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HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Crackshot - 09-08-2014

30-year-old guys are a curious bunch. Find me a group of 30-year-old men and I'll pick out one overgrown frat dude living with roommates, another guy who just dropped his two kids off at school, a few who are well into their careers and a couple soul-searchers looking for work. Some will tell you that they've finally figured it all out and some more will say they feel hopeless for the first time in their lives. It's a motley crew. But perhaps the motliest part of this crowd is the ever-growing group of 30-year-old single guys. If you want a case study in humanity, 30-year-old single guys have pretty much all the bases covered. Let's examine some of the common types:

1) The Total Package

The Total Package is smart -- he went to a top college. The Total Package is an athlete, a musician, and an avid traveler. The Total Package is handsome -- and you better believe he's well-groomed.

The Total Package has a hell of a career going, but don't you for a second suggest that The Total Package would be a workaholic -- The Total Package is a family man.

There's just one thing The Total Package seems to be having a hard time finding -- a girl worthy of his greatness.

Yes, the woman fit for The Total Package will be the ultimate icing on his cake of perfection. He imagines her often -- gorgeous as they come, she turns heads; bursting with charm and charisma, she lights up every room she enters; she's a brilliant rising star in her career and beloved by her many friends. And that's just her public persona -- at home, she's fantastic in bed, a spectacular cook, loving, selfless, and devoted. Oh and she also speaks French, plays tennis, sings beautifully, reads voraciously and she's a history buff. His Juliet.

Unsurprisingly, The Total Package is single. He's immersed in a fierce battle between his superhuman standards and his terror of being 40 and single -- because 40 and single is not supposed to be part of The Total Package's story.

2) The New Lease On Life Guy

As long as anyone can remember, The New Lease On Life Guy had been dating his longterm girlfriend. He never seemed that happy in the relationship, but everyone just assumed they would eventually get married. Now, after a long and difficult breakup, The New Lease On Life Guy has reemerged with a bang and is suddenly acting like he just got called down on The Price Is Right. He's not really sure how to be single but he's goddamn happy he is, and he's sure as hell going out tonight.

He's also the arch-nemesis of The Resigned Fiance, who's in an equally unhappy relationship but just kind of kept going with it, unable to resist the sweet, sweet inertia, and who most certainly does not want to hear about The New Lease On Life Guy's latest exploits.

3) The Guy Who Has To Marry Someone Of The Same Ethnicity Or His Parents Will Never Speak To Him Again

It's hard enough finding someone to be your life partner, and this guy's parents are really not making things any easier. He tried to rebel briefly, but after his last girlfriend was not allowed in his parents' house, causing her to cry, he gave up on that.

He'd also really appreciate it if his mother would stop setting him up on dates.

4) The Misogynist

The Misogynist hates women, and women hate The Misogynist. The Misogynist doesn't know a whole lot about the other gender, but he can tell you the exact number of them he's slept with -- 214.

He did quite well with girls back in his earlier days when many were in their attracted-to-assholes phase, but lately, only those with the lowest self-esteem seem to gravitate towards him.

The Misogynist's close cousin is The Perpetual Cheater. They're different but they understand each other.

5) The Guy Who Peaked Too Early

Back in the day, The Guy Who Peaked Too Early had everything a 17-year-old girl could ever dream of. His sky-high confidence carried him smoothly through college, and no one was surprised when he landed a smart, sweet, beautiful girlfriend in his early 20s. But The Guy Who Peaked Too Early was just getting started. There was a field that needed to be played, and he broke up with his girlfriend when he was 24.

Now it's seven years later, his hair got bored and left, and his high school lacrosse glory isn't part of the conversation that much these days. And he's noticing that girls like his ex-girlfriend don't seem to be all that into him anymore. Realizing this about five years after everyone else, he takes a deep sigh and cranks his standards down a few big notches.

6) The Guy Who's Finally a Good Catch

On the other side of the coin, after losing some weight, getting decent clothes, and having early career success, The Guy Who's Finally a Good Catch is getting more attention each week than he got in his first 25 years combined. Girls find it endearing that such an appealing guy has managed to maintain his humility, when it's actually just that he's assuming every girl is out of his league at all times.

