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Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Benoit - 04-30-2014

Summary: Ham-beast loses huge amount of weight and is SHOCKED that people like a slim woman more than a blubbery mess.

Passing Over: Gastric Bypass, Thin Privilege, and Perspective by Shoshanna Schechter-Shaffin

[Image: DqxVLnA.jpg]


At the age of 29 I had already traveled the world, successfully pursued several degrees in Women’s Studies, was in the process of developing a meaningful career, married the love of my life, and had three beautiful daughters. Yes, I was obese –morbidly obese according to the doctors’ charts – but I had never let my weight stop me from pursuing my dreams. In fact, my weight was part of who I was and had been part of my journey up until that point. I have always believed that beauty can be found in all sizes and spent many enjoyable hours styling my plus-sized self.


My weight eventually settled at 125 pounds – a size 2 – with what one of my doctors unprofessionally referred to as a “Barbie body.” But it wasn’t just my appearance that changed. My entire life began to change as well.

Around the time the weight settled, we moved several states away and I began a new life as a thin person. My speaking and teaching career began to take off with flying colors. Suddenly I was much “better” at a career that I had already been in for over 15 years. I began to notice an acceptance and approval in people’s eyes that hadn’t been there before. And wouldn’t you know? My trip leader reviews on the next trip I led to Israel – only 18 months post-op – showed drastic and remarkable improvement.

After having spent the first 30 years of my life working on my own self-esteem to try to be the most fabulous plus sized lady I could be, now as a thin person I began to discover the cold truth of obesity discrimination. I’d been good, but I’d never been “the best” because I was fat. The more I succeeded in my new body the more I wondered how often I had not succeeded in my old one. How many opportunities had I missed because of my weight? How often had my weight really held me back? As an adult, the only life I’d known had been as an obese person, so I had no idea how badly I was being treated and judged until I was given the chance to “pass over” to the other side. Now strangers smile at me more on the street, grocery clerks call me “sweetie” and “honey,” even my student reviews and classroom registration numbers have drastically changed. Just this past spring semester my “Biblical Hebrew 2” class held the highest registration on record at my university for a second semester of this very niche subject.


I’m intrigued, but as a professor of Women’s Studies I am also disgusted and bear tremendous guilt at what opportunities “thin privilege” has opened up for me. Worst of all, I’m not even sure that our society is conscious of the discrimination that is inflicted on obese individuals every single day. It’s no coincidence that so many people become involved in the “size acceptance” movement after successful weight loss surgeries. The only way to change what is commonly referred to as “the last acceptable form of discrimination” is through exposure, education, and self- love. Weight loss surgery may not for everyone, but size acceptance is.

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Her job is a joke, she teaches idiocy, but at least she has a decent body now. She should feel guilty for having spent all those years looking so repellent.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Laser - 04-30-2014

Calling it now. She'll divorce her husband within 3 years for being beta enough to marry her fat self and chase all the alpha cocks she missed out on as a fattie.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Flint - 04-30-2014

Shoshanna Schechter-Shaffin. That name sounds like an elocution exercise for stuttering children.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Bad Hussar - 04-30-2014

That's quite a transformation. It's probably a fact that, statistically, gastric bypass surgery, and similar surgeries, is the only way an obese person will ever return to a normal weight. It's not that it isn't possible to do by diet, but only a vanishingly small percentage of really obese people succeed that way.

As for this particular woman. I'm afraid she is revealing that she is(or maybe was) quite stupid. I mean, I know that she teaches womyns studies, but she really shouldn't ever have believed her own bullshit. That slim or good looking women get more attention is so obvious you'd have to be very far removed from reality not to accept it.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Blackhawk - 04-30-2014

Hyphenated name. Useless soft degree. Director of a YKW non-profit center catering to elders.

Normally I'd call it too, BUT her husband is a rabbi directly from YKW-land, and they're off the deep end of old time religion in a very segregated kinship subgroup, extremely limiting her mating choices.

So possibly not.

[Image: 419587_308253925896661_189938847728170_7...1490_n.jpg]

The other issue is her little side effect problem with having her tummy reduced: Every time she overeats the capacity of her now banded stomach, it backs up in the windpipe above, and she vomits. Which means she vomits (discretely) 4-5 times a day, usually after every meal. She is quite an expert at vomiting up half-chewed food in public so most people don't notice now. And her shit? It's not very well processed by what remains of her stomach before it goes into her intestine. So it smells really, really rank, and as her skin shows, she's not able to break down food enough to get the vitamins she needs. Only solution I've been told is monthly injections directly into the blood stream.

