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Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Mekorig - 11-04-2013


Toronto Mayor Rob Ford called on police to release a video that they say appears to show him using crack-cocaine.


What the hell!? Another reason why Toronto is so fucked up?

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Roosh - 11-04-2013

Two of the worst cities in North America (in terms of quality of women), DC and Toronto, both had crackhead mayors. Coincidence?

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - TheSlayer - 11-04-2013

Quote: (11-04-2013 11:18 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Two of the worst cities in North America (in terms of quality of women), DC and Toronto, both had crackhead mayors. Coincidence?

I initially used to like this guy because he pissed off a lot of politically correct people with his antics but now I despise him. Not only is he a crackhead but his entire social circle consists of drug dealers and gangsters. He is also massively overweight and could stand to lose 120 lbs easily.

#crackheadmayor #fatshamingweek

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - The Lizard of Oz - 11-05-2013

[Image: 3908.jpg]

I don't care what anybody says, a white dude with this face who has the balls to suck on a pipe at this late stage of the game deserves serious props.

[Image: ohshit.gif]

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Belize King - 11-05-2013

I have never been around crack. Don't know too many people who messes with it. What is the difference between coke and crack? Why don't more people who uses yay just suck on the pipe?

Is there a difference between people who uses coke and people who use crack?

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Arg expert - 11-05-2013

If this guy calls on the police to release the video, it is because the video will NOT be very damning.

I bet the man, who has been branded a 'racist' by some, wanted to take a picture of him in the hood to show he is a cool, not-terrified white guy, who can blend in everywhere and respects, say inner-city 'minority culture'... just wait, you'll see, the video will certainly not show him really smoking, maybe just pretending for a second, to act like a cool modern white dude.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Col. Tigh - 11-05-2013

Quote: (11-05-2013 12:05 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

I have never been around crack. Don't know too many people who messes with it. What is the difference between coke and crack? Why don't more people who uses yay just suck on the pipe?

Is there a difference between people who uses coke and people who use crack?

Chemically pure cocaine, the "free base," gives a more intense high because it can be smoked and absorbed more rapidly through the lungs than the hydrochloride salt ("powder" cocaine), which is typically insufflated. But freebase cocaine is volatile and less readily handled than the hydrochloride.

"Crack" is cocaine hydrochloride mixed with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), which is a mild base. At room temperature, the baking soda is not basic enough to dissociate the cocaine from the HCl. However, when heated to a certain temperature (such as when a lighter flame is applied to a glass pipe), the Ph of the sodium bicarbonate raises enough to strip the HCl away, releasing cocaine freebase vapor.

So crack permits the ease of handling and transportation of cocaine hydrochloride with the intense high of the freebase.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - LeBeau - 11-05-2013

I have refrained from posting on this topic so far since I figured it would have already been done to death, but if this thread isn't a dupe, you guys may wanna check some of the funny history on Ford here too:

The "Orientals" part is typical Toronto PC bullshit.

Funny fact, Rob Ford actually got a lot of votes from the Asian community, regardless of whether or not he uses the most acceptable language.

Even though he's been a big disappointment as a mayor (regardless of the crack revelations) people seem to forget why he was voted in with such a huge majority.

Its because many voters outside of downtown Toronto were sick of seeing taxes and bureaucracy growing at City Hall with council spending time on retarded issues like "banning plastic bags".

Keep in mind this is the same city where the Mayor's office in the 90's banned the Barenaked Ladies from performing (famous Canadian beta rock band) since they claimed the band's name objectified women.

The same PC crowd that will eagerly play the xenophobia card if you ever bring up issues with multiculturalism, immigration reform, etc. are also the same people lamenting that they "lost faith in humanity" when Ford was elected.

But many of the immigrants from traditional cultures this crowd claims to welcome were open about the fact that they wouldn't vote for one of the other top candidates, purely on the fact that he was publicly gay.

For those who want more background, here's a well done interactive infographic showing all the relevant players in the Ford crack scandal:

And on a personal note, a buddy of mine met him at one of the Food Festivals here, while Ford was drunk as shit in public.

Ended up with a hilarious profile pic.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Collide - 11-05-2013

Show me a video of Rob Ford raising taxes and spending, then I'll be shocked.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - beta_plus - 11-05-2013

Read this guys wiki page. Absolutely hilarious and fantastic. Wish we had guys like him in the States.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Sombro - 11-05-2013

Quote: (11-05-2013 11:02 PM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Read this guys wiki page. Absolutely hilarious and fantastic. Wish we had guys like him in the States.

[Image: barry.jpg]

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - WesternCancer - 11-05-2013

[Image: BYU39V8CIAAis0C.jpg]

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - LeBeau - 11-06-2013

Oh man, the trolling goes even deeper, I didn't even know about a lot of this shit:




Ford questions the utility of grant programs for transgendered and transsexual people during a council debate. “I don’t understand. No. 1, I don’t understand a transgender, I don’t understand, is it a guy dressed up like a girl or a girl dressed up like a guy? And we’re funding this for, I don’t know, what does it say here? We’re giving them $3,210?”