Once his new situation starts to sink in, he enters an unfortunate new phase, stressing out his male friends out by doing things like winking at them over the shoulder of a girl he's dancing with and offering them a fist pound when an attractive girl walks by on the street.

7) The Normal Guy Who Just Hasn't Met The Right Girl Yet And He Really Wishes People Would Stop Looking At Him With Those Pitying Eyes

Ah, The NGWJHMTRGYAHRWPWSLAHWTPE. The NGWJHMTRGYAHRWPWSLAHWTPE is enjoying his life. He likes his job, he likes his friends, and he likes being single just fine. He's in no rush to be in a relationship and feels totally confident that at some point, he'll meet the right girl and get married.

He's also not quite sure why everyone who knows him is trying to figure out "what the problem is." His parents are worried, never wasting an opportunity to ask him if he's been dating anyone. His friends want to help, setting him up on dates every chance they get. He appreciates all the unsolicited support, but he also thinks it would be pretty great if everyone stopped thinking there was something wrong with him.

8) The Aggressively Online Dating Guy Who Can't Believe He's Not Married Yet

The opposite of the previous guy, The Aggressively Online Dating Guy Who Can't Believe He's Not Married Yet can't believe he's not married yet. Through high school, college and his twenties, he was always The Guy With A Girlfriend. He spent years enjoying pitying his single friends, and somehow, he's now 30 and single.

He has four online dating profiles, and when people ask him if he's dating anyone, he explains that he's just too busy with his career right now for a relationship.

9) The In-The-Closet Guy

The In-The-Closet Guy is so close to being the perfect catch -- he's handsome, he's well-dressed, and he has a great job. He's funny, articulate, and charming. The only tiny little inconvenience is that he's not attracted to females whatsoever.

His antithesis is The NGWJHMTRGYAHRWPWSLAHWTPE, who's had just enough of the theories about him being gay, since he's completely straight and, for the hundredth time, just hasn't met the right girl yet and is really very okay with being single right now.

10) The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point

The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point never tried that hard in the first place, but at least there used to be a semblance of effort. He doesn't like going to bars, refuses to try online dating, and both the bong and the X-Box are back in the living room following their brief stint in the closet after his friend gave him a pep talk one day four months ago.

Deep down, The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point is pretty frightened about a lot of things, but his fear manifests itself in indifferent denial, and passivity usually prevails. There is only way that things change for The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point, and that's to find himself squarely in the sights of The Girl Who Relentlessly Pursues. Until then, the whole thing isn't really his issue.

LOL at number 4. A man that does well with women is a misogynist apparently

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Handsome Creepy Eel - 09-08-2014

This list is neither funny nor insightful. Pretty typical fare for this "newspaper".

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Deluge - 09-08-2014

What's the point in posting such an article on RVF in the first place?

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Vicious - 09-08-2014

How is it that 214 women have slept with a "misogynist" that they allegedly hate?

In other news. The guys list:

1. The hot girl

2. The plain girl

3. The ugly girl.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - BigBoyPants - 09-08-2014

#9 sounds just like me! [Image: angry.gif] I should have known that I was a closet homo.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - mikado - 09-08-2014

Quote: (09-08-2014 05:18 AM)BigBoyPants Wrote:  

#9 sounds just like me! [Image: angry.gif] I should have known that I was a closet homo.

[Image: notsureifserious-jpg.64335]

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - catoblepa - 09-08-2014

they forgot to mention the incel type. I suppose it goes against their narrative of women being non-selective and non-hypergamic.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Tommy Eyes - 09-08-2014

Guy number one sounds like total projection to me: what 30 year old guy with his shit together worries about being single at 40? 30 year old career girl on the other hand.....

Guy number 6 sounds like he just needs some inner game.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Akula - 09-08-2014

Quote: (09-08-2014 04:49 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

This list is neither funny nor insightful. Pretty typical fare for this "newspaper".

More bizzaro-world blue-pill man-hating / shaming garbage from PuffHo(e). Not suprising. The hamster is strong in their readership for sure.

