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British chicks stopping answering their phones - birdrussell - 12-17-2013

Is it just the Brits or is it a universal problem were chicks just stop answering their phones? No explaination, no I'm fucking someone else just silence on the line. OK I know the answer to this question and I know the answer to my problem and it's been implemented already but I just wanted to see how many other people are dealing with this and ways to circumvent the problem. have at it ya'll

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Ensam - 12-17-2013

It's called the fade. It's now my prefered method for ending relationships.

In the era before constant and near instant communication it was necessary to have talks because there were legitimate reasons for why you might not get back to someone in a day or two but now a few days of unanticipated radio silence delivers a pretty unambiguous message.

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Flavius Aetius - 12-17-2013

Today's girl lacks even basic communication skills. Most can't even talk on the phone, but rely on texting incoherent text lingo in place of normal verbal communication. They are also unable to formally end it (casual dating/relationship). So the only thing these primitive beings can do is ignore phone calls/texts.

It is not just British chicks, but American chicks as well.

I usually send out one last text to reengage--completely unrelated and stupid. I stole it from Que enspastic-- " 'i just saw a cat with exactly the same smile as you... weird'"

Despite the fact the text makes no sense (girls don't respond to logic)--if they are even the slightest bit interested in you they will respond.

Edit--I literally just tried this line with a hamster. She had ignored one text from me for about 6 days. She messaged me back back within 2 mins(LOL). They are so stupid.

British chicks stopping answering their phones - birdrussell - 12-17-2013

Yea, I knew that for American and there for British chicks this was probably a pretty common thing and the chick has been next already so no biggie. I suppose its just a matter of time before more easternly chicks go the way of the west. No big deal really because I got what I came for. Also Ensam I like that "the fade".

British chicks stopping answering their phones - RawGod - 12-17-2013

Heh, just try getting Japanese girls to talk on the phone! And they invented "the fade".

British chicks stopping answering their phones - bojangles - 12-18-2013

its whatsapp in the UK thats an issue

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Timoteo - 12-18-2013

I find it isn't even about "the fade." Even when the relationship is active, girls are less inclined to answer calls. Texting is simply the preferred mode. They won't pick up the call, but text you to see what you want instead.

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Screwston - 12-18-2013

Even if you get them on the phone, younger girls dont know how to hold a conversation and will have all kinds of noise in the background.

British chicks stopping answering their phones - eradicator - 12-18-2013

If you are saying they don't answer their phones at all, what you can do is text them, if they respond right away, then ask them if it is a good time to call. they will probably answer if they texted you back right away.

i don't think it is just women in the UK, but women, and men too, today in general. can't be bothered to pick up the phone. I really don't have that luxury, if i see my phone ringing, and don't recognize the number, it could be about work, so I have to answer, but otherwise, I might be just as bad.

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Mr. Butterworth - 12-18-2013

it's really sad what's happening period (with technology and all)..

when one of my chicks randomly calls me. I look at my phone crazy and say to myself "who told her she could call me".... smh

so imagine what the bitch thinks when she sees your name/number pop up.

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Caveman - 12-19-2013

In some cases it might be a slight fear in the background that you might ask her something she doesn't want at the moment and she'll have to reject you, or even worse she'll accept coz she can't think of a good excuse right there in the moment, but when it's text she can think well before she replies, or even easier - not reply at all if she doesn't like whatever you'll suggest to her.

A great part of this problem was probably created by technology, with this non-stop connectedness today's woman has way too many options and a hard time juggling multiple cocks, it's not like she's waiting all day for someone to call her and make her day, you just don't hear anymore songs of the type "... I wait all day for the telephone to ring, ... to hear your voice to make my day, ... etc".

British chicks stopping answering their phones - Kimber - 12-19-2013

Guys do this as well. Shit I know I do. If it's someone you like, automatic text back. If it's someone you don't, ignore.
Yea it sucks that the most likely reason is that she isn't too keen on you and that she is pursuing something else but at least you know not to waste time on the bitch.