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Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Every10GivesMeA10 - 05-17-2014

Came across this great article on Yahoo about females who have more guys as friends than girls. These girls usually claim they can't get along with girls because they are all 'bitches.' My ex GF had 1 GF whom she shares an apt with and another one who only had guys as friends just like my ex. I will never date another girl who has more guy friends than girl friends anymore. Most of these girls are insecure as hell like the article describes.

My ex literally had guys in the 'friend zone' waiting around her for me to fuck up so they can strike. And she had fucked a few of these guys before me as well. When me and her had a fight she would of course get support from some 'guy friend' because there are no girlfriends to share 'guy stories' with.

I don't believe men and women can be just friends at all, especially not when you have had sex with them.

Anyway here's the article


A woman with no female friends should trigger a huge red flag. An alarm should be sounding very, VERY loudly... WARNING, WARNING, WARNING!

She seems perfectly harmless doesn't she? As a matter of fact, she probably strikes you as WAY cooler than other chicks. She seems really interested in what you're talking about, she might even like sports, and just generally be into "guy stuff."

Sounds pretty good. What could be wrong with that? I mean, who wouldn't want to be with a woman whom would watch football on Sundays with you?

She seems cool because she's into all of that, which is okay, but that's not the issue here. There are women whom are into sports and do have female friends, if that's really what you're into. There's a huge difference between these types of women, so there's no need to allow yourself to be fooled here.

She'll probably say that she has no "girl-friends" because women are so awful, mean, backstabbing, etc. You'll agree because, based on your experience, it sounds pretty true. Sure women can be that way, but so can men, so is that really a good excuse? It's not. Slap yourself if you just answered "yes."

The reality is that there is a reason that she has no female friends and it wasn't by HER choice. Women don't want to be friends with her. Why? There are multiple reasons and none of them are good for you.

1) She's a master at getting male attention (aka a tease, a flirt, a *ahem* whore, slut, etc.)

2) She NEEDS constant male attention (aka She's extremely insecure)

3) She feels threatened by other women (aka She's extremely insecure)

4) She has run off all of her female friends for one of the above three reasons

Could there be a scenario where a really fantastic girl "just so happens" to not have female friends? Sure, maybe. What are the odds of that happening? Somewhere around one in the three billion women on earth. Don't just assume that your girl is this one amazing exception to the rule. Chances are that she's not, she's just really good at hiding the truth about herself.

These women are amazing at manipulation. After all, she's evolved over time to learn how to get what she wants from men. Of course you're going to fall for her charms initially, but you've got to snap out of it and wise up. She's bad news. Why? Don't worry, that's what I'm getting into next...

I'm sure you've heard or seen the television show "My Boys," where a woman who just happens to be into sports has nearly all guy friends and just "relates to men better." The show is fairly innocent, and really is more about getting laughs than breaking social ground and setting some kind of precedent. The larger scope of things here is that many women want this sort of scenario to be acceptable, and it really shouldn't be, because a woman like this in real life has serious insecurity issues.

Insecure women are DANGEROUS! Sure, there are different levels of insecurity but the level of insecurity required to drive all of the female friends out of a woman's life is bordering on mental instability.

I know that sounds like I'm being a bit harsh, but I really am not. I listed above the four most common reasons that a woman has only guy friends. None of those are good reasons, especially not for you, being romantically interested in this woman. She will burn you, if not now, then later.

Insecure women are needy, energy vampires. They will suck the life out of you until you are bone dry and raw to the world. Then, after you've given everything you have to give, she'll want more. What happens when you have no energy left to give? She will turn on you. Once you've stopped meeting her "needs" she's going to cheat on you or leave. She NEEDS that attention for survival.

You see, these energy vampires are validation seekers. Validation seekers are extremely confused mentally about love. Their definition of love is validation, and they don't understand when they've crossed the line. They take and take and take some more until there's nothing left. Then she'll go cry on her best "guy" friend's shoulder (because she doesn't have a girlfriend's shoulder to sob into). She'll get the validation she needs, from one guy or another, it doesn't matter who from. They don't know what love is, they only care about having their needs met. Keep in mind that doesn't always mean "physical" needs. Have you heard of "mental cheating?" It's become more and more common, so look it up.

That sounds a bit dramatic and quite a stretch from the girl you're with right? It really isn't and the unfortunate thing is that it's nearly impossible to really show you until it actually happens. Now, if you're reading this and have already been through this, then you're probably thinking "wow, that really is what happened..."

