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This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Printable Version

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This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Malekhit - 12-27-2013

Kinda funny, russia great country.

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Dr. Howard - 12-27-2013

as per usual, the comments are awesome


You call that revenge.. You need to talk to OJ

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - vinman - 12-27-2013

And they shook hands and walked away smiling.

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - RandalGraves - 12-27-2013

Quote: (12-27-2013 05:07 PM)vinman Wrote:  

And they shook hands and walked away smiling.

I'm guessing the other guy was "in" on it. The GF was probably into a friend of the BF's. Friend told BF what was up, and they set this up to embarass her. I'm guessing that's how he knew where they were sitting.

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - The Beast1 - 12-27-2013

Quote: (12-27-2013 05:13 PM)RandalGraves Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2013 05:07 PM)vinman Wrote:  

And they shook hands and walked away smiling.

I'm guessing the other guy was "in" on it. The GF was probably into a friend of the BF's. Friend told BF what was up, and they set this up to embarass her. I'm guessing that's how he knew where they were sitting.

That sounds about right.

Sadly, most dudes wouldn't even come out saying something like that. Dude gets my respect.

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Flavius Aetius - 12-27-2013

Now that is teamwork!

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Volk - 12-27-2013

In Russia when you make a friend, you really make a friend for life, and he will take a bullet for you.

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Courage Reborn - 12-27-2013

If his girl was cheating that's his bad. Not the girls.

Getting his feelings hurt, seeking 'revenge' by pouring moloko on her head, and filming for attention? Beta move.

Player move: not giving a fuck because you have 2-3 other girls on rotation

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - The Lizard of Oz - 12-27-2013

Quote: (12-27-2013 05:41 PM)Volk Wrote:  

In Russia when you make a friend, you really make a friend for life, and he will take a bullet for you.

I don't believe this is true -- it's how Russians want to think about themselves but it's not how it really is.

Russians are a sentimental people and when they get drunk or excited they will profess eternal friendship and being ready to take a bullet for their buddy. But when push comes to shove, I think they're as or more likely to betray you as anyone else. If I really had to choose I'd rather bet on an undemonstrative American or English dude to show some decency when it really counts.

It's not for nothing that Russia was able to build a police society in which friends and close relatives routinely spied on and denounced each other, and to do so in relatively short order. While Russia may have more than its share of saints, it also has more than its share of opportunistic scumbags who will plunge a knife in your back at the earliest opportunity and then shed sentimental crocodile tears about it next time they get tipsy. Having a centuries-long history of serfdom and groveling before the despot is not a good way to build national character.

There is no need to romanticize the Russians or their society. The temptation to do so is understandable because it appears to be a counterweight to some of the worst trends in the west. But their problems are worse than ours.

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - samsamsam - 12-27-2013

Anyone figure out if that girl was bangable? Her arms didn't look too flabby, but for some reason I got a vibe she was slightly chubby.

I agree with CR - either he needed to have tighter game with her or a harem and not give a fuck if she cheated.

But that is easy for me to say - I have no idea what relationship he had with the girl.

But back to the important stuff - bangable? [Image: biggrin.gif]

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Goldin Boy - 12-27-2013


In the U.S. both guys would be arrested for assault or some trumped-up charges.

Anybody translate what he was saying?

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - Virtus - 12-27-2013

nah, dont wanna translate.. no matter what he saying. he's a caucasian not russian. either way.. he's a reactive weesh boy.. can't imagine being so petty. that's why shes prob looking for other dick anyhow

This is how you deal with cheating girls in russia. - soup - 12-27-2013

She's laughing, so I don't get it.

There are only a few things bad things about a girl cheating:

1) She's kissing you after sucking semen out of some guys dick. I don't like to kiss girls after they've gone down on me, and the thought of another man's semen in my mouth makes my blood boil.

2) Her pussy might be loosened up if she's fucking a guy with a bigger dick than you.

3) The worst one, but it's more of a beta problem than a players: she's giving you another man's baby.

Aside from those things, getting worked up over a girl hooking up with other people shows that you aren't really living the life of abundance.