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First Date Follow Up Game - DonovanVC - 11-14-2010

I recently read Roosh's text message guide which has helped me get a couple of dates recently.

Now I am wondering more about first date follow up game. I had a couple of Day 2s/dates recently. First girl I met at a party, second on the street. First girl date went ok. I didnt make out or fuck on that date though i did try to take her back to the crib but she had work the next day. I didn't follow up with any calls/texts until a week later, where I sent a text about hanging out again. She said she was working that day I suggested so it was a no go but I never tried to re-initiate cuz I wasn't that interested.

Second girl (one I met on the street), I met her for 5 minutes and got her number. Go on a date following Roosh's text advice on that topic. had good kino going on the street but did not go for a make out or extract back to the crib. (the seating at the bar was hard for that sort of thing) She was a lil cooler than the first chick and as she departed in a cab said we should hang again.

I texted her a week later for another date. She said was busy that day but was trying to re-initiate other conversation. I replied and we chopped it up for a couple of texts but didn't want to invest too much since I hadn't even gotten any from her. Now it will be 2 weeks since our first date so I am thinking of texting and going for another date and this time going back to the crib with it for sure.

Do you guys recommend calling after the first date, even if you haven't banged yet, in order to solidify the connection, or is that investing too much? I wanted to try out Roosh's text message advice and not invest too much until hookup/sex has happened. I used to try and text too much back in the day before anything had happened, and so far Roosh's approach has been way better for getting dates.

I have another chick lined up this week as well who I insta-dated from the street to the coffee shop just the other day, so I want to streamline the way I go about this a bit, though every situation is different.

First Date Follow Up Game - speakeasy - 11-15-2010

You have to tweak the rules for your own specific situation. But me personally...I don't like the idea of spending time on the phone with a girl if we haven't done the deed. If the date went good and you think she's feeling you, what about just setting up the second date right there?

First Date Follow Up Game - DonovanVC - 11-16-2010

Yeah I agree. I am not sure about setting up the date right after the 1st, I will try it though for sure.

I am at the point in my game where I am finally getting instant-dates (from daygame) some Day 2s, but the spark often dies after that. I guess I am not too upset since just 2 months ago all I got was flaky numbers.

First Date Follow Up Game - Jack Frost - 11-16-2010

Quote: (11-16-2010 09:56 PM)DonovanVC Wrote:  

Yeah I agree. I am not sure about setting up the date right after the 1st, I will try it though for sure.

I agree with Speak, theres really no one size fits all game and I think thats what a lot of guys starting out want. Its all about finding taking concepts and adapting them to what works best for you and your personality.

First Date Follow Up Game - DonovanVC - 11-17-2010

Yeah that's a good point. In the past I have tried to text a lot and build a connection - that hasn't worked as well for me. That's why I switched to Roosh's more minamilist style of texting and so far its working better.

But I'll have to be creative still and figure it out.

First Date Follow Up Game - Sonsowey - 11-20-2010

Why following Roosh's guide might not work too well for you right now:

If you're meeting a girl, not kissing her, going on a date, and again not kissing her, you haven't really sexualized your time with her enough, so she's probably not thinking about you in a sexual way.

If she had a good time with you, that's nice, but you want to capitalize on it sooner so that those feelings don't fade. The further along you get with her, the longer it will take for her feelings for you to fade.

So if you talk to a girl for 5 mins, get her number, call her a week later, then don't kiss her, it's not terribly memorable, especially not in a sexual way.

Try to get in touch with girls maybe 2 or 3 days after getting their numbers, setting up something within a week of that contact. Don't think of being in touch with a girl as investment, think of it as keeping you on her mind. Obviously don't overdo it, but I think keeping in touch is key to having the girl think about you and be willing to make plans to see you.

ALSO, seriously, kiss the girl on the first date. Each time you see her you should try for progress, something like this:

1. Meet her at a party on Friday, kino and make an impression
2. Take her out for Wednesday or Thursday, make out with her.
3. Invite her for something fun near your place, maybe on Sunday during the day. Take her back to get her used to your place, go for something more than a makeout. If she's down, go for the bang, if not, no biggie.
4. Weekend date the following Friday night near your crib. Bang.

When you're not a hard mack daddy, girls need to feel some comfort with you before they bang. Just sending a few random texts here and there does wonders.

First Date Follow Up Game - DonovanVC - 11-20-2010

Quote: (11-20-2010 04:18 PM)Sonsowey Wrote:  

Why following Roosh's guide might not work too well for you right now:

If you're meeting a girl, not kissing her, going on a date, and again not kissing her, you haven't really sexualized your time with her enough, so she's probably not thinking about you in a sexual way.

If she had a good time with you, that's nice, but you want to capitalize on it sooner so that those feelings don't fade. The further along you get with her, the longer it will take for her feelings for you to fade.

So if you talk to a girl for 5 mins, get her number, call her a week later, then don't kiss her, it's not terribly memorable, especially not in a sexual way.

Try to get in touch with girls maybe 2 or 3 days after getting their numbers, setting up something within a week of that contact. Don't think of being in touch with a girl as investment, think of it as keeping you on her mind. Obviously don't overdo it, but I think keeping in touch is key to having the girl think about you and be willing to make plans to see you.