They left out:

11) "sick and tired of dealing with entitled, aggressive, fat, drugged-up slutty women who would ultimately make terrible 'life' partners and don't deserve a good man in any case so he moved to another country where the women are hotter, sweeter and nicer" guy.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Simeon_Strangelight - 09-08-2014

Jeez - the article is such a perfect example of female soliplism:

It should be written as


30-year-old guys are a curious bunch. Find me a group of 30-year-old men and I'll pick out one overgrown frat dude living with roommates, another guy who just dropped his two kids off at school, a few who are well into their careers and a couple soul-searchers looking for work.

First of all - most men are giving a shit about turning 30 and not having married. Some are only concerned that they have not established a career at that age, but they certainly don't give a rat's ass about having found "the one" and put a ring on that chubby finger. THAT IS FEMALE THINKING!

1) The Total Package / The perfect 10 or the Deluded Perfect 10

Unsurprisingly, The Total Package is single. He's immersed in a fierce battle between his superhuman standards and his terror of being 40 and single -- because 40 and single is not supposed to be part of The Total Package's story.

I would call this the woman with the impossible standards, who sometimes is a high 9 and has this wonderful career and the travel experiences. The problem is that men don't give a shit about your career and the travel experience makes him think about all those foreign cocks that you have likely sucked.

Your expectations should be tempered by a realistic sense your looks (most women unable to generate that), your fitness level and your age - if you are 30, then your time for getting the Big Badass Billionaire Alpha are gone. And the man who is successful barely breaks even and certainly has not achieved all he could have at age 30.

Oh - and even 40 for a guy means shit, if you are still able to pull 19 year olds. Only for women it is the end of times.

2) The New Lease On Life GIRL

As long as anyone can remember, The New Lease On Life Guy had been dating his longterm girlfriend. He never seemed that happy in the relationship, but everyone just assumed they would eventually get married. Now, after a long and difficult breakup, The New Lease On Life Guy has reemerged with a bang and is suddenly acting like he just got called down on The Price Is Right. He's not really sure how to be single but he's goddamn happy he is, and he's sure as hell going out tonight.

Translation from Hamstereze - the one who dumped her Beta Boyfriend at age 30 and is all happy, because certainly the next Alpha Superman is around the corner.

3) The GIRL Who Has To Marry Someone Of The Same Ethnicity Or His Parents Will Never Speak To Him Again

It's hard enough finding someone to be your life partner, and this guy's parents are really not making things any easier. He tried to rebel briefly, but after his last girlfriend was not allowed in his parents' house, causing her to cry, he gave up on that.

Unless your family is Royalty - veritable one or financial one - most men don't give crap about your family's expectations regarding preferred race or religion.

Plenty of guys I know say: "I certainly don't want to marry a Jewish girl like my mother." That's Anti-Semitism for you. Heh.

4) The Misogynist / THE FEMINIST

The Misogynist's close cousin is The Perpetual Cheater. They're different but they understand each other.

The Feminist hates men. That is the doctrine she was indoctrinated into.

And yes - some hot feminists fuck around as well as the Biggest Players, simply to prove a point and express her sexuality.

5) The Guy Who Peaked Too Early / The Girl who peaks too early

Now it's seven years later, his hair got bored and left, and his high school lacrosse glory isn't part of the conversation that much these days. And he's noticing that girls like his ex-girlfriend don't seem to be all that into him anymore. Realizing this about five years after everyone else, he takes a deep sigh and cranks his standards down a few big notches.

This is classic textbook - I wish someone could rephrase that article for ROK or his blog, because that is something that perfectly describes 30-something women - the peaking-early aspect concerns almost all women instead of a few high-school jocks.

6) The Guy Who's Finally a Good Catch / THE FAT GIRL WHO LOST WEIGHT

On the other side of the coin, after losing some weight, getting decent clothes, and having early career success, The Guy Who's Finally a Good Catch is getting more attention each week than he got in his first 25 years combined. Girls find it endearing that such an appealing guy has managed to maintain his humility, when it's actually just that he's assuming every girl is out of his league at all times.

Once his new situation starts to sink in, he enters an unfortunate new phase, stressing out his male friends out by doing things like winking at them over the shoulder of a girl he's dancing with and offering them a fist pound when an attractive girl walks by on the street.

