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lost post - lifestyle design + Brazil Property - Printable Version

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lost post - lifestyle design + Brazil Property - damok - 12-17-2010

long time no write.... big changes in domestic scene! Tip for young players - where a condom!!

Anyhow, there was a post that I remember reading on here maybe six months ago, though I'm not really sure about having a permanent home with a partner/family living there and balancing that against your own travels... it mentioned expences involved but the pros and cons of such a setup.

I would love to re-read this post, but for the life of me can't find it!! If anyone remembers/finds this, could you stick a link on here for me (and anyone else who might be interested).

in other news, I've bought land just outside of rio... VP will be cross, because I've bought it off plan without seing it... oh well - looks good to me!

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