What I described above is what happens when you get into a relationship with one of these women. How do you recognize when you're dating or just met one of these women?

These women are master manipulators. They've spent their whole life honing their skills on getting what they want from men. You're going to have a really hard time spotting her because she's going to seem very charming. The fact that she has only has guy friends is what is going to clue you in.

Another issue you're going to run into with a woman like this is that she'll drive all of the women in your life crazy and/or out of your life. Remember, she's threatened by other women so female friends, coworkers, bosses, and even family sometimes will be driven away from you by her.

Whenever you fight, where is she going to go? Her friends. Who are her friends? Guys that she's gotten the attention of that most likely want to be with her and are waiting patiently in the "friend zone" for you to screw up.

What about her taking a night out on the town with her friends? Can you really trust an extremely insecure woman who constantly needs validation and attention from men? Maybe you can, maybe you can't. However, in my experience, insecure people cannot be trusted.

The bottom line is that women with no female friends cannot be trusted. If no other women will trust her with friendship, then why should you? Avoid them at all costs.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - BiggNastee - 05-17-2014

I avoid women with only guy friends besides some quick easy sex because they have no friends for me to fuck. Who in their right mind is dating any female in America?

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Heathree - 05-17-2014

Its all about availability. If there are loads of other guys about, especially ones who attractive, of course the temptation will get its way sooner or later.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Foolsgo1d - 05-17-2014

Came across a woman recently like this. I wind her up about it and give her hamster a good poke and she goes livid.

One question which will make her spin; "So if you think they're just friends why not tell them to come over in a sexually suggestive manner and find out". She could not take it, probably why we dont talk anymore.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - WestIndianArchie - 05-17-2014


Because the girl with more girl friends than guys is a sweet angel that is never insecure, and one you should totally trust.

This is the Feminine Imperative at work.

"She" wants you to be off balance, constantly suspicious....but to ultimately trust in "Her" wisdom.

They're all dangerous.

There's not a man among you that doesn't want to live dangerously though.


Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Ternarydemonite - 05-17-2014

It is specially true if she has a lot of gay friends. That way she gets constant masculine attention and validation, a sense of security, friendship, drama, gossip, and male companionship who doesn't want to penetrate her. Usually they go out at night to the ratio of 8 gay guys and 1 women.

Avoid them like the plague, since they are not only insecure, but have and army of gay friends who will cockblock you at short notice.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - kaotic - 05-17-2014

It's a catch 22:

Her having guy friends is a no go.
Her having girl friends, just conspire against you, unless you win them over (is that even worth it nowadays?)

What would be an even a balance a few good girlfriends and 1 gay guy friend ?

Where do we draw the line ?

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Ensam - 05-17-2014

Best is a girl who has a handful of girlfriends who are in good marriages or LTRs. A few guy friends is ok provided they're in LTRs and not players. A girl who tolerates orbiters is bad news. Of course this only applies if you want a relationship.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Heathree - 05-17-2014

How about introverted chicks with no friends, maybe they should be avoided too?

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Foolsgo1d - 05-17-2014

Quote: (05-17-2014 04:44 PM)Heathree Wrote:  

How about introverted chicks with no friends, maybe they should be avoided too?

Speaking of which. Some girl sent a message over whatsapp to me; "i'm fed up, going to end it tonight"

She's a nice girl but is/was on meds and a bit crazy. She has 0 friends and considers herself an outcast.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - kaotic - 05-17-2014

Quote: (05-17-2014 06:25 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Quote: (05-17-2014 04:44 PM)Heathree Wrote:  

How about introverted chicks with no friends, maybe they should be avoided too?

Speaking of which. Some girl sent a message over whatsapp to me; "i'm fed up, going to end it tonight"

She's a nice girl but is/was on meds and a bit crazy. She has 0 friends and considers herself an outcast.

Had an ex who switched BFF's every month. I should've realized it was a red flag, she was always getting in fights with her friends. She also had a shit ton of thirsty orbiters. Eventually she had no friends, could've told her that years ago.

Females are just plain shitty friends.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Kizman - 05-19-2014

Great article, just stopped contacting this 1 friend of mine who even told me a month ago she has 0 female friends and has had more than 5 bf's in the last yr.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Onto - 05-19-2014

Quote: (05-17-2014 03:30 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

It's a catch 22:

Her having guy friends is a no go.
Her having girl friends, just conspire against you, unless you win them over (is that even worth it nowadays?)

