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The Fisto Appreciation Thread - 2Wycked - 10-03-2014

[Image: wolverine-comic-1.jpg]

This is a thread I have been meaning to create the past couple months.

Fisto is one of the best commenters we have on RVF. He's a smart, honest man who doesn't front and always brings relevant and insightful commentary and advice.

He has a really cool interview with Roosh on here.

Please, give the man a rep point and share your favorite posts/threads/whatever by him!

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Cr33pin - 10-03-2014

Fisto is the true definition of what I consider a "Alpha" male.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - samsamsam - 10-04-2014

Screw that guy he never gives me dragons in CoC!

On a serious note, definitely a straight shooter. Solid guy. Calls BS when he sees it. Cares enough to answer any question you got.


The Fisto Appreciation Thread - JoyStick - 10-04-2014

Fisto is an great poster! I always enjoy his posts.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - FretDancer - 10-04-2014

Fisto is awesome. Wish I can get the chance to meet up with him someday in Asia. One of my favorite posters on the forum.

I had no idea about this interview! Can't wait to read it.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Chaos - 10-04-2014

Some people might see Fisto as a loudmouth but I'm sure he's walking the talk.
Look how he went out of his way to help out a lad in trouble. (Roosh jail prank)
That proves alone that he is a guy you can count on when things go bad.

Haven't met him in person yet but I'm in contact from time to time.
Always giving me great advice when it comes to training and stuff.

In fact, it's his fault I started training Martial Arts pretty frequently.
And also the importance of doing a decent workout daily.

First you workout, then you party.
That's become a daily habit for me.

His travel stories are quite legendary also.

Until anything changes, he got my respect.

[Image: clap2.gif]

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Quintus Curtius - 10-04-2014

A thread like this has been due for a while. I love the Fistulus. (!)

Team player, stand-up guy, all around old-school snake-eater. He's the type of guy that, if you really had a problem and needed some advice, he'd take the time to listen. I would trust this guy in a crisis.

Besides that, he's got a travel resume that makes the rest of us mortals feel like girly-men.

When he was at Swoop the World, all my dealings with him were smooth, no-drama, and on the level. Always has been a complete gentleman in everything. A man of honor.

Saude, Fisto...

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Royale - 10-04-2014

Absolutely. Here's another member that needs to be in the RVF Hall of Fame. Don't really have much to say that hasn't already been said, but I'll end with this:

All people who hate on this site and the overall mission of this place truly don't understand what it means to be apart of a brotherhood. Like an older brother, he'll pat you on the back when you did something good, but kick you in the ass just as fast for messing up. At the end of the day, RVF is about improvement, and I think Fisto is a dude who embodies that mindset. Sometimes, we may argue. Sometimes, we'll disagree. But when the chips are down, you don't even doubt for a second whether these guys got your back. That's what it's all about.

[Image: a_560x375.jpg]

Cheers, buddy. Keep partying like it's 1999.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Vacancier Permanent - 10-04-2014

Not only one of the best posters in here but I'd go as far as saying he's one of the pillars of this community. The kind of guy that you pay attention to when he talks (haven't met him yet but in this case, when he posts, you do take the time to carefully read what he writes as opposed to just skimming through it).

With Hooligan Harry ( what happened to him as he hasn't posted here in ages! ), he is the embodiment of the alpha male in the truest form in these forums.

Looking forward to meeting you brother in Asia in the upcoming weeks and to party and train with you.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - samsamsam - 10-04-2014

I dare Fisto to like this post [Image: lol.gif]

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Duke Castile - 10-04-2014

I think respect from people you respect is part of doing something of merit.

Thanks this made my day!

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Veloce - 10-04-2014

Fisto showed up to a BBQ and ate all my food, invited some chick over that he was working on (and later banged), drank all my beer, and pissed my girlfriend off.

If I hadn't already repped him I definitely would have after that.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - El Chinito loco - 10-04-2014

He has consistently good info and sets a benchmark of what "peak" results can be in a region. He must have boundless amounts of stamina to game and plow that many chicks too.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Chaos - 10-04-2014

And Fisto. Get your own new blog running.

I dare to say that the quality on SwoopTheWorld has fallen dramatically since you stopped writing there.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Duke Castile - 10-04-2014

Yeah been procrastinating.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - The Lizard of Oz - 10-04-2014

Fisto has as big a heart as anyone on the forum. I trust his moral judgment.

He is also an exceptionally good writer, with a naturally companionable and rangy prose style. He is one of those guys who can write about having some chopped liver, seaweed and rice at a little stand by some God forsaken wharf in the Phils and make it sound interesting without really trying.

We are all lucky to have him here.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - CRR - 10-04-2014

He's responsible for my signature.

My first experience with this site was Roosh's article about Lindy West not fitting in the airplane seat. My second experience was this video:

I cannot explain how mind blowing this was. Imagine walking the Earth for almost four decades, you knew something was wrong and didn't agree with feminist indoctrination, but you couldn't quantify it nor express it.

Your daily internet viewing includes a few sports sites, a few news sites, and for entertainment purposes, places like Huff Post or Gawker. You see the Lindy West article about not fitting into an airplane seat and think "who the fuck is this person? She's annoying and fat, but I can't really think that can I? Is that misogynistic?"

So you google her name. First you come across the ROK article, and then the video. Mind blown + Life changed.

Self doubt is now erased, and I take great joy in calmly but forcefully arguing against feminist indoctrination IRL. The good thing is by and large everyone I know has reacted well to my new mindset.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Slim Shady - 10-04-2014

Despite his great exploits out in the world, and most excellent advice presented on the forum, he enters into the annals of Red Pill history for recognizing one fact:

Clash of Clans is coooooool.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Duke Castile - 10-04-2014

Quote: (10-04-2014 04:41 AM)Veloce Wrote:  

Fisto showed up to a BBQ and ate all my food, invited some chick over that he was working on (and later banged), drank all my beer, and pissed my girlfriend off.

If I hadn't already repped him I definitely would have after that.

Thats true. I did do that.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Quintus Curtius - 10-04-2014

Quote: (10-04-2014 01:15 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

I think respect from people you respect is part of doing something of merit.

Thanks this made my day!

Let's hug it out....

[Image: grouphug.gif]

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Emancipator - 10-04-2014

Just realized I had never repped Fisto

Shame on me.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Aliblahba - 10-04-2014

2/10 WB.

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Dusty - 10-04-2014

[Image: clapgif.gif?w=430]

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - simondice - 10-04-2014

He the man

The Fisto Appreciation Thread - Aliblahba - 10-04-2014

Fisto, remember that time in the DR.........