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Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Sonsowey - 08-20-2014

"Running on an anti-discrimination, ultra-feminist platform in Scandinavia may seem to outsiders like bringing sand to the beach. But Swedish feminists are quick to point to areas where inequalities persist...

"Sweden is an egalitarian country on paper, but not in reality," he said. "We have a society built by men, for men."...

The matter of who stays at home to take care of children is another issue at the core of the equality debate. In 1974, Sweden became the first country to replace maternity leave with parental leave, and it now boasts one of the most generous parental allowances in the world.

Still, on average, women use 76 percent of the 480 paid leave days granted per newborn child. Several measures, including a financial "equality bonus", have been implemented to break the pattern, which analysts say often harm women's careers. F! is pushing for an even share of the leave to be stipulated by law...."

I am interested to hear opinions about this young political party. Guys, are you in favor of their agenda? Do you think they will help Sweden advance as a country? How oppressed are Swedish women?

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

Wait and Vicious will tell you.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Akula - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 12:46 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Wait and Vicious will tell you.

hah that was my first thought as well (Vicious in 3...2...1..)

Seriously I hope this doesn't turn into a Sweden-bashing thread. But would be interesting to hear about this.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

Yeah let's make a Sweden appreciation thread.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - KC4 - 08-20-2014

They are just playing the victim card like the rest. Ultra kommunist but with female underwear. I love their home international conflict policy. Arming down the defense later send hbtq activist to danger zones instead of sending aid. They also want open the borders so ANYONE can get in without a visa and stay for a infinitive amount of time

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Sonsowey - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:41 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

They also want open the borders so ANYONE can get in without a visa and stay for a infinitive amount of time
Would be a very interesting case study.

How long can one of the most utopian societies last in the face of rapidly changing demographics?

Would be absolutely fascinating to watch in real time.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

What Sweden would need is a war or a major conflict. That has a amazing effect of cutting out all the bullshit people have energy to focus on these days.
It's 205 years since last time Sweden been in a major conflict.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:48 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:41 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

They also want open the borders so ANYONE can get in without a visa and stay for a infinitive amount of time
Would be a very interesting case study.

How long can one of the most utopian societies last in the face of rapidly changing demographics?

Would be absolutely fascinating to watch in real time.

PM Reinfeldt spoke to the nation a few days ago and urged the Swedes to open their hearts because in the nearest future Sweden will take in more refugees than ever before and it will not be a cheap thing.

The right wing party SD changed immideately their "slogan" before the upcoming election to " Immigrants or Welfare, what will you choose?"

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - 2Wycked - 08-20-2014

Shameless self-promotion: Some stray thoughts of mine on ROK on feminism in Sweden.

That being said, let them talk more. The more exposure they get, the more their radical and preposterous ideas get exposed.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - KC4 - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 03:01 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:48 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:41 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

They also want open the borders so ANYONE can get in without a visa and stay for a infinitive amount of time
Would be a very interesting case study.

How long can one of the most utopian societies last in the face of rapidly changing demographics?

Would be absolutely fascinating to watch in real time.

PM Reinfeldt spoke to the nation a few days ago and urged the Swedes to open their hearts because in the nearest future Sweden will take in more refugees than ever before and it will not be a cheap thing.

The right wing party SD changed immideately their "slogan" before the upcoming election to " Immigrants or Welfare, what will you choose?"
I never could understand him. sure i am all for helping refugees but instead of putting money on more immigrants why not put that money on immigrants that are already here and help them integreat them to society buts thats another topic to discuss

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - SvenTuga - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 03:01 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:48 AM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2014 02:41 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

They also want open the borders so ANYONE can get in without a visa and stay for a infinitive amount of time
Would be a very interesting case study.

How long can one of the most utopian societies last in the face of rapidly changing demographics?

Would be absolutely fascinating to watch in real time.

PM Reinfeldt spoke to the nation a few days ago and urged the Swedes to open their hearts because in the nearest future Sweden will take in more refugees than ever before and it will not be a cheap thing.

The right wing party SD changed immideately their "slogan" before the upcoming election to " Immigrants or Welfare, what will you choose?"

Earlier in his political career, Reinfeldt wrote a book (Det Sovande Folket) where he claims that the Swedish population has grown lazy due to all the benefits of a welfare state, and how the welfare state should be abolished. All he is doing now, being prime-minister, is following his ideals.

Mass immigration is a huge economic burden, which is draining finances from Swedish welfare. With the current politically correct society we are living in right now, it is the perfect opportunity to destroy it.

I don't like it, but I have to give it to him, the guy is a genius.

We shall see when Swedish peopulation starts revolting...

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

^ What is needed for a revolt?

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - SteveMcMahon - 08-20-2014

"We have a society built by men, for men."

Her first point is correct. Sweden - and every other society on earth - was built by men. If it had been left to women, we'd still be shitting in caves.

You're welcome, ladies.

To her second point - clearly not. If Sweden was run for the benefit of men her political party wouldn't be allowed to exist. If you want to know what Patriarchy really looks like, go to a traditional Muslim country and see how long they put up with feminist bullshit.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - SvenTuga - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 04:23 AM)Chaos Wrote:  

^ What is needed for a revolt?

