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Tallinn - billy - 03-30-2011

Thought I would offer a few of my own observations on Tallinn. I go there a fair bit and although I no longer go chasing girls I have put a few hours in hunting the doris's there in my day.

7-8 years ago tallinn was a great city to chase stunning looking women. Lots of blonde Estonians no fatties and lots of pretty and elegant Russian girls. Now the tourist factor has worn off and things are tougher as my fellow brits have ruined the game by acting like drunken twats, the Italians have made the women cynical by telling every all the girls they will love them for ever and the Americans seem to turn up hit on every girl in a bar then move to the next one. Combined with the out-flux of some of the finest pussy there to other European nations the going is now much tougher but still worth the effort.

First thing is to know when to go, the start of summer is the best time Estonia, gets some seriously cold winters and when the snow melts which it has done now and the sunshine appears people there start to get a new lease of life and start drinking and partying like crazy, I would pick may as the ideal time to go. The second thing is to know where to go, the trouble here is that the right spots constantly change and in all honesty the starting point is a complete shit hole called Nimeta bar on suur karja, this place is a dump, gets slated by most Estonians but is one of those places that people always end up at. The ratio here is bad almost zero gash before 11pm and would seem an odd choice but the women build up through the night and the women there go knowing that the place will be full of foreign men chasing skirt. It means when you approach they expect it and at least give you a chance to try some game. Suur Karja has a few bars on it most of them no good but just around the corner near a land mark restaurant called Olde Hansa is a goldmine basment bar, I don't know the name of the place but when you walk up the streetyou can see through some pavement level windows in to a basement spot that will be full of Estonians mostley women dancing till late at night, aviod this place untill 1-2 am though, the girls here are more likely to come out just to dance but good game can still pay dividends.

After the bars there are some clubs to check out, the Main ones to hit are Venus, Hollywood and bon bon. Hollywood is easy to spot and has a young crowd of drunken girls especially on a wednesday when they get in free, for the older guys give it a miss as the average age here is 18 on a wednesday not sure about the rest of the week. Venus used to be a truely mental place, I hate clubs but I can remember walking in here and standing looking over a sea of fit girls going for it on the dance floor, it was literally man heaven, loads of fit girls no guys and the place was going off. It seems that all the guys were sitting off the the right behind the bar and all the girls were left alone to dance and get hit on. I would say that although you walk in here and see nothing but hot gash you have to really approach to make it work, I have been there in the Russian nights so lots of women is a given but you need to do up to 20 appraoches to get a result but there is enough women on the place to make that possible.

Bon Bon is regarded by as the best spot in town by most of the young fit Estonians but I cannot verify that as I usually work alone and a hip club while rolling solo is a hard look to master, the tales of 9's every where in here are legendary but like all stories is probably exaggerated.
The last and most important part is how to game the girls the first thing you have to do is spot which are Russians and which are Estonians, there is a 60-40 split between the two and you have to approach them completely differently. Estonians mostly blonde hair, physically bigger, wear denin skirts and tight jeans alot, have a bit of an inocent farmers girl look about them. Russians smaller, usually prettier, dress up more with designer stuff etc. Once you spend dome time there you can spot them a mile away. Before I get too into it I want to say that I am not some game master or veteran I just have a few tricks that have worked for me.

Estonians have a slight Inferiority complex, are worried about how they are percieved and have a tendency to pseudo intelectualism. They can appear icy at first but make them smile and they soon warm up. Use a nautral opener, even a comment about what they are drinking start the conversation and to keep it going don't be afraid to pick a subject they are passionate about, do this and many can't help but talk about certain subjects so it keeps the interaction going, it also helps differenciate you from the drunken tourists as it show you know something about Estonia. Subjects they get exicted about are Russian Estonian relations, mention the amount of times Estonia has kicked out occupiers (I compare the armed occupations by Russia to the european invasion since becoming part of the EU and getting invaded by stag parties) and a new topic might be the Euro but this is untested. These things need to be done to play up to their wish to seem intelligent and if she is clearly acting the bimbo and flirting with you then don't waste your time. Also asking for language tips is a bit lame obvious and old hat now but if you do have some original funny Estonain phrases use them, not the usual dumb shit people say. The final trump card is mention that you like Russian girls better, the competition between Russians and Estonians is fierce and if you can create competition the result is obvious.

