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Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Printable Version

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Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - younggamer1992 - 03-21-2014

Would you have any good games for scoring a chick's number when she's with her mom? I'm asking because I saw this beautiful girl today with her mom at the mall, and it reminded me of those times in the past when I've seen the same sort of thing. A beautiful older teen or twenty-something with a mother that's still reasonably attractive.
Have you guys ever done this? Or have any good openers that would work? I see this scenario much too often and I want to be able to use it to my advantage. I feel like it would be positive if her mom thinks you're a catch too and encourages her to go for it.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - AntiTrace - 03-21-2014

Game the mom. Ask her if they are sisters. If the mom digs it and is responding well you can go for the daughters number.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - bacan - 03-21-2014

Boy toy story posted a video of him doing this. Don't have link .. Posting on cell

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Sir Vigorous - 03-21-2014

Related Question: Gaming on the Mom when the daughter is there.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - bacan - 03-21-2014

Related question. Fucking daughter and getting blowjob from mom? See el mech post...

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - d3traktion - 03-21-2014

i got a girls number a few months back while she was with her mom. the daughter just kept staring at me so i kept staring at her and eventually just approached her. i had my # written down and my name already and just said something like Hey, i thought we should meet eachother. i'm d3traktion whats your name. i kind of just ignored the mom honostly but she laughed at my jokes and i held eye contact with both.. though mainly focused on the daughter. kind of an uncomfortable situation but whatever, always good to force yourself into those situations

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Goldmund - 03-21-2014


Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - True Killa - 03-22-2014

I've only done it once. I number closed at a gate in the airport for a departure on an international flight. It probably doesn't count because the daughter speaks English while the mom doesn't.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Blackhawk - 03-22-2014

Mom's want their young daughters to be more with beta providers, so you want to be confident, more gallant beta provider with a dash of bad boy than full on bad boy. But once the daughter's past 25, they just want someone not insane or a drug user. I've opened sets of mom's with both daughters, and it's a lot easier than threesomes of girls of the same age. You play off which one you'll date and inner family rivalries do the rest.

Recognize that mom is the gatekeeper, and if the daughter's single, once you pass mom's radar the mom will literally push her daughter onto you. You're going to talk mostly to the mom first. With middle and lower class families, you just want to casually drop in conversation 1) you're employed 2) you have your own place. 3) you're single. Mom at this point always interrupts and says, "Well Mandy here is single here too! Why don't you two go out?"

This is where you now qualify the daughter. Address the daughter directly. You're going to hear her voice for the first time and shift from calibrating to the mom's energy, pace, and loudness to hers. "I dunno. What can you do?" is what I've used recently. It's stupid, the main thing is it's an open question, leading eventually to talking about cooking and her coming over to my place for a home cooked meal. Calibrate your tease and push/pull to her scared the cat level. Sometimes you get snarky bitch and you're dealing it back in spades (Mom's love to see their headstrong daughters get brought to heel by a strong, confident man), othertimes you get a weak milk librarian so unused to male company all she can do at first is mumble and stare at your shoes.

With family focused women still living at home, this is the only way you'll meet them: through their family.

Do NOT bring up your travel or expensive hobbies within the first six hours of contact --they won't be considered as DHV here, only as a potential future financial drain.

Advanced: purposely go to in - law family events and social circle.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - younggamer1992 - 03-22-2014

Great replies all. I definitely won't make the mistake of letting one slip away next time

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - germanico - 03-22-2014

Yes, its possible. Now go try it.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Goldmund - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-21-2014 11:42 PM)Goldmund Wrote:  



Proved myself wrong 30 minutes ago...thanks to this thread.

This morning I was walking down the block to grab some coffee and I noticed there was an early 20s girl walking with her mom and showing her around.

It was obvious the girl had just moved into the area and was eagerly showing off her cool new NYC neighborhood.

I took notice as we passed, made eye contact with both of them and smiled.

Briefly thought about the discussion on this thread and what I could have possibly said to open them.

I grab a coffee, flirt with the super cute barista for a minute, and head back out.

