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Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Veloce - 02-25-2014

At least that's what the headline says. I don't think she was actually physically assaulted, just had some shit stolen from her.

Why she would walk into a dingy punk rock bar wearing a $2000 headset is beyond me, but plays nicely into the stereotype of the modern delusional attention whore.


Sarah Slocum

Contributing Editor at Newsdab


OMG so you'll never believe this but... I got verbally and physically asaulted and robbed last night in the city, had things thrown at me because of some wanker Google Glass haters, then some *bleeeeeeeeeep* tore them off my face and ran out with them then and when I ran out after him his *bleeeeeeep* friends stole my purse, cellphone walet and everything..

Here's the hamster in question:
[Image: 7e5705d72e473503ecbf08c7dc2c2d3b.jpeg]

While it's not right for her to be robbed, it IS nice to see people publicly outraged over Google Glass. Tech nerds and social media whores can't seem to get enough of this mind-numbing garbage. While in theory Google Glass is a cool idea, it heralds a new era in our complete loss of privacy.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-25-2014


[Image: wtf.jpg]

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Menace - 02-25-2014

Name is apt...I would be slow to cum (with her).

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Hotwheels - 02-25-2014

There are loads of people that do not want to be photographed at a bar, so I can see more incidents like this coming.

Probably a lot more violent at times as well.

Just another example of narcissism and little to no social awareness being the norm today.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - vinman - 02-25-2014


"'You're being an *** take those glasses off."

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Beyond Borders - 02-25-2014

Tooting my own horn a little but I actually had a feeling incidents might this start popping up. I think it's a good thing. We've got to draw the line somewhere.

Chances are we won't draw the line thick enough though and it'll eventually be accepted as a cultural norm in all but a minority of places.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Veloce - 02-25-2014

Quote: (02-25-2014 03:20 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

There are loads of people that do not want to be photographed at a bar, so I can see more incidents like this coming.

Probably a lot more violent at times as well.

Just another example of narcissism and little to no social awareness being the norm today.

I would take things as far as telling a business owner that I'll no longer go there if they allow Google Glass inside their establishment. If enough people maintain this policy it will make business owners think twice about preserving their customers' privacy.

Being in the background of someone's picture is one thing. But we're looking at a future where there will be live video feeds EVERYWHERE with face recognition technology. The days of, "Where were you on the night of x at y o' clock?" will come to an end.

Fuck that.

Edit: what if, in light of these new developments and the social norms that arise, what if there's a new social norm of people walking around with their face obscured? What if it becomes fashionable to walk around in a Gucci ski mask? Or make like a Muslim woman and rock a Versace burka?

Interesting times ahead.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Laner - 02-25-2014

I was standing in a semi underground bar with a good friend. The place is well known to attract a shadier set of people, as well as the wannabe actors, models and ballers that accompany that scene.

We are posted up at our table and I see a youngish woman hold her camera up and snap a photo of us. Then another one. She looks up and sees me looking at her disapprovingly and I motion for her to come over. The look on her face tells me all I need to know. She will not come over, as she knows she has been busted.

I walk over to her and tell her to never take a mans photo without his permission. She is now visibly trembling and is having trouble using her phone. I tell her to please delete any photos of me and my friend now. She is shaking so bad that she has a hard time with this.

At about this moment one of her girlfriends catches on and starts to say something to me. I ignore her and make sure the photos are deleted and then walk back.

Point is if I had not felt the presence of a stalker I would never have noticed this. If she had on Google Glass I would never have been able to tell if she was looking at me or filming me.

I would be curious to know how far we are from being able to find photos of ourselves all over the place. Flickr hivemind is the first place where facial recognition could find millions of photos. Or now that people have automated uploading to the cloud from their mobile. Dropbox, Google+, it is going to get crazy the amount of photos of ourselves out there. Especially those of us who spend time in places where women (and some men) like to brag about being in on social media.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Espresso - 02-25-2014

Quote: (02-25-2014 03:39 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

what if, in light of these new developments and the social norms that arise, what if there's a new social norm of people walking around with their face obscured?

Here's an interesting article with examples of 'anti-surveillance' clothing that already exists or is being developed.

Examples include:
Face paint
Infra-red LED glasses
And even an 'anti-drone' hoodie

Not sure how effective any of this will be, but interesting nonetheless.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Agent 47 - 02-25-2014

Quote: (02-25-2014 04:08 PM)Laner Wrote:  

I was standing in a semi underground bar with a good friend. The place is well known to attract a shadier set of people, as well as the wannabe actors, models and ballers that accompany that scene.

