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"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-12-2014

This phrase popped into my head. It's not been coined yet, so I thought I'd coin it here and explain what I mean.

What I mean is that life forces the majority of men to grow up one way or another. Most guys get burned by life or love or money somewhere along the way and are forced to get some perspective. So a guy of about 35 who has really lived might not be "old" per se -- in fact he might come off as willfully immature -- but he'll often have wisdom to impart to younger men.

I've found the complete opposite is true with women.

What I think is maddening to us about today's women is that they might be 35 (and look 45 -- hehe) but they behave, think, and speak as if they're still 15. No perspective or larger concept of reality, for the most part. This is not an attractive quality. It's like they're "old children." Then they wonder why men go screaming away in horror. (This, IMO, is also why "Girls" and "SATC" repel men so much - it's like middle school for grown women.)

I noticed this when I started my first serious job at age 21. The older guys all seemed to have experience-fueled ideas they wanted to pass along, even if they weren't that old. Yet the women came off like they were frozen in immaturity -- even if they were 50. Hell, especially if they were 50. Sort of proves Schopenhauer's point about them being eternal children. Women might mature quicker, but they stay at that maturity level whereas men progress onward.

Since I was raised on Blue Pill Disney fantasy equality college-feminism bullshit, I didn't see this for what it was. And I *listened* to these women. Bad idea. Led me down wrong paths in ways you don't wanna know.

So I thought I'd put this in writing here in case any younger guys are dealing with this sort of thing but haven't yet articulate this in their heads.

One qualifier: I didn't find this necessarily true when it came to black older women. This mostly goes for white women.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - bacon - 01-12-2014

You see this with womens quick response to start crying if they dont get their way. They are quick to bring on the tears since they believe by behaving like a child and crying people will give in to their demands/help them.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - nek - 01-12-2014

It's not maddening, it's exactly how they're suppose to be. Women mature faster then men, but their maturation stops at about 20. Makes sense b/c they need a certain degree of physical/psychological maturity to handle children, but that's really all they need. What's maddening is the narrative in society that men and women experience life the same, which couldn't be further from the truth. Men need to be forged like steel, women need to prevent the tread from coming off. In other words, women simply are, men have to become. That's the harsh truth. From a genetic standpoint, women are pretty much guaranteed winners, men have to earn that right (barring modern social conventions that could be subverted if women simply chose).

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - coolstorybro - 01-12-2014

I don't think women don't mature, they can and do, but it generally only happens once they hit the wall and no longer get attention from men. That forces them to begin considering the world as it is, not how they think it should be. Today, that mostly means a bunch of bitter lonely women, but in the past, that would also be the kind granny who everyone loved and who had heaps of knowledge to pass on to their grand-daughters and to keep their own daughters in check if they didn't raise their children properly or had marital issues.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Kabal - 01-12-2014

Quote: (01-12-2014 08:42 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Sort of proves Schopenhauer's point about them being eternal children.

Quote: (01-12-2014 10:23 PM)nek Wrote:  

It's not maddening, it's exactly how they're suppose to be. Women mature faster then men, but their maturation stops at about 20. Makes sense b/c they need a certain degree of physical/psychological maturity to handle children, but that's really all they need.

The relevant Schopenhauer quotes:

"Women are directly adapted to act as the nurses and educators of our early childhood, for the simple reason that they themselves are childish, foolish, and short-sighted—in a word, are big children all their lives, something intermediate between the child and the man, who is a man in the strict sense of the word...

The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important."

Quote: (01-12-2014 10:23 PM)nek Wrote:  

From a genetic standpoint, women are pretty much guaranteed winners, men have to earn that right (barring modern social conventions that could be subverted if women simply chose).

This is indeed reflected in genetics. Male reproductive success is more winner take all. Among three major populations, for each man that has historically left descendants, 1.1 to 1.4 woman have.

Earn it or perish.