Wonderful - focuses just on weight - while certainly an attraction point in men too, the reality is that those former fatties are the ones who are feminine and humble, before megalomaniac perception of their beauty hits them.

Men are better served to always consider themselves megalomaniacs in spirit just for Game purposes and also for life-success.

7) The Normal Guy Who Just Hasn't Met The Right Girl Yet And He Really Wishes People Would Stop Looking At Him With Those Pitying Eyes

Ah, The NGWJHMTRGYAHRWPWSLAHWTPE. The NGWJHMTRGYAHRWPWSLAHWTPE is enjoying his life. He likes his job, he likes his friends, and he likes being single just fine. He's in no rush to be in a relationship and feels totally confident that at some point, he'll meet the right girl and get married.

He's also not quite sure why everyone who knows him is trying to figure out "what the problem is." His parents are worried, never wasting an opportunity to ask him if he's been dating anyone. His friends want to help, setting him up on dates every chance they get. He appreciates all the unsolicited support, but he also thinks it would be pretty great if everyone stopped thinking there was something wrong with him.

Again - no one pities 30 year old single men. Only the non-dating involuntarily celibate one is pitied. She describes again the deluded Hamster-Crack-Whore who thinks that she can find a man just as easily at age 22 as at age 30.

8) The Aggressively Online Dating Guy Who Can't Believe He's Not Married Yet / THE CAROUSEL RIDING ONLINE SLUT

The opposite of the previous guy, The Aggressively Online Dating Guy Who Can't Believe He's Not Married Yet can't believe he's not married yet. Through high school, college and his twenties, he was always The Guy With A Girlfriend. He spent years enjoying pitying his single friends, and somehow, he's now 30 and single.

He has four online dating profiles, and when people ask him if he's dating anyone, he explains that he's just too busy with his career right now for a relationship.

Again women-speak: Always had a boyfriend in my 20s. Now at age 30 and 30 pounds more I somehow am unable to keep a worthy good-looking Alpha man to stick around my fat ass. I have no idea why that is despite my stupendous blowjob-skills and my big-as-can-get pussy.

9) The In-The-Closet Guy / THE DOES NOT EXIST GUY

The In-The-Closet Guy is so close to being the perfect catch -- he's handsome, he's well-dressed, and he has a great job. He's funny, articulate, and charming. The only tiny little inconvenience is that he's not attracted to females whatsoever.

If in our current environment if a guy does not know that he is gay, then I call bollocks. The only chance that this true is when he tries to be hetero due to his career (military), family or religion. Those guys are so few that it barely matters on the horizon.

What is more likely is that the author encountered plenty of effeminate Betas, who appear to be gay due to constant propaganda and lack of testosterone.

10) The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point

The Guy Who Has Just Fully Quit At This Point never tried that hard in the first place, but at least there used to be a semblance of effort. He doesn't like going to bars, refuses to try online dating, and both the bong and the X-Box are back in the living room following their brief stint in the closet after his friend gave him a pep talk one day four months ago.

Men don't quit unless they are so dejected and become asexuals (those exist among the female crowd too) or they become MGTOWs.

Either way - you don't meet those guys in the dating world, because those men are invisible to women (except maybe a few MGTOWs) and they don't do online-dating either. If they are asexual due to involuntary celibacy, that is a different matter.


That article is just on a totally different Hamster-level:

[Image: attachment.jpg21492]   

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Hades - 09-08-2014

They have to pathologize bachelorhood, it's existence is threatening to these losers.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Parlay44 - 09-08-2014

Quote: (09-08-2014 05:17 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

How is it that 214 women have slept with a "misogynist" that they allegedly hate?

In other news. The guys list:

1. The hot girl

2. The plain girl

3. The ugly girl.

He obviously raped all of them.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Old Fritz - 09-08-2014

This is just another article telling women what they want to here. Where is that hamster pic when I need it

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - The Beast1 - 09-08-2014

1 and 4 are the same.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - StrikeBack - 09-08-2014

1-10 are all the same guy:

0. The one not serving women's demands.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - runsonmagic - 09-08-2014

I saw a girl I know struggling to find a good date share this.

