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Short guy game - Gas - 01-16-2014

As a short guy myself (I'm 5'6) I found this pretty entertaining.

Short guy game - Avon Barksdale - 01-16-2014


Short guy game - Gas - 01-16-2014

I like his game. Most guys that short are buttfucked by their insecurity. This guy's pretty confident, and is great at making them laugh. Once you get them giggling you're halfway there.

I'm not sure how tall he is, but I'd guess he's only around 5'3

Short guy game - Avon Barksdale - 01-16-2014

His stallion level has been recognized

Short guy game - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-16-2014

Cute. But I had a great line I used to use on really tall women when I got introduced to them: "Hey, so you wanna run away and get married tonight? I've always wanted tall kids."

It worked every time. Of course, then I pretty much ran away screaming like a scared little mouse. Don't do this last part, but feel free to use the line.

Short guy game - funkyzeit - 01-16-2014

It looks fake. If you're short then lift weights, dress sharp and have dominant body language. Also, avoid crowded clubs, you'll be invisible.

Short guy game - Lucario - 01-16-2014

Feels like the girls are just giggling and giving him their number for the sake of giving his number rather than being actually into him.
Except for the one chick with the bicycle, she looked like she would fuck him, but the others girls... not really.

Short guy game - MeshTryOut - 01-16-2014


Short guy game - Nascimento - 01-16-2014

A lot of these are probably girls doing it just for fun, giving him their number that is. There is a difference between a girl finding you as a fun guy to talk to and finding you an attractive guy they want to see again.

Nevertheless, he has the right attitude for sure. He's unshakable in his humour and witty lines, and he addresses his height against much taller girls which shows off strong confidence. That will attract some girls no matter what.

To maximize his success, since is very short (he looks around 5'3) he should wear some boosted shoes and stick to day game like this. By choosing the right approaches and being sharp he can probably date 1/10.

Night club game at his height must be close to impossible. Unless he has some fame working for him of course.

Short guy game - Lucario - 01-16-2014

Quote: (01-16-2014 08:55 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

To maximize his success, since is very short (he looks around 5'3) he should wear some boosted shoes and stick to day game like this.

He confirmed on his channel that he is 5'1. Shoes won't help.

Short guy game - heavy - 01-16-2014

A few thoughts...this guy has balls. Most guys of all heights don't have his attitude. As a 5'9" guy, this makes me feel I could take on the world.
That said, he seems a little fake, like he has a real insecurity that he's simply overriding with unabashed approaches. Maybe this is why chics are digging him and I have so much respect for him though. Like my friends would say "What a douchebag"...yeah, way to be jealous, now go masturbate while he bangs a beautiful woman.
Pickup thoughts...he actually looks a little more real in the instances when he takes his hands off his hips, when he stands a little less "confident". Perhaps there's an expectation he'll have an insecurity and thus get into wide stance fightin mode, so when he doesn't and he's more relaxed he actually appears alpha.
For instance, he holds his coffee in front of him with the bike chic. He leans up against the wall or the tree, with the girl next to the car he takes his phone out which instantly relaxes his shoulders forward. The girls who were less attracted he seems in more of a fake puffy alpha stance, like he's just trying too hard. One other thing...the words don't really's all body language and the way he talks (note he's doing 90% of the talking too).

Short guy game - txtraveler - 01-16-2014

As someone who is 5'6(yeah...he's much shorter than me), I couldn't pull this off.
It's just not my style. I don't like to center my flirting around being short. It's not that I'm insecure of it(sometimes I am), it just seems too cheesy.
Days, I really like that line and could see myself using it if a girl pointed out my shortness. Seems like a good way to make them laugh and get passed my height.

Short guy game - txtraveler - 01-16-2014

There was an article someone put out that I saw on here a while back about short guy game. Can someone find that and post the link?
It would help some people that are short. It's helped me a bit but I can't find it.

Short guy game - heavy - 01-16-2014

Quote: (01-16-2014 10:25 AM)txtraveler Wrote:  

There was an article someone put out that I saw on here a while back about short guy game. Can someone find that and post the link?
It would help some people that are short. It's helped me a bit but I can't find it.

IDK the article, but I would think the shorter you are, the more alpha you'll be *by simply approaching* a hot girl...then by your body language. I'm not sure the calling it out helps. This same guy might be able to have more success *not* calling it out. We need a control group where he does this exact same thing but doesn't address his height.

Short guy game - heavy - 01-16-2014

I suppose comparing it to a 6' guy missing a's not good or bad to bring it up or not, there's probably an ideal though. I would think the best way to do it is:
1) not right away - normal pickup at first, since some girls won't date you bc of missing hand or height, you'll know not to waste your time w/ step #2
2) slight self-reflective tone then a humor line saying you don't take it too seriously - she's willing to ignore hand/height if you gotcho shit straight, call it out, honesty that it's a drawback, then mention how having only one hand allows you to save on gloves (or like he said being short is good for "women and...ehem...well, ya know, pleasuring"
3) move on and don't keep talking about it - she doesn't want to always have to focus on her bf's non-alpha traits, so she'll be glad you don't focus on it.