Russian girls open with a compliment they love it, Russian girls are rasied to be princess's and they love compliments, Can I take a picture to show my friends how pretty Estonian girls are is a good opener for a Russian girl in Tallinn. This gives them a compliment so they talk to you and starts a conversation as they will have to correct you. Bear in mind that in Russia a mans job is to be rich and a girls job is to look pretty, being broke and tight gets you know where, spend a bit of money but don't go over board, hint at cash don't say explicitly. Estonian girls often buy their own drinks if not be wary, if you don't offer a Russian drinks then you are going to struggle. Beware that you will end up buying drinks for Russians and get nothing in return on occasion, chalk it up to exprience.

To end there is always the old town pub its a quiter bar two doors up the road from nimeta that never shuts and gets filled with rejects from other bars at 5 am onwards, its a good place to start closing as you can talk and a good last chance saloon as by 5 am peolple are pretty drunk, watch out for hookers I have never found ant here but it has a rep for them and if you are a lucky cunt and pull a lap dancer as I managed once, its a good stop off point between the club and your hotel.

As I said this is not a definative guide and things change but it worked for me. I am the opposite of suave good looking and charming but Estonia has let me bang some truely stunning girls so I would reccomend it to anyone.

I do have some more to add later but this feels the longest post written in the history of the internet. Any questions please ask.

Tallinn - Luckystar - 03-30-2011

Great report. Tremendous insights.

If you don't know the local language, knowing the local culture and history goes a long way in separating yourself from other pussy chasing tourists.

Tallinn - Brian - 03-30-2011

awesome report, thanks. can you get by w/just speaking English?

Tallinn - billy - 03-31-2011

All the Estonians speak English very well and most of the Russians fairly well. Older Russians not so much but you won't really have too go anywhere near them.

Tallinn - hydrogonian - 03-31-2011

can't read that huge text block. go back and edit it into paragraphs, if you would.

Tallinn - rudebwoy - 03-31-2011

good read!

Tallinn - Roosh - 04-16-2011

Great report.

Tallinn - billy - 04-18-2011

I need to update this as I was in Talliin earlier this month and things have changed. Plenty of girls in the day time and none what so ever in the evenings, this was midweek so not ideal but I saw two women of fuckable age all night excluding bar staff. It was a bit early in the year and a tuesday but I have never seen so few women out in any capital city on my life. I will be back there in a couple of weeks and hope the weather has got better but if you are going to go there soon you will need to day game the shit out of it. Still nice girls around all day they just seem to be vanishing at night. Personally I have never tried day game but I will make some kind of effort to try so I can put something of a useful data sheet out there.

Tallinn - Sirob - 05-23-2011

Hey Billy,

Any pointers on your day game experience in Tallinn?

I'll be there for a week from 2nd - 9th June.

Quote: (04-18-2011 06:10 AM)billy Wrote:  

I need to update this as I was in Talliin earlier this month and things have changed. Plenty of girls in the day time and none what so ever in the evenings, this was midweek so not ideal but I saw two women of fuckable age all night excluding bar staff. It was a bit early in the year and a tuesday but I have never seen so few women out in any capital city on my life. I will be back there in a couple of weeks and hope the weather has got better but if you are going to go there soon you will need to day game the shit out of it. Still nice girls around all day they just seem to be vanishing at night. Personally I have never tried day game but I will make some kind of effort to try so I can put something of a useful data sheet out there.

Tallinn - Vicious - 05-23-2011

I've been to the Baltic twice, and seriously.. how the heck can you tell the Russians from the estonians/latvians!?

Tallinn - MiXX - 05-23-2011

Quote: (05-23-2011 08:55 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I've been to the Baltic twice, and seriously.. how the heck can you tell the Russians from the estonians/latvians!?