Quote: (01-12-2014 10:40 PM)coolstorybro Wrote:  

I don't think women don't mature, they can and do, but it generally only happens once they hit the wall and no longer get attention from men. That forces them to begin considering the world as it is, not how they think it should be. Today, that mostly means a bunch of bitter lonely women, but in the past, that would also be the kind granny who everyone loved and who had heaps of knowledge to pass on to their grand-daughters and to keep their own daughters in check if they didn't raise their children properly or had marital issues.

Yeah, that's actually my necessary, but not sufficient, clause of being a woman vis a vis girl -- when she can no longer use her looks to get what she wants.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - nek - 01-12-2014

Quote: (01-12-2014 10:40 PM)coolstorybro Wrote:  

I don't think women don't mature, they can and do, but it generally only happens once they hit the wall and no longer get attention from men. That forces them to begin considering the world as it is, not how they think it should be. Today, that mostly means a bunch of bitter lonely women, but in the past, that would also be the kind granny who everyone loved and who had heaps of knowledge to pass on to their grand-daughters and to keep their own daughters in check if they didn't raise their children properly or had marital issues.

Reminds me of this RoK article:

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - The Lizard of Oz - 01-12-2014

Excellent coinage, DOBA, and very true. I hope the phrase spreads, it has real potential.

Incidentally, Schopenhauer's essay about women is the single best text ever written on the subject, as well as one of the very best essays ever written on any subject.

Here it is for those who haven't read it or would like to revisit it:

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - svenski7 - 01-12-2014

men start maturing at puberty, women stop.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Days of Broken Arrows - 01-12-2014

Quote: (01-12-2014 10:40 PM)coolstorybro Wrote:  

I don't think women don't mature, they can and do, but it generally only happens once they hit the wall and no longer get attention from men. That forces them to begin considering the world as it is, not how they think it should be. Today, that mostly means a bunch of bitter lonely women, but in the past, that would also be the kind granny who everyone loved and who had heaps of knowledge to pass on to their grand-daughters and to keep their own daughters in check if they didn't raise their children properly or had marital issues.

You make a good point here. A lot of women who have multiple children do, in fact, turn into those kinds of grandmothers you speak of. The problem is that I don't ever come across these types of women anymore -- they seem to be thing of the past.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Combored - 01-13-2014


PlayHerMan had the best comment from that thread which puts her message into context before I go any further:

Well most attractive women don’t start to really understand how the world works until they start losing their looks. Most of them are truly oblivious to the fact that their looks have opened probably 95% of the doors in their lives. I’m guessing the chick in the video was oblivious too when she was 22. This is why she is talking about it NOW and not THEN. If you told her this crap back then she probably would have called BS.

Now that she is past her “prime” she has realized her looks meant everything in her life. Once her looks deteriorate, she will be tossed out of the industry like yesterday’s donuts and be invisible to most men of dignity.

Once the bloom of youth starts to fade and stuff starts to sag.. its a real wake-up call for most women. For the first time in their lives everyone is not kissing their ass. For the first time in their lives they have to pay a speeding ticket. For the first time in their lives they actually have to be qualified or connected to get a job. For the first time in their lives, men are not drooling over them. For the first time in their lives they face the harsh reality that all men face from adulthood onward = Be useful or perish.

Entitled women who figure this out early get knocked up ASAP so they can mooch off the state as an insurance policy should they not find a willing man to serve them financially.

If you spend your life in delusion exploiting men and thinking you can live that way forever, its a harsh wake up call when you find yourself in your 40′s with no skills, no money, no kids and no men to take care of you. Scary stuff.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Dr. Howard - 01-13-2014

I have actually heard this phrase, from women, and the other way around. Mostly used in the context of men playing video games. I agree much more with the OP's assignment of genders though.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Teutatis - 01-13-2014

Quote: (01-12-2014 08:42 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

One qualifier: I didn't find this necessarily true when it came to black older women. This mostly goes for white women.

Yes of course, because white women are children but black women are mature.

What about asians or latinas, are they as mature as black women or somewhere in between?

