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Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Roosh - 01-22-2014

Most bloggers will have at least one viral article in their lifetime. If you put out 1,000 posts, it's likely that 1 or 2 will go viral. But if you put out 50 posts, and 3 go viral, then you, sir, have the magic stick.

Girls With Short Hair is blowing up as we speak. Here's the real-time hate on Twitter:

Every short-haired girl in America will read this article within the week, and some will re-consider their behavior. It's closing in on 2,000 comments with over 15,000 Facebook likes, even though not a single mainstream blog has written about it. They blacklisted us to prevent our popularity, but as you can see, their tactic has not worked. I truly believe the information and ideas that ROK contains is destined to spread, no matter what our opponents do.

ROK has 13 columnists and myself, along with dozens of guest columnists. I can't help but compare us to an underdog football team who is enjoying an incredible winning streak. I greatly enjoy being the coach.

[Image: clap2.gif]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - pheonix500000 - 01-22-2014

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Most bloggers will have at least one viral article in their lifetime. If you put out 1,000 posts, it's likely that 1 or 2 will go viral. But if you put out 50 posts, and 3 go viral, then you, sir, have the magic stick.

Girls With Short Hair is blowing up as we speak. Here's the real-time hate on Twitter:

Every short-haired girl in America will read this article within the week, and some will re-consider their behavior. It's closing in on 2,000 comments with over 15,000 Facebook likes, even though not a single mainstream blog has written about it. They blacklisted us to prevent our popularity, but as you can see, their tactic has not worked. I truly believe the information and ideas that ROK contains is destined to spread, no matter what our opponents do.

ROK has 13 columnists and myself, along with dozens of guest columnists. I can't help but compare us to an underdog football team who is enjoying an incredible winning streak. I greatly enjoy being the coach.

[Image: clap2.gif]

we should make some hall of fame for posts like these.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - The Lizard of Oz - 01-22-2014

Tuth's article is brilliant, and tight as hell. I've been waiting for it to blow up...

Now, time for:

[Image: popcorn2.gif]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - kbell - 01-22-2014

I have no idea how male pattern baldness can be related to cutting their hair. One you can control the other is genetic. Hamster logic at its finest. What's the dumbest comment you read on there so far?

It would be hilarious if there is more intense anger from this than the anorexia article.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - draguer - 01-22-2014

Have just read the last few pages of the Eating Disorder thread I had missed and was hoping for another viral event.

Get comfy fellas!

[Image: Stephen-Colbert-Popcorn.gif]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - J DOE - 01-22-2014

Hahaha. I knew the post would probably go viral as soon as I saw the title and read it. He really has a knack for this kind of thing.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Matt Forney - 01-22-2014

Excellent work, Tuthmosis. I salute you.

[Image: highfive.gif]

For anyone who wants to replicate Tuth's success, I've noticed a pattern among the articles that go viral among angry damaged girls and feminists:

1. The article has to have a simple thesis that penetrates to the heart of girls' identities. Talking about how women's suffrage was a mistake or joking about rape doesn't work (the former is too heady and logical, the latter can be dismissed as obvious trolling); you need to engage girls on an emotional level with something believable. Short hair, eating disorders, self-esteem etc.: these are all topics that hit girls on a gut level. Basically, you need to hit girls with rhetoric rather than logic.

2. The article has to be written in a dismissive yet patronizing tone. Don't swear, don't sound angry: if you go "DOUBLEFUCK COCKSNORTER ALL WOMEN ARE CUNTS", you will be written off as a rage-filled lunatic. You have to sound calm, collected and superior: that will set off the girls' defective amygdalas.

3. Putting the article in list format isn't always necessary, but it helps to condense your points down. The Buzzfeed generation is used to digesting information in bullet-point lists, so writing a listicle helps you take advantage of their atrophied attention spans. (Also keep your paragraphs short.)

Tl;dr: manipulate girls' emotional states with patronizingly written, bullet-point simple articles that attack the core of their beings, and you can make anything go viral.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - commiejoe - 01-22-2014

That twitter feed is hilarious.
Gotta love these drama shows.
[Image: popcorn2.gif]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Tuthmosis - 01-22-2014

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Every short-haired girl in America will read this article within the week, and some will re-consider their behavior.

Just doing my part in making a fucking difference! If just one girl keeps her hair long because of me, I will have done my job.

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

ROK has 13 columnists and myself, along with dozens of guest columnists. I can't help but compare us to an underdog football team who is enjoying an incredible winning streak. I greatly enjoy being the coach.

Without Phil Jackson, there is no Kobe-and-Shaq dynasty.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Avon Barksdale - 01-22-2014

Keeping that Hamster wheel spinning Tuthmosis

[Image: 387920-20animated_gif20chuck_norris20dod...mbs_up.gif]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - draguer - 01-22-2014

While thousands in Kiev take to the streets to fight for the right to live in a democratic society, the brave women of the west take to their keyboards to thwart the tyranny of Tuthmosis' thoughts on short hair.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Enigma - 01-22-2014

For the latest news on this shocking story, we caught up with Tuthmosis himself, who had this to say:

[Image: 288a36a.jpg]

There you have it folks. Laughter and explosions. Back to you in the studio, Dave.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Professor Fox - 01-22-2014

Once again, Tuthmosis sets fire to the soft underbellies of western females:

[Image: tumblr_mp2swlJtLD1refq0fo1_500.gif]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Searcher - 01-22-2014

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

if you put out 50 posts, and 3 go viral, then you, sir, have the magic stick.

