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Recent forum growth - Printable Version

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Recent forum growth - Roosh - 12-07-2010

[Image: attachment.jpg407]   

This growth is very organic. Besides a simple link from my blog I'm not doing anything.

The forum is getting 1/3 the traffic the blog is getting. I wouldn't be surprised if it surpasses the blog some day.

Recent forum growth - Badstuber - 12-07-2010

Have you looked into getting a new banner and theme though?

Recent forum growth - Rocco81 - 12-08-2010

Have a look at weeding out dickheads with more haste [Image: wink.gif]

The forum is a pretty cool place Roosh. Thanks.

Recent forum growth - thegmanifesto - 12-09-2010

Smooth. Solid growth stock. Looks like the 6 month chart of Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation:

Interestingly enough, the growth started when I joined and Gold stamped it.

Or maybe its just because I posted on here a ton. Ha.

Recent forum growth - Roosh - 12-13-2010

Also I'm noticing there is consistently 40-60 users online at any time. I hope we don't outgrow my cheap hosting plan.

Recent forum growth - damok - 12-17-2010

if you're interested roosh in some really cool analytics - check out

really cool way to show traffic in realtime, and what they are looking at.

Recent forum growth - hydrogonian - 12-17-2010

Time to start rewarding your content providers [Image: wink.gif]

I jest.

But consider throwing up a banner for your books on the forum. There's some prime whitespace next to your logo.

Recent forum growth - Pepini - 12-17-2010

Roosh if you ever decide to let investors in let me know.

I think your postings in twitter are also part of the recent growth.

I was seeing the facebook movie and remenbered this forum. One of the things that made Facebook big was lack of publicity in earlier stages and the idea of exclusivity. Maybe Lavinci was right after all. Anyway keep up the good work.