I have not been to the baltics, but I have dealt with ALL 3 races in Miami when they flock down here for tourism every summer for jobs as hostesses.

The latter will be 10x friendlier (especially the Latvians). The russians will be cold and standoffish, not really have a sense of humor.

So, if a girl smiles at you when you approach, she is a Estonian, if she laughs with a welcome posture she is latvian, and if she gives you a cold stare like you just told her bad news ...she is Russian.


Tallinn - thegmanifesto - 05-23-2011

Here is a broad brush stroke EZ guide for recognizing the two in Riga, Latvia:

Latvian Girls: Hot, softer, look at you with curiosity in there eyes, slow to warm up

Latvian Guys: Mellow, non-threatening

Russian Girls: Hot, Rough around the edges, look at you with $ in their eyes, faster to warm up

Russian Guys: Karate chop you from behind when you are talking with girls

Tallinn - Tg3 - 05-24-2011

Quote: (05-23-2011 10:09 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2011 08:55 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I've been to the Baltic twice, and seriously.. how the heck can you tell the Russians from the estonians/latvians!?

I have not been to the baltics, but I have dealt with ALL 3 races in Miami when they flock down here for tourism every summer for jobs as hostesses.

The latter will be 10x friendlier (especially the Latvians). The russians will be cold and standoffish, not really have a sense of humor.

So, if a girl smiles at you when you approach, she is a Estonian, if she laughs with a welcome posture she is latvian, and if she gives you a cold stare like you just told her bad news ...she is Russian.


Yes, it is funny how many (not all) russians have an attitude and are a bit standoffish when they live outside russia.(attention, not all, I ve banged my share of russians outside russia) BUT however if you are in russia, they are so fucking friendly and easy to bang...

And I can differentiate Russians from Estonians by their look quite easily most of the time, just spending a few weeks there. Many russians have something very russian about the way they look, their face particularly. It is something you catch after hooking up with lots of russians.

Tallinn - Tg3 - 05-24-2011

Yes, nimeta is not as good as it used to be, because of the other pub in front of it which got popular when they changed its name around 10 months ago. I hear euro has made tallinn more expensive too. and more low cost flights cause more tourists to come in tallinn.
Nimetta used to be really good, because girls there were just so DTF with foreigners.(they are still, but it is just not crowded with hot girls as it used to be)

Tallinn - billy - 05-27-2011

It seems nimeta as a venue is dead , I am interested in trying somewhere like Lasnmae, There are a few small bars there and as a russian area It could either be a goldplated hunting ground or a license to get your head kicked in. I may give it ago but the first rule of places like that is to get friendly with some locals first its not one for people with little or no experience of Russians. I there next in june so I will try to find some kind of decent venue.

Tallinn - Jalouse - 05-27-2011

Quote: (05-24-2011 12:47 PM)Tg3 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2011 10:09 AM)MiXX Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2011 08:55 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

I've been to the Baltic twice, and seriously.. how the heck can you tell the Russians from the estonians/latvians!?

I have not been to the baltics, but I have dealt with ALL 3 races in Miami when they flock down here for tourism every summer for jobs as hostesses.

The latter will be 10x friendlier (especially the Latvians). The russians will be cold and standoffish, not really have a sense of humor.

So, if a girl smiles at you when you approach, she is a Estonian, if she laughs with a welcome posture she is latvian, and if she gives you a cold stare like you just told her bad news ...she is Russian.


Yes, it is funny how many (not all) russians have an attitude and are a bit standoffish when they live outside russia.(attention, not all, I ve banged my share of russians outside russia) BUT however if you are in russia, they are so fucking friendly and easy to bang...

And I can differentiate Russians from Estonians by their look quite easily most of the time, just spending a few weeks there. Many russians have something very russian about the way they look, their face particularly. It is something you catch after hooking up with lots of russians.

I second this, I've noticed the exact same thing Russians in London will be totally cold and aloof whereas when I was in Russia it was totally different.

It could be that it's only a small subset of the population, very wealthy, that get to go and live in other countries or just that their value suddenly increases. A beautiful woman in Russia is not such a big deal as there are so many of them but once she hits London she's right at the top of the pile.

