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Tips for isolation and escalation? - Dalaran1991 - 03-18-2014

Hello everyone [Image: biggrin.gif] I'm new to the forum though I've been reading Roosh for a long while now. Let me say I totally subscribe to his ideology of broken feminism and the enslavement of beta western males. Currently camping long-term in Paris I'm dedicated to improving my game as much as possible. I'm still newbie but Roosh material has helped me a lot. Hope to receive help from people here and contribute what I can.

Anyway, I would like some help on isolation techniques cause that's where my game is stuck right now. I have no problem approaching, kino and negging, but I can't close bc I can't isolate. As Roosh said, if you can't close you are an entertainer.

Case in point: (it's a bit long, so I'll highlight the important part) last night I went dancing and saw a friend there. She is about an 8, let's call her A (had bf, tried to game her before but didn't work, though I didn't screw up either) and she brought 2 gorgeous friends, at least 9s (is this ok to post a link to their facebook here?), let's call them B and C. C is extremely lousy, but both B and C act like your typical 9s at a bar, their game and bitch shield would put many players to shame.

I engage all the 3 in playful banter, using A my friend as an anchor. The girls are quite engaging but they spit game like an M60. They danced much better than me so I couldn't use my game dance as usual, but my banter and tease did not waiver. The lousy one © is extremely engaging. I tease her about being violent, have no class, act like children all the time and I could see she dug it:

Me to A: Oh my God, do these two (B and C) always act like toddler like this? Must be tough for you
C and I had quite some kino. I tickled her and lifted her around a bit. When she ran a finger across my cheek I accused her of doing a move in Basic Instinct. She laughed and jumped up and down in denial.
C: don't worry I haven't raped you yet.
Me: not yet. It's a big difference. (that was a lame line. I could have come up with something better)

Me: you spanish? You can't be French.
C: what? you think French girls must be like (insert cliché)
Me: no, but at least they are not violent like you, but I would love to find the girls you just talked about.
B: what's going on?
C: he's telling me I'm blablhabla!!!! (being cocky and bitchy but she clearly enjoyed all the negs)
Me: (interrupted her. Next time I should cover her mouth): well, it's actually like this (reframe)
A and I are talking. B and C are extremely loud
Me: excuse me children! The adults are talking here! Silence!
C: hey how old are you!
Me: shut up! I'm talking to A! (her jaws dropped in shock. So satisfying lol)

Anyway I guess you get the pictures. The girls are extremely lousy and have a big attitude problem. They spent the night not dancing but picking out handsome guys or the best dancers to dance with. Guys were hovering around them like flies. And they are always talking to each other with the volume of a thunderstorm. Even though I had some really good interactions with C I couldn't find a way to isolate her.

I admit that I didn't even try. I was thinking if I try to isolate and venue change her she would just be like "no I would like to be with my friends" I asked her for some repeat dances but since she danced better, she refused.

Also I didn't dare to escalate to make out or make obvious sexual intention bc I'm always in front of her friends. If you can't isolate is it ok to just escalate in front of her friends? (huge cockblock potential)

Thinking back I should have done something like "Can you two give me a minute with C? I gotta discipline her. She got some real attitude problem" and take her hand and get her number or try to kiss her.

Overall a very fun night with good banter and laughter. C was giving me a hard time all night but I think she must enjoyed it, otherwise she would just ignored me.

I think this is typical behaviors of all hot girls pack, so I'm sure I'll see it again soon. Next time what could I do to isolate? Or what could I have done in the above situation?

Appreciate all welcome and feedback [Image: biggrin.gif] Tear my game apart, I'm here to learn.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - BiggNastee - 03-20-2014

Tips for isolation and escalation? - LaserBear - 03-20-2014

Really hoping not elaborate troll.
You chose not to isolate or escalate for fear of failure.
You'd lost the battle before it started.

Isolating first... "let's go do *blank*".
You should have pre planned isolation locations for where you are at... know your surroundings.

[Image: 6ffdbbdbc2d3801e5d64b7e83dd6de92971c1563...1d8d3d.jpg]

I have pre thought out isolation locations for everywhere I frequent. Whether its "hey lets go grab drinks from the fridge" which is next to my bedroom at our house parties, or, "lets go check out *next club in line, closer to my vehicle*" when out.

That's logistics.

Now, you try to isolate and it fails (she doesn't want to leave friends, can't be convinced to even though they're grown ups and can take care of themselves), up next? Escalate. Or escalate first. Your call.

Just do it.

[Image: 2_nike-just-do-it.--29339.gif?__SQUARESP...7613153303]

If you aren't escalating youre just falling flat.
You spent way too much time concerned about your lines and formula, not enough focusing on your actual goal. A whole lot of million dollar moves followed by a two cent shot.

