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Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - iknowexactly - 11-19-2010

I'm talking about after you're living with one, a real relationship.

The academically oriented women I know are stuck on some complex that has them all pissed off, party girls are into clothes and Bobby the cool dealer, and the only hope I have is to talk about everyday things like food and travelling, which is fine with me and sort of the most I'm hoping for.

Am I missing something?

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - subutai - 11-20-2010

Do you mean among Anglo women, Western European women, Latin women, or Eastern European women?

Here are my experiences...

American, Canadian, English, and Australian women are easy to have a chat with. The common language lets you share subtle jokes, comprehend one another's double play on words, and at least superficially, are easier to discuss a variety of topics with. Unfortunately, they tend to be the least attractive of the three groups cited above and also make bad long-term relationship partners.

I've found Latin women (including Brazilians) to be "stimulation" junkies. They like to talk, laugh, and be gregarious, and enjoy men who can keep the good vibes flowing at all times. As someone who is naturally introverted (until I get a half a bottle of Johnny Walker in me), I found Latin women to be too tiring to keep up with and remind of eager puppies. Cute, energetic, but tiresome after you get over their novelty.

On the opposite end of the spectrum are Eastern European women. Quiet, serious, and superficially cool and aloof, yet they possess a simmering feminine energy and charm that really does it for me. The plus side is that many will conform themselves to a man's personality -- i.e. they will laugh at your lame jokes, forgive your hanging belly, and make you feel like The Prince. The negative is that this easy conformity may mask a deeper-seated incompatibility between you and your woman. Additionally, you may not have very deep, easy flowing, and spontaneous conversations with them due to the language barrier and cultural reticence.

Going back to your question -- intelligent discussions, absolutely possible.

Fully satisfying ones that make you feel joyful for having bared your soul and laughed like a kid? Definitely not.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - Mrs. Chocolate - 11-20-2010

Course it is... you are just with the wrong type of women for you.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - Sonsowey - 11-20-2010

Lots of people have an attitude that you should avoid intellectual subjects with women, cause activating their intellectual sides is not how to get them wet.

I disagree, but you have to know when to do it. If you're talking to a cute girl, and she's a political activist, SHE is going to bring up politics. You make a comment about a shitty road, she goes off on the mayor, you make a comment about men this, women that, she goes off on gender inequalities and societal norms.

Now, of course you can try to steer the convo away from those subjects, but if the chick has a political mind anything can relate back to politics.

If you are informed and intelligent, I've found that disagreeing with girls over politics can actually help your chances. Be respectful, let her state what she has to say, and explain your view. Do NOT get into a fight, but don't be a wimp about showing what you think either. For a girl who digs politics, a well-informed guy with a backbone not afraid to support his own views isn't a turn-off, it's a sign that he's intellectually ''there'', which many brainy women DO look for.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - speakeasy - 11-20-2010

Of course you can, what kind of question is that? I can't see how any man with a 3 digit IQ could stand to be around a dumb woman for very long. Plus if I ever did decide to have kids one day, a smart woman is more likely to raise smart kids so a serious relationship with anything but a smart woman isn't even an option for me - for that reason alone.

Let me say a few things about intelligent women as a guy who knows some of them well(like women with graduate degrees and such). Under the surface they are no different than any other women. They all want to be emotionally engaged and made to feel like women and get swept off their feet and fall head over heels for some guy. The thing to keep in mind with them is that they absolutely hate what they see as dumb, boorish men and the cave man game will never, ever, ever work with them. Also they tend to be feminist to some degree(not necessarily extreme feminist, but they are fiercely egalitarian), so acting sexist to them is to be avoided. Most importantly, they don't respect men that they view as less intelligent than themselves. Women don't respect any man that they see as lower value than themselves, but for the intelligent women smarts are an important part of that value. I think there's a misconception that intellectual women only want to talk about intellectual topics. But I think women that do that are just qualifying you. Once they are confident that you are at their intellectual level, you can then steer away from that and game them like any normal girl. They don't necessarily want to sit around talking about geopolitics and Plato all day, they just want to know that you are CAPABLE of talking about such things. Under the braniac exterior, they desperately want to be fucked hard and given powerful orgasms just like any other girl.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - OSL - 11-20-2010

This is related less to intelligent conversation and more to feminism, this thread just made me think of it.

I was in Istanbul, on a bus with a bunch of Americans on the way to this forum. I was discussing with my roommate this book I found that helps American women trap their husbands into giving up as much of their assets as possible to the wife before she cuts the cord on the marriage. This butch Anglo chick turns around and spits out some random statistic like "you know that half of women killed in America are murdered by their husbands?"

I've noticed that this happens a lot, feminists will try to counter whatever argument you have with a completely unrelated statistic.

In general I've found that Asian women make the best overall girlfriends and wives, but I haven't had much experience with Latin or EE women yet. The only experiences I"ve had were flings and didn't really give me any insight on the matter. The problem with Asian women is that they are pretty one dimensional and you aren't going to get much intellectual stimulation going.

The ones that are educated/westernized sometimes have a chip on their shoulder and can actually be worse than diehard anglo feminist chicks because they have to battle the submissive asian housewife stereotype.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - Kona - 11-21-2010

9 times out of ten I wish women wouldd shut the hell up.


Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - iknowexactly - 11-21-2010

There is nothing like the sparkling sound of the laughter of happy women. There's a good side to the fact they're as stupid as children.
Now when they try to THINK......

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - Entropy4 - 11-22-2010

Yes, you're missing something. I meet tons of smart and interesting girls (who are cute too).

The only thing all of your relationships have in common is you. Maybe women aren't having stupid conversations. Maybe you are.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - subutai - 11-23-2010

It's also a cultural thing.

I know one guy -- who is awful when talking with American/English/Australian girls. Awful. Gets nowhere with them. Makes bad jokes. The girls don't get his sense of humor. It's painful to watch and listen to.

Put him in front of some French girls and it's a whole different story. They're talking in sexual innuendo, sharing smoldering looks with one another, and he's sleeping with French girls semi-regularly.

Oh, and this guy is Asian-American, in case you were wondering.

Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - Kona - 11-23-2010

I fuck this Asian lawyer girl that does my taxes. (They're looked over by a man before they're filed.)

She has a high dollar education.

I was just on the phone trying to get her up here to blow me, but she's too upset because someone named Jasmine or Jazzy is talking shit about her. Jazzy is always spreading rumors and they just aren't true. The lawyer girl has had it and is going to write some dirty shit on facebook.

That's from a lawyer. If you are gonna fuck lots of women, keep the conversation simple.


Intelligent conversation with women- Possible? - Princeton - 11-23-2010

Sadly, a lot of attractive women have spent ZERO time working on their personalities/intelligence/worldview. Men laugh at their jokes and act like they're interesting so they have no incentive to improve in these areas. All their lives they've been validated. The thing I like about Easter European women is that they're not afraid to pick up a book or go to the opera. When's the last time you met a 10 who knows who Kafka is? They're a rare breed who's already wifed-up or in law school about to be wifed-up by a classmate.