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Texts for rekindling the spark after a week (or more) of silence - Printable Version

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Texts for rekindling the spark after a week (or more) of silence - dirt - 02-08-2014

Just got back from paris...

Hey what's up

just saw your twin

cute animal reminded me of you


joke about some interaction you shared

These seem to work for me with an average or better response rate. I'm always looking for something better though.

To be clear, for me, it's usually not the case that I am being ignored by her...but rather we tried to make plans but unable to find time/day that worked for both of us. I try to let her be the last to text, or end the call myself if phone call. I like to be direct about my intentions and HAVE NOT had good luck with "Non Sequitur" texts. I've tested them and often get a response but the follow up is weak. IMHO most girls see right through it, most of the time. I'm not just desperately texting them every 2 days with no response either

Typically in my case these are usually day game girls or online, with occasional night game thrown in or girls who didn't bang on the 1st "date" for whatever reason. I'm often times just too busy and after a week or 2, no matter how memorable you are, MANY of these girls will have moved on.

Looking for some new material that touches on her emotions or fear of loss etc. I want to send something, ANYTHING that gets a good response rate so I can then call and talk to set something up, but most girls (under 24 especially) don't tend to pick up their phones 'out of the blue' ..Your input on what works or lines (paraphrase if you don't want the whole thing spread across the internet) would be VERY GREATLY appreciated.

This is a sticking point for me. Thank you