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does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Printable Version

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does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - JoyStick - 02-15-2014

I been smoking weed for over a decade and it's part of my everyday routine, but I'm starting to realize that I approach more when I don't smoke. I want to do like a 30 day challenge or something and not smoke for a month and see if I get beast mode. I'm going to be such a moody asshole though when I do. What do ya'll think?

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Nascimento - 02-15-2014

Going without it will change you entirely.

Seen this happen to a close buddy.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Maciano - 02-15-2014

My experience w/ weedsmokers is that they become more insecure over longer time. Daily use definitely changes you.

I quit smoking 8 years back, but when I have an intense workload, I grab a pack. It relaxes me. Nothing wrong with that.

Maybe you should seek a similar arrangement with mr. ganja.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - The Lizard of Oz - 02-15-2014

Yeah man -- hate to always be the forum Mormon, but everyday pot smoking makes men into passive and stupefied limp noodles. Especially guys that are no longer very young.

Let it go and deal with whatever moodiness you have to deal with for as long as it lasts -- it won't last forever. Pot is an insidious drug -- it seems harmless but long-term usage affects people very strongly, and negatively.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - CaP7 - 02-15-2014

I'm convinced that Western society will eventually legalize Marijuana in order to further stunt masculinity.

It's just another tool for those currently in power to give satisfaction and and feed distractions to the masses. I put weed in the category of sports, shopping, t.v., etc. As long as the masses are happy, the ruling elite will maintain their power.

That said, I think it's a great party supplement and would help a lot of high-strung men with their game (myself included). I never tried it because of the above.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Maciano - 02-15-2014

I'm all for a re-valuation of asceticism re sports, self-development, confidence, and delaying gratification. That's essential.

It's also good to have fun sometimes.

There's no harm in a joint, some booze, snacks or a lazy day once in a while. That's essential too.

We're humans, not machines.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - w00t - 02-15-2014

I smoked pot for almost 15 years. Quit last year and it was one of the best decisions ever.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Odin - 02-15-2014

i quit pot too, you dont realise what it is doing to you...I thought i lost a lot of motivation and planning in my life on day blurred to the next, one of the best things i have ever done was to stop.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Teedub - 02-15-2014

Doing anything like that daily is a negative. I went through a period of drinking to drunkness nearly every night (documented on here) for several months, it's not good.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Seth_Rose - 02-15-2014

Also, I'm pretty sure that smoking weed increases estrogen. Is it a coincidence potheads are usually frail hippies?

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Cyr - 02-15-2014

Quote: (02-15-2014 01:57 PM)CaP7 Wrote:  

I'm convinced that Western society will eventually legalize Marijuana in order to further stunt masculinity.

It's just another tool for those currently in power to give satisfaction and and feed distractions to the masses. I put weed in the category of sports, shopping, t.v., etc. As long as the masses are happy, the ruling elite will maintain their power.

That said, I think it's a great party supplement and would help a lot of high-strung men with their game (myself included). I never tried it because of the above.

Yeah, I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but I agree. I think that is why a bunch of countries are looking at legalising it. That said, it can be good if you smoke infrequently (like once every 2 weeks/ once a month), which is where Im at now.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Screwston - 02-15-2014

Different for everyone. I have an uncle who smokes everyday yet works out every day with a great body, is always playing sports, built like a tank, going camping, doing the family man thing, gets hit on by girls half his age, etc. I'd like to see some AlphazZZ try to fight him because he's a smoker. We've talked about it before and both agree that you HAVE to take care of your shit first before you get high. Hes not waking up and getting stoned.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Laurifer - 02-15-2014

I quit weed about three years ago. However I am constantly surrounded by it. Almost every social environment I'm in at some point involves weed usage unless its with family.

Every time the joint is passed my way I just say in a humorous way that I've retired from it. Then I have to deal with the accusations of prudeness and that I'm not "living life." I think from now on ill be saying that I've moved forward.

Weed was good for me by inspiring very deep critical thinking but after doing it enough times it lost its uniqueness. Being perpetually stoned gets old and I feel like it leads to irritability and depression (not for everyone) after long term chronic use.

Plus I'm starting to find it a little annoying with people that think marijuana is like the return of the fucking messiah (wannabe college Rastafarians). Sure it has several medicinal applications (some significant) but those that pretty much think it can replace conventional pharmaceuticals need to read up on the amazing accomplishments of modern medicine that we take for granted.

Anyways, sometimes I can't help but think how much people could improve if they spent just a month out of a foggy marijuana induced haze long enough to see the benefits of a clear headed consciousness.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - The Lizard of Oz - 02-15-2014

Screwston yeah some guys can get away with it, usually naturally super high testosterone guys. But just because some small percentage of guys can get away with doing something doesn't mean it's not a bad idea for everyone else.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - unbowed - 02-15-2014

Reminds me of this scene in Platoon:

As others have stated, it has medical benefits, but you have to ask yourself why you need it - if you're trying to escape something, heighten an experience (sexual, musical) or are simply bored.

I knew some people who needed to smoke to feel creative, but ended up using it as a crutch. While they explored a lot of things at first, eventually they became dependent on smoking and stopped doing things that stimulated creativity.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - WanderingSoul - 02-15-2014

Smoking pot everyday makes you a fucking hippie, and hippies fucking suck.