ALSO, seriously, kiss the girl on the first date. Each time you see her you should try for progress, something like this:

1. Meet her at a party on Friday, kino and make an impression
2. Take her out for Wednesday or Thursday, make out with her.
3. Invite her for something fun near your place, maybe on Sunday during the day. Take her back to get her used to your place, go for something more than a makeout. If she's down, go for the bang, if not, no biggie.
4. Weekend date the following Friday night near your crib. Bang.

When you're not a hard mack daddy, girls need to feel some comfort with you before they bang. Just sending a few random texts here and there does wonders.

Thats real good advice man. I should def. be sending a text here and there to keep myself in her mind, her feelings.

However, I have never gone through a 2nd date w/o kissing a girl. Those examples I provided are where I didn't kiss the girl on the first date, and then had trouble getting a 2nd date. Which is sort of my problem now.

So I guess I should be more quick on the draw - kissing on the 1st date and more texts here and there to keep the emotion strong.

First Date Follow Up Game - Neo - 11-20-2010

I used to never go for the kiss on the first date because I thought that the girls wouldn't be comfortable with it. Recently though I just go for it every time and I have to agree with Roosh, getting the kiss out of the way on the first date is the biggest predictor of eventually having sex with her. Go for it every time, if she scoffs you know she's not that serious or it may take a while to have sex with her. I always try to err on the side of being a little too aggressive, especially if she is out on a date which means she is interested.

First Date Follow Up Game - speakeasy - 11-20-2010

Quote: (11-20-2010 06:43 PM)Neo Wrote:  

I used to never go for the kiss on the first date because I thought that the girls wouldn't be comfortable with it. Recently though I just go for it every time and I have to agree with Roosh, getting the kiss out of the way on the first date is the biggest predictor of eventually having sex with her. Go for it every time, if she scoffs you know she's not that serious or it may take a while to have sex with her. I always try to err on the side of being a little too aggressive, especially if she is out on a date which means she is interested.

I went on a first date with a girl a few nights ago and didn't go for the kiss. I have kissed on first dates before but I don't all the time. It just depends on the momentum of the kino through the night. Sometimes just due to the venue, where you guys are sitting in proximity to each other, topic of conversation, vibe of the girl,'s more challenging to kino escalate on some than others.

If you went a whole date without much kino and just talking, then going for the kiss feels very awkward. When you walk out of the bar or wherever and she's says, "I'm parked this way" and you say, "I'm parked way over there" and then you have the awkward little pause where you're trying to read the situation you can feel stuck. If that feeling arises then that means I didn't do my job of kino escalation throughout the date because if you are, the kiss should just feel natural like it's the right thing to do.

Ideally, the first kiss should happen while you're still in the middle of the date, not when you say bye in the parking lot after a whole night of barely touching each other, that's just too much make it or break it pressure.

If you didn't get the kiss on the first date, it's really no big deal. I don't even think that's a bad thing in the minds of most girls. However if you don't kiss on the second date, than you fucked up and she's sure to see you as unassertive and insecure, a deal-breaker for many chics.

First Date Follow Up Game - Kona - 11-21-2010

Quote: (11-20-2010 10:29 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

It just depends on the momentum of the kino through the night.

You guys gotta move somewhere where kissing right when you meet somebody is part of the culture.

Or start bringing them flower leis and give a hug and a cheek kiss right when you start things off.

It just makes it so much easier later.


First Date Follow Up Game - Bustersrq - 11-21-2010

Yes,,,, Always.always kiss at the start of the date !!! and "speakeasy" always walk the girl to her car!!!

First Date Follow Up Game - wolf - 11-24-2010

I've noticed a pattern with guys that are pros. The closer you get to the top the same advice, almost word for word is given by the pros.

Same point of view on a specific problem, yes there are variations that might get the same result, maybe even better results but it works nonetheless. I was thinking, 'nah this advice is not going to be useful' even though it was covered by Roosh. Blam! Didn't get the bang because of that one small thing!
Yes there is different kind of game for bars vs. day game but Roosh pretty much covered everything.

I'm not knocking no one, I'm just saying if I did everything like Roosh i'd be getting laid, I'm doing everything like me and I'm not getting laid. Look at the mystery method, that thing sounds like a programming manual, but Roissy said he got the most tail when he followed it to a T.

First Date Follow Up Game - BaronStanley - 12-06-2010

You should be fucking on first dates the majority of the time (assuming she likes you). If your not its because you are probably fucking yourself on logistics of the date. You have to venue change. How important this is is insane. Meet somewhere close to your house where there are a few different bars within walking distance and change bars in the middle of the date. While walking between venues you can escalate easily. Perfect time to get the make-out out of the way. In addition to this, you need to plant an excuse to bring them back to your place. Mention something early in the interaction, such as your awesome dog, or how you play piano or how your the new xbox kinect has u addicted...etc. Then at the end of the night just say "you have to come over and see X". Once you got them back to the crib its just about escalating and defeating LMR.