Short guy game - Suits - 01-16-2014

Quote: (01-16-2014 07:26 AM)Lucario Wrote:  

Feels like the girls are just giggling and giving him their number for the sake of giving his number rather than being actually into him.
Except for the one chick with the bicycle, she looked like she would fuck him, but the others girls... not really.

What's your ROI?

Short guy game - speakeasy - 01-16-2014

Much respect to that guy for having balls and getting out there. I wasn't crazy about his presentation though, as his humor feels cheesy and a bit too try-hard to me. But instead of crying "woe unto me" about his height, he's pushing through. If he does this enough times for long enough I'm sure something will come through for him. For guys who have a major deficit such as being extraordinarily short or being an IRT in the deep south, it's all a numbers game.

I think though he should focus on women who are 5' 3" and below. Some women will tolerate a guy who is just a couple inches shorter but when we're talking 6 or 7 inches shorter even without heels, that's just an enormous hurdle to have to overcome without wealth or fame to compensate.

edit --

And yeah he needs to stop focusing so much on his height. That's like me walking up to white girls and every line is, "so you ever dated a black guy?" "I'm black, this, black that blah blah". You are just causing people to define you by your perceived disadvantage rather than transcending it.

Short guy game - dads - 01-16-2014

5'9" is not short for a man. Average height. Girls as tall as you are "tall girls". 5'9" to 5'11" is a great height range.

Short guy game - AneroidOcean - 01-16-2014

I was pretty short/undeveloped in high school. Real late bloomer. I was resigned to be my dad's height (very short) for the rest of my life since I thought I was done growing. My legs were hairless and the girls in my classes (all invariably at least a little taller than me) would comment about how they wish they had legs like mine because then they wouldn't have to bother shaving their legs.

Even then. Even without any self-confidence when it came to women, a HUGE fear of rejection, and not what I would call great looks/style, I still had some decent looking girls into me. Not that I would have any idea at the time (this came much later through girls confessing to me they had crushes on me in high school), but the single thing holding me back was not my complete lack of height, or the lack of hair on my legs, nor even my shitty style, but what was truly holding me back was my lack of confidence, my fear of rejection/lack of approach.

Sure, height is going to be more of a factor past higher education and into adulthood, but I find it funny that guys don't think this guy could get laid. He's definitely in shape, confident, unashamed of his height, good facial hair/hairstyle, and he APPROACHES.

Who cares that a bunch of girls are more entertained than they are turned on. He's not trying to turn all of them on, he's trying to find the ones that will be, and that's the nature of game. Anyone telling you that you can game any girl to be into you is just deluded.

Also, major props for continuing to hold the interest of the fit girl with the long legs tying up her bike. I can't see her face but my lord those legs. Tasty.

Short guy game - Valhalla - 01-16-2014

Witty lines don't get you laid

Attraction trumps game.

Short guy game - CTking - 01-16-2014

The guys got balls for sure but i dont see the point in drawing attention to the obvious height issue. Focusing on your strengths and avoiding your weaknesses is the best way to game. If hes getting laid then great for him, but i wouldnt use that style.

Short guy game - Truth Teller - 01-16-2014

Height is only limiting if you let it be limiting. Yeah, there are some exceptions, but you really shouldn't let it be a limiting factor.

Short guy game - kinjutsu - 01-16-2014

CH has a post about this and how to respond to shit tests being short.

Short guy game - TripleG - 01-16-2014

Quote: (01-16-2014 07:08 AM)funkyzeit Wrote:  

It looks fake. If you're short then lift weights, dress sharp and have dominant body language. Also, avoid crowded clubs, you'll be invisible.

Gotta disagree with you on lifting weights. I think one has to do it in moderation and definitely not try to go for bodybuilder/powerlifter look if they are short. A few years back I got fed up with being relatively small (not weak though) and since I am on the short side (5-8") I thought that being strong and lifting as heavy as possible would help out with my self-confidence. In addition to lifting weights I also started eating big. Sure I outlift many guys who are taller and heavier than me BUT if you are a short guy and you pack on too much weight you will actually look even shorter. If you guys don't believe me just look at some of the NFL running backs. They look short as they are so heavy and wide (especially compared to WR's and some QBs) however many of them are actually 6-0"+.

Short guy game - Avon Barksdale - 01-16-2014

Quote: (01-16-2014 10:54 PM)TripleG Wrote:  

Quote: (01-16-2014 07:08 AM)funkyzeit Wrote:  

It looks fake. If you're short then lift weights, dress sharp and have dominant body language. Also, avoid crowded clubs, you'll be invisible.

Gotta disagree with you on lifting weights. I think one has to do it in moderation and definitely not try to go for bodybuilder/powerlifter look if they are short. A few years back I got fed up with being relatively small (not weak though) and since I am on the short side (5-8") I thought that being strong and lifting as heavy as possible would help out with my self-confidence. In addition to lifting weights I also started eating big. Sure I outlift many guys who are taller and heavier than me BUT if you are a short guy and you pack on too much weight you will actually look even shorter. If you guys don't believe me just look at some of the NFL running backs. They look short as they are so heavy and wide (especially compared to WR's and some QBs) however many of them are actually 6-0"+.

I think a lot of dudes do not work that legs as much as the upper body,You need to work both equally to have a good physique, also 5'8 is not that short. Average male height is 5'10 at least in America