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Most Unbiased news source? - nek - 03-22-2014

Who is it in your opinion and why? I like keeping up with world events but the obvious bias in most U.S. sources is pissing me off more and more these days.

Most Unbiased news source? - rottenapple - 03-22-2014

I think the Economist is decent. Al-Jazeera is also good according to my former professors in international politics.

In general I think media in the world is very fucked up, with US media being worse than European media on average. It became a difficult task to find good sources. For specific int. politics and conflict news is also worth to check.

Most Unbiased news source? - Brodiaga - 03-22-2014

I think The Economist is very, very biased. Pro-US, pro-free market, pro-establishment.

I usually read web sites like Reuters and Bloomberg which are also biased but at least without too much liberal BS.

Most Unbiased news source? - nek - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-22-2014 08:51 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

I think the Economist is decent. Al-Jazeera is also good according to my former professors in international politics.

In general I think media in the world is very fucked up, with US media being worse than European media on average. It became a difficult task to find good sources. For specific int. politics and conflict news is also worth to check.

Thanks. What got me thinking about this today was how much coverage the Malaysian Airlines crash was getting vs. the Crimean crisis on CNN. I'm not saying that the crash isn't important news, but it seems to have buried the Crimean crisis which, in my opinion, would be a more significant world event.

Most Unbiased news source? - Avon Barksdale - 03-22-2014

The Young Turks

Most Unbiased news source? - bojangles - 03-22-2014

I find it depends on the topic but Al Jazeera are top of the list for me. However Reuters are good too. I'd say when it comes to possible war, financial websites and investment banks provide 'truth' as seen with the Crimea issue recently.

Most Unbiased news source? - rottenapple - 03-22-2014

yeah def Reuters, forgot about that one! Agreed the Economist takes a point of view, mostly liberal, which then makes it somewhat biased in a way. Still I regard them higher than others, because atleast they are writing about important things in a professional way (media can never be completely unbiased), which puts them above most competition who writes about lousy things or manages to use the worst sources, etc.

Most Unbiased news source? - Thomas the Rhymer - 03-23-2014

To be honest, these days I seem to get most of my breaking news from the a little-known place on the internet called the RooshV forum. Usually, their headlines are also accompanied by intense, bitter debates which lead to a wide variety of views being expressed and the occasional banning of a commentator. They're pretty intense in that way.

Most Unbiased news source? - amity - 03-23-2014

What do you guys think of RussiaToday?
I'd certainly rate it higher than most, although I haven't seen it recently so am not sure how they're covering the Ukraine & Crimea situation.
I remember seeing so much liberal kneejerk BS reports in the sheeplike Western media, when there was that Swiss vote a couple of months back about limiting the amount of immigrants to come into the country, the only report I saw that had intelligent well thought out analysis, and which actually presented a case for both sides (as opposed to just the pro-immigration side) was RussiaToday

Most Unbiased news source? - Teedub - 03-23-2014

RT is OK, but it is Russia-biased, but not as biased as Western media is. Al Jazeera is probably best for events going on in this part of the world. However, I expect they're biased when it comes to certain Middle Eastern issues.

Actually, since the only English speaking channels here in Poland are news sites, they're all I have on in the background when I'm online... I've noticed that BBC World is less biased than normal UK BBC.

Most Unbiased news source? - RawGod - 03-23-2014

BBC is OK just to keep abreast of the major current events, you always have to dig a bit deeper though.

What I hate about the BBC world news website is their constant feminist propaganda. It's always sistas doing it for themselves in third world countries, female entrepreneurs in Nigeria one day, beauty pageant in Afghanistan defying the male elders the next.

While I wish good luck to female Nigerian entrepreneurs, according to the BBC all the men must be doing just fine, because they're totally ignored except when they are called out for oppressing women.

Most Unbiased news source? - Teedub - 03-23-2014

Haha I clocked that feminist stuff on BBC World also. It's been advertised every day I've been here.

Most Unbiased news source? - amity - 03-23-2014

France24 is another one that I think is a bit better than most Western media. Yes, they have a liberal slant as well, but for the most part, they seem to have reasonably intelligent analysis of events.
Euronews too comes to mind, I like also how they have different language versions of the news so you can brush up on your foreign languages and get your fix of current affairs.

Most Unbiased news source? - buja - 03-23-2014

A "libertarian" website.

Good analysis of current events and historical events.

Very rarely has video so it's not for the CNN/Fox News crowd who want want lots of pictures and soundbytes and who love The Party.

Most Unbiased news source? - Brodiaga - 03-23-2014

Quote: (03-23-2014 06:15 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

RT is OK, but it is Russia-biased, but not as biased as Western media is. Al Jazeera is probably best for events going on in this part of the world. However, I expect they're biased when it comes to certain Middle Eastern issues.

