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Ebola Pandemic 2014 - MrXY - 10-12-2014

Now the CDC is monitoring the rest of the medical team in Dallas after the nurse contracted it, claiming that there might have been a flaw in the "protocol"

If trained people who are taking extreme precautions with the best equipment are getting it, it's obviously a lie that it is difficult to contract.

It should be assumed that everything the govt and their allies like the media says about this now is said for purposes of propaganda and social control and is meant to serve the interests and ideology of the elites. Facts, science, and the interests of the general public be damned.

One person is telling the truth though, General Kelly , Commander of the Southern Command; he said that if Ebola gets into Central America and breaks out there, a huge migration to the southern border will ensue, both of people trying to avoid Ebola and people who think they might have it and want treatment in the US. The havoc that would cause would be incredible.

Also the NBC news crew is now on mandatory quarantine after one of them was caught breaking the voluntary quarantine they had agreed to.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Faust - 10-12-2014

Well, that's not an encouraging sign.

As far as I am aware of, we've had two Ebola-related quarantines issued in the United States.
The first was with the family of the Liberian who brought Ebola to the US.
The second was the NBC news crew.

Both of these groups violated their mandatory quarantine. We're now two for two.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Foolsgo1d - 10-12-2014

It is pretty obvious you shouldn't listen to the talking heads from any government agency on subjects like this. If they say something isn't a threat it almost always turns out to be so.

Imagine if they went live on air and said "yeah, if you get it you are most likely fucked. it would also help if the bush meat trade was restricted".

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Akula - 10-12-2014

Someone's got it in Boston now apparently.

Apparently they evacuated the ENTIRE hospital when it came out.

Nothing to see here...move along please...

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Truth Teller - 10-12-2014

Has the government considered automatic quarantine of passengers coming from the affected area in Africa? Or would that be too "racist?"

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - berserk - 10-12-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 05:04 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Someone's got it in Boston now apparently.

Apparently they evacuated the ENTIRE hospital when it came out.

Nothing to see here...move along please...

Another guy who travelled to West Africa.

Tell me, why didn't this guy call an ambulance? He couldn't possibly be ignorant to the ebola epidemic going, what is wrong with these people?

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - MrXY - 10-12-2014

Media said the street outside the clinic was lined with police, firetrucks and ambulances.

This is for one person who it's not even certain has it.

Now everyone who has come into contact with him is going to have to be quarantined.

Not stopping travel from West Africa is absolute madness.

Or intentional evil.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - berserk - 10-12-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 05:56 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Media said the street outside the clinic was lined with police, firetrucks and ambulances.

This is for one person who it's not even certain has it.

Now everyone who has come into contact with him is going to have to be quarantined.

Not stopping travel from West Africa is absolute madness.

Or intentional evil.

You poll Europeans and Americans on if travel from West Africa should be stopped and you probably get at least 75% saying yes. Yet, here we are, not asked, no one listening to the public.

This should be an example to show everyone that democracy is a total sham.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Mentavious - 10-12-2014

Still waiting on reports and not speculations of how these travelers are getting it. How and how much contact is needed for an infection

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Faust - 10-12-2014

"Has the government considered automatic quarantine of passengers coming from the affected area in Africa? Or would that be too "racist?""

They've given us some nonsense about how it's better if we allow free travel between here and Ebola-infested areas, because otherwise it will make it hard for healthcare workers to get there.
I'm not sure anyone believes it. I'm not sure the people who are saying it believe it.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - TravelerKai - 10-12-2014

Fuck issues about racism. They need to start checking all the West African traffic coming in. China does it. There is no shame in doing your due diligence. Political correctness be damned.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - RawGod - 10-12-2014

Haven't been following it closely, but I saw a few videos with talking heads making the "racism" claim. I couldn't believe my ears. It's as if people have gone insane.

My question is, who is establishing the talking points and the policy? And how is it done? Maybe it's my conspiratorial mindset, but I just can't imagine that this is an organic, natural reaction from media and policy makers.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Ensam - 10-12-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 07:20 PM)RawGod Wrote:  

Haven't been following it closely, but I saw a few videos with talking heads making the "racism" claim. I couldn't believe my ears. It's as if people have gone insane.

My question is, who is establishing the talking points and the policy? And how is it done? Maybe it's my conspiratorial mindset, but I just can't imagine that this is an organic, natural reaction from media and policy makers.

It's not. Several ex TV reporters have complained about talking points being handed down by producers. The cynic in me says it's all about ratings - the producers try and come up with spins that are most likely to draw in viewers.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Nascimento - 10-12-2014

I'm not yet too knowledgeable on diseases. If someone gets the disease and doesn't die from it and recovers well, are they still prone to it in the future, or have their antibodies learned how to defend against it permanently?

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Native Baltimoron - 10-12-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 02:46 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2014 12:42 PM)Native Baltimoron Wrote:  

This is the key problem with cultural Marxist ideology:

What exactly, in terms of specific concrete issues is your definition "Cultural Marxism (CM)"?

"CM advocates cutting the military budget " could be called objective.

"CM will lead to the collapse of civilization" is vague conjecture.

"CM is disconnected with reality." is totally dependent on what one's impression of reality is, and so again is totally vague.

Concrete examples please-- tap dancing is great, but let's call it that.

Fair enough.

Cultural Marxism frames social relationships in terms of oppressor and oppressed, exploiter and exploited. The privileged and the put-upon.

