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Dip/chewing tobacco - SteezeySteve - 04-29-2014

So i tried some Copenhagen snuff this weekend and really liked it.I did it a couple times but i'm not sure if i want to finish it. I enjoyed the buzz,and just the whole spitting thing,but i don't know if its worth being addicted to nicotine,because i've heard that after a while you stop buzzing and just need your fix to feel normal.
Any input from RVForum ex or current smokeless tobacco users?

Dip/chewing tobacco - vinman - 04-29-2014

Don't start dipping. I did it in the military, and off an on for years. It's not good for you at all. Stop now.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Monty Brown - 04-29-2014

I normally reserve snuff/snus for the times I'm mingling with red necks, such as nascar events, campouts, fishing, etc.

What do you want us to tell you though? If you like to do it then do it.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Christian McQueen - 04-29-2014

Unless you're in a country bar, good luck walking around with a cup in a club or regular bar.

Stick to cigs.

Dip/chewing tobacco - The_CEO - 04-29-2014

Quote: (04-29-2014 09:36 PM)SteezeySteve Wrote:  

So i tried some Copenhagen snuff this weekend and really liked it.I did it a couple times but i'm not sure if i want to finish it. I enjoyed the buzz,and just the whole spitting thing,but i don't know if its worth being addicted to nicotine,because i've heard that after a while you stop buzzing and just need your fix to feel normal.
Any input from RVForum ex or current smokeless tobacco users?

Don't start. It will plant its hooks in you and be very very hard to quit.

And as pointed out already it's not a socially acceptable habit.
The point being, you'd crave it when you have a drink or after a meal, in whatever setting that happens to be - a nightclub, a wedding, drinks for work, etc. Chances are you will cave and up being the guy with a lip stuffed with chaw spitting into an empty beer can or whatever "spitter" you can find.

If you need motivation to not get started, look up some google images of "mouth cancer" or "oral cancer".

Stick to coffee and going for a hard run (or whatever your favorite exercise is) to get an endorphin boost.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Basil Ransom - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-29-2014 09:57 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Unless you're in a country bar, good luck walking around with a cup in a club or regular bar.

Stick to cigs.

Cigs at least have the redeeming quality of helping you get pussy.

Don't see how dip does.

I smoke, but about half a pack a month or less - just for when I'm out at bars to use as an opener with girls.

If you really need a nicotine fix, there are much healthier options than dipping.

Dip/chewing tobacco - elabayarde - 04-30-2014

THSAT SHT IS disgusting... I used to clean that shit up(other peoples) when I was a pfc in the military. People do that shit in the oil fired also. There is no good reason to do it. disgusting!!!

Dip/chewing tobacco - SteveCR - 04-30-2014

OP, Out of respect for everybody else, I won't directly post the pictures, but I encourage you to go to google images, and do a search for "dip cancer".

Dip/chewing tobacco - spalex - 04-30-2014

Everybody in Scandinavia does it.

Almost everybody agrees that it is 100 times more addictive than cigarettes.

I have heard many stories like "I smoke for 5 years, then just stopped for 2 years. But now I use snus, and I can't go longer than 5 minutes without one."

Dip/chewing tobacco - Tommy Eyes - 04-30-2014

I'm a snuser myself (although its that lame American kind). It was probably the dumbest thing I took up as a habit, but I'm trying to get it under control. Quit for like a year, but randomly took it up again. Down to doing like 7-9 pouches a day. I like how I can use it while drinking coffee without having to spit.

Goal is to either quit, or get my addiction down to just two or three a day. I envy that 10% of the population who can't get addicted to nicotine, and can enjoy tobacco sporadically (chippers)

Dip/chewing tobacco - Comte De St. Germain - 04-30-2014

Don't. EVER. Dip is not only worse for you than cigs, but it's unattractive as hell. Unless you are in the country just don't............

Dip/chewing tobacco - Dr. Howard - 04-30-2014

Many loggers dip because for about half the year you can't smoke in the woods due to forest fire danger. That being said, many loggers have brutal gum recession on their lower teeth and eventually a missing lower tooth or two.

Dip/chewing tobacco - General Mayhem - 04-30-2014

I have worked jobs where all my buddies dipped but I never liked it. Smoking is more satisfying and doesn't make me feel like shit.

