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A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Printable Version

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A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Kid Strangelove - 07-29-2014

I've been thinking about this for quite a while now - what would happen if all the men in the world, or at least a sizable chunk of them - stopped acting thirsty, or as providers, or as any means of support for women (who are not their wives, maybe) just for one day

No instagram or facebook likes on social media accounts of big booty bitches
No drinks bought in the bar
No consumption of pornography
No comments
No texts
All in all - a total blackout of male attention - what would happen?

We can see how independent women really are.
We can see what would happen to the narcissists of the world when you employ the #1 way to combat them - total lack of contact - on a massive scale.

Right now this exists as only a theoretical fantasy.

But I think with the ever growing power of the Manosphere, with the adoption of Red Pill values by more and more facets of society, this could actually work.

And here's the thing - it can spread in so many ways.
4chan can pick it up for the sheer love of trolling, and you know they're masters at it.
Hell - even radical feminists can help spread this - under the guise of "a day of freedom from the patriarchy and the oppressive male gaze" or some other bullshit like that.

The more I think about it, the more brilliant this sounds

Question is - is it doable? How do we go about beginning and spreading this for maximum exposure?

Let's discuss

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - The Beast1 - 07-29-2014

Similar to that "Mom on strike" movie.

It would take one HELL of an effort to organize a "don't give women attention" day.

Hell, it's hard for me to not check out women during my day.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Barron - 07-29-2014

Great idea, needs to take place in the summer months since that is when women are most open sexually (thus most thirsty for attention), August 1st is probably a good day.

Also shaming dudes that fail to observe the pastime would be fun as hell and would catch on quick, "thirsty is as thirsty does", "check your thirst". You could drive by bars and clubs and yell shit at all the thirsty betas and other men would support you.

Think of what kind of female attention whore planning it would provoke

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - kinjutsu - 07-29-2014

I co-sign this idea.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Walderschmidt - 07-31-2014

I like this idea.


A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - runsonmagic - 07-31-2014

No Thirst Day? How about...

No Thirst Week 2014

[Image: tumblr_m6d6e1RPsQ1qih9gi_zpsf5444de0.gif]

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Days of Broken Arrows - 07-31-2014

It's a good idea, but what would hit women harder would be if men would go on strike period. Society would crash down within about a week (if not sooner) with no men around to run things, transport things, or fix things.

A good halfway point would be for the "no thirst" concept to include having men not play White Knight or Mommy's Little Helper as well. That means: no giving directions, no fixing the copier for her, no helping with flat tires, no carrying boxes, etc.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - slubu - 07-31-2014

Kid this is an idea I like a lot, but I think it should be for more than a day too. Not sure we can do a whole week and sustain that (lots of men will cave after 2-3 days is my guess. Maybe a Friday, Saturday and Sunday would work.

To spread it efficiently, you would need 1) advance notice, 2) a strong medium for spreading the info.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Redwood - 07-31-2014

No Thirst Day (or Week) is good, but the irony is there are too many men out there who are too damn thirsty for this to kick off.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Jukes - 07-31-2014

Nice list. I except girls on yhose days to up the ante and confort men aggressively.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - Renberg - 07-31-2014

I think this is an awesome idea.

My biggest concern is: Aren't the people who participate mainly going to be those who don't "thirst" on a regular basis? It seems like your biggest start-target is the Manosphere; I assume most of us here don't give into the attention-whoring of women on a daily basis.

Somehow, this idea would need to be hugely disseminated for it to work and have an effect. But man, would I love to see the way it plays out.

A modest proposal - "International No Thirst Day" - game_ethic - 07-31-2014

[Image: agree.gif]