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Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Printable Version

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Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - adrian_D - 11-06-2013

Guys, just for info:

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-06-2013

[Image: 63adf70a2c95b67ed30c1e6031d13ca48bb74638...1f8b7f.jpg]


Tejle hopes that although the rating doesn't reflect on the quality of the film, it is intended to help see "more female stories and perspectives on cinema screens".

If men and women are completely the same other than for sexual organs as feminism claims, then how can there be a "female perspective" and a "male perspective"?

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - soup - 11-06-2013

That's the biggest hippo racy of the whole thing.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Laner - 11-06-2013

90% of the films out there already pander to the feminist thinking.

If it were the other way around, Hollywood would be bankrupt.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - frenchcorporation - 11-06-2013

saw a quote on the misc that summed this up perfectly


Somewhere in female-logic-land, "You should portray women as superheroes capable of overcoming great adversity."

Meanwhile in reality, women can't make their own successful movies that meet their own they create a grading system to try to pressure capable men into doing it for them.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Glock - 11-06-2013

I think this is a very useful rating system. It will tell me exactly which films I should not watch.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - 2Wycked - 11-06-2013

The Hangover 3 passes the Bechtdel Test.

Fucking social justice idiots

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - LEMONed IScream - 11-06-2013

Damn you Sweden! It's always you! XD

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Vicious - 11-06-2013

Not this shit again.

This is only in the news because it's Sweden (incidentally this barely registered in the country).

This concerns 4 single cinemas in a group that specializes in domestic releases, documentaries and art movies (ie stuff that no one watches).

It's not governmental, does not have any kind of state attachment or is making any headway.

This is their schedule:
I challenge you to find a single movie you recognise.

It's all a marketing ploy, and RVF is eating it up by giving them web hits. Which is far more than they deserve.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - AnonymousBosch - 11-06-2013


As Ellen Tejle, director of Bio Rio, an independent cinema in Stockholm which had adopted the certification, explains, "The entire 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy, all 'Star Wars' movies, 'The Social Network,' 'Pulp Fiction' and all but one of the 'Harry Potter' movies fail this test".

Feminist logic:

1. Name three of the most lucrative film-franchises ever made;

2. Name two critically-acclaimed, oscar-winning films that were also financially-successful;

3. Tell filmmakers 'Don't do what they did!'

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - michelin - 11-09-2013

Reading this makes me think that Sweden is well on its way to win over Denmark in its quest to downgrade masculinity.

If even Harry Potter gets censured, then what's left?

In an article in the Guardian, we are informed that the Bechdel test' actual intention was satire:


The decision of some Swedish cinemas to vet what they show using the test should be applauded with caution – its creator had satire in mind, and its enforcers may yet be motivated by money

ANY movie would fail that test, if applied systematically like in Sweden:


Even the relentlessly slushy but effective Saving Mr Banks, which stars Emma Thompson as children's author PL Travers locking horns with Tom Hanks' Walt Disney over adapting Mary Poppins, would also fail, even though it features one of the stronger female protagonists of the year. At least the wonderful Frances Ha would be safe.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Vicious - 11-09-2013

Quote: (11-09-2013 08:00 AM)michelin Wrote:  

ANY movie would fail that test, if applied systematically like in Sweden:

It isn't. Did you not read the article?

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - michelin - 11-10-2013

Quote: (11-09-2013 09:11 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Quote: (11-09-2013 08:00 AM)michelin Wrote:  

ANY movie would fail that test, if applied systematically like in Sweden:

It isn't. Did you not read the article?

True. I read it hastily and was a little too fast in my conclusions. But I wouldn't be surprised if these "feminist film ratings" go viral in Sweden and other countries.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Volk - 11-10-2013

Just to put it like this : If the movie fails the test, then it's good.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Malekhit - 11-10-2013

Best feminist movie of the century "Terminatress 2" where Arnolda Shwarzeneger is fighting to protect women from evil misogynistic T1000 that came to get the most beautiful chick on the planet. He was sent from evil organization of Return of the Kings that turns manginas into T1000 the pussy slayers. In the end Arnolda fails to stop Return of the Kings and the world is again nice and dandy but while she is in the lava she raise her thumb to suggest that she will come back, when men will be unprepared.

Swedish cinemas launch feminist film ratings - Days of Broken Arrows - 11-11-2013

As Volk's comment shows, this sort of thing can blow up in a group's face.
When a Washington wives organization called the PMRC did this with rock music in the 1980s, it ended up having the unintended consequences of making the "forbidden" records more popular than ever.

The PMRC came up with a list called the "Filthy 15," so teens started going into record stores asking for those records. Then stores started doing "Filthy 15" promotions. One of the weirdest things to come out of this was that the obscure metal band W.A.S.P. became instant stars because their song "Fuck Like a Beast" made the list.

So thanks to the PMRC's brilliant ratings warnings, millions of kids who wouldn't have otherwise heard "Fuck Like a Beast" bought the record. I suspect the same thing will happen with films here.

None of these people, apparently, ever understood the very basic biblical concept of "forbidden fruit" being the tastiest kind of all.