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Damn. Feminist. Upbringing. - h3ltrsk3ltr - 07-30-2014

I'm disgusted by feminist induced traits that resurface in my interactions with other people. I've been browsing some recent articles on return of kings and I ran across this excellent article by thutmosis:

I've been shit-kicked by the feminist machine all through my younger years into being a good little boy in the name of equality, fairness, women's rights etc..

It's not easy to admit I was weak and bowed by the pressure to forego manliness and swallow a load of blue-pill crap, it's damn humiliating, but it's the truth. I've noticed that when I was drinking the kool-aid, my opinions were pretty adamant despite the fact I had no idea where they came from. There was no logic to the concept that women who dressed like sluts weren't asking for attention but for some reason I was convinced that it was normal behavior.

I was stopped once by a... well I think it was supposed to be a woman. She had short, spiked-up hair that didn't look like it had even touched shampoo in a month. Her too-small ragged black jean cutoffs and nasty, thin tshirt stretched over her massive gut didn't raise a single red flag even as the disgusting image of what's now considered "beautiful" seared itself into my brain. Thinking of it now, I want to vomit.

She wobbled her squat figure into my path, gave me an oily smile and said "You're exactly the kind of guy I want to talk to! I'm with a group that supports women who have been raped, what would you do if you if you saw a women being pressured into sex on your college campus??" Without a second of hesitation, my twisted concept of white-knight virtue bubbled up in a cock-blocking feminist rhetoric of condemnation for "asshole jerks who take advantage of women." I didn't even think. At all.

It's so easily on the tips of the tongues of every neutered college male these days, the idea that slut-shaming is an affront to humanity or that when a man tries to get laid it's somehow grotesque. And it comes easily, I believe, because it's behavior endorsed by the very women we want to bed.

Men become neutered, feminist husks when they listen to what women say they want and then try to become that. The problem is that women don't actually want a skinny bitch, they want a man. It's reenforced when you lack strong male influences early on. Without a real man as a role model, you're ripe for insertion into the matrix. Getting out sucks. It's uncomfortable, it's lonely, but it's the only way to live with yourself.

I've never actually been a feminist really, but I've been a man who was conned into thinking that acting like one was the right thing to do. Deep down I know that's a load of hocum but it takes courage and perseverance to actually <em>be</em> a man. This group has done a lot to help engender those ideals in me and grateful for that, but all the motivation in the world doesn't mean shit til you start living 'em.

Damn. Feminist. Upbringing. - Dalaran1991 - 08-01-2014

Good thing that you now realize the truth.

Whats important now is that, will you stick to your truth or will you buckle under the pressure when some angry manginas criticize you for being a man?

Most men actually know feminism is bs, but they are weak mentally and can never stand up against feminists. They yearn for acceptance thinking that they will get pussy.

See for yourself the truth and power of being a real man when you slam a lawyer/feminist chick on the bed, tie up her arms and fuck her furiously from behind, while they moan and call your name.

Damn. Feminist. Upbringing. - iamdegaussed - 08-02-2014

hahaha perfect opportunity to fuck with them.

"I'd scout for one of her annoying friends and try to distract her long enough for dude to isolate and get his plus one"

don't feel bad for having all these thoughts that you were simply conditioned to have. now that you know the truth, it's clearly jiving with what you FEEL, so instead of spitting out some canned rhetoric that you don't even believe, you will start to behave more congruent to who you are.

Damn. Feminist. Upbringing. - h3ltrsk3ltr - 08-02-2014

Hahaha ^^^ nice one.