Or in this case, no shot. You just quit right before you scored.

[Image: guyism.gif]

Yeah her friends might try to split you up, but you never even gave them the chance.

If you really were concerned, wait till her friends are busy or out of sight via smaller isolation (walking to the bar, quiet corner to talk, whatever). And go.

There's my critique. No magic words or formula, just saying you gotta shoot to score.
Luck favors the bold.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - Nomad77 - 03-20-2014

This is quite common even for experience guys. Isolation from a group is always difficult. The easiest isolation technique is of course to take a girl dancing then gradual move her away from her friends - like to the other side of the dance floor. After dancing for a bit you can say hey let's grab some fresh air and take her outside or let's go check out this other part of the club. You can also begin the isolation process within the group but you have to be more experienced. You do it by slowly shifting the conversation to her directly where you end up having a conversation with just her. This way you can establish some rapport before you try to physically move her. A natural extension of this is to say hey, it's kind of loud in here why don't we go outside to so we can hear each other better. If her friends say anything just tell them not to worry you'll bring her right back.

Sometimes, you just have to wait for the right opportunity or create it. Like if she goes to the bar to get a drink or the bathroom or anywhere.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - Dalaran1991 - 03-22-2014

Quote: (03-20-2014 11:45 PM)Nomad77 Wrote:  

This is quite common even for experience guys. Isolation from a group is always difficult. The easiest isolation technique is of course to take a girl dancing then gradual move her away from her friends - like to the other side of the dance floor. After dancing for a bit you can say hey let's grab some fresh air and take her outside or let's go check out this other part of the club. You can also begin the isolation process within the group but you have to be more experienced. You do it by slowly shifting the conversation to her directly where you end up having a conversation with just her. This way you can establish some rapport before you try to physically move her. A natural extension of this is to say hey, it's kind of loud in here why don't we go outside to so we can hear each other better. If her friends say anything just tell them not to worry you'll bring her right back.

Sometimes, you just have to wait for the right opportunity or create it. Like if she goes to the bar to get a drink or the bathroom or anywhere.

Constructive stuff here! Thank you [Image: smile.gif]

Hmm for a while I think I did shift the conversation to just her and me. But yeah to be honest I didn't even try to escalate out of fear. Dealing with cockblocking is enough, then there's always the possibility she might refuse.

Funny you mention going to the bathroom. One of them said she wanted to hit the bathroom, next the other 2 were like "yeah let's go!" lol.


Now, you try to isolate and it fails (she doesn't want to leave friends, can't be convinced to even though they're grown ups and can take care of themselves), up next? Escalate. Or escalate first. Your call.

Just do it.

So escalate, isolate --> fail --> escalate and isolate again. Rinse and repeat until you either say "fuck it" or you succeed. I can do that.

I do admit I didn't try real hard to isolate, so the lost is on me. Experience for next time.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - Nomad77 - 03-23-2014

The isolation stage is also a big filter in itself. If a girl refused to go somewhere with you alone then she's not interested.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - TheChef - 03-23-2014

Since it's 3 girls, it's easier to grab one girl and lead her elsewhere while the others talk to themselves/chat with orbiters. A few simple things to say:

- "I"m gonna grab a drink, come with me for a sec"
- "I need some fresh air, come join for a bit."
- "I love this song, let's dance."

Key: Grab her hand and bring her. Smile at her friends and say that you'll be back in a second just gonna...get air, a dance, drink, whatever.

One on one, close with the number, so at least you can hang out and escalate 1 on 1 later on a date. It's good to aim for this route as a beginner. You can go for higher escalation later.

Another good move is to just BOUNCE to another venue after you get the number. Say, "Hey, I'm gonna say hi to some friends at XYZ bar." When you leave, text the girl you just got the number from. "We're at another bar, come join." This, when I've used it, spikes interest from the girl...because they all want to be at that other spot "that's more fun." It could make her break from the pack, or the move the pack over. Keep doing this, knocking back shots with the girls along the way, and flirting with other girls at the vneu.

You're now the leader, and it's a damn good place to be.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - XXL - 03-24-2014

- At first [
post-460756.html#pid460756]find out if they're available that night[/url]

- Be cool with her friends and feel out how her friends get along with you

- Then decide what's more probable, to go home with her waving to her friends or stay with them all for the whole night, leave together, stick to your girl till they all part ways to end up one on one with her.

Tips for isolation and escalation? - Que enspastic - 03-24-2014

Number of girls in group : isolation difficulty

1 : easiest
2: hardest
3 : easy
4 : moderate

2 is hardest because girls don't want want to leave their solitary friend to the wolves. 4 girls is just that much more likelier to have one girl who is a cockblock than 3.

A girl roaming solo almost never happens but if you find one no isolation issues at all