I suppose "contemporary Jacobinism" would also be an apt description. It is sustained by the utopian aspirations of intellectuals who believe that, come the Revolution, they can make people better. Smarter, stronger, kinder. They believe in the blank slate, that social conditions determine behavior, rather than accepting that emergent social structures and behaviors both shape and are shaped by heritable traits.

Witch-hunting someone for being insufficiently bien pensant was prominent in both Jacobin France and Leninist Russia; this helped to both spread the central meme and solidify self-censorship of public discourse which might threaten it. With respect to the Ebola pandemic, people are bending over backwards to find reasons why it would be bad to suspend travel to West Africa. In reality, there is no justification, humanitarian or otherwise, to continue to permit travel from countries which have failed to contain the disease.

Look at Tom Frieden. If he comes out and says, "Yeah, we need to stop letting West Africans who might have been exposed to Ebola into the U.S.," then people will start calling for his head. This is the same reason that a few commentators are anticipating that calls to suspend travel are "racist."

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Geomann180 - 10-12-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 06:23 PM)Mentavious Wrote:  

Still waiting on reports and not speculations of how these travelers are getting it. How and how much contact is needed for an infection

After the dodgy powers of judgement shown by the CDC, the US government, and governments of other countries (Spain for example) - you are still waiting for official reports?


Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Geomann180 - 10-12-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 09:56 PM)Native Baltimoron Wrote:  

Fair enough.

Cultural Marxism frames social relationships in terms of oppressor and oppressed, exploiter and exploited. The privileged and the put-upon.

So, in other words, Marxism creates an us and a them in a society when there needn't always be. Which is perfect for divide and conquer.

Very interesting...


Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Ingocnito - 10-13-2014

I'm not one to bother with political rants however this seem pretty valid:

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Ingocnito - 10-13-2014

You know what will be the real shitter is when one of the troops Obama sent to Africa from the US contracts it. Healthcare workers bear the brunt of the exposure, and what healthcare worker has a death sentence and dare break protocol?

After knowing enough dippity-ass nurses I wouldn't let put a bandaide on me, some jackass probably broke protocol by not washing something thoroughly and got it to spread. Aggressive diseases require absolute environments.

How could such a simple but aggressive disease take so many lives. Simple, ignorance & habit.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Ingocnito - 10-13-2014

Figure this, this nurse who contracted it in Dallas went from a latent to incubation period, now to infectious state. Clearly this particular strain of Ebola in Africa is aggressive, well now it's here.

So now whoever this nurse came in contact with during the incubation period needs to be watched, and how high is that headcount?

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - AnonymousBosch - 10-13-2014

Quote: (10-13-2014 12:27 AM)Ingocnito Wrote:  

After knowing enough dippity-ass nurses I wouldn't let put a bandaide on me, some jackass probably broke protocol by not washing something thoroughly and got it to spread. Aggressive diseases require absolute environments.

Had a blood test last week. Nurse puts on the gloves, draws the blood, blood leaks, she applies pressure, mops it up with cotton balls, disposes of balls, takes off her gloves, then bunches the gloves up into a ball with her bare hands before placing them in the disposal bin.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Handsome Creepy Eel - 10-13-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 06:41 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Fuck issues about racism. They need to start checking all the West African traffic coming in. China does it. There is no shame in doing your due diligence. Political correctness be damned.

It's fun that now more countries outside Africa have cases of Ebola than those inside Africa. Most African governments have banned flights and sealed borders towards the affected countries. Even with their meager resources, they seem to be way more successful in protecting their people than the "educated" and "well-organized" governments in our "developed" countries.

Being rich is no safeguard against stupidity.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Foolsgo1d - 10-13-2014

Has to be the biggest case of white guilt I have seen. 4000 or so dead, specialists with protective gear are getting it and they're still saying "its hard to catch".

Tell me gents, which of you would gladly sit next to someone on a plane with the infection? Or anywhere on the plane?

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - iknowexactly - 10-13-2014

Quote: (10-12-2014 09:56 PM)Native Baltimoron Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2014 02:46 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2014 12:42 PM)Native Baltimoron Wrote:  

This is the key problem with cultural Marxist ideology:

What exactly, in terms of specific concrete issues is your definition "Cultural Marxism (CM)"?
more weasel words- noting physically measurable.
Concrete examples please-- tap dancing is great, but let's call it that.

Fair enough.

Cultural Marxism frames social relationships in terms of oppressor and oppressed, exploiter and exploited. The privileged and the put-upon.

what exactly, is "frames social relationships"?

More weasel words. Where to you want to the money to go? That's real.

Concrete policy recommendations please, in numerically measurable terms.

If you want to cut food stamps, now we're talking about something objective.

You want to stop flights coming in from Africa, that's real.

No sociology 101 treating abstractions like concrete numerically measurable, real things.

You are spouting feminism style rhetoric, just in reverse, like it maps in a provable way to objective, physical reality.

If you want to learn to offer actionable ideas instead of rhetoric, offer one NUMBER of a physical thing that you don't like, and what you'd like it changed to.

Like for example, increasing the number of drones we shoot Toyota pickups flying the ISIS flag. Now at least we're talking about the same thing, so we can have an argument that at least is about the same thing.

Ebola Pandemic 2014 - Brian Shima - 10-13-2014

Do Americans need to seriously be worried about this?