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Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Printable Version

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Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - rastignac - 11-04-2013

Woman leaves family to have sex with famous rock star.

She has promiscuous sex as it is easier to have sex with a man than kick him out of your flat. Claims 50 years later she hated the sex and only engaged in it because she was drunk. And that she has a "ferocious loathing of men."

The rape sub-narrative here is strong.

Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Grit - 11-04-2013

Proof women want to have their cake and eat it.

On the one hand, she is scared of promiscuous sex and appearing like a slut. On the other, she is scared that girls act promiscuous because they are scared of sexual obsolescence.

So are girls scared of being a slut, or scared because the are not sluts?

Again, pass the blame anywhere besides the self admitted fact that with a little booze, the monkey see, monkey do.

I personally think this woman (and most cute/prior cute women) is not smart enough to invent the mental track of this article, and instead relies on weak men to think up this kind of therapeutic snake oil.

Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Glock - 11-04-2013

The most interesting thing about the article is how the author got gamed by the guy she was letting stay at her place:


One night he made a pass at me, which was not what I had in mind. I remember, even now, the way he curled his upper lip into an intimidating sneer when I told him “no”. And then he asked, with the utmost contempt: “So are you frigid?” To my enduring shame I crumbled at this.

I'm not sure what the game terminology is for that technique, but it worked. She qualified herself to him by giving in.

Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Quintus Curtius - 11-04-2013

Marianne Faithfull, from what I've read, was a junkie skank. She partied it up in the 60s and 70s and then became a washed up old prune after that.
Her "ferocious loathing" is only of herself, for her degenerate lifestyle, and for her creeping realization that she is a broken down nobody.
I wouldn't give her words any more credence than I would a homeless bum in the gutter, saliva dribbling out of the corner of his mouth, muttering about radio waves.

Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Handsome Creepy Eel - 11-04-2013

And her surname is "Faithful" [Image: lol.gif]

Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Menace - 11-04-2013

Here is an interview of her's from 1978 where is emphatically states that she was not being manipulated. I think she knew exactly what she was doing at all times. She sounds like she was an ambitious young woman who was fully aware of the power of her sexuality, and who no doubt used it to get further (as many before her have done). I think she has a decent voice, but I don't think she was so awesome for that era.

As QC states, she is an old woman now who no one gives a shit about. She needs to come up with something to get more attention.

Marianne Faithful regrets her years of sexual liberation - Quintus Curtius - 11-04-2013

As John Huston said once, "Old whores and politicians all become respectable if they last long enough." It's not uncommon for the ex-junkie whore to renounce her carousel years when she gets aged. She needs to create a new identity.
Nothing new here.
This was the bitch who was blowing strangers in the back alleys of Greenwich Village for hits of smack...