So she privately knows she's a special little monster that few men are going to tolerate even for a day. Her husband and 3 daughters would rather have her vomiting all the time and having strange vitamin deficiency issues rather than being a morbidly obese slob. And she knows, and everyone knows, the instant that little band slips off, she'll be back up to her jowls slobbering at the trough, packing the poundage back on.

And we haven't even touched on how stretched out her skin now is from her years of being a porker, as her droopy arm shows. If she's not in a spandex dress bundling it all up into a folded over many times origami package, well... there's a whole deflated balloon look going on after she takes off her clothes. And the scars of the surgery.

She is a special little monster, and she knows it every time she looks in the mirror. This is the main reason for her guilt: The disconnect between people praising her for her surface appearance and her knowing all the actual problems going on underneath.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - LaCobra - 04-30-2014

So she feels guilty that she has new opportunities for being normal, what is she going to do? Reject them? Ask "are you giving me this opportunity because of my research and capability"? or is it because i am not a walrus?

Are this new findings going to be in the women studies test next semester?

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Hotwheels - 04-30-2014

The person that is happiest about her transformation?

Her husband.

A whale turning into a size 2 is like winning the lottery.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - The Beast1 - 04-30-2014

Time for an RoK article!

Edit: Hold the phone, the same author has an interesting article about defending "the princess" and femininity.

Take a look.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - samsamsam - 04-30-2014

The surgery didn't help her face.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - BortimusPrime - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 11:15 AM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

She is a special little monster, and she knows it every time she looks in the mirror. This is the main reason for her guilt: The disconnect between people praising her for her surface appearance and her knowing all the actual problems going on underneath.

Indeed, I have no idea why people opt for dangerous surgery that causes constant vomiting when just shifting from 5000 cal/day to 2500 would knock off most of that weight within a couple years.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Solus - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 04:13 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Quote: (04-30-2014 11:15 AM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

She is a special little monster, and she knows it every time she looks in the mirror. This is the main reason for her guilt: The disconnect between people praising her for her surface appearance and her knowing all the actual problems going on underneath.

Indeed, I have no idea why people opt for dangerous surgery that causes constant vomiting when just shifting from 5000 cal/day to 2500 would knock off most of that weight within a couple years.

People like to think they aren't in any way accountable for their personal shortcomings. They'd rather have someone in a lab coat "cure" whatever ails them.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Suits - 04-30-2014

There is a reason why people don't like fat people.

They stink of incompetence. Everyone knows that glandular disorders are very rare.

The truth is that people are incapable of respecting someone who lacks the basic self control to stop eating after consuming a reasonable amount of food.

No one can respect some that would rather be a fat blob than knock of a few hundred calories per day (so, basically dessert and snacking on junk food).

I'm offended by her thin privilege, because she hasn't earned it and is now receiving the advantages of people giving her the benefit of the doubt based on her appearance as a person who can at least manage their own diet like an adult.

The truth is that she is still a lazy slob with poor self-control and she is still just as incompetent as she even was, but people will have to be intentionally critical now to catch it in between the layers of hamster.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Private Man - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 10:28 AM)Flint Wrote:  

Shoshanna Schechter-Shaffin. That name sounds like an elocution exercise for stuttering children.

Lulz. [Image: banana.gif]

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Atlantic - 04-30-2014

Fuck the RVF breakdown of these stories makes me laugh.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Dusty - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 11:56 AM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

The person that is happiest about her transformation?

Her husband.

A whale turning into a size 2 is like winning the lottery.

Except her vagine is probably loose and sloppy like a fatty's. hang down like a wizard sleeve.

She's probably covered with unsightly purple stretch marks too.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Basil Ransom - 04-30-2014

"I’d been good, but I’d never been “the best” because I was fat. "

Hahahaha. The irony is that only us, her quintessential intellectual enemy, would have the balls to tell her this, to tell her the truth. I have to thank her for stating it so succinctly: if you are fat, you cannot be your best.

Who else would tell her this? A bunch of Jews on an Israel trip? Maybe some smart ass Israeli, but surely not one of her feminist cronies. Glad she sees the light now.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Brodiaga - 04-30-2014

WB before she gets fat again.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Kingsley Davis - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 11:15 AM)Blackhawk Wrote:  

Hyphenated name. Useless soft degree. Director of a YKW non-profit center catering to elders.

