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3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Printable Version

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3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Dantes - 08-08-2014

1. Stick with the 3 second rule and always follow it. Don't let your mind psych you out of the approach. Examples that we tell ourselves which are self-defeating:

"she is too hot"
"she is walking too fast for an approach"
"I will approach the next one".
" I haven't warmed up enough yet"
" I'm not ready yet"

These are self defeating statements that serve to avoid an approach and in the process, we succumb to approach anxiety.

Start the approach immediately when in your control. Stick to the 3 second rule. This is a useful behavior modification but will take a commitment to yourself. Changing behavior and mitigating approach anxiety are within your control.

2. Perspective taking: We tend to exaggerate the importance of what we are doing and also the possible negative consequences. We are not conducting spinal surgery here. We are simply initiating a conversation with an attractive women. Our lives, our families, the world does not depend on us for the outcome of our approach.

I often remind myself that life is short and I will be dead sooner than I think. What's the big deal in talking to a cute chick. We tend to overemphasize the importance of what we are doing. It is just a conversation with someone who might be interesting. Form rational and realistic evaluations on what you are doing.

Nothing helps building a rational perspective of things like a sense of humor. Don't take yourself too seriously. You are just a gut chasing pussy. Enjoy the ride and laugh at your blow outs.

3. Failure and confidence: We are not perfect and cannot succeed all the time. Accept failure but believe in yourself. Confidence comes from experience but also from pushing yourself just pass the point of your comfort zone. This is where true growth lies and where confidence is gained.

Liken yourself to a closer who just blew a save in the 9th inning. His success for his next save opportunity will be contingent on how well he preserves faith in himself. Learn from your mistakes but at the same time have a short memory like a closer.

3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Nascimento - 08-08-2014

Good points.

A mindset related strategy to day game is to not think of it as a way to get results. Don't see daygame as a way to get numbers or bangs. Think of it as a way to improve your overall game: increase your abundance, verbal social skill, body language and posture, challenge your comfort zone and lower your inhibitions, etc.

3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Feo - 08-08-2014

Just take zinc and workout heavy, this type of stuff won't even cross your mind. Approach comes natural and is the obvious next best thing to do

3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Noir - 08-08-2014

This is good advice but merely the tip of the iceberg.

Inner game wise, you gotta feel like you deserve the girl and you want her. This eliminates the 3 second rule over time and you approach because you are interested in talking to the woman and it is not just a drill. This mindset re-frame for me has changed everything; the sense of entitlement.

Like Nascimento mentioned, you turn this into a game in which you set targets/goals/levels and you progress will have the greatest effect on your progress. Measure yourself vs your previous self and throw yourself out there.

Go create some crazy tales of hedonism.

3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Dantes - 08-09-2014

Good point. These are simple strategies to help with inner game, particularly when starting out. I have had a few conversations with forum guys on how to overcome approach anxiety.

A sign of advancement is when you truly believe you deserve a high quality woman. The
projection of this confidence is powerful. If you have already reached this point then some of these strategies won't be needed. However many guys are just starting out. So I put together a few strategies that I found helpful.

3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Nomad77 - 08-09-2014

A 4th point I would add and probably the most important one is that it's always a number game. Once you truly accept this, no one approach really affects you that much.

3 Strategies for Inner Game As It Relates To Daygame - Kaizen - 08-09-2014

Good post.

The 3 second rule is even more important in day game than night. At night, your target is still in the same location. In the day, with each second you hesitate, she is likely getting farther and farther away if it's a moving target.

So true nomad about the numbers game. It really is like turning over stones, like Krauser put it on one occasion. While you still need to work on everything YOU can do to make it the best approach, a lot of the time the biggest determining factor is what's going on with the girl i.e. her availability, personality and so forth;

I made the weakest mumbling opener on 2 girls last week....they stopped immediately and chatted with me like they had all the time in the world. We ended up going for drinks right there and I got both #s; the success of that was probably more them than me