Dip/chewing tobacco - cmrocks - 04-30-2014

I'll echo the sentiments on here. Avoid it. I dipped a lot when I worked at an underground gold mine. I'm a geologist and it was a good way to bond with the miners. Not to mention, I just enjoyed it. Now, if I'm camping or something with the boys, I'll throw in a dip. Otherwise, I completely avoid it. Most people find it disgusting.

Dip/chewing tobacco - SteezeySteve - 04-30-2014

hell no i would never smoke cigs, they make you and your clothes smell like shit. Plus inhaling smoke obviously isn't good for your lungs.
i personally find cigs be extremely gross

Dip/chewing tobacco - Comte De St. Germain - 04-30-2014

Then why the fuck do you want to use dip? Dip is even worse.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Switch - 04-30-2014

I found a video of you when you can't spit it out:

Dip/chewing tobacco - kaotic - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 06:24 AM)spalex Wrote:  

Everybody in Scandinavia does it.

Almost everybody agrees that it is 100 times more addictive than cigarettes.

I have heard many stories like "I smoke for 5 years, then just stopped for 2 years. But now I use snus, and I can't go longer than 5 minutes without one."

Yup had a intern in the office was from sweden, he would use snus after lunch.

Dip/chewing tobacco - cmrocks - 04-30-2014

One of the guys at work got this really fine powdered tobacco that you'd actually snort. I've never had a head rush like that before.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Remington - 04-30-2014

I started dipping at age 17. Stopped cold turkey back on December 31st for a new years resolution. Haven't done it since. Not hard to quit. Just think about how jacked up your mouth will look when you turn 40.

Dip/chewing tobacco - iknowexactly - 04-30-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 01:47 AM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

Quote: (04-29-2014 09:57 PM)Christian McQueen Wrote:  

Unless you're in a country bar, good luck walking around with a cup in a club or regular bar.

Stick to cigs.

Cigs at least have the redeeming quality of helping you get pussy.

Don't see how dip does.

I smoke, but about half a pack a month or less - just for when I'm out at bars to use as an opener with girls.

If you really need a nicotine fix, there are much healthier options than dipping.

Actually both cause cancer, but chewing results in less fatal mouth cancers than lung cancer. Smoking is more deadly.

If you really really LOVE nicotine, maybe "man up" and live without it by being "tough" or get on some less cancer causing drug.

Rod Serling, and a member of the Beach Boys who could have been fucking 20 year olds until he was 70 ( died at 51.)

Here's a cheerful little list of famous lung cancer victims.

And when you start to defend it, think about why you're doing it when you might help someone to an early death with your freedom rap.

Dip/chewing tobacco - The_CEO - 05-01-2014

some of the chemicals found in your smokeless tobacco - enjoy!
(and other common uses)

Cadmium: used in car batteries
Formaldehyde: embalming fluid
Lead: a poison
Nicotine: an addictive drug
N-Nitrosamines: cancer-causing chemical
Polonium 210: nuclear waste
Acetaldehyde: irritant
Hydrazine: toxic chemical
Benzopyrene: cancer-causing chemical
Uranium 235: used in nukes
Sodium: salt, can cause high blood pressure
Sugar: can cause cavities
Fiberglass and Sand: abrasives

Dip/chewing tobacco - Surreyman - 05-01-2014

Quote: (04-30-2014 05:37 PM)cmrocks Wrote:  

One of the guys at work got this really fine powdered tobacco that you'd actually snort. I've never had a head rush like that before.


That stuff's great fun. Never knew anyone who made a habit of it.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Wong Fei Hung - 05-02-2014

One of my aunts spent a summer with my family when I was eight or nine and we used to take long afternoon walks. She would give me and my younger brothers dip as we walked. Once she left I stopped, and I have never been a cigarette smoker. Fun walks though,prb didn't realize I was buzzed from nicotine at the time.

Dip/chewing tobacco - Quintus Curtius - 05-03-2014

Please don't do this, guys.

On the list of nasty and destructive habits, use of chewing tobacco may rank highest.

The only thing nastier may be snuff. Remember snuff? In the 19th century, it was the vice du jour. Finely powdered tobacco was inhaled through the nose in little pinches.

Hard to believe.