What would be an even a balance a few good girlfriends and 1 gay guy friend ?

Where do we draw the line ?

Gay guys aren't men, they are women. A dog is more masculine than they are.

I draw the line at 0 if I'm in an LTR. Some women do hope that men see them from the eyes up, but they are deluding themselves.

A women who tells her boyfriend/husband that she has a guy friend is either kidding him or kidding herself.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - cmrocks - 05-21-2014

I don't know if I agree with that. In my experience, it's a one way street. I know a lot of women with male friends who they'll never sleep with in a million years. On the other hand, for men, female "friends" are just women that you haven't been able to sleep with yet.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - cerodragon - 05-21-2014

Just realized my hardest ex to get over was just another basic bitch. She had no friends but all these guys who I owned because I fucked her while they were all just friends with her getting her gifts and chocolates on valentines day while I got my dick sucked lol. I did fuck up though and broke up with her and to realize shes already dating a dude a week later. This dude was lowkey always scouting me and checking me out haha. aww well feels good to realize these kinds of chicks are nothing and I was just putting that pussy on a pedestal for no reason.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Ensam - 05-21-2014

Quote: (05-19-2014 09:40 PM)Onto Wrote:  

Gay guys aren't men, they are women. A dog is more masculine than they are.

Be careful with that logic - some gay guys will fuck their female friends from time to time.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - void - 05-21-2014

Farming beta orbiters is a red flag, has been discussed here endless times already.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - bacan - 05-22-2014

The reverse of this is if she successfully maintains lots of positive friendships it is a sign that she is a balanced and thoughtful person

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - UnW - 05-22-2014

Lots of guy friends or gay friends is generally a slut tell.

A woman’s comfort around hordes of dudes—and participation in their “guy activities”—likely extends into the bedroom. If for no other reason than simple attrition, sooner or later the conditions (inebriation, horniness, isolation) have been right with several of her so-called guy friends.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - TravellingSoldier - 08-24-2014

I dealt with some shit like this a couple nights ago actually. A girl that I had previously hooked up with a bit, but never sex.

Anyways I invite her out to the club for my cousin's b-day. She comes to the after party - I give her a "tour" of the place. Does the head turn "no seriously why can't we be friends???" Lol.

I did end up kissing her again later that night, and she still insists on talking to me from time to time. Not really sure what to make of it, but definitely not looking to be "friends" with any female, especially not one I've already hooked up with. I don't get their insisting, like Onto said, delusion.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - MY DETROIT PLAYAS - 08-25-2014

Dick in a glass chicks, break glass in case of emergency

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - Deluge - 08-25-2014

I used to think girls with mostly guy friends were either tomboyish or just enjoy the orbiter validation. The later isn't true, any girl can get as much orbiter validation she wants. It took having a college social circle composed mostly of girls to figure out what's actually going on.

When a girl says most of her friends are guys they will almost always say it's because "girls are too bitchy and are too much drama". What this actually means is that her female friends kicked her out of the group. This usually happens because she was too bitchy and dramatic even for a group of girls, she was too much of a slut which made them look bad, or she hooked up with one of their boyfriends/love-interests. Those who can't find another group of girls to become "besties" with end up left with just their orbiters and then start acting as if it's by choice. Needless to say if those who were once her friends want nothing to do with her, she's bad news.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - puckerman - 08-25-2014

There's an important question to ask here: are her male friends straight or gay?

Geeky and nerdy girls are generally straight and have lots of guy friends. In a way, the guys LJBF them because they act like "one of the boys."

Then there are girls who only have gay male friends. Those are the ones I definitely wonder about.

Red Flag: She has more guy friends than girl friends.… (article) - kaotic - 08-25-2014

Took that option away from girls years ago. There is no benefit to being friends with a girl unless it's monetary, or she's a wingwoman feeding you girls, or she's just a FWB (which isn't a friend at all).

I have a few old bff gf's say they miss me that i'm a stranger and I'm to cool for them.

If I ever explained it.....they wouldn't understand my logic.

Makes me cringe, years ago, I went to one of these BFF's weddings in the hopes they'd get a divorce and I could slide in.

I shiver at the thought I acted like that.