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Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - Printable Version

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Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - SteezeySteve - 05-22-2014

I'm just now finishing up my freshman year in highschool. I didn't do too hot. (certainly not going to get her 3.0) She's threatened to send me to this program called jobcorps that is (unfortunately) run by the government. The program seems pretty interesting though,and would probably benefit me considering i am planning on going to trade school after high school.

Optional readingSadme ranting)
i just feel like i'm wasting my fucking time listening to these teachers try and condition me to think they way the investment banks,and politicians want me to think. And the worst part is i cant even spend my time running around with my boys,having fun,going to parties,gaming highschool girls,etc because my mom doesn't let me do shit cause of my gpa. So its just a living hell for me in class,then outside of school i don't do shit either. I can't even invest time into creating websites,for internet marketing because she always takes away my computer.

Back on topic:

this is a list of all the careers that they offer training in.
this is a list of my personal top pics. I'm trying to decide which career offers the best training for me to get in a job in the oil industry when i graduate.
heavy equipment operations

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - 2014 - 05-23-2014

Welding and or Electrical engineering will earn big money later on if you are willing to go where the money is

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - Skye - 05-23-2014

In the oil industry I'd say heavy equipment, but as 2014 said electrical could get you far.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - LaserBear - 05-23-2014

2014 has it right.
For your question... refer to him and anyone else.
try and focus on that web development and coding a bit. Not some casual shit, but really learning a language.
If I could go back to highschool I'd spend a bit less time partying and doing drugs, and a bit more time learning at least one coding language. Had to have my programmer bro do a few too many things for me over time... and his collection of sports cars from primarily freelance work is testament enough to the skill's value.

Also, get your damn grades up.
You aren't stupid... just lazy. American highschool is some simple shit.
Spend one night a week not stoned and do work.
I fucking hate the american school system, but if you end up going to college in the end heres what they won't tell you and should... almost no one in the real world give a fuck if you have a 2.0 or 4.0 but frats will recruit with an eye to grades (helps their standing) and girls throw their pussies at frat guys.
Literally, strip and throw pussy.
Its stupid.
Because they are stupid.
I got a 28 on my ACT hungover and stoned, but barely graduated (71.5% attendance senior year).
Didn't care. Got into college.
Got fucked in credit, scholarship, and frat realms. Game is the equalizer, but if you can game for four years on easy mode... don't end up playing on hard because your ego made you "fuck the system" in highschool.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - Skye - 05-23-2014

Quote: (05-23-2014 02:26 AM)LaserBear Wrote:  

Also, get your damn grades up.
You aren't stupid... just lazy. American highschool is some simple shit.

This is very true, every exchange student I've ever met has only struggled in our history classes (Why would they care about american history), they breeze through math, science, and languages because our schools are so much easier.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - The Beast1 - 05-23-2014

Have you considered becoming a machinist? I know a few tool and dye shops in northwestern PA that want to pay upwards of 50k and benefits for an individual who has the skills. In that part of the country, 50k will get you a house and 2 cars.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - jamaicabound - 05-23-2014

I'm not huge on school either but I'd encourage you to finish high school the traditional way or maybe try to double up on courses and graduate early. You change so mcuh as a person and your interests and everything between your age and say 18, then again between 18 and 21, and even more as you hit your mid 20's. Even though school may nnot hold interest now you always want to keep your options open. I never wanted to go to college when I was younger and got a later start but graduated at 27 and wish I would have done things easier and when I was younger.

I'm a big advocate of not having this college is the only way mindset. I think oftentimes people int eh trades or certain certificate programs are better off. That said I'd still encourage you to finish high school.

I get a lot of it is bullshit but honestly going through school is learing life, sometimes you gotta do shit you dont wanna do, sometimes you gota do shit that doesn't interest you, you gotta put up with others rules, all that will still be the same in job corps.

I'll be honest I dont know much about job corps except seeing the tv shows but I always get the impression its a last resort for fuckups. No offense intended and I'm probably talking out of my ass as I know nearly nothing about it but thats always the impression I got.

Just because your not getting straight b's doesn't mean you cant succeeed in school or that its not meant for you. Honestly college is way diff than high school. High school is busy work and bullshit where as college they dont really make you jump through all the hoops and do stupid homework, if you can pass the tests you pass the courses for the most part.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - komatiite - 05-23-2014

You are a freshman in high school? What does that make you, 15?

Fuck dude, just hit the books and listen harder in class. Don't do shitty in high school, it will haunt you down the road if it ends up holding you back. It takes a special kind of retard to do poorly in American high school. It's nice to see you have a plan for when you are older by getting into the trades, but trust me- anything can happen and you don't want a shitty high school transcript preventing you from doing what you want once you get older.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - Switch - 05-23-2014

Sheesh man, high school is easy as fuck just get your grades up. It takes an hour a day just do it. You're only a freshman. If you can't man up and get good grades in your freshman year, you're going to have a rough time whenever anything gets hard ever, be it in high school or when you're out on an oil rig and it's 5 degrees. Your interests might change over the next three years. Maybe junior year you'll decide you want to go to college. You don't want your grades holding you back. And yes there is a lot of money to he made in trades, but there's a helluva lot more money outside of trades. Honestly just do homework at lunch and in class.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - Saweeep - 05-24-2014

I feel like these are all choices akin to which method of execution would you prefer.

OP, if you are serious about game, choose the path that gives you the best opportunity to divert into something self employed at the first possible opportunity.

the younger you start, the younger you succeed.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - Failing - 05-24-2014

I recommend skipping grades. I did it, it was totally worth it. Set yourself up to get out of high school in three years by taking summer school, then see if you can substitute classes at your local community college for parts of your third year. This means you'll be 18 with an associate's degree (try to get it in some kind of trade like HVAC + take all the math classes you can) instead of a high school diploma, and at that point, work a trade. Welding means you'll be on industrial sites, electrician/plumber gives you the option to work in people's houses too. The associate's degree usually means that you can transfer in-state to a college without them looking at your grades (as long as you're still in good standing) and you need two years instead of four to get a full degree, the math classes mean that you're ahead on a real technical degree instead of a useless lib arts degree.

Take control of your life homie.

Which Jobcorps carreer should i choose? - jamaicabound - 05-24-2014

I think the whole college experience is one of the most fun amazing parts of my life. I actually wound up graduating high school early and went to college barely 17. I could have flew through college and had a degree at by 21 howeeer I fucked around but in your situation even if the trades are what you want to do I'd suggest finish high school early, go to college, even if you dont want to finish maybe get an associates in business that way by 18 or 19 you can be done with college and start training for a trade, tehn if you want to go into business for yourself instead of work for someone else you know your trade and have a bit of a business background and get to experience college and drugs and pussy like you never will unless your a celebrity.