We are posted up at our table and I see a youngish woman hold her camera up and snap a photo of us. Then another one. She looks up and sees me looking at her disapprovingly and I motion for her to come over. The look on her face tells me all I need to know. She will not come over, as she knows she has been busted.

I walk over to her and tell her to never take a mans photo without his permission. She is now visibly trembling and is having trouble using her phone. I tell her to please delete any photos of me and my friend now. She is shaking so bad that she has a hard time with this.

At about this moment one of her girlfriends catches on and starts to say something to me. I ignore her and make sure the photos are deleted and then walk back.

Point is if I had not felt the presence of a stalker I would never have noticed this. If she had on Google Glass I would never have been able to tell if she was looking at me or filming me.

I would be curious to know how far we are from being able to find photos of ourselves all over the place. Flickr hivemind is the first place where facial recognition could find millions of photos. Or now that people have automated uploading to the cloud from their mobile. Dropbox, Google+, it is going to get crazy the amount of photos of ourselves out there. Especially those of us who spend time in places where women (and some men) like to brag about being in on social media.

Did you ask her why she was taking photos?

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Stun - 02-25-2014

This wasn't about this woman or Google Glass or Molotov's bar, really. Well it was about Molotov's a little.

San Francisco has become increasingly divided lately, between the blue collar image the longtime residents have always tried to maintain, and the increase in the yuppie/millennial population that has come along with the influx of tech jobs, finance jobs, and etc jobs that are linked to the kind of economy we have here.

People are already pissed off about the Google/Facebook/Tech shuttle buses which routinely use the MUNI city bus stops and hold people up from going to work/wherever they are going. A common complaint is that if a regular citizen blocks the bus stop with his car, even for a minute, the fine is astronomical (something like $400) whereas the tech buses seem to always get away with blocking for several minutes at a time.

The increase in these areas of the economy has also caused rents to rise 30-50% in the last 2 years. I'm not fucking kidding. 30-50% unless you want to live in the middle of nowhere. People are (rightfully in their mind) blaming the tech industry. You see a lot of protests at the Google bus stops, there is picketing, someone recently threw a brick through the bus window, etc.

Molotov's is an old-school punk-ish bar in an old-school neighborhood. Cash-only. It's in a small neighborhood. If you're not known in the neighborhood, and not a hipster/punk, you will be, at best, tolerated there. I've lived in the city for quite a while, and can win people over anywhere, and I still don't ever really feel particularly welcome in the Haight, especially lower haight.

This dumb bitch coming in with her glasses on alone would be enough to piss people off, even before the tech boom, even if she didn't say a word. The fact that she was likely mouthing off and the fact that it happened when it did? - frankly I'm surprised she didn't get her ass kicked. A dude under the same circumstances would have very probably taken a beatdown.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Veloce - 02-25-2014


Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Soma - 02-25-2014

Quote: (02-25-2014 09:24 PM)Sugar Wrote:  

This dumb bitch coming in with her glasses on alone would be enough to piss people off, even before the tech boom, even if she didn't say a word. The fact that she was likely mouthing off and the fact that it happened when it did? - frankly I'm surprised she didn't get her ass kicked. A dude under the same circumstances would have very probably taken a beatdown.

Intentional attention whoring? 15 seconds of fame?

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Basil Ransom - 02-25-2014

"The increase in these areas of the economy has also caused rents to rise 30-50% in the last 2 years. I'm not fucking kidding. 30-50% unless you want to live in the middle of nowhere. People are (rightfully in their mind) blaming the tech industry. You see a lot of protests at the Google bus stops, there is picketing, someone recently threw a brick through the bus window, etc."

The sorry thing is that the real culprit for skyrocketing housing prices is never acknowledged, they prefer to stew in their righteous ignorance. If housing regulations weren't so draconian, there wouldn't be such a housing crunch. The solution is more housing.

I still hate these techies though. San Francisco epitomizes a certain strain of modern man, who at bottom is incredibly conformist and scared of being different, and instead blows off steam through periodic mass ritualistic displays of weirdness, socially sanctioned because everyone else is doing them at the same time (Burning Man, Bay to Breakers). If you question the mass mind in any substantive way, you will be shunned, and not merely ignored.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Stun - 02-25-2014

^ This is correct. Paris is very similar in geographic size to San Francisco (roughly 40 sq miles) and they manage to fit 2.2 million people there with basically no skyscrapers, and predominantly 6-8 story buildings. We can barely fit 900,000 here and are at 96% housing capacity (4% vacancy rate).