Tallinn - UK2014traveller - 05-23-2014

Quote: (03-31-2011 11:01 AM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

can't read that huge text block. go back and edit it into paragraphs, if you would.

It is in paragraphs.. [Image: banana.gif]

Tallinn - Vicious - 05-23-2014

You revived a 3 year old thread to add... nothing?

Tallinn - Scuba_Instructor - 05-25-2014

I'm flying there next week - I'll provide an update ASAP.

Tallinn - seawolf007 - 06-01-2014

Quote: (03-30-2011 06:11 AM)billy Wrote:  

Thought I would offer a few of my own observations on Tallinn. I go there a fair bit and although I no longer go chasing girls I have put a few hours in hunting the doris's there in my day.

7-8 years ago tallinn was a great city to chase stunning looking women. Lots of blonde Estonians no fatties and lots of pretty and elegant Russian girls. Now the tourist factor has worn off and things are tougher as my fellow brits have ruined the game by acting like drunken twats, the Italians have made the women cynical by telling every all the girls they will love them for ever and the Americans seem to turn up hit on every girl in a bar then move to the next one. Combined with the out-flux of some of the finest pussy there to other European nations the going is now much tougher but still worth the effort.

First thing is to know when to go, the start of summer is the best time Estonia, gets some seriously cold winters and when the snow melts which it has done now and the sunshine appears people there start to get a new lease of life and start drinking and partying like crazy, I would pick may as the ideal time to go. The second thing is to know where to go, the trouble here is that the right spots constantly change and in all honesty the starting point is a complete shit hole called Nimeta bar on suur karja, this place is a dump, gets slated by most Estonians but is one of those places that people always end up at. The ratio here is bad almost zero gash before 11pm and would seem an odd choice but the women build up through the night and the women there go knowing that the place will be full of foreign men chasing skirt. It means when you approach they expect it and at least give you a chance to try some game. Suur Karja has a few bars on it most of them no good but just around the corner near a land mark restaurant called Olde Hansa is a goldmine basment bar, I don't know the name of the place but when you walk up the streetyou can see through some pavement level windows in to a basement spot that will be full of Estonians mostley women dancing till late at night, aviod this place untill 1-2 am though, the girls here are more likely to come out just to dance but good game can still pay dividends.

After the bars there are some clubs to check out, the Main ones to hit are Venus, Hollywood and bon bon. Hollywood is easy to spot and has a young crowd of drunken girls especially on a wednesday when they get in free, for the older guys give it a miss as the average age here is 18 on a wednesday not sure about the rest of the week. Venus used to be a truely mental place, I hate clubs but I can remember walking in here and standing looking over a sea of fit girls going for it on the dance floor, it was literally man heaven, loads of fit girls no guys and the place was going off. It seems that all the guys were sitting off the the right behind the bar and all the girls were left alone to dance and get hit on. I would say that although you walk in here and see nothing but hot gash you have to really approach to make it work, I have been there in the Russian nights so lots of women is a given but you need to do up to 20 appraoches to get a result but there is enough women on the place to make that possible.

Bon Bon is regarded by as the best spot in town by most of the young fit Estonians but I cannot verify that as I usually work alone and a hip club while rolling solo is a hard look to master, the tales of 9's every where in here are legendary but like all stories is probably exaggerated.
The last and most important part is how to game the girls the first thing you have to do is spot which are Russians and which are Estonians, there is a 60-40 split between the two and you have to approach them completely differently. Estonians mostly blonde hair, physically bigger, wear denin skirts and tight jeans alot, have a bit of an inocent farmers girl look about them. Russians smaller, usually prettier, dress up more with designer stuff etc. Once you spend dome time there you can spot them a mile away. Before I get too into it I want to say that I am not some game master or veteran I just have a few tricks that have worked for me.