Security guards remove a drunken and belligerent Ford from a Maple Leafs game. After being asked to be quiet, Ford yells, “You right-wing communist bastards,” and “Who the fuck do you think you are? Are you a fucking teacher? Do you want your little wife to go over to Iran and get raped and shot?”


Ford offers to help an ill man “score” the powerful painkiller OxyContin in a taped phone conversation: “I’ll try, buddy, I’ll try. I don’t know this shit, but I’ll fucking try to find it. Why don’t you go on the street and score it? Fuck, you know, I don’t know any drug dealers at all.”


Ford defeats Hulk Hogan in a worked arm wrestling match at Fan Expo Canada.


Asked by reporters if he has used marijuana, Ford chuckles and responds, “Oh yeah. I won’t deny that. I smoked a lot of it.” Officials in the mayor’s office do not respond to follow-up questions about when the mayor did so.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - DjembaDjemba - 11-06-2013

The ethnic suburbs of Toronto voted in Rob Ford and will vote him in again. They are tired of overtaxation to support infrastructure that is utilized by the whole greater horseshoe area yet maintained by a tax base of 3 million. They also didn't like how Miller (previous mayor) neglected them to appease the downtown NDP yuppies.

The implicit agreement between Ford and the voters was that he'll keep taxes low, and keep the lid on city spending. As long as Ford keeps his part of the bargain, he'll continue to have the support of his base constituency (mostly ethnic enclaves in Toronto). His crack use, alcohol problem, and social circle made up of Somali and Jamaican gangsters is an embarrassment to voters and the public, but embarrassment isn't as bad to them as high taxes and white elephant projects.

Looking at the greater picture, these are the same constituencies that put the federal conservatives in a majority position in parliament in the last federal election.

Essentially they want low taxes and less government intrusion at all levels. Both Harper and Ford have the continued support of this very influential voting block as they've kept their end of the bargain, for now.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - scotian - 11-06-2013

I started a thread about this retard's mishaps and blunders a few months ago, you can see it here. This guy is fucking hilarious, I think I like him even more now that he admitted to hitting the C-pipe, it reminds of a few years ago when the former premier of Alberta, Ralph Klein got shit faced and decided to visit an Edmonton homeless shelter. He walks up to a homeless guy and throws some change at him and yelled "get a job, ya bum", the media was all over it but he publicly apologized and admitted to having a drinking problem, his popularity sky rocketed.

[img][Image: sdfo5k.jpg][/img]

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - LeBeau - 11-06-2013

I'm hoping that the release of any videos, recordings, etc. will give us a Trailer Park Boys worthy moment:

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - DjembaDjemba - 11-07-2013

[Image: c61eb.png]

[Image: ford_with_coffee_cup.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterbox.jpg]

[Image: rob_ford1.jpg?w=367&h=367]

[Image: robfordparty.jpeg]

Drunken death rant:

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Enigma - 11-07-2013

[Image: 6pw8bp.gif]

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - bacon - 11-10-2013

This guy is like a slightly darker personailty version of Chris Farley. I cant believe he is the fucking mayor of Toronto.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Pyre - 11-10-2013

Two things got him to where he is in lieu of all his personality flaws: 1) he never took no for an answer, 2) he's physically imposing, people are afraid he'll squash em.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - scotian - 11-10-2013

Don't fuck with mayor Ford, this guy did and ol' Robbie paid for a jail house hit on the dude, he ended with "A broken leg and a mouthful of busted teeth." Fuck ya!

The entire Ford family are hard tickets and have a history of drug dealing in the T-dot, according to this article, "In the 1980s, anyone wanting to buy hashish had to know where to go. And in central Etobicoke, the wealthy Toronto suburb where Mayor Rob Ford grew up, one of those places was James Gardens. In the evening, the sports cars often wound along Edenbridge Drive, past the gated homes and the lawn-bowling pitches, until they reached the U-shaped parking lot. By nightfall, the public park was a hash drive-thru. One former street dealer, whom we will call “Justin,” described the scene as “an assembly line.”There were usually a number of dealers to choose from, some of them supplied by a mainstay at James Gardens – a young man with the hulk-like frame and mop of bright blond hair: Doug Ford. “Most people didn’t approach Doug looking for product. You went to the guys that he supplied. Because if Doug didn’t know you and trust you, he wouldn’t even roll down his window,” Justin said.......

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - NYJ - 11-18-2013

City council in Toronto today stripped all his powers making him the mayor in name only. Is this guy real life?

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - TheSlayer - 11-18-2013

The whole thing has just turned bizarre. It's not even about politics anymore, I don't know if he's mentally fit. I mean seriously which politician goes in front of reporters and talks about not eating the pussy of another woman because he has more than enough to eat at home lol. I would support his politics but you can't have a joker like him running the city and making a mockery of himself and his city in front of the entire world.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Christian McQueen - 11-18-2013

This guy is hysterical.

Would totally pop some bottles with him for the story.

Toronto Mayor Appears to use Crack-cocaine - Collide - 11-18-2013

Quote: (11-07-2013 09:45 PM)DjembaDjemba Wrote:  

[Image: robfordparty.jpeg]

Level 99 hover-hand, 2/10 would not let govern city.