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This Fucking Bitch - Floss - 12-03-2013

I was banging this girl for a few months like 4 months ago. She loved the D and things were going good. Long story short: One night, I ate a bunch of shrooms and drove around with her in the car for an hour very erratically chain smoking and yelling random, seemingly-profound shit. She got buttmad and we didn't talk until 3 days ago.

I texted her and said we should get coffee or whatever today. She says sure and I agree to pick her up from class after 9. She texts me this morning to say hi or whatever at 11am.

I go to pick her up at 9pm, running a little late because my phone is being gay, and I call her. She says she's at work. She says she thought I meant 9am. I'm noticeably irritated at this and suspicious that she's fucking with me at this point. I know that she's the spiteful type. Ignoring my instincts, I say I'll pick her up from work in half an hour when she gets off.

I start driving. 20 minutes later: "Wait, don't even come. I just remembered I have to do something for my dad."

I just got toyed with. I've never had a girl blatantly fuck with me like this before. I'm fucking mad. She's STILL mad about some silly shit I did months ago and willing to waste an hour of my time and my nerves over it? Fuck her. Violent thoughts crossed my mind for a few moments in the car.

Seriously, what the fuck? She's not even that hot. She's a solid 7.5. I'm of higher status than her in every regard. This was supposed to be an easy lay. What the fuck is this shit.

Now, I'm glad on some level that this happened. I'm going to follow my instincts from now on and never sacrifice my dignity for the prospect of pussy. I just picked up 2 bottles of wine and some DMT. Tomorrow morning, I will awaken (might not sleep) a new man with an invigorated 'Get money, Fuck bitches' attitude. No woman will get away with disrespecting me again because I won't give them the option like I have tonight. Furthermore, I'll go to the mall and mac on all types of sexy bitches and proceed to bang them until this one is but a distant memory.

This Fucking Bitch - Pyre - 12-03-2013

That's happened to me before too, tripping/drinking too hard and saying crazy shit. They don't forgive these psychotic breaks. They don't understand them either though, but they're just not really cool with that sorta thing and it scares them cause they think you're gonna hurt either them or yourself even though that's not true, that's how they perceive it.

Chalk it up to the game. Try to go easier you wanna trip and go psycho around the bitches [Image: wink.gif]

This Fucking Bitch - Vendetta - 12-04-2013

Yeah I've noticed this once or twice too. It's like they can't understand why you're acting weird even though you're drunk or whatever.

I suppose it might be similar to the way a child will cry if one of their parents comes in drunk, smelling of booze and acting weird - it fucks with their reality and sense of whats right and wrong.

Having said that, I once had to escort a girl home from a bar who got so drunk she was dropping her wine glass on the floor, lying down on the pool table, falling over in the street, unable to walk and being aggressive about it.

It contributed to her getting booted to the curb not long after (metaphorically speaking!)

This Fucking Bitch - lavidaloca - 12-04-2013

Huh? You suggested you go grab coffee. I'd probably assume you mean 9am...

Cool down. I don't understand why you are getting so mad... "Re: This Fucking Bitch." You got flaked on. Big deal, happens to everyone.

This Fucking Bitch - Flavius Aetius - 12-04-2013

Quote: (12-03-2013 11:33 PM)Floss Wrote:  

I just picked up 2 bottles of wine and some DMT.

God the last thing you need is more booze--you don't sound like a happy go lucky friendly drunk--more of the belligerent/violent/scary kind--mixed with drugs and you were driving. What then hell are you thinking? Your profile says you live in the US. Keep it up and you will make nice jail bait for some real dominate alpha males in prison.

I never let a woman see me out of control drunk--that is not attractive or a projection of masculinity. Always be in control--let her get drunk and tripped out on drugs. Then take her back and bang her till she passes out. Then smoke whatever drugs you are into in the safety and privacy of your own place.

This Fucking Bitch - runsonmagic - 12-04-2013

Here ya go, God bless.

This Fucking Bitch - aphelion - 12-04-2013

This has to be a troll.

This Fucking Bitch - Art Pimp - 12-04-2013

Good thing he's above 7.5 at least.

This Fucking Bitch - MrXY - 12-04-2013

You know, trolling used to mean something.......

This Fucking Bitch - Days of Broken Arrows - 12-04-2013

I was calling troll on "him" last week on this thread.

This Fucking Bitch - Glock - 12-04-2013

This is the same "guy" who said in an earlier thread that "he" gave a girl who visited "his" apartment a tampon. When asked why "he" had tampons at "his" place, "he" began "his" response with, "I . . . I don't know." See post #10 in that thread.

The original poster is a girl who is trolling us and wasting our time.

This Fucking Bitch - lavidaloca - 12-04-2013

I'm sure Roosh or Tuth will lay the banhammer when they check on this thread.

This Fucking Bitch - Texas_Tryhard - 12-04-2013

[Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif][Image: troll.gif]

This Fucking Bitch - funkyzeit - 12-04-2013

It's an example of extreme flake. Just never call her again and never answer her calls and that's it. The one thing girls hate is being ignored and drama free.

This Fucking Bitch - Remington - 12-04-2013

Shouldn't this be in The I-Just-Got-Flaked-On Thread?

This Fucking Bitch - Parlay44 - 12-04-2013

You get rattled too easily. You sound too emotionally invested in this girl.
I would have said fuck it and went to speed dial #2 in my list.

This Fucking Bitch - thegmanifesto - 12-04-2013

You might be suffering from low testosterone.

Being grumpy is a symptom.

This Fucking Bitch - scorpion - 12-04-2013

[Image: gtfo.gif]

This Fucking Bitch - Mikev75 - 12-04-2013

Assuming this is not a troll, I think it's the shrooms that are messing with you, not the girl.

What % of classes run from 9-11pm as opposed to AM? Very low. I don't understand why you assumed she meant night time.

Maybe lay off the various substances for a while until you recover your ability to think logically.

This Fucking Bitch - Parlay44 - 12-04-2013

Quote: (12-04-2013 12:03 PM)Mikev75 Wrote:  

Assuming this is not a troll, I think it's the shrooms that are messing with you, not the girl.

What % of classes run from 9-11pm as opposed to AM? Very low. I don't understand why you assumed she meant night time.

Maybe lay off the various substances for a while until you recover your ability to think logically.

Good looking guys(not unlike good looking girls) have a hard time handling rejection. It's a massive blow to the ego. It's an inner game thing. He's gotta toughen up.

It sucks when you think you have some pussy on lock down and then you get denied. I've been there plenty of times. [Image: lol.gif]

This Fucking Bitch - Travesty - 12-04-2013

I don't think Floss is a troll.

It seems like he lives an isolated existence. From his posts he makes his own bread working from home at a young age and is located away from the action of the city.

He said he's taking classes at uni to get more involved. He needs a better social group. I think it would chill him out.

This Fucking Bitch - vinman - 12-04-2013

Quote: (12-04-2013 01:38 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I was calling troll on "him" last week on this thread.

Yeah, you did call him out as I recall.

[Image: ohshit.gif]

This Fucking Bitch - JoyStick - 12-04-2013

I drove on shrooms before. It wasn't my best idea.

This Fucking Bitch - HonantheBarbarian - 12-04-2013

Don't shroom with girls.

This Fucking Bitch - tiggaling - 12-05-2013

Nobody associates DMT with bottles of wine unless they only have two brain cells to rub together and even then the DMT wouldn't do anything for them then.