Girls With Short Hair is blowing up as we speak.

BTW, Tuthmosis's other two viral articles were 24 Signs She's a Slut and 5 Reasons to Date a Girl with an Eating Disorder.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Merenguero - 01-22-2014

Is there a C.U.N. article on the way about this situation? I'm really missing those C.U.N. articles.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Quintus Curtius - 01-22-2014

Bravo. The chick whisperer has done it again...

Their heart-strings are like suspended lutes; Tuth touches them, and the strings resound.

(Adapting the motto from Poe's "Fall of the House of Usher"...!)

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Truth Teller - 01-22-2014

You have to love this particular tweet:

"Oka so apparently girls with short hair are deranged? WELL FUCK YOU"

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - speakeasy - 01-22-2014

I read through a few of the comments. I had to click off. I don't know how much of this "Women don't need to please men with their looks" hamsterism I can read without getting nauseated. I can only hope that the virus of feminism doesn't spread outside the West.

All their reactions are entirely based on insecurity. I have no problem admitting that I like to dress well and stay in shape to attract women. Yes, I as a man want to look my best because I want to attract quality women. There's nothing wrong with that. But they can't admit that the reverse is true as well as it would make them look like "weak" womyn who what men think. These bitches are a curse.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Mage - 01-22-2014

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Every short-haired girl in America will read this article within the week, and some will re-consider their behavior.

I beleive some women might read this, get offended and cut their hair short out of spite.

But even this is good as by doing so they will confirm to stereotype and the more easily crazy feminists can be identified by outside appearance the better for men.

Contraversy and polarization of society around an issue is still better then ignorance and lukewarmess.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - The Lizard of Oz - 01-22-2014

O/T, thanks to Tuth for posting that I did it again vid. I love seeing Britney from that period -- she was such a simple and tasty southern white slut, like a simple piece of chicken breast grilled to perfection.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Veloce - 01-22-2014

Great. Here I was expecting to have a productive day at work. I need to do payroll and 10 other things I've forgotten about and instead I'll be glued to my monitor for the next several hours.

[Image: fuck-this-shit-oclock.jpg]

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Suits - 01-22-2014

Quote: (01-22-2014 03:15 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Every short-haired girl in America will read this article within the week, and some will re-consider their behavior.

I beleive some women might read this, get offended and cut their hair short out of spite.

Good! We'll be able to spot the crazies.

I won't engage with a woman with short hair. You shouldn't either.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Matt Forney - 01-22-2014

Quote: (01-22-2014 03:15 PM)Mage Wrote:  

Quote: (01-22-2014 01:51 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Every short-haired girl in America will read this article within the week, and some will re-consider their behavior.

I beleive some women might read this, get offended and cut their hair short out of spite.

But even this is good as by doing so they will confirm to stereotype and the more easily crazy feminists can be identified by outside appearance the better for men.

Contraversy and polarization of society around an issue is still better then ignorance and lukewarmess.

All the girls threatening to cut their hair in retaliation for Tuth's article don't realize that they're proving the article's point.

Think about it: they're threatening to hurt themselves to win an argument with someone on the Internet they don't even know. That's not just damaged, it's downright childish to boot. Mentally, these girls are still pre-pubescents chafing at Mommy and Daddy's yoke. "You say I can't play in traffic? Well, I'M GONNA DO IT ANYWAY!!!!!11"

Not only that, they assume that their petulant "defiance" will impact us in any significant way. A couple years back, when Futrelle linked to one of my articles at Manboobz bashing fat girls, a bunch of people in the comments commented to the effect of "Well, I'm gonna eat even MORE and get fatter just to piss Forney off."

I don't get pissed off at people like that. I couldn't give less of a fuck whether some girl on the other side of the country decides to bulk up in response to something I wrote. I don't know her, I wouldn't acknowledge her if we were to ever meet in real life, nothing she does will impact my life in any way. The only person she's hurting... is herself.

Same with Tuthmosis' article. If a girl decides to get the Sinead O'Connor because Tuth hurt her widdle feewings, how is his life going to be affected? It won't. These girls are so emotionally stunted that they think that everyone is as fragile as they are and equally affected by what they read on the Internet.

Just how fucking pathetic do you have to be to reorient your life in an attempt to piss off someone you don't even know?

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - soup - 01-22-2014

Tuth is like the superhero of the manosphere. His writing is always just clear, articulate, to the point, and sensible. I wonder if they are freaking out on him because of his reputation from the first one, or if there really is something about his writing that threatens them.

It's a great article, don't get me wrong, but there are other really good ones on ROK that aren't getting that kind of attention.

I think the pieces that really piss off the feminists are the ones that reveal the connection between feminism and racism. That's a very touchy area for the right now, and it happens to be touched on his article on short hair.

Tuthmosis has done it yet again - Glock - 01-22-2014

Unfortunately, the women who are all stirred up this time aren't nearly as hot as the ones who blew a gasket in response to the "Eating Disorders" article.

There's no need to do a short list of the hottest girls "with short hair" who now hate Tuthmosis.