Add Huff Po to the block list.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - SteveMcMahon - 09-08-2014

Types of single women over 30:

The Baby Mama - [Image: vicky_pollard_and_kids.jpg]

- squatted out a kid or four to some sexy bad boy who wasn't interested in sticking around. Now she wants you to raise her bastard brood, you lucky man! Will regale you with tales of how her ex abused her to get your inner white knight on his high horse. After you've moved in with her, you'll find out why she was single in the first place. PS - the kids will probably hate and/or resent you. Have fun taking on all the expense and hard work of fatherhood, with none of the satisfaction of raising your own kids.

The Heffalump - [Image: lindy-west.png]

- These BBW's are hungry, hungry, hungry hippos - hungry for love, that is! (And food.) They're either always on diets and crying about how they can't lose weight even though they only eat a whole pizza every other day, or they've given up even the pretense of trying and simply insist their jiggling back fat counts as "curves". Are you man enough to satisfy a "real woman"? Did you used to masturbate to Snorlax? Is your bed made of reinforced hospital-grade titanium? Pick up one of these zaftig lovelies and a bucket of fried chicken.

The Mentalist
[Image: xmattress1-copy.jpg.pagespeed.ic.yWxbcUizT8.jpg]
- Superficially, she seems nice enough. She doesn't have any kids and doesn't look like Shamu. But men steer clear of her as if she were a buffet of Ebola. Why? Well, put your penis inside her once and be prepared for a magical whirlwind of drama! This may include: 20 phone calls a day; her turning up to a second date in a wedding dress; runny mascara crying; and rape accusations.

The Working Girl
[Image: xrok1-620x350.jpg.pagespeed.ic.5FLzfIdwdC.jpg]
- thinks Sex and the City was a lifestyle guide. The working girl is a butt-kicking high-powered career woman who don't need no man! Until her looks start to fade, the cock carousel slows down so she can be thrown off to make way for fresh mounts, and it turns out her high-powered career is destined for office drone HR mid-management, at best. If you lucky fellas hook up with one of these ladies, be prepared for IVF drama, no sex when she comes home tired from work, and the inevitable cuckolding she inflicts on you at the office Christmas party. The great thing about Working Girl is that she already has cats, so they'll thoughtfully eat her when she dies alone.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - ddjembe mutombo - 09-08-2014

I think they are implying that the misogynists lies about his notch count...

I'm pretty sure I could put a list of 10 types of women together that is more accurate than their dude list.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Dr. Howard - 09-08-2014

guy type #11) Party Mattress...I can't get enough of that one.

I also agree that these seem like fantasized types of single women more than single men.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - R Smoov - 09-08-2014

Y'all gotta stop giving a fuck about what these articles say about men in general.

They make their money talking shit about men so why should we give them any air?

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - TheWastelander - 09-08-2014

Quote: (09-08-2014 09:00 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

guy type #11) Party Mattress...I can't get enough of that one.

I also agree that these seem like fantasized types of single women more than single men.

Party Mattress is a cool dude. He's always getting laid because bitches love mattresses.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Texas_Tryhard - 09-08-2014

Quote: (09-08-2014 09:31 AM)TheWastelander Wrote:  

Quote: (09-08-2014 09:00 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

guy type #11) Party Mattress...I can't get enough of that one.

I also agree that these seem like fantasized types of single women more than single men.

Party Mattress is a cool dude. He's always getting laid because bitches love mattresses.

Party Mattress and Casting Couch get together a few times a week to share notch stories.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - Cattle Rustler - 09-08-2014

This can easily be flipped over, just change men to women and it fits perfectly.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - ladderff - 09-08-2014

Agree with Hades above. I guess it's OK to make negative inferences from a man's bring single, but watch the hissy fit they throw when the sexes are switched.

I confess that their #1 struck a nerve with me. Not that I consider my college 'top' but I think I've put together a very attractive 'total package' and I loathe the idea of making a bad deal for it.

HuffPost on 'Types of single men' - kaotic - 09-08-2014

LMAO @steve got [Image: potd.gif] on this article.

Also, this kind of stuff is clickbait.