Normally I'd call it too, BUT her husband is a rabbi directly from YKW-land, and they're off the deep end of old time religion in a very segregated kinship subgroup, extremely limiting her mating choices.

So possibly not.

[Image: 419587_308253925896661_189938847728170_7...1490_n.jpg]

The other issue is her little side effect problem with having her tummy reduced: Every time she overeats the capacity of her now banded stomach, it backs up in the windpipe above, and she vomits. Which means she vomits (discretely) 4-5 times a day, usually after every meal. She is quite an expert at vomiting up half-chewed food in public so most people don't notice now. And her shit? It's not very well processed by what remains of her stomach before it goes into her intestine. So it smells really, really rank, and as her skin shows, she's not able to break down food enough to get the vitamins she needs. Only solution I've been told is monthly injections directly into the blood stream.

So she privately knows she's a special little monster that few men are going to tolerate even for a day. Her husband and 3 daughters would rather have her vomiting all the time and having strange vitamin deficiency issues rather than being a morbidly obese slob. And she knows, and everyone knows, the instant that little band slips off, she'll be back up to her jowls slobbering at the trough, packing the poundage back on.

And we haven't even touched on how stretched out her skin now is from her years of being a porker, as her droopy arm shows. If she's not in a spandex dress bundling it all up into a folded over many times origami package, well... there's a whole deflated balloon look going on after she takes off her clothes. And the scars of the surgery.

She is a special little monster, and she knows it every time she looks in the mirror. This is the main reason for her guilt: The disconnect between people praising her for her surface appearance and her knowing all the actual problems going on underneath.

[Image: potd.gif]

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Kingsley Davis - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 06:57 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"I’d been good, but I’d never been “the best” because I was fat. "

Hahahaha. The irony is that only us, her quintessential intellectual enemy, would have the balls to tell her this, to tell her the truth. I have to thank her for stating it so succinctly: if you are fat, you cannot be your best.

Who else would tell her this? A bunch of Jews on an Israel trip? Maybe some smart ass Israeli, but surely not one of her feminist cronies. Glad she sees the light now.

Joan Rivers!!

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - iknowexactly - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 10:25 AM)Laser Wrote:  

Calling it now. She'll divorce her husband within 3 years for being beta enough to marry her fat self and chase all the alpha cocks she missed out on as a fattie.


"My feelings just changed. It had nothing to do with the increased attention I was getting."

Edit. This was before I read the horrific description of the problems associated with the transformation and the religious elitism.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Bad Hussar - 05-01-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 06:57 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"I’d been good, but I’d never been “the best” because I was fat. "

Hahahaha. The irony is that only us, her quintessential intellectual enemy, would have the balls to tell her this, to tell her the truth. I have to thank her for stating it so succinctly: if you are fat, you cannot be your best.

Who else would tell her this? A bunch of Jews on an Israel trip? Maybe some smart ass Israeli, but surely not one of her feminist cronies. Glad she sees the light now.

Actually, as you say, actual Israeli Jews WOULD tell her this. They are that blunt. The negative Jewish stereotype as per the blogosphere, to the limited extent that it is valid, is almost purely a product of the bourgeoisie of the diaspora. You can consider Israeli Jews to be pretty much the opposite of this stereotype. Also, Jews in countries were life is more difficult/on the edge than in the developed world are less likely to fit the stereotype.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Kabal - 05-01-2014

Ironically, this just illuminates how intellectually vapid her field is, and how Women's Studies is based on winning arbitrary in-group popularity contests rather than cognitive rigor.

After all, what quicker way is there, as a woman, to gain popularity than shedding the landwhale exoskeleton?

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Surreyman - 05-01-2014

Just goes to show that with a bit of effort, most women can become vaguely bangable.

Thin Privilege: Women's Studies professor loses weight, becomes more popular - Benoit - 05-01-2014

Quote: (05-01-2014 10:43 AM)Kabal Wrote:  

Ironically, this just illuminates how intellectually vapid her field is, and how Women's Studies is based on winning arbitrary in-group popularity contests rather than cognitive rigor.

After all, what quicker way is there, as a woman, to gain popularity than shedding the landwhale exoskeleton?

There are links in this thread to three articles written by her, and they are all so bland and generic they could have been produced by a computer.

With 'talent' like that, she obviously needs all the help she can get.