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - estraudi - 01-13-2014

WOW. Being able to articulate what you guys are thinking,especially on this subject, is very mindblowing. I have some of these same thoughts but suck at spitting them out into coherent well put together sentences. Funy thing I was @ Barnes&Noble reading that Schopenhauer Book "Essays&Aphorisms" just for that chapter "On Women" and while reading it was watching this chick for a few minutes through my peripheral take an ungodly amount of pouty-face,kiss,and any-other-retarded face pics. Finally whipped out my phone to record this girl continue to take pics for the remainder of that maybe 10-15 minutes total(but 1.5minutes of video). TOtally self-absorbed and IT WAS EXACTLY THE TYPE OF BEHAVIOR I WAS READING ABOUT! That dude sure did know what he was talking about for sure. Good Post DOBA.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Collide - 01-13-2014

Quote: (01-12-2014 08:42 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This mostly goes for white women.

It mostly goes for women who were born into wealth. Any race is susceptible to "Princess complex" if they come from a wealthy family.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Combored - 01-14-2014

Quote: (01-13-2014 10:03 PM)Collide Wrote:  

Quote: (01-12-2014 08:42 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

This mostly goes for white women.

It mostly goes for women who were born into wealth. Any race is susceptible to "Princess complex" if they come from a wealthy family.

Exactly, look at India, any girl whose family is able to pay for her education has a fucking entitlement complex.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Onto - 01-14-2014

The modern day women is what Jung referred to as "animus-possessed". The term feminism is a misnomer because it's philosophy is all about how a woman should be masculine in the world, not feminine.

Problem is, women don't know the first thing about what it means to be a higher, more developed man so instead they act like undeveloped, raging teenage boys most of their lives and thus not many ever turn into sweet grandmothers.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - puckerman - 01-17-2014

It depends a whole lot on the woman. It is very easy to deal with women in their 40's and 50's if they have married once and stayed married.

The two best supervisors I've had were both middle-aged women. I have a theory as to why. Women that age actually judge employees by how hard they work and by how smart they are.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - DetlefMourning - 01-18-2014


What I think is maddening to us about today's women is that they might be 35 (and look 45 -- hehe) but they behave, think, and speak as if they're still 15. No perspective or larger concept of reality, for the most part. This is not an attractive quality. It's like they're "old children." Then they wonder why men go screaming away in horror. (This, IMO, is also why "Girls" and "SATC" repel men so much - it's like middle school for grown women.)

One qualifier: I didn't find this necessarily true when it came to black older women. This mostly goes for white women.

I have noticed this phenomenon too and I think the explanation is that experience instills wisdom and humility. Black women have to deal with 1/3 of their natural dating pool being incarcerated. They probably have on average the lowest aggregate sexual market value of all groups. Most black women look more like the chick from Precious than Rihanna or Beyonce. Pretty middle-class white girls get so many doors opened for them in their youth because of their looks. Black women, on the other hand, are in the same boat as the rest of us: you better bring something to the table or you're quickly going to find yourself without friends or options. So your average thirty-something white woman makes it to her thirties without having had to cultivate anything in their survival toolkit besides T&A. There are exceptions to this. I'm dating a woman right now that is 36 and is pretty mature and grounded and doesn't put on airs, but the average SWPL chick is delusional and severely entitled.


Since I was raised on Blue Pill Disney fantasy equality college-feminism bullshit, I didn't see this for what it was. And I *listened* to these women. Bad idea. Led me down wrong paths in ways you don't wanna know.

I think just about every man on this forum has been there too and knows what you're talking about.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Parlay44 - 01-18-2014

It's because a man's best years are ahead of him and a woman's best years are always behind her.

"Men Grow Up, Women Grow Old" - Scuba_Instructor - 01-19-2014

Or as it's put in the book I'm currently reading:

"In the game of life, men appreciate. Women depreciate. Plan accordingly."

Taken from The Professional Bachelor: How to Exploit her Inner Psycho by Dr. Brett Tate.

Great read - Red Pill at 500%. Pretty hilarious in places. Highly recommended.