny memory.

Was she called Griselda?

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - pitt - 10-07-2014

Many times. Actually I wouldn't say they were necessarily unattractive because some of them my friends were shocked that I didn't like them. I just have a very specific taste, if she does not have a big booty, I won't be interested.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Saga - 10-07-2014

I wouldn't call it seduction, but I have felt very drawn to certain girls because their comportment enhanced their physical attractiveness. A graceful laugh, voluptuous hair, subtle body contact, dignified yet suggestive posture, attractive clothes, being flirtatious without overselling it...basically old-school female charm. It will never cover up ugliness, but it can make a 7 much more intriguing, especially when compared to an obnoxious, shit-testing 8.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Mujeriego - 10-07-2014

It tends to happen when I'm incredibly drunk.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - babelfish669 - 10-08-2014

If you had sex with a women you were not attracted to, you were raped.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Saweeep - 10-09-2014

When I was younger I used to do a lot of drugs…a cocktail of weed MDMA and copious amounts of coke were my norm for a night out. PLus alcohol of course.

Anyway, to those of you who haven't done it, MDMA can suddenly wear off…like waking up from a dream.

Or a nightmare…

All I remember is "waking up" half dressed in a strange bedroom watching a short, fat, pig faced blonde waddle out of the room saying "I'm just going to the (shared) bathroom to get ready".

In that moment my fight or flight kicked in…it was either kill her or run away. I have never moved as fast in my life as I did when I heard that bathroom door shut…clothes on, down the stairs and out the door like the escaping prisoner I was.

It was 5 am and I didn't know where the fuck I was…it took me an hour to find my way back to my friends house where I was staying.

I saw her the next time I visited in the same club I must have been captured from…apparently I didn't even close the front door [Image: biggrin.gif]

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Jack198 - 10-09-2014

Had one try ages ago, when I was 27 years old. She was a very used up 34 year old who was a friend of my roommates. She came by the house one night before a party; I could tell at one point in her life she was probably pretty smoking hot, but the cocaine and partying in ski towns (this was in the mountains in Colorado) had clearly taken their toll - she'd had a heart attack at 32 years old, for crissakes. I can only imagine how stretched her pussy was - and this was waaay before Tinder.

As I was talking to my roomate in the kitchen, out of the corner of my eye I could see her trying to give her best "sexy bedroom eyes stare." I think I puked in my mouth just a bit when she did that, then I turned and she introduced herself to me. Gross, sad and utterly pathetic.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - Dhorv9 - 10-09-2014

Ahahah. Crashbangwallop a very similar thing has happened to me.
MDMA can do that, its a very weird experience when it suddenly wears off.
You can go from one moment, feeling the full euphoria, empathy and general happiness to a big 'what the fuck?'
This night when I was younger, I was on a lot of MDMA 'moon rocks' and ended up at this (fat) girls house. I was ready to bang, completely in the moment, when it was like a light switch how suddenly it was gone. It was like my mind took a big step back, and was like back the fuck up.
She went to the bathroom, I put on my boots and left. Went from really fucked up to completely sober in minutes.
Got a text later from her that said I left her door open and a bunch of leaves blew into the house and how I was an asshole.
Needless to say I don't do that shit anymore unless its a very special occasion with a very long time in between, and only in a small amount.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - RawGod - 10-09-2014

Quote: (10-07-2014 09:10 AM)Saga Wrote:  

I wouldn't call it seduction, but I have felt very drawn to certain girls because their comportment enhanced their physical attractiveness. A graceful laugh, voluptuous hair, subtle body contact, dignified yet suggestive posture, attractive clothes, being flirtatious without overselling it...basically old-school female charm. It will never cover up ugliness, but it can make a 7 much more intriguing, especially when compared to an obnoxious, shit-testing 8.

The Barbra Streisand effect, I call it. Can be very powerful when a woman with flawed looks makes every effort to maximise her looks and personality, in a classy way.

Have you ever been seduced by a unattractive woman? - aeroektar - 10-09-2014

I was probably 19, two 18 year old girls I worked with at a grocery store, never thought of fucking either, one a 5 one a 6. So this girl said her parents were gone for the night and they had a handle of vodka, I just wanted to get drunk. I show up that night and the three of us start drinking, the girls are drinking fast and getting intoxicated quickly. Within a half hour the two of them are kissing, telling me I'm so hot and that they want to have sex with me, they start taking their clothes off, at that point I just went with it.

Other time, when i was probably 17, I was smoking weed with friends, this chubby not good looking chick decided to walk home with me and on the way back starts telling me how she wants to fuck me and tries to kiss me but basically straight rejected her, couldn't do it.

Another time back then after a night of drinking hard I was getting a ride home from a friend, its a 5 minute car ride, this girl I've never even met gets in the car and basically tries to rape me, no words spoken, just shoves her tongue down my throat and starts grabbing me. She was actually really hot, solid 8, but she had already fucked half of my social circle so I resisted, sluts turn me off.