I'll grant you, the average apartment in Paris is a shoebox, but there's no excuse that twice as many people can live in a city virtually the same size.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Basil Ransom - 02-25-2014

The great lie about California, which almost all Californians dutifully believe, is that all of its problems are essentially unavoidable characteristics of the state, when in fact they are overwhelmingly self imposed.

Housing is expensive due to draconian housing regulations, taxes are high because there is a large underclass paired with a welfare state, crime is heightened by weak borders and immigration policies, on and on. Almost every Californian I've met sees these features of the state as natural and permanent as the Sierra mountains.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Bushido - 02-26-2014

Another reason to delete or severely limit your social media exposure NOW.

Only a matter of time before strangers wearing Google Glass will be able to look you up instantly and see your Facebook profile. There will be no opt-out.

People say I'm paranoid but it will happen.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Handsome Creepy Eel - 02-26-2014

Quote: (02-25-2014 11:01 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

The great lie about California, which almost all Californians dutifully believe, is that all of its problems are essentially unavoidable characteristics of the state, when in fact they are overwhelmingly self imposed.

Housing is expensive due to draconian housing regulations, taxes are high because there is a large underclass paired with a welfare state, crime is heightened by weak borders and immigration policies, on and on. Almost every Californian I've met sees these features of the state as natural and permanent as the Sierra mountains.

Seems reasonable. Any thoughts on the (both current and impending) water shortages? Would be interested to hear your opinion on that too.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Veloce - 02-26-2014


My god it's painful to listen to her. Her life of tech/social media has left her speech completely chopped up and incoherent. If you talked like this 50 years ago it would have been assumed you had a speech impediment or were mentally impaired.

Some choice quotes:

Slocum refers to the attack as a "hate crime."


"I'm glad though that I can help bring and shed some light on the fact that this is a great technology that can be used to prevent these types of incidents."

Prevent these incidents that she instigated? Instead of simply removing the glasses like a normal person, she assumes some sort of martyr role in the name of Google Glass. So not only is she invading people's privacy, but when they react with hostility, she considers herself some sort of beacon for justice.

The hamster is nuclear with this one.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Stun - 02-26-2014

These would be kind of cool to wear while banging a girl doggie style. It would free up one hand that you wouldn't have to use to hold the phone steady while recording.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - vinman - 02-26-2014

Quote: (02-26-2014 03:04 PM)Sugar Wrote:  

These would be kind of cool to wear while banging a girl doggie style. It would free up one hand that you wouldn't have to use to hold the phone steady while recording.

[Image: attachment.jpg17279]   

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Veloce - 02-26-2014

Quote: (02-26-2014 03:04 PM)Sugar Wrote:  

These would be kind of cool to wear while banging a girl doggie style. It would free up one hand that you wouldn't have to use to hold the phone steady while recording.

Really, the only benefit I can see of google glass at this point is filming your own porn.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Saga - 02-26-2014

Quote: (02-26-2014 02:16 PM)thedude3737 Wrote:  

The hamster is nuclear with this one.

You got that right. She says "they were trying to shield themselves as if I was recording them" we watch the exact footage of them that she recorded. Hilarious.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Billy Chubbs - 02-26-2014

I can't find it right now for some damn reason, but a few months back (maybe a year) some guy in...France I think? Any ways, he had a robotic eye and these three guys attacked him and yanked it out because they didn't like the idea of it filming them.

That's when I recognized I truly was living in the future; when there are hate crimes already happening against cyborgs.

But yeah, Google Glass and other crap like that piss me off something fierce. IMO, good on them punks.

Woman "attacked" for wearing Google Glass - Emancipator - 02-26-2014

Quote: (02-26-2014 03:23 PM)Billy Chubbs Wrote:  

I can't find it right now for some damn reason, but a few months back (maybe a year) some guy in...France I think? Any ways, he had a robotic eye and these three guys attacked him and yanked it out because they didn't like the idea of it filming them.

That's when I recognized I truly was living in the future; when there are hate crimes already happening against cyborgs.

But yeah, Google Glass and other crap like that piss me off something fierce. IMO, good on them punks.

That was Steve Mann in a Paris McDonalds