Up with hope! Down with dope!

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - The Lizard of Oz - 02-15-2014

There was some discussion of Bukowski on another thread, so I thought I'd post this video with him where he mocks potheads and stoners.

Of course being an old drunk himself he makes all kinds of bullshit excuses for old drunks. But his imitation and mockery of potheads is spot-on.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - kapitaw - 02-15-2014

My biggest argument on this topic is that marijuana is psychoactive, meaning it will affect everybody differently. These hippies, manginas, losers, and sloths that are being criticized in this thread would probably carry the same characteristics if they didn't smoke. Some people have addictive personalities and smoking weed leads to a bad habits for them. I know some people who smoke herb every day and it's ruined their lives. I know others who smoke every day and it's led to business opportunities and helped them become overall easygoing, good people.

Being that it's psychoactive, you have to be able to objectively look at how marijuana affects your life. What are the pros and cons for you smoking? I would also definitely recommend taking at least 30 days off so you can see firsthand if there are any differences in your behavior. Don't blame herb for people losing control of their lives, truth is those people never had control and would be in trouble with or without marijuana.

Personally, I love the sweet ganj. Cannabis as well as the occasional magic mushrooms have led me to some life-changing revelations. I've had to tweak my smoking over the years though. Started off smoking once a week, moved on to 2-3 times a day, took a 6 month break, and now I smoke almost every night before bed but have no problem stopping and will do so soon (going to Japan for a whole year in April where weed is a no-go). I learned that smoking during the day made me unproductive so I stopped doing that. Now I smoke before bed and spend my high time meditating, reading, writing, and focusing on self-improvement. Marijuana has been very helpful to me in that area. That's my reaction to it though, what I'm trying to convey is that everybody has a different high, look at yours objectively and make sure herb is contributing to your life.

Also, for those saying that the government wants people to smoke because it emasculates or pacifies the population, I believe quite the opposite. I think a majority of people who smoke herb are disillusioned with mass media and a lot of the dominant culture. Watching television, movies, politics, etc. while high can really alert you to how much stupidity, consumerism, and psychological influence is perpetrated throughout our culture. Marijuana is a mind-altering stimulant that can make you question everything around you. That is the last thing governments and bureaucracies want. What they want is you to spend money and accept their system and influence. That's much more likely to occur if you're drunk and inhibiting your rationality than high and thinking critically.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Vaun - 02-15-2014

Quote: (02-15-2014 05:08 PM)Screwston Wrote:  

Different for everyone. I have an uncle who smokes everyday yet works out every day with a great body, is always playing sports, built like a tank, going camping, doing the family man thing, gets hit on by girls half his age, etc. I'd like to see some AlphazZZ try to fight him because he's a smoker. We've talked about it before and both agree that you HAVE to take care of your shit first before you get high. Hes not waking up and getting stoned.

I would say he is the exception not the norm, most of the old timers or middle aged folks I grew up around dont resemble this at all, but tend to wrap their lives around it

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - General Mayhem - 02-15-2014

Most of the dudes I know at University who smoke a lot also wear flat brim hats and look ridiculous.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - d3traktion - 02-15-2014

ive been smoking everyday for years and yes, it makes me much more passive WHILE I am high. When I am not high I feel normal and will be aggressive. the worst is going out when your way too baked and hot women are everywhere but your too lazy to approach anyone

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Vroom - 02-15-2014

Every time you get stoned, a little bit of passivity remains once the high has worn off. If you're just getting stoned once in a while, it's negligible, but if you're getting stoned often, over long periods of time, the motivation you're robbed of can make quite a difference.

While you'll probably still be capable of achieving some basic goals and maintaining a satisfactory existence, we're not about "satisfactory" - we're about excellence.

If you want to be a better man, there aren't many greater single steps you could take than to stop or greatly limit your drug intake.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - Aziz Nuts - 02-15-2014

I smoked weed every day from age 14-20. It completely killed my libido and motivation to do anything with my life. Quit that shit man, it'll change your life.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - big poppa - 02-15-2014

I smoked almost every day from the 19-22. I stopped 3 weeks ago.

It certainly made me lazier, I had less motivation to do anything. Since I quit I've been hitting the gym every day and generally feel better about life. It screws with your dopamine levels, to the point where I would only be happy if I knew I would be able to smoke up soon.

The moodiness after I quit only lasted about 5 days for me so it's something you can easily break through. The funny thing about weed is that you can't exactly pin point what is wrong with it, I would wake up the night after smoking heavily and feel fine, unlike when I get drunk and feel lethargic. But there's just this lingering crappy feeling, and I agree with posters above that I think it definitely lowers testosterone. I've quit porn as well since I quit weed so I'm not sure which it is that is making me better - probably a mix of both.

Anyway, stop smoking for a month and be honest with yourself, see if you notice improvements.

does smoking pot everday make you more passive? - The Beast1 - 02-16-2014

For the record, I smoke everyday. I also hit the gym daily, pay my bills, go to work, and complete tasks like any other adult.

Doesn't affect my ability to do life tasks or complete goals. I'm more dominant when I'm blazed to the point of intimidation. I'm better sober simply because I put more energy into being nice.