Actually, since the only English speaking channels here in Poland are news sites, they're all I have on in the background when I'm online... I've noticed that BBC World is less biased than normal UK BBC.

Russia Today is biased, just like the Western media. It's good to be able to see the other side of the coin, but what bothers me about RT is poor quality of reporting: sensationalism, cheap shots, repeating the same news, etc.

Most Unbiased news source? - cardguy - 03-23-2014

I try not to keep up to date with current affairs.

It is basically the male equivalent of celebrity gossip.

Most Unbiased news source? - Comte De St. Germain - 03-23-2014

For me I just use most every news source to get a grasp of world events, and interpret it from what I know about each nation. If I don't know much I just talk to people whom I know are from those countries and can give me background. If all else fails I just browse the deep web for some of the scarier parts of it. The deep web(if you ever find it and which I'm not exactly inclined to ever help people find) is where you will be getting it as unbiased as it gets, but you have to know your way around.

Most Unbiased news source? - Yeti - 03-23-2014

It's best to cull from a variety of sources. They all have their weaknesses and proclivities. BBC may be the best overall but I agree, you have to dig deeper.

Al Jazeera is good but can make grammatical and spelling errors that cause me to take it less seriously.

Generally it's a good idea to read in a foreign language, from a different country. When I start learning French, I'll read Le Monde in its original language. I read BBC Mundo when learning Spanish. This is because you tap into a news source more rooted in its source society, rather than seen through the prism of an English (or whatever) translation and transmogriphication. It's also a great way to boost your professional language abilities.

Mainstream American media sources are all utter garbage, and I tend to have little respect for those who rely on them for information.

I agree that the deep web may be a good source of info but I'm scared of what I may find. Is this beta?

Most Unbiased news source? - LaserBear - 03-23-2014

I check Russia Today for western news, Al Jazeera for world and western, and CNN to piss myself off at american "reporting".

Fox if I'm feeling especially masochistic.

Will start checking Reuters thanks to this thread.

Every source is biased towards their home turf so I just read the world sections from each source... try to get their reporting on locations where they have no dogs in the fight.

Most Unbiased news source? - Comte De St. Germain - 03-23-2014

Quote: (03-23-2014 04:46 PM)Yeti Wrote:  

It's best to cull from a variety of sources. They all have their weaknesses and proclivities. BBC may be the best overall but I agree, you have to dig deeper.

Al Jazeera is good but can make grammatical and spelling errors that cause me to take it less seriously.

Generally it's a good idea to read in a foreign language, from a different country. When I start learning French, I'll read Le Monde in its original language. I read BBC Mundo when learning Spanish. This is because you tap into a news source more rooted in its source society, rather than seen through the prism of an English (or whatever) translation and transmogriphication. It's also a great way to boost your professional language abilities.

Mainstream American media sources are all utter garbage, and I tend to have little respect for those who rely on them for information.

I agree that the deep web may be a good source of info but I'm scared of what I may find. Is this beta?

Well if you don't mind gore, child sex trafficking(or sex trafficking in general), hit man, really weird fetishes, and questionable black market things then you should be fine. I'm really desensitized to it all so I would caution the average man.

Most Unbiased news source? - Sombro - 03-23-2014

There is no one most unbiased news source. BBC is atrocious and CNN is a joke.
Best to follow news aggregators and judge it from there.

Or follow independent journalists.

Been reading this guy for years:

Great in-depth, first-person reporting about Ukraine, Cuba, Mid-East, etc.

Most Unbiased news source? - OkStudies - 03-23-2014

I really like npr. It's the only decent "american" news site

Most Unbiased news source? - Alpharius - 03-23-2014

Warning: I'm a news junkie. I spend 30min to an hour a day reading the news.

For domestic affairs I follow Politico, NYTimes, Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal. Between the four I can usually put together what I need to about the news on any given day. I also take a quick glance at my local paper about three times a week, just to see what's going on in my immediate area.

For international news of the day I check BBC and Al Jazeera. China Daily is interesting, but is 3/4 propaganda - it does give a different opinion on things though! On rare occasion I take a look at the Economist, too.

I also check Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, and the UN News Reader about once a week for in-depth reporting. I'm friends with a couple reporters across the world, so it's always interesting to see what they're posting and linking to, as well.

Most Unbiased news source? - Sp5 - 03-24-2014

You have to check multiple sources.

For those that say Al Jazeera, they are good about some things but utterly biased about others. For example they are not covering a HUGE story about the freeze in relations between Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE and Egypt, because of Qatari funding for the Muslim Bros and radical insurgents. Those countries have recalled their ambassadors to Qatar, and the press in those countries is now stridently anti-Qatar.

Al Jazeera also distorts a lot of things about Syria, Iraq, Iran and even about fracking in the USA, because Qatar is based on gas.

Most Unbiased news source? - spalex - 03-24-2014

Pretty much anything that comes out of the UK or any left wing media seems to make me laugh at the crap they report.