In this case I think it would be more of a silent revolt, starting in the only place where people can be relatively anonymous, the internet. But even the internet has its weaknesses as we have witnessed by the list published by Aftonbladet (Swedish 'newspaper'). For those who are not aware, this news agency contracted hackers to exploit a bug in the discus commenting system to learn identities of users who were critical towards immigration, and then made the names public.

As you probably know we have elections this year, and the general populations is still relatively blind, and as it looks right now we are most likely going to have a red/green regime, which is just going to make things worse. This but will most likely make Swedes open their eyes to what is really happening in their country. So give it four years. The revolt will be seen in the next elections, where the Sweden Democrats will have a large part of the votes.

But again, who knows...

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - KC4 - 08-20-2014

I hope not. Yeah sure SD might have some good ideas but why should I vote for a party with Nazi connections yes they have cleaned up their act. But all these party are pretty wack.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Crackshot - 08-20-2014

@Dom Filipe

What do normal Swedes think about this. As seen from my data sheet most Swedes I found to be very PC.

What in your opinion is the real reason for it?

Is it to import cheap Labour or increase population size to feel more powerful? I don't believe any country would do this without benefitiy in some way

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Foolsgo1d - 08-20-2014

Never talked to a swedish girl. Are they as self-centred, ignorant and stupid as these F! people claim to be?

if so its no wonder that country has allowed these feminists to run for office.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - SvenTuga - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 06:30 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

I hope not. Yeah sure SD might have some good ideas but why should I vote for a party with Nazi connections yes they have cleaned up their act. But all these party are pretty wack.

Yeah true, but what other option does a Swede have? All other parties are competing with each other to see who can be more politically correct. Moderaterna, the party I would normally associate myself with, have gone far from the founding principles and are becoming more and more liberal to the point where you see very little distinction between them and the Socialists.

It is true what you say. In their early history SD had Nazi roots, and technically still have, and if we look at their political views they are national socialistic, which was what the Nazis were, with the toned down race thing. But considering that Swedes are one of the most tolerant/accepting people in the world, to the point where its actually it becomes stupid, and this party having approx. 11% of the votes and growing it's an indication that something is wrong.

I have met several people with non-European ancestry, e.g. Iran, Eritrea, Somalia, South America, and they are voting for them. Funny thing is that according to an Persian newspaper in Sweden, SD is the second most voted party after the Socialists. The most likely reason for this is that they know their forefathers came to this land to work and live in peace in a modern society, and are seeing how this new wave of immigrants just want the benefits without putting in the hard work. They establish their communities and live in little 'Islam' in Sweden, a lot of them not even bothering to learn the language.

Opinion in what? The parts the feminists getting so much ground?

Two things: 1 - The media has a lot of power, and according to studies, which I can link to later, have found journalists are mostly left wing (isn't that common knowledge?). This means that their sweetparties (F! and the greens) rarely ever get any scrutiny. There has been a sporadic occasion where a journalist actually read their manifesto (or whatever you call it) and thought of the consequences, but these didn't get much attention. 2 - The people who vote for them don't actually read what these parties stand for. They see the word feminist, and them wanting to be gender-equal society go for it like sheep.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

^ Good points and first posts Dom Felipe!
I'm still waiting for Vicious to chime in and what he has to say.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Crackshot - 08-20-2014

Guys good news Al Jazeera are big supporters of the party, which is odd

They come armed with pink balloons and threaten to break the gender-power order.

They rail against patriarchy and racism, while pushing a platform that includes open immigration, a six-hour work day, and scrapping national defence.

Their rivals dismiss them as radical left-wingers with unrealistic goals and no economic platform. Yet their frontwoman, Gudrun Schyman is a candid, charismatic political veteran whom one columnist calls "totally unbeatable".

Meet the Feminist Initiative, the party that has managed to push gender equality to the top of the political agenda, ahead of Sweden's general elections.

Using the stylised acronym "F!", the Feminist Initiative rode the slogan "Racists out, Feminists in" to a hard-won seat in the European Parliament in May. The party now hopes to crash the Riksdag, Sweden's parliament, and be a feminist thorn in the side of any governing coalition formed after the polls.

Holmstrom supports the party because of inequality he feels between genders, and a detriment of rights for LGBT people and immigrants.

"Sweden is an egalitarian country on paper, but not in reality," he said. "We have a society built by men, for men."

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Crackshot - 08-20-2014

Wow I read the AJ story

They want to ABOLISH the phucking Swedish army and end all border controls.

Is this a joke?

How do they think Sweden will protect itself?

So they expect Finland to do all the fighting in the event of a war with Russia?

I can't work out if it is a joke or real

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - KC4 - 08-20-2014

Nope it's real. Dismantling the army and opening the borders is the solution for gender inequality. ...

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Chaos - 08-20-2014

Quote: (08-20-2014 08:36 AM)Crackshot Wrote:  

So they expect Finland to do all the fighting in the event of a war with Russia?

That already was the case in WW2.

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Crackshot - 08-20-2014

One thing I am curious about is why is Sweden home to such extremist views?

The main reason I can think of is because your country is so affluent and free from war

I would like to hear the Swedish members views on why Swden is like this, it as If you really hate yourselves as a country which is odd as you dont have much to be ashamed of to my knowledge

Swedish Feminist Political Party prepares for Parlaimentary Elections - Crackshot - 08-20-2014


I know but it seems very unfair to expect you guys to die in huge numbers again so they don't have to have the inconvenience of an army.

There can be no feminism without a strong army and police force