And what do you know…mom and daughter are standing on the corner pointing at a church.

I'm already in friendly mode from flirting with barista and walk up to them without hesitation and say “did you hear they are going to start putting apartments in that church?” (they are, really)

“No, are they really???”

“Yeah, blah blah blah…”

Then I ask if she lived in the neighborhood.

“Yes, just moved from florida.”

I say “oh and this must be your mother.”

“Yeah...blah blah blah”

I ask if she has taken her to a famous local restaurant…she has not even heard of it…blah blah blah.

Then I tell her that there is a really good jazz club nearby and I bet they would love it.

She asks me when they have bands there and I say…”here, put your number in my phone and I’ll let you know when and maybe we can meet there.”


Mom was so happy.

A big part of it was that I was super friendly and in total ‘nice guy’ mode. I was also dressed well…a huge standout from most of the degenerate hipsters in this neighborhood.

So yes, you can certainly game girls when they are with their mom.

*I don't plan on texting the girl though, she wasn't up to standards. But it was fun, and I feel great now!

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Alpha_Romeo - 03-22-2014

I've done this once. Unexpectedly, the mom ended up winging for me. [Image: banana.gif]

Long story short, the daughter was approaching 30, and her mom wanted to see her married off to a decent guy.

I did get her number, but she never picked up when I called. In hindsight, it probably would have worked better in my favor if her mom hated me instead.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - BCien - 03-22-2014

Yes if you're game is strong and not disrespectful to the mom, the mom will wing for you at times it happens...

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - L M McCoy - 03-22-2014

How about gaming a girl when she's out with her dad?

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - younggamer1992 - 03-24-2014

Quote: (03-22-2014 02:48 PM)Alpha_Romeo Wrote:  

I've done this once. Unexpectedly, the mom ended up winging for me. [Image: banana.gif]

Long story short, the daughter was approaching 30, and her mom wanted to see her married off to a decent guy.

I did get her number, but she never picked up when I called. In hindsight, it probably would have worked better in my favor if her mom hated me instead.

I feel like this happens a lot. Mother pushes her old maid daughter onto guys and the daughter doesn't want a guy that her mom likes.
She should've been on her knees for you though, almost 30 and single? yuck.

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Alpha_Romeo - 03-24-2014

The timing of this thread is indeed uncanny.

Yesterday I went to my usual coffee shop and there was a cute French chick there with her parents and another older couple (non-French). I think she was interpreting between the married couples. Anyway, she kept looking my way, checking me out (and admittedly, I was doing the same).

If she was alone, or even with a mother or friend, I probably would have found some way to wander over and say hi. But man, a table of five sitting there in broad daylight, with no way to isolate. That was tough. I went through just about every feasible approach scenario in my head, but couldn't come up with anything workable.

Any ideas or suggestions?

Is it possible to game a girl when she is with her mom? - Gator - 03-24-2014

It can be done.

I pulled this off when I was working as a waiter just out of college. Had this 20 yo come in with her parents for dinner during a weeknight. I basically treated her like she was invisible, even though she was a solid 7. This chick kept interrupting me as I was describing the specials, even mildly annoying her parents.

Fast forward to as they just finish dinner. I walk up with dessert menus in hand but first make small talk with the parents asking how the meal was, etc. Chick interrupts again saying, "Are you gonna give us the dessert menus?"

I calmly but sternly say something to her to the effect of, "If you allow the adults to finish talking first, I will let you see the dessert menu." She immediately sports an indignant look while her dad didn't respond and mom sort of nodded approvingly.

After I left the check, I see the mom and daughter talking with each other and the girl leaves her # on the receipt.

Three days later, I'm wrist deep in snatch in the parking lot of a suburban Starbucks after coffees (she was under age so coffee was the only viable option I could thing of) before finding a more secluded parking lot and getting the bang.

I agree with the others who have said to target the mom first as a way of getting the daughter. Display your confidence by being respectful and loose with the mom first. That whole scenario above was before I knew anything about game and looking back, i got the bang because I treated her like she wasn't even there initially.