Estonians have a slight Inferiority complex, are worried about how they are percieved and have a tendency to pseudo intelectualism. They can appear icy at first but make them smile and they soon warm up. Use a nautral opener, even a comment about what they are drinking start the conversation and to keep it going don't be afraid to pick a subject they are passionate about, do this and many can't help but talk about certain subjects so it keeps the interaction going, it also helps differenciate you from the drunken tourists as it show you know something about Estonia. Subjects they get exicted about are Russian Estonian relations, mention the amount of times Estonia has kicked out occupiers (I compare the armed occupations by Russia to the european invasion since becoming part of the EU and getting invaded by stag parties) and a new topic might be the Euro but this is untested. These things need to be done to play up to their wish to seem intelligent and if she is clearly acting the bimbo and flirting with you then don't waste your time. Also asking for language tips is a bit lame obvious and old hat now but if you do have some original funny Estonain phrases use them, not the usual dumb shit people say. The final trump card is mention that you like Russian girls better, the competition between Russians and Estonians is fierce and if you can create competition the result is obvious.

Russian girls open with a compliment they love it, Russian girls are rasied to be princess's and they love compliments, Can I take a picture to show my friends how pretty Estonian girls are is a good opener for a Russian girl in Tallinn. This gives them a compliment so they talk to you and starts a conversation as they will have to correct you. Bear in mind that in Russia a mans job is to be rich and a girls job is to look pretty, being broke and tight gets you know where, spend a bit of money but don't go over board, hint at cash don't say explicitly. Estonian girls often buy their own drinks if not be wary, if you don't offer a Russian drinks then you are going to struggle. Beware that you will end up buying drinks for Russians and get nothing in return on occasion, chalk it up to exprience.

To end there is always the old town pub its a quiter bar two doors up the road from nimeta that never shuts and gets filled with rejects from other bars at 5 am onwards, its a good place to start closing as you can talk and a good last chance saloon as by 5 am peolple are pretty drunk, watch out for hookers I have never found ant here but it has a rep for them and if you are a lucky cunt and pull a lap dancer as I managed once, its a good stop off point between the club and your hotel.

As I said this is not a definative guide and things change but it worked for me. I am the opposite of suave good looking and charming but Estonia has let me bang some truely stunning girls so I would reccomend it to anyone.

I do have some more to add later but this feels the longest post written in the history of the internet. Any questions please ask.

I just arrived in Tallinn a few days ago and have gotten settled to my apartment . Ill be here for three months. Im here solo. On my first night out i used the reccomendation in Roosh's book "Bang Estonia" and spent my time walking outside the bars on the street and approaching girls asking were a good bar is. This worked like a charm ! Got some numbers from some really sexy Russian/ Estonian girls one in particular said she had a boyfriend and walked off then came running back to give me her number like i had her paycheck! Ive noticed groups of guys walking around but they atually dont seem to be that big of competition...not for a solo Lone wolf! The girls here are feminine and pleasant to talk to. I live in Key West , FL and there are plenty of girls there but there is something way different here in Estonia....i will report more as i spend more time and gain more experience here.

Tallinn - TheDealCloser - 07-06-2014

I'll be in Tallinn at the end of the month. Looking forward to having a good time.

Tallinn - Bilboswaggins - 07-06-2014

As a young estonian from Tallinn, I can relate to most of what the OP was saying. Some observations of my own:

For one, it is true that the exotic effect of foreigners has worn off in certain venues. The mainstream venues of Tallinn have been overflooded with hungry tourists for years, especially during the summer months. In my opinion, it's best to altogether stay away from the bars on street Suur-Karja.
Other relatively unknown venues could offer a better way to capitalize on the exotic effect. Examples would be Must Puudel or Sinilind, two hispterish bars in Old Town. Another one would be Tops, which is located just outside the Old Town.

Billy is definitely spot on with the descriptions of both estonian and russian girls. Estonians are definitely easier, can speak better english, tend to have softer features, usually taller, drink less alcohol in general. Many many girls with the classic all american look to them. Russians have a notably darker and ,,sexier'' appeal, they usually wear sluttier clothes and expect you to communicate with them in russian at least to a certain extent. They generally drink more and are harder to crack, but that may only be my experience.

I'm happy